/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.impl; /** * Mozilla-specific implementation of rich-text editing. */ public class RichTextAreaImplMozilla extends RichTextAreaImplStandard { /** * Indicates that the RichTextArea has never received focus after * initialization. */ boolean isFirstFocus; @Override public String getBackColor() { return queryCommandValue("HiliteColor"); } @Override public native void initElement() /*-{ // Mozilla doesn't allow designMode to be set reliably until the iframe is // fully loaded. var _this = this; var iframe = _this.@com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.impl.RichTextAreaImpl::elem; _this.@com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.impl.RichTextAreaImplStandard::onElementInitializing()(); _this.@com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.impl.RichTextAreaImplMozilla::isFirstFocus = true; iframe.onload = $entry(function() { // Some Mozillae have the nasty habit of calling onload again when you set // designMode, so let's avoid doing it more than once. iframe.onload = null; // Don't set designMode until the RTA is targeted by an event. This is // necessary because editing won't work on Mozilla if the iframe is // *hidden, but attached*. Waiting for an event gets around this issue. // // Note: These events will not conflict with the // addEventListener('oneventtype', ...) in RichTextAreaImplStandard. iframe.contentWindow.onfocus = function() { iframe.contentWindow.onfocus = null; iframe.contentWindow.onmouseover = null; iframe.contentWindow.document.designMode = 'On'; }; // Issue 1441: we also need to catch the onmouseover event because focus // occurs after mouse down, so the cursor will not appear until the user // clicks twice, making the RichTextArea look uneditable. Catching the // mouseover event allows us to set design mode earlier. The focus event // is still needed to handle tab selection. iframe.contentWindow.onmouseover = iframe.contentWindow.onfocus; // Send notification that the iframe has finished loading. _this.@com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.impl.RichTextAreaImplStandard::onElementInitialized()(); }); }-*/; @Override public void setBackColor(String color) { // Gecko uses 'BackColor' for the *entire area's* background. 'HiliteColor' // does what we actually want. execCommand("HiliteColor", color); } /** * Firefox will not display the caret the first time a RichTextArea is * programmatically focused, so we need to focus, blur, and refocus the * RichTextArea. This only needs to be done the first time after the * RichTextArea is initialized. See issue 3503. */ protected native void setFirstFocusImpl() /*-{ var elem = this.@com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.impl.RichTextAreaImpl::elem; var wnd = elem.contentWindow; // Remove event listeners so we don't generate extra focus and blur events. wnd.removeEventListener('focus', elem.__gwt_focusHandler, true); wnd.removeEventListener('blur', elem.__gwt_blurHandler, true); wnd.focus(); wnd.blur(); wnd.focus(); // Add the event listeners now that we have focus and a caret. wnd.addEventListener('focus', elem.__gwt_focusHandler, true); wnd.addEventListener('blur', elem.__gwt_blurHandler, true); // Fire a synthetic focus event. We can't move the last call to wnd.focus() // here because firefox will not fire the focus event reliably. var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evt.initEvent('focus', false, false); wnd.dispatchEvent(evt); }-*/; @Override protected void setFocusImpl(boolean focused) { if (isFirstFocus) { isFirstFocus = false; setFirstFocusImpl(); } else { super.setFocusImpl(focused); } } }