/* * Copyright 2006 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.i18n.client; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.LocalizableResource.DefaultLocale; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.LocalizableResource.Generate; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.LocalizableResource.GenerateKeys; import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtml; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * Test of Messages generation using annotations. */ @DefaultLocale("en") // @GenerateKeys("com.google.gwt.i18n.server.keygen.MD5KeyGenerator") @GenerateKeys("com.google.gwt.i18n.server.keygen.MethodNameKeyGenerator") // default @Generate(format = "com.google.gwt.i18n.server.PropertyCatalogFactory") public interface TestAnnotatedMessages extends Messages { /** * Represents the gender of a person in a message. */ public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE, UNKNOWN } /** * Test of property file lookup on nested classes. * * nestedDollar() is redefined in a property file with a $ in it. * nestedUnderscore() is redefined in a property file with a _ in it. */ public interface Nested extends Messages { @DefaultMessage("nested dollar") String nestedDollar(); @DefaultMessage("nested dollar") @Key("nestedDollar") SafeHtml nestedDollarAsSafeHtml(); @DefaultMessage("nested underscore") String nestedUnderscore(); @DefaultMessage("nested underscore") @Key("nestedUnderscore") SafeHtml nestedUnderscoreAsSafeHtml(); } @DefaultMessage("Test me") String basicText(); @DefaultMessage("Test me") @Key("basicText") SafeHtml basicTextAsSafeHtml(); @DefaultMessage("The total is {0,number:curcode=AUD,currency}") String australianDollars(double amount); @DefaultMessage("The total is {0,number:curcode=AUD,currency}") @Key("australianDollars") SafeHtml australianDollarsAsSafeHtml(double amount); @DefaultMessage("The total is {0,number:curcode=$curCode,currency}") String totalAmount(double amount, @Optional String curCode); @DefaultMessage("The total is {0,number:curcode=$curCode,currency}") @Key("totalAmount") SafeHtml totalAmountAsSafeHtml(double amount, @Optional String curCode); @DefaultMessage("in GMT: {0,localdatetime:tz=0,yMd hms}") String gmt(Date date); @DefaultMessage("in timezone: {0,localdatetime:tz=$tz,yMd hms}") String inTimezone(Date date, @Optional TimeZone tz); @DefaultMessage("in GMT: {0,localdatetime:tz=0,yMd hms}") SafeHtml gmtAsSafeHtml(Date date); @DefaultMessage("in timezone: {0,localdatetime:tz=$tz,yMd hms}") SafeHtml inTimezoneAsSafeHtml(Date date, @Optional TimeZone tz); @DefaultMessage("Short: {0,localdatetime,predef:DATE_SHORT}") String predef(Date date); @DefaultMessage("Once more, with meaning") @Meaning("Mangled quote") String withMeaning(); @DefaultMessage("Once more, with meaning") @Meaning("Mangled quote") @Key("withMeaning") SafeHtml withMeaningAsSafeHtml(); @DefaultMessage("One argument: {0}") String oneArgument(String value); @DefaultMessage("One argument: {0}") @Key("oneArgument") SafeHtml oneArgumentAsSafeHtml(String value); @DefaultMessage("One argument: {0}") @Key("oneArgument") SafeHtml oneArgumentAsSafeHtml(SafeHtml value); @DefaultMessage("One argument, which is optional") String optionalArgument(@Optional String value); @DefaultMessage("One argument, which is optional") @Key("optionalArgument") SafeHtml optionalArgumentAsSafeHtml(@Optional String value); @DefaultMessage("Two arguments, {1} and {0}, inverted") String invertedArguments(String one, String two); @DefaultMessage("Two arguments, {1} and {0}, inverted") @Key("invertedArguments") SafeHtml invertedArgumentsAsSafeHtml(String one, String two); @DefaultMessage("Two arguments, {1} and {0}, inverted") @Key("invertedArguments") SafeHtml invertedArgumentsAsSafeHtml(SafeHtml one, String two); @DefaultMessage("Don''t tell me I can''t '{'quote things in braces'}'") String quotedText(); @DefaultMessage("Don''t tell me I can''t '{'quote things in braces'}'") @Key("quotedText") SafeHtml quotedTextAsSafeHtml(); @DefaultMessage("This '{0}' would be an argument if not quoted") String quotedArg(); @DefaultMessage("This '{0}' would be an argument if not quoted") @Key("quotedArg") SafeHtml quotedArgAsSafeHtml(); @DefaultMessage("Total is {0,number,currency}") String currencyFormat(double value); @DefaultMessage("Total is {0,number,currency}") @Key("currencyFormat") SafeHtml currencyFormatAsSafeHtml(double value); @DefaultMessage("Default