/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.user.rebind.ui; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.Generator; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.Generator.RunsLocal; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.GeneratorContext; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.impl.ResourceLocatorImpl; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JClassType; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JMethod; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.NotFoundException; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.TypeOracle; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ImageBundle; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ImageBundle.Resource; import com.google.gwt.user.rebind.ClassSourceFileComposerFactory; import com.google.gwt.user.rebind.SourceWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Generates an implementation of a user-defined interface <code>T</code> that * extends {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ImageBundle}. * * Each method in <code>T</code> must be declared to return * {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.AbstractImagePrototype}, take no * parameters, and optionally specify the metadata tag <code>gwt.resource</code> * as the name of an image that can be found in the classpath. In the absence of * the metatadata tag, the method name with an extension of * <code>.png, .jpg, or .gif</code> defines the name of the image, and the * image file must be located in the same package as <code>T</code>. */ @RunsLocal public class ImageBundleGenerator extends Generator { /** * Simple wrapper around JMethod that allows for unit test mocking. */ interface JMethodOracle { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Resource getAnnotation(Class<Resource> clazz); String getName(); String getPackageName(); } /** * Indirection around the act of looking up a resource that allows for unit * test mocking. */ @VisibleForTesting interface ResourceLocator { /** * * @param resName the resource name in a format that could be passed to * <code>ClassLoader.getResource()</code> * @return <code>true</code> if the resource is present */ boolean isResourcePresent(String resName); } private static class JMethodOracleImpl implements JMethodOracle { private final JMethod delegate; public JMethodOracleImpl(JMethod delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Resource getAnnotation(Class<Resource> clazz) { return delegate.getAnnotation(clazz); } @Override public String getName() { return delegate.getName(); } @Override public String getPackageName() { return delegate.getEnclosingType().getPackage().getName(); } } @VisibleForTesting static final String MSG_NO_FILE_BASED_ON_METHOD_NAME = "No matching image resource was found; " + "any of the following filenames would have matched had they been present:"; private static final String ABSTRACTIMAGEPROTOTYPE_QNAME = "com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.AbstractImagePrototype"; private static final String CLIPPEDIMAGEPROTOTYPE_QNAME = "com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.impl.ClippedImagePrototype"; private static final String GWT_QNAME = "com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT"; private static final String[] IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = {"png", "gif", "jpg"}; private static final String IMAGEBUNDLE_QNAME = "com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ImageBundle"; @VisibleForTesting static String msgCannotFindImageFromMetaData(String imgResName) { return "Unable to find image resource '" + imgResName + "'"; } private final ResourceLocator resLocator; private GeneratorContext context; private TreeLogger logger; /** * Default constructor for image bundle. Locates resources using this class's * own class loader. */ public ImageBundleGenerator() { this.resLocator = new ResourceLocator() { @Override public boolean isResourcePresent(String resName) { return ResourceLocatorImpl.tryFindResourceUrl(logger, context.getResourcesOracle(), resName) != null; } }; } /** * Default access so that it can be accessed by unit tests. */ @VisibleForTesting ImageBundleGenerator(ResourceLocator resourceLocator) { assert (resourceLocator != null); this.resLocator = resourceLocator; } @Override public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { this.logger = logger; this.context = context; TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle(); // Get metadata describing the user's class. JClassType userType = getValidUserType(logger, typeName, typeOracle); // Write the new class. JMethod[] imgMethods = userType.getOverridableMethods(); String resultName = generateImplClass(logger, context, userType, imgMethods); // Return the complete name of the generated class. return resultName; } /** * Gets the resource name of the image associated with