/* * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.core.ext.soyc.impl; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.soyc.ClassMember; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.soyc.Member; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.soyc.Range; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.Correlation; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.Correlation.Axis; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.JsSourceMap; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.SourceInfo; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JDeclaredType; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JField; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JMethod; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.Util; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.gwt.util.tools.Utility; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream; /** * Records {@link Story}s to a file for Compile Reports. */ public class StoryRecorder { /** * Associates a SourceInfo with a Range. */ private static class RangeInfo { public final SourceInfo info; public final Range range; public RangeInfo(Range range, SourceInfo info) { assert range != null; assert info != null; this.range = range; this.info = info; } } private static final int MAX_STRING_BUILDER_SIZE = 65536; /** * Used to record dependencies of a program. */ public static void recordStories(TreeLogger logger, OutputStream out, List<JsSourceMap> sourceInfoMaps, String[] js) { new StoryRecorder().recordStoriesImpl(logger, out, sourceInfoMaps, js); } private StringBuilder builder; private int curHighestFragment = 0; private OutputStream gzipStream; private String[] js; /** * Used by {@link #popAndRecord(Stack)} to determine start and end ranges. */ private int lastEnd = 0; /** * This is a class field for convenience, but it should be deleted at the end * of the constructor. */ private transient Map<Correlation, Member> membersByCorrelation = new IdentityHashMap<Correlation, Member>(); /** * This is a class field for convenience, but it should be deleted at the end * of the constructor. */ private transient Map<SourceInfo, StoryImpl> storyCache = new IdentityHashMap<SourceInfo, StoryImpl>(); private StoryRecorder() { } protected void recordStoriesImpl(TreeLogger logger, OutputStream out, List<JsSourceMap> sourceInfoMaps, String[] js) { logger = logger.branch(TreeLogger.INFO, "Creating Stories file for the compile report"); this.js = js; try { builder = new StringBuilder(MAX_STRING_BUILDER_SIZE * 2); gzipStream = new GZIPOutputStream(out); /* * Don't retain beyond the constructor to avoid lingering references to * AST nodes. */ MemberFactory memberFactory = new MemberFactory(); // Record what we've seen so far TreeSet<ClassMember> classesMutable = new TreeSet<ClassMember>(Member.SOURCE_NAME_COMPARATOR); Set<SourceInfo> sourceInfoSeen = new HashSet<SourceInfo>(); builder.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<soyc>\n<stories>\n"); int fragment = 0; for (JsSourceMap sourceInfoMap : sourceInfoMaps) { lastEnd = 0; analyzeFragment(memberFactory, classesMutable, sourceInfoMap, sourceInfoSeen, fragment++); // Flush output to improve memory locality flushOutput(); } builder.append("</stories>\n</soyc>\n"); /* * Clear the member fields that we don't need anymore to allow GC of the * SourceInfo objects */ membersByCorrelation = null; storyCache = null; Util.writeUtf8(builder, gzipStream); Utility.close(gzipStream); logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "Done"); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Could not write dependency file; proceeding anyway.", e); } } private void analyzeFragment(MemberFactory memberFactory, TreeSet<ClassMember> classesMutable, JsSourceMap sourceInfoMap, Set<SourceInfo> sourceInfoSeen, int fragment) throws IOException { /* * We want to iterate over the Ranges so that enclosing Ranges come before * their enclosed Ranges... */ List<Range> dependencyOrder = Lists.newArrayList(sourceInfoMap.getRanges()); Collections.sort(dependencyOrder, Range.DEPENDENCY_ORDER_COMPARATOR); Stack<RangeInfo> dependencyScope = new Stack<RangeInfo>(); for (Range range : dependencyOrder) { SourceInfo info = range.getSourceInfo(); assert info != null; // Infer dependency information if (!dependencyScope.isEmpty()) { /* * Pop frames until we get back to a container, using this as a chance * to build up our list of non-overlapping Ranges to report back to the * user. */ while (!dependencyScope.peek().range.contains(range)) { popAndRecord(dependencyScope, fragment); } } // Possibly create and record Members if (!sourceInfoSeen.contains(info)) { sourceInfoSeen.add(info); for (Correlation c : info.getCorrelations()) { if (c == null) { continue; } if (membersByCorrelation.containsKey(c)) { continue; } switch (c.getAxis()) { case CLASS: { JDeclaredType type = c.getType(); StandardClassMember member = memberFactory.get(type); membersByCorrelation.put(c, member); classesMutable.add(member); break; } case FIELD: { JField field = c.getField(); JDeclaredType type = c.getType(); StandardFieldMember member = memberFactory.get(field); memberFactory.get(type).addField(member); membersByCorrelation.put(c, member); break; } case METHOD: { JMethod method = c.getMethod(); JDeclaredType type = c.getType(); StandardMethodMember member = memberFactory.get(method); memberFactory.get(type).addMethod(member); membersByCorrelation.put(c, member); break; } } } } dependencyScope.push(new RangeInfo(range, info)); } // Unwind the rest of the stack to finish out the ranges while (!dependencyScope.isEmpty()) { popAndRecord(dependencyScope, fragment); } /* * Because the first Range corresponds to the SourceInfo of the whole * program, we'll know that we got all of the data if the ends match up. If * this assert passes, we know that we've correctly generated a sequence of * non-overlapping Ranges that encompass the whole program. */ assert dependencyOrder.get(0).getEnd() == lastEnd; } private void emitStory(StoryImpl story, Range range) throws IOException { builder.append("<story id=\"story"); builder.append(story.getId()); if (story.getLiteralTypeName() != null) { builder.append("\" literal=\""); builder.append(story.getLiteralTypeName()); } builder.append("\">\n"); Set<Member> correlations = story.getMembers(); if (correlations.size() > 0) { builder.append("<correlations>\n"); for (Member correlation : correlations) { builder.append("<by idref=\""); builder.append(correlation.getSourceName()); builder.append("\"/>\n"); flushOutput(); } builder.append("</correlations>\n"); } builder.append("<js fragment=\""); builder.append(curHighestFragment); builder.append("\"/>\n<storyref idref=\"story"); builder.append(story.getId()); int start = range.getStart(); int end = range.getEnd(); String jsCode = js[curHighestFragment]; if ((start == end) || ((end == start + 1) && jsCode.charAt(start) == '\n')) { builder.append("\"/>\n</story>\n"); } else { builder.append("\">"); SizeMapRecorder.escapeXml(jsCode, start, end, false, builder); builder.append("</storyref>\n</story>\n"); } } private void flushOutput() throws IOException { // Flush output to improve memory locality if (builder.length() > MAX_STRING_BUILDER_SIZE) { Util.writeUtf8(builder, gzipStream); builder.setLength(0); } } /** * Remove an element from the RangeInfo stack and stare a new StoryImpl with * the right length, possibly sub-dividing the super-enclosing Range in the * process. */ private void popAndRecord(Stack<RangeInfo> dependencyScope, int fragment) throws IOException { RangeInfo rangeInfo = dependencyScope.pop(); Range toStore = rangeInfo.range; /* * Make a new Range for the gap between the popped Range and whatever we * last stored. */ if (lastEnd < toStore.getStart()) { Range newRange = new Range(lastEnd, toStore.getStart()); assert !dependencyScope.isEmpty(); SourceInfo gapInfo = dependencyScope.peek().info; recordStory(gapInfo, fragment, newRange.length(), newRange); lastEnd += newRange.length(); } /* * Store as much of the current Range as we haven't previously stored. The * Max.max() is there to take care of the tail end of Ranges that have had a * sub-range previously stored. */ if (lastEnd < toStore.getEnd()) { Range newRange = new Range(Math.max(lastEnd, toStore.getStart()), toStore.getEnd()); recordStory(rangeInfo.info, fragment, newRange.length(), newRange); lastEnd += newRange.length(); } } private void recordStory(SourceInfo info, int fragment, int length, Range range) throws IOException { assert info != null; assert storyCache != null; if (fragment > curHighestFragment) { curHighestFragment = fragment; } StoryImpl theStory; if (!storyCache.containsKey(info)) { SortedSet<Member> members = new TreeSet<Member>(Member.TYPE_AND_SOURCE_NAME_COMPARATOR); for (Correlation c : info.getCorrelations()) { Member m = membersByCorrelation.get(c); if (m != null) { members.add(m); } } String literalType = null; Correlation literalCorrelation = info.getCorrelation(Axis.LITERAL); if (literalCorrelation != null) { literalType = literalCorrelation.getLiteral().getDescription(); } theStory = new StoryImpl(storyCache.size(), members, literalType, fragment, length); storyCache.put(info, theStory); } else { // Use a copy-constructed instance theStory = new StoryImpl(storyCache.get(info), length); } emitStory(theStory, range); } }