/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.user.client.ui; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler.ScheduledCommand; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit; import com.google.gwt.layout.client.LayerFriend; import com.google.gwt.layout.client.Layout; import com.google.gwt.layout.client.Layout.AnimationCallback; import com.google.gwt.layout.client.Layout.Layer; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Command; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Tests for {@link LayoutPanel}. Note that this only tests LayoutPanel-specific * behavior, not general layout correctness, which is covered by * {@link com.google.gwt.layout.client.LayoutTest}. */ public class LayoutPanelTest extends WidgetTestBase { /** * Tests for a bug in LayoutCommand, which caused an animate() call, just * before an unnecessary forceLayout(), to get stuck. See issue 4360. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void testRedundantForceLayout() { final LayoutPanel p = new LayoutPanel(); Label l = new Label("foo"); p.add(l); p.setWidgetTopHeight(l, 0, Unit.PX, 10, Unit.PX); p.forceLayout(); delayTestFinish(5000); // Fully qualified to avoid the deprecation warning in the import section com.google.gwt.user.client.DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { p.animate(100, new AnimationCallback() { @Override public void onLayout(Layer layer, double progress) { } @Override public void onAnimationComplete() { // If LayoutCommand is broken, this will never happen. finishTest(); } }); } }); } /** * Ensures that the popup implementation doesn't interfere with layout. This * cropped up on IE7 as a result of CSS expressions used in PopupImplIE6, as * described in issue 4532. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void testWeirdPopupInteraction() { assertTrue(Document.get().isCSS1Compat()); final LayoutPanel lp = new LayoutPanel(); lp.add(new HTML("foo")); RootLayoutPanel.get().add(lp); PopupPanel popup = new PopupPanel(); popup.center(); delayTestFinish(2000); // Fully qualified to avoid the deprecation warning in the import section com.google.gwt.user.client.DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { int offsetWidth = lp.getOffsetWidth(); int offsetHeight = lp.getOffsetHeight(); assertTrue(offsetWidth > 0); assertTrue(offsetHeight > 0); finishTest(); } }); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetBottomHeight(Widget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetBottomHeight() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); layoutPanel.setWidgetBottomHeight(label, 1.5, Unit.EM, 2.0, Unit.EM); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().bottom(1.5).bottomUnit(Unit.EM).height(2.0).heightUnit( Unit.EM)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetBottomHeight(IsWidget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetBottomHeightAsIsWidget() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); // IsWidget cast to call the overloaded version layoutPanel.setWidgetBottomHeight((IsWidget) label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 15.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().bottom(10.0).bottomUnit(Unit.PX).height(15.0).heightUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetLeftRight(Widget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetLeftRight() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); layoutPanel.setWidgetLeftRight(label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 20.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().left(10.0).leftUnit(Unit.PX).right(20.0).rightUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetLeftRight(IsWidget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetLeftRightAsIsWidget() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); // IsWidget cast to call the overloaded version layoutPanel.setWidgetLeftRight((IsWidget) label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 15.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().left(10.0).leftUnit(Unit.PX).right(15.0).rightUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetLeftWidth(Widget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetLeftWidth() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); layoutPanel.setWidgetLeftWidth(label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 20.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().left(10.0).leftUnit(Unit.PX).width(20.0).widthUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetLeftWidth(IsWidget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetLeftWidthAsIsWidget() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); // IsWidget cast to call the overloaded version layoutPanel.setWidgetLeftWidth((IsWidget) label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 15.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().left(10.0).leftUnit(Unit.PX).width(15.0).widthUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetRightWidth(Widget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetRightWidth() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); layoutPanel.setWidgetRightWidth(label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 20.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().right(10.0).rightUnit(Unit.PX).width(20.0).widthUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetRightWidth(IsWidget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetRightWidthAsIsWidget() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); // IsWidget cast to call the overloaded version layoutPanel.setWidgetRightWidth((IsWidget) label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 15.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().right(10.0).rightUnit(Unit.PX).width(15.0).widthUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetTopBottom(Widget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetTopBottom() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); layoutPanel.setWidgetTopBottom(label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 20.