the specified image * bundle method in a form that can be passed to * <code>ClassLoader.getResource()</code>. * * @param logger the main logger * @param method the image bundle method whose image name is being sought * @return a resource name that is suitable to be passed into * <code>ClassLoader.getResource()</code>; never returns * <code>null</code> * @throws UnableToCompleteException thrown if a resource was specified but * could not be found on the classpath */ @VisibleForTesting String getImageResourceName(TreeLogger logger, JMethodOracle method) throws UnableToCompleteException { String imgName = tryGetImageNameFromMetaData(logger, method); if (imgName != null) { return imgName; } else { return getImageNameFromMethodName(logger, method); } } private String computeSubclassName(JClassType userType) { String baseName = userType.getName().replace('.', '_'); return baseName + "_generatedBundle"; } private void generateImageMethod(ImageBundleBuilder compositeImage, SourceWriter sw, JMethod method, String imgResName) { String decl = method.getReadableDeclaration(false, true, true, true, true); { sw.indent(); // Create a singleton that this method can return. There is no need to // create a new instance every time this method is called, since // ClippedImagePrototype is immutable ImageBundleBuilder.ImageRect imageRect = compositeImage.getMapping(imgResName); String singletonName = method.getName() + "_SINGLETON"; sw.print("private static final ClippedImagePrototype "); sw.print(singletonName); sw.print(" = new ClippedImagePrototype(IMAGE_BUNDLE_URL, "); sw.print(Integer.toString(imageRect.getLeft())); sw.print(", "); sw.print(Integer.toString(imageRect.getTop())); sw.print(", "); sw.print(Integer.toString(imageRect.getWidth())); sw.print(", "); sw.print(Integer.toString(imageRect.getHeight())); sw.println(");"); sw.print(decl); sw.println(" {"); { sw.indent(); sw.print("return "); sw.print(singletonName); sw.println(";"); sw.outdent(); } sw.println("}"); sw.outdent(); } } /** * Generates the image bundle implementation class, checking each method for * validity as it is encountered. */ private String generateImplClass(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JClassType userType, JMethod[] imageMethods) throws UnableToCompleteException { // Lookup the type info for AbstractImagePrototype so that we can check for // the proper return type // on image bundle methods. final JClassType abstractImagePrototype; try { abstractImagePrototype = userType.getOracle().getType( ABSTRACTIMAGEPROTOTYPE_QNAME); } catch (NotFoundException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "GWT " + ABSTRACTIMAGEPROTOTYPE_QNAME + " class is not available", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } // Compute the package and class names of the generated class. String pkgName = userType.getPackage().getName(); String subName = computeSubclassName(userType); // Begin writing the generated source. ClassSourceFileComposerFactory f = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory( pkgName, subName); f.addImport(ABSTRACTIMAGEPROTOTYPE_QNAME); f.addImport(CLIPPEDIMAGEPROTOTYPE_QNAME); f.addImport(GWT_QNAME); f.addImplementedInterface(userType.getQualifiedSourceName()); PrintWriter pw = context.tryCreate(logger, pkgName, subName); if (pw != null) { SourceWriter sw = f.createSourceWriter(context, pw); // Build a compound image from each individual image. ImageBundleBuilder bulder = new ImageBundleBuilder(); // Store the computed image names so that we don't have to lookup them up // again. List<String> imageResNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JMethod method : imageMethods) { String branchMsg = "Analyzing method '" + method.getName() + "' in type " + userType.getQualifiedSourceName(); TreeLogger branch = logger.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG, branchMsg, null); // Verify that this method is valid on an image bundle. if (method.getReturnType() != abstractImagePrototype) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Return type must be " + ABSTRACTIMAGEPROTOTYPE_QNAME, null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (method.getParameters().length > 0) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Method must have zero parameters", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } // Find the associated imaged resource. String imageResName = getImageResourceName(branch, new JMethodOracleImpl(method)); assert (imageResName != null); imageResNames.add(imageResName); bulder.assimilate(logger, imageResName); } // Write the compound image into the output directory. String bundledImageUrl = bulder.writeBundledImage(logger, context); // Emit a constant for the composite URL. Note that we prepend the // module's base URL so that the module can reference its own resources // independently of the host HTML page. sw.print("private static final String