number format is {0,number}") String defaultNumberFormat(double value); @DefaultMessage("Default number format is {0,number}") @Key("defaultNumberFormat") SafeHtml defaultNumberFormatAsSafeHtml(double value); @DefaultMessage("Default number format is {0,number,integer}") String defaultNumberFormattedAsInteger(double value); @DefaultMessage("{1} wants to sell their car") @AlternateMessage({ "FEMALE", "{1} wants to sell her car", "MALE", "{1} wants to sell his car" }) String gender(@Select Gender gender, String name); @DefaultMessage("It is {0,time,short} on {0,date,full}") String getTimeDate(Date value); @DefaultMessage("It is {0,time,short} on {0,date,full}") @Key("getTimeDate") SafeHtml getTimeDateAsSafeHtml(Date value); @DefaultMessage("{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked their {3} messages") @AlternateMessage({ "=0|other|other", "Nobody liked their {3} messages", "=0|other|FEMALE", "Nobody liked her {3} messages", "=0|other|MALE", "Nobody liked his {3} messages", "=0|one|other", "Nobody liked their message", "=0|one|FEMALE", "Nobody liked her message", "=0|one|MALE", "Nobody liked his message", "=1|other|other", "{1} liked their {3} messages", "=1|other|FEMALE", "{1} liked her {3} messages", "=1|other|MALE", "{1} liked his {3} messages", "=1|one|other", "{1} liked their message", "=1|one|FEMALE", "{1} liked her message", "=1|one|MALE", "{1} liked his message", "=2|other|other", "{1} and {2} liked their {3} messages", "=2|other|FEMALE", "{1} and {2} liked her {3} messages", "=2|other|MALE", "{1} and {2} liked his {3} messages", "=2|one|other", "{1} and {2} liked their message", "=2|one|FEMALE", "{1} and {2} liked her message", "=2|one|MALE", "{1} and {2} liked his message", "one|other|other", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked their {3} messages", "one|other|FEMALE", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked her {3} messages", "one|other|MALE", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked his {3} messages", "one|one|other", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked their message", "one|one|FEMALE", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked her message", "one|one|MALE", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked his message", "other|one|other", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked their message", "other|one|MALE", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked his message", "other|one|FEMALE", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked her message", "other|other|MALE", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked his {3} messages", "other|other|FEMALE", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked her {3} messages" }) String multiSelectString(@PluralCount @Offset(2) List<String> names, String name1, String name2, @PluralCount int msgCount, @Select String gender); @DefaultMessage("{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked their {3} messages") @AlternateMessage({ "=0|other|other", "Nobody liked their {3} messages", "=0|other|FEMALE", "Nobody liked her {3} messages", "=0|other|MALE", "Nobody liked his {3} messages", "=0|one|other", "Nobody liked their message", "=0|one|FEMALE", "Nobody liked her message", "=0|one|MALE", "Nobody liked his message", "=1|other|other", "{1} liked their {3} messages", "=1|other|FEMALE", "{1} liked her {3} messages", "=1|other|MALE", "{1} liked his {3} messages", "=1|one|other", "{1} liked their message", "=1|one|FEMALE", "{1} liked her message", "=1|one|MALE", "{1} liked his message", "=2|other|other", "{1} and {2} liked their {3} messages", "=2|other|FEMALE", "{1} and {2} liked her {3} messages", "=2|other|MALE", "{1} and {2} liked his {3} messages", "=2|one|other", "{1} and {2} liked their message", "=2|one|FEMALE", "{1} and {2} liked her message", "=2|one|MALE", "{1} and {2} liked his message", "one|other|other", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked their {3} messages", "one|other|FEMALE", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked her {3} messages", "one|other|MALE", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked his {#} messages", "one|one|other", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked their message", "one|one|FEMALE", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked her message", "one|one|MALE", "{1}, {2}, and one other liked his message", "other|one|other", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked their message", "other|one|MALE", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked his message", "other|one|FEMALE", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked her message", "other|other|MALE", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked his {3} messages", "other|other|FEMALE", "{1}, {2}, and {0} others liked her {3} messages" }) SafeHtml multiSelectEnum(@PluralCount @Offset(2) List<String> names, String name1, String name2, @PluralCount int msgCount, @Select Gender gender); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @DefaultMessage("{0} widgets") @PluralText({"one", "A widget"}) String pluralWidgetsOther(@PluralCount int count); @DefaultMessage("{0} widgets") @AlternateMessage({"one", "A widget"}) @Key("pluralWidgetsOther") SafeHtml pluralWidgetsOtherAsSafeHtml(@PluralCount int count); @DefaultMessage("{1} {0}") @AlternateMessage({"one", "A {0}"}) String twoParamPlural(String name, @PluralCount int count); @DefaultMessage("#: {0,number}") @AlternateMessage({"false", "Message Count: {0,number}"}) SafeHtml selectBoolean(int count, @Select boolean shortMsg); @DefaultMessage("Updated order {0}") @AlternateMessage({"0", "Created new order"}) String selectInt(@Select int orderId); @DefaultMessage("Updated order {0}") @AlternateMessage({"0", "Created new order"}) SafeHtml selectLong(@Select long orderId); @DefaultMessage("{0} widgets") @AlternateMessage({"=0", "No widgets", "=1", "A widget", "one", "{0} widget" }) String specialPlurals(@Optional @PluralCount int count); @DefaultMessage("{0} widgets") @AlternateMessage({"=0", "No widgets", "=1", "A widget", "one", "{0} widget" }) @Key("specialPlurals") SafeHtml specialPluralsAsSafeHtml(@Optional @PluralCount int count); @DefaultMessage("This is {startBold,<b>}bold{endBold,</b>}") String staticArgs(); @DefaultMessage("This is {startBold,<b>}bold{endBold,</b>}") @Key("staticArgs") SafeHtml staticArgsSafeHtml(); @DefaultMessage("{1} {0}") @AlternateMessage({"one", "A {0}"}) @Key("twoParamPlural") SafeHtml twoParamPluralAsSafeHtml(String name, @PluralCount int count); @DefaultMessage("{1} {0}") @AlternateMessage({"one", "A {0}"}) @Key("twoParamPlural") SafeHtml twoParamPluralAsSafeHtml(SafeHtml name, @PluralCount int count); @DefaultMessage("Total is {0,number,currency}") String withNumberCurrency(Number value); @DefaultMessage("Distance is {0,number,##0.0##E0}") String withNumberExponent(Number value); @DefaultMessage("{1}, {2}, and {0,number} others have reviewed this movie") @AlternateMessage({ "=0", "No one has reviewed this movie", "=1", "{1} has reviewed this movie", "=2", "{1} and {2} have reviewed this movie", "one", "{1}, {2}, and one other have reviewed this movie"}) String reviewers(@PluralCount @Offset(2) int size, String name1, String name2); @DefaultMessage("{1}, {2}, and {0,number} others have reviewed this movie") @AlternateMessage({ "=0", "No one has reviewed this movie", "=1", "{1} has reviewed this movie", "=2", "{1} and {2} have reviewed this movie", "one", "{1}, {2}, and one other have reviewed this movie"}) @Key("reviewers") SafeHtml reviewersAsSafeHtml(@PluralCount @Offset(2) int size, String name1, SafeHtml name2); @DefaultMessage("The values are {0,list,number}") @AlternateMessage({ "=0", "There are no values", "=1", "The value is {0,list,number}"}) String valuesArray(@PluralCount int[] values); @DefaultMessage("The values are {0,list,number}") @AlternateMessage({ "=0", "There are no values", "=1", "The value is {0,list,number}"}) @Key("valuesArray") String valuesList(@PluralCount List<Integer> list); @DefaultMessage("The values are {0,list,number}") @AlternateMessage({ "=0", "There are no values", "=1", "The value is {0,list,number}"}) @Key("valuesArray") String valuesVarArgs(@PluralCount int... values); @DefaultMessage("The values are {0,list,number}") @AlternateMessage({ "=0", "There are no values", "=1", "The value is {0,list,number}"}) @Key("valuesArray") SafeHtml valuesArrayAsSafeHtml(@PluralCount int[] values); @DefaultMessage("The values are {0,list,number}") @AlternateMessage({ "=0", "There are no values", "=1", "The value is {0,list,number}"}) @Key("valuesArray") SafeHtml valuesListAsSafeHtml(@PluralCount List<Integer> list); @DefaultMessage("The names are {0,list}") @AlternateMessage({ "=0", "There are no names", "=1", "The name is {0,list}"}) SafeHtml valuesVarArgsAsSafeHtml(@PluralCount SafeHtml... values); }