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().top(10.0).topUnit(Unit.PX).bottom(20.0).bottomUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetTopBottom(IsWidget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetTopBottomAsIsWidget() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); // IsWidget cast to call the overloaded version layoutPanel.setWidgetTopBottom((IsWidget) label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 15.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().top(10.0).topUnit(Unit.PX).bottom(15.0).bottomUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetTopHeight(Widget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetTopHeight() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); layoutPanel.setWidgetTopHeight(label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 20.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().top(10.0).topUnit(Unit.PX).height(20.0).heightUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Tests * {@link LayoutPanel#setWidgetTopHeight(IsWidget, double, Unit, double, Unit)} * . */ public void testSetWidgetTopHeightAsIsWidget() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = createLayoutPanel(); Widget label = createLabelInPanel(layoutPanel); // IsWidget cast to call the overloaded version layoutPanel.setWidgetTopHeight((IsWidget) label, 10.0, Unit.PX, 15.0, Unit.PX); assertLayerProperties( label, new LayerProperties().top(10.0).topUnit(Unit.PX).height(15.0).heightUnit( Unit.PX)); } /** * Test that forcing layout will call onResize only once. */ public void testForceLayoutNoRedundantOnResize() { final List<Boolean> called = new ArrayList<>(); LayoutPanel layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel(); SimpleLayoutPanel child = new SimpleLayoutPanel() { @Override public void onResize() { super.onResize(); called.add(true); } }; layoutPanel.add(child); layoutPanel.forceLayout(); assertEquals(1,called.size()); } protected LayoutPanel createLayoutPanel() { return new LayoutPanel(); } protected Widget createLabelInPanel(LayoutPanel layoutPanel) { Widget label = new Label("foo"); layoutPanel.add(label); return label; } /** * <p> * Parameter class that hold a set of properties of a {@link Layout.Layer}. The * default value for all the six properties (top, right, bottom, left, height * and width) is 0.0, value that matches the default values for this * properties in the actual {@link Layout.Layer}. The default values for the * units also match the default values in {@link Layout.Layer}: <br> * <code>topUnit = rightUnit = bottomUnit = leftUnit = {@link Unit#PX}</code> * <br> * <code>heigthUnit = widthUnit = null</code> * </p> * This class must be used as a parameter of * {@link LayoutPanelTest#assertLayerProperties(Widget, LayerProperties)}, and * was thought to be used as a builder in order to improve readability and * reduce errors with the parameters of * {@link LayoutPanelTest#assertLayerProperties(Widget, LayerProperties)}. * </p> * * <p> * <h3>Example:</h3> * <code>assertLayerProperties(label, * new LayerProperties().bottom(10.0).bottomUnit(Unit.PX) * .height(15.0).heightUnit(Unit.PX);</code> * </p> */ static class LayerProperties { private double top, right, bottom, left, height, width; private Unit topUnit = Unit.PX, rightUnit = Unit.PX, bottomUnit = Unit.PX, leftUnit = Unit.PX, heightUnit, widthUnit; LayerProperties top(double top) { this.top = top; return this; } double getTop() { return top; } LayerProperties topUnit(Unit topUnit) { this.topUnit = topUnit; return this; } Unit getTopUnit() { return topUnit; } LayerProperties right(double right) { this.right = right; return this; } double getRight() { return right; } LayerProperties rightUnit(Unit rightUnit) { this.rightUnit = rightUnit; return this; } Unit getRightUnit() { return rightUnit; } LayerProperties bottom(double bottom) { this.bottom = bottom; return this; } double getBottom() { return bottom; } LayerProperties bottomUnit(Unit bottomUnit) { this.bottomUnit = bottomUnit; return this; } Unit getBottomUnit() { return bottomUnit; } LayerProperties left(double left) { this.left = left; return this; } double getLeft() { return left; } LayerProperties leftUnit(Unit leftUnit) { this.leftUnit = leftUnit; return this; } Unit getLeftUnit() { return leftUnit; } LayerProperties height(double height) { this.height = height; return this; } double getHeight() { return height; } LayerProperties heightUnit(Unit heightUnit) { this.heightUnit = heightUnit; return this; } Unit getHeightUnit() { return heightUnit; } LayerProperties width(double width) { this.width = width; return this; } double getWidth() { return width; } LayerProperties widthUnit(Unit widthUnit) { this.widthUnit = widthUnit; return this; } Unit getWidthUnit() { return widthUnit; } } /** * <p> * Asserts that the layer properties of the <b>widget</b> are the given ones. * </p> * * @param widget the widget being tested * @param expectedLayerProperties the expected properties of <b>widget</b> */ private void assertLayerProperties(final Widget widget, final LayerProperties expectedLayerProperties) { delayTestFinish(2000); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { Layer layer = (Layout.Layer) widget.getLayoutData(); LayerFriend helper = new LayerFriend(layer); assertEquals("Top", expectedLayerProperties.getTop(), helper.getTop()); assertEquals("Right", expectedLayerProperties.getRight(), helper.getRight()); assertEquals("Bottom", expectedLayerProperties.getBottom(), helper.getBottom()); assertEquals("Left", expectedLayerProperties.getLeft(), helper.getLeft()); assertEquals("Height", expectedLayerProperties.getHeight(), helper.getHeight()); assertEquals("Width", expectedLayerProperties.getWidth(), helper.getWidth()); assertEquals("Top Units", expectedLayerProperties.getTopUnit(), helper.getTopUnit()); assertEquals("Right Units", expectedLayerProperties.getRightUnit(), helper.getRightUnit()); assertEquals("Bottom Units", expectedLayerProperties.getBottomUnit(), helper.getBottomUnit()); assertEquals("Left Units", expectedLayerProperties.getLeftUnit(), helper.getLeftUnit()); assertEquals("Height Units", expectedLayerProperties.getHeightUnit(), helper.getHeightUnit()); assertEquals("Width Units", expectedLayerProperties.getWidthUnit(), helper.getWidthUnit()); finishTest(); } }); } }