/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.Artifact; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.ArtifactSet; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.EmittedArtifact; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.EmittedArtifact.Visibility; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.SelectionProperty; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.impl.BinaryOnlyArtifactWrapper; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.impl.JarEntryEmittedArtifact; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.impl.StandardCompilationResult; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.impl.StandardLinkerContext; import com.google.gwt.dev.CompileTaskRunner.CompileTask; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.BindingProperties; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.BindingProperty; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ModuleDef; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ModuleDefLoader; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.PropertyCombinations; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ResourceLoader; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ResourceLoaders; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.PermutationResult; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.codesplitter.CodeSplitter; import com.google.gwt.dev.resource.ResourceOracle; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.NullOutputFileSet; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.OutputFileSet; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.OutputFileSetOnDirectory; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.OutputFileSetOnJar; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.PersistenceBackedObject; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.Util; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.ArgHandlerDeployDir; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.ArgHandlerExtraDir; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.ArgHandlerSaveSourceOutput; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.ArgHandlerWarDir; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.OptionDeployDir; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.OptionExtraDir; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.OptionSaveSourceOutput; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.OptionWarDir; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.speedtracer.CompilerEventType; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.speedtracer.SpeedTracerLogger; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.speedtracer.SpeedTracerLogger.Event; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Sets; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipException; /** * Performs the last phase of compilation, merging the compilation outputs. */ public class Link { /** * Options for Link. */ public interface LinkOptions extends OptionExtraDir, OptionWarDir, OptionDeployDir, OptionSaveSourceOutput, CompileTaskOptions { } static class ArgProcessor extends CompileArgProcessor { public ArgProcessor(LinkOptions options) { super(options); registerHandler(new ArgHandlerExtraDir(options)); registerHandler(new ArgHandlerWarDir(options)); registerHandler(new ArgHandlerDeployDir(options)); registerHandler(new ArgHandlerSaveSourceOutput(options)); } @Override protected String getName() { return Link.class.getName(); } } /** * Concrete class to implement link options. */ static class LinkOptionsImpl extends CompileTaskOptionsImpl implements LinkOptions { private File deployDir; private File extraDir; private File warDir; private File debugSourceDir; public LinkOptionsImpl() { } public