IMAGE_BUNDLE_URL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + \""); sw.print(escape(bundledImageUrl)); sw.println("\";"); // Generate an implementation of each method. int imageResNameIndex = 0; for (JMethod method : imageMethods) { generateImageMethod(bulder, sw, method, imageResNames.get(imageResNameIndex++)); } // Finish. sw.commit(logger); } return f.getCreatedClassName(); } /** * Attempts to get the image name from the name of the method itself by * speculatively appending various image-like file extensions in a prioritized * order. The first image found, if any, is used. * * @param logger if no matching image resource is found, an explanatory * message will be logged * @param method the method whose name is being examined for matching image * resources * @return a resource name that is suitable to be passed into * <code>ClassLoader.getResource()</code>; never returns * <code>null</code> * @throws UnableToCompleteException thrown when no image can be found based * on the method name */ private String getImageNameFromMethodName(TreeLogger logger, JMethodOracle method) throws UnableToCompleteException { String pkgName = method.getPackageName(); String pkgPrefix = pkgName.replace('.', '/'); if (pkgPrefix.length() > 0) { pkgPrefix += "/"; } String methodName = method.getName(); String pkgAndMethodName = pkgPrefix + methodName; List<String> testImgNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS.length; i++) { String testImgName = pkgAndMethodName + '.' + IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS[i]; if (resLocator.isResourcePresent(testImgName)) { return testImgName; } testImgNames.add(testImgName); } TreeLogger branch = logger.branch(TreeLogger.ERROR, MSG_NO_FILE_BASED_ON_METHOD_NAME, null); for (String testImgName : testImgNames) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, testImgName, null); } throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } private JClassType getValidUserType(TreeLogger logger, String typeName, TypeOracle typeOracle) throws UnableToCompleteException { try { // Get the type that the user is introducing. JClassType userType = typeOracle.getType(typeName); // Get the type this generator is designed to support. JClassType markerType = typeOracle.findType(IMAGEBUNDLE_QNAME); // Ensure it's an interface. if (userType.isInterface() == null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, userType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " must be an interface", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } // Ensure proper derivation. if (!userType.isAssignableTo(markerType)) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, userType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " must be assignable to " + markerType.getQualifiedSourceName(), null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } return userType; } catch (NotFoundException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find required type(s)", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } /** * Attempts to get the image name (verbatim) from an annotation. * * @return the string specified in in the {@link ImageBundle.Resource} * annotation, or <code>null</code> */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private String tryGetImageNameFromAnnotation(JMethodOracle method) { ImageBundle.Resource imgResAnn = method.getAnnotation(ImageBundle.Resource.class); String imgName = null; if (imgResAnn != null) { imgName = imgResAnn.value(); } return imgName; } /** * Attempts to get the image name from an annotation. * * @param logger if an annotation is found but the specified resource isn't * available, an error is logged * @param method the image bundle method whose associated image resource is * being sought * @return a resource name that is suitable to be passed into * <code>ClassLoader.getResource()</code>, or <code>null</code> * if metadata wasn't provided * @throws UnableToCompleteException thrown when metadata is provided but the * resource cannot be found */ private String tryGetImageNameFromMetaData(TreeLogger logger, JMethodOracle method) throws UnableToCompleteException { String imgFileName = tryGetImageNameFromAnnotation(method); if (imgFileName == null) { // Exit early because neither an annotation nor javadoc was found. return null; } // If the name has no slashes (that is, it isn't a fully-qualified resource // name), then prepend the enclosing package name automatically, being // careful about the default package. if (imgFileName.indexOf("/") == -1) { String pkgName = method.getPackageName(); if (!"".equals(pkgName)) { imgFileName = pkgName.replace('.', '/') + "/" + imgFileName; } } if (!resLocator.isResourcePresent(imgFileName)) { // Not found. logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, msgCannotFindImageFromMetaData(imgFileName), null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } // Success. return imgFileName; } }