/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.i18n.shared; import static com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.BidiFormatterBase.Format.LEFT; import static com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.BidiFormatterBase.Format.LRE; import static com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.BidiFormatterBase.Format.LRM; import static com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.BidiFormatterBase.Format.LRM_STRING; import static com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.BidiFormatterBase.Format.PDF; import static com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.BidiFormatterBase.Format.RIGHT; import static com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.BidiFormatterBase.Format.RLE; import static com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.BidiFormatterBase.Format.RLM; import static com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.BidiFormatterBase.Format.RLM_STRING; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.HasDirection.Direction; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Unit tests for {@link BidiFormatterBase}. */ public class BidiFormatterBaseTest extends TestCase { /** * A trivial extension to {@link BidiFormatterBase} for testing purposes. */ public static class TestableBidiFormatterBase extends BidiFormatterBase { static class Factory extends BidiFormatterBase.Factory<TestableBidiFormatterBase> { @Override public TestableBidiFormatterBase createInstance(Direction contextDir, boolean alwaysSpan) { return new TestableBidiFormatterBase(contextDir, alwaysSpan); } } private static Factory factory = new Factory(); public static TestableBidiFormatterBase getInstance(Direction contextDir, boolean alwaysSpan) { return factory.getInstance(contextDir, alwaysSpan); } private TestableBidiFormatterBase(Direction contextDir, boolean alwaysSpan) { super(contextDir, alwaysSpan); } } static final Direction DEFAULT = Direction.DEFAULT; static final Direction LTR = Direction.LTR; static final Direction RTL = Direction.RTL; String en = "abba"; String he = "\u05e0\u05e1"; String html = "<"; String longEn = "abba sabba gabba "; String longHe = "\u05e0 \u05e1 \u05e0 "; BidiFormatterBase ltrFmt = TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(LTR, false); // LTR context BidiFormatterBase rtlFmt = TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(RTL, false); // RTL context BidiFormatterBase unkFmt = TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(DEFAULT, false); // DEFAULT context BidiFormatterBase ltrAlwaysSpanFmt = TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(LTR, true); // LTR context BidiFormatterBase rtlAlwaysSpanFmt = TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(RTL, true); // RTL context BidiFormatterBase unkAlwaysSpanFmt = TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(DEFAULT, true); // DEFAULT context public void testGetInstance() { assertEquals(ltrFmt.getContextDir(), LTR); assertEquals(rtlFmt.getContextDir(), RTL); assertEquals(unkFmt.getContextDir(), DEFAULT); assertFalse(ltrFmt.getAlwaysSpan()); assertFalse(rtlFmt.getAlwaysSpan()); assertFalse(unkFmt.getAlwaysSpan()); // Always-span formatters assertEquals(ltrAlwaysSpanFmt.getContextDir(), LTR); assertEquals(rtlAlwaysSpanFmt.getContextDir(), RTL); assertEquals(unkAlwaysSpanFmt.getContextDir(), DEFAULT); assertTrue(ltrAlwaysSpanFmt.getAlwaysSpan()); assertTrue(rtlAlwaysSpanFmt.getAlwaysSpan()); assertTrue(unkAlwaysSpanFmt.getAlwaysSpan()); // Assert that instances with similar parameters are identical. assertEquals(ltrFmt, TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(LTR, false)); assertEquals(rtlFmt, TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(RTL, false)); assertEquals(unkFmt, TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(DEFAULT, false)); assertEquals(ltrAlwaysSpanFmt, TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(LTR, true)); assertEquals(rtlAlwaysSpanFmt, TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(RTL, true)); assertEquals(unkAlwaysSpanFmt, TestableBidiFormatterBase.getInstance(DEFAULT, true)); } public void testDirAttrBase() { // Regular cases: assertEquals("dir=rtl", ltrFmt.dirAttrBase(he, true)); assertEquals("", rtlFmt.dirAttrBase(he, true)); assertEquals("dir=ltr", rtlFmt.dirAttrBase(en, true)); assertEquals("", ltrFmt.dirAttrBase(en, true)); // Text contains HTML or HTML-escaping: assertEquals("dir=rtl", ltrFmt.dirAttrBase(he + "<some sort of an HTML tag>", true)); assertEquals("", ltrFmt.dirAttrBase(he + "<some sort of an HTML tag>", false)); } public void testEndEdge() { assertEquals(LEFT, rtlFmt.endEdgeBase()); assertEquals(RIGHT, ltrFmt.endEdgeBase()); assertEquals(RIGHT, unkFmt.endEdgeBase()); } public void testEstimateDirection() { // Regular cases. assertEquals(DEFAULT, ltrFmt.estimateDirection("")); assertEquals(DEFAULT, rtlFmt.estimateDirection("")); assertEquals(DEFAULT, unkFmt.estimateDirection("")); assertEquals(LTR, ltrFmt.estimateDirection(en)); assertEquals(LTR, rtlFmt.estimateDirection(en)); assertEquals(LTR, unkFmt.estimateDirection(en)); assertEquals(RTL, ltrFmt.estimateDirection(he)); assertEquals(RTL, rtlFmt.estimateDirection(he)); assertEquals(RTL, unkFmt.estimateDirection(he)); // Text contains HTML or HTML-escaping. assertEquals(LTR, ltrFmt.estimateDirection("<some sort of tag/>" + he + " &", false)); assertEquals(RTL, ltrFmt.estimateDirection(he + "<some sort of tag/>" + he + " &", true)); } public void testGetContextDir() { assertEquals(LTR, ltrFmt.getContextDir()); assertEquals(RTL, rtlFmt.getContextDir()); assertEquals(DEFAULT, unkFmt.getContextDir()); } public void testIsRtlContext() { assertEquals(false, ltrFmt.isRtlContext()); assertEquals(true, rtlFmt.isRtlContext()); assertEquals(false, unkFmt.isRtlContext()); } public void testKnownDirAttrBase() { // Regular cases: assertEquals("dir=rtl", ltrFmt.knownDirAttrBase(RTL)); assertEquals("", rtlFmt.knownDirAttrBase(RTL)); assertEquals("dir=ltr", rtlFmt.knownDirAttrBase(LTR)); assertEquals("", ltrFmt.knownDirAttrBase(LTR)); } public void testMarkBase() { assertEquals(RLM_STRING, rtlFmt.markBase()); assertEquals(LRM_STRING, ltrFmt.markBase()); assertEquals("", unkFmt.markBase()); } public void testMarkAfterBase() { assertEquals("exit dir (RTL) is opposite to context dir (LTR)", LRM_STRING, ltrFmt.markAfterBase(longEn + he + html, true)); assertEquals("exit dir (LTR) is opposite to context dir (RTL)", RLM_STRING, rtlFmt.markAfterBase(longHe + en, true)); assertEquals("exit dir (LTR) doesnt match context dir (DEFAULT)", "", unkFmt.markAfterBase(longEn + en, true)); assertEquals("overall dir (RTL) is opposite to context dir (LTR)", LRM_STRING, ltrFmt.markAfterBase(longHe + en, true)); assertEquals("overall dir (LTR) is opposite to context dir (RTL)", RLM_STRING, rtlFmt.markAfterBase(longEn + he, true)); assertEquals("exit dir and overall dir match context dir (LTR)", "", ltrFmt.markAfterBase(longEn + he + html, false)); assertEquals("exit dir and overall dir matches context dir (RTL)", "", rtlFmt.markAfterBase(longHe + he, true)); } public void testSpanWrapBase() { // The main testing of the logic is done in testSpanWrapWithKnownDirBase. assertEquals("<span dir=rtl>" + he + "</span>" + LRM, ltrFmt.spanWrapBase( he, true, true)); assertEquals(he, rtlFmt.spanWrapBase(he, true, true)); assertEquals("<span dir=ltr>" + en + "</span>" + RLM, rtlFmt.spanWrapBase( en, true, true)); assertEquals(en, ltrFmt.spanWrapBase(en, true, true)); } public void testSpanWrapWithKnownDirBase() { assertEquals("overall dir matches context dir (LTR)", en + "<", ltrFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en + "<", false, true)); assertEquals("overall dir matches context dir (LTR), HTML", en + "<br>", ltrFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en + "<br>", true, true)); assertEquals("overall dir matches context dir (RTL)", he + "<", rtlFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he + "<", false, true)); assertEquals("overall dir matches context dir (RTL), HTML", he + " <some strange tag>", rtlFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he + " <some strange tag>", true, true)); assertEquals("overall dir (RTL) doesnt match context dir (LTR)", "<span dir=rtl>" + he + "</span>" + LRM, ltrFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he, false, true)); assertEquals( "overall dir (RTL) doesnt match context dir (LTR), no dirReset", "<span dir=rtl>" + he + "</span>", ltrFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he, false, false)); assertEquals("overall dir (LTR) doesnt match context dir (RTL)", "<span dir=ltr>" + en + "</span>" + RLM, rtlFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en, false, true)); assertEquals( "overall dir (LTR) doesnt match context dir (RTL), no dirReset", "<span dir=ltr>" + en + "</span>", rtlFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en, false, false)); assertEquals("overall dir (RTL) doesnt match context dir (unknown)", "<span dir=rtl>" + he + "</span>", unkFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he, false, true)); assertEquals( "overall dir (LTR) doesnt match context dir (unknown), no dirReset", "<span dir=ltr>" + en + "</span>", unkFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en, false, false)); assertEquals("overall dir (neutral) doesnt match context dir (LTR)", ".", ltrFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(DEFAULT, ".", false, true)); assertEquals("exit dir (but not overall dir) is opposite to context dir", longEn + he + LRM, ltrFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, longEn + he, false, true)); assertEquals("overall dir (but not exit dir) is opposite to context dir", "<span dir=ltr>" + longEn + he + "</span>" + RLM, rtlFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, longEn + he, false, true)); assertEquals("exit dir (but not overall dir) is opposite to context dir", longEn + he + html + LRM, ltrFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, longEn + he + html, true, true)); assertEquals( "overall dir (but not exit dir) is opposite to context dir, dirReset", "<span dir=ltr>" + longEn + he + "</span>" + RLM, rtlFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, longEn + he, true, true)); assertEquals("plain text overall and exit dir same as context dir", "<br> " + he + " <br>", ltrFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, "<br> " + he + " <br>", false, true)); assertEquals("HTML overall and exit dir opposite to context dir", "<span dir=rtl><br> " + he + " <br></span>" + LRM, ltrFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, "<br> " + he + " <br>", true, true)); // Always-span formatters assertEquals("alwaysSpan, overall dir matches context dir (LTR)", "<span>" + en + "</span>", ltrAlwaysSpanFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en, false, true)); assertEquals( "alwaysSpan, overall dir matches context dir (LTR), no dirReset", "<span>" + en + "</span>", ltrAlwaysSpanFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en, false, false)); assertEquals("alwaysSpan, overall dir matches context dir (RTL)", "<span>" + he + "</span>", rtlAlwaysSpanFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he, false, true)); assertEquals( "alwaysSpan, overall dir matches context dir (RTL), no dirReset", "<span>" + he + "</span>", rtlAlwaysSpanFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he, false, false)); assertEquals( "alwaysSpan, exit dir (but not overall dir) is opposite to context dir", "<span>" + longEn + he + "</span>" + LRM, ltrAlwaysSpanFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, longEn + he, true, true)); assertEquals( "alwaysSpan, overall dir (but not exit dir) is opposite to context dir, dirReset", "<span dir=ltr>" + longEn + he + "</span>" + RLM, rtlAlwaysSpanFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, longEn + he, true, true)); assertEquals( "alwaysSpan, plain text overall and exit dir same as context dir", "<span><br> " + he + " <br></span>", ltrAlwaysSpanFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, "<br> " + he + " <br>", false, true)); assertEquals( "alwaysSpan, HTML overall and exit dir opposite to context dir", "<span dir=rtl><br> " + he + " <br></span>" + LRM, ltrAlwaysSpanFmt.spanWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, "<br> " + he + " <br>", true, true)); } public void testStartEdgeBase() { assertEquals(RIGHT, rtlFmt.startEdgeBase()); assertEquals(LEFT, ltrFmt.startEdgeBase()); assertEquals(LEFT, unkFmt.startEdgeBase()); } public void testUnicodeWrapBase() { // The main testing of the logic is done in testUnicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase. assertEquals(RLE + he + PDF + LRM, ltrFmt.unicodeWrapBase(he, true, true)); assertEquals(he, rtlFmt.unicodeWrapBase(he, true, true)); assertEquals(LRE + en + PDF + RLM, rtlFmt.unicodeWrapBase(en, true, true)); assertEquals(en, ltrFmt.unicodeWrapBase(en, true, true)); } public void testUnicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase() { assertEquals("overall dir matches context dir (LTR)", en + "<", ltrFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en + "<", false, true)); assertEquals("overall dir matches context dir (LTR), HTML", en + "<br>", ltrFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en + "<br>", true, true)); assertEquals("overall dir matches context dir (RTL)", he + "<", rtlFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he + "<", false, true)); assertEquals("overall dir matches context dir (RTL), HTML", he + " <some strange tag>", rtlFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he + " <some strange tag>", true, true)); assertEquals("overall dir (RTL) doesnt match context dir (LTR), dirReset", RLE + he + PDF + LRM, ltrFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he, false, true)); assertEquals( "overall dir (RTL) doesnt match context dir (LTR), no dirReset", RLE + he + PDF, ltrFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he, false, false)); assertEquals("overall dir (LTR) doesnt match context dir (RTL), dirReset", LRE + en + PDF + RLM, rtlFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en, false, true)); assertEquals( "overall dir (LTR) doesnt match context dir (RTL), no dirReset", LRE + en + PDF, rtlFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en, false, false)); assertEquals( "overall dir (RTL) doesnt match context dir (unknown), dirReset", RLE + he + PDF, unkFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, he, false, true)); assertEquals( "overall dir (LTR) doesnt match context dir (unknown), no dirReset", LRE + en + PDF, unkFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, en, false, false)); assertEquals( "overall dir (neutral) doesnt match context dir (LTR), dirReset", ".", ltrFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(DEFAULT, ".", false, true)); assertEquals("exit dir (but not overall dir) is opposite to context dir", longEn + he + LRM, ltrFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, longEn + he, false, true)); assertEquals("overall dir (but not exit dir) is opposite to context dir", LRE + longEn + he + PDF + RLM, rtlFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(LTR, longEn + he, false, true)); assertEquals("plain text overall and exit dir same as context dir", html + " " + he + " " + html, ltrFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase( LTR, html + " " + he + " " + html, false, true)); assertEquals("HTML overall and exit dir opposite to context dir", RLE + html + " " + he + " " + html + PDF + LRM, ltrFmt.unicodeWrapWithKnownDirBase(RTL, html + " " + he + " " + html, true, true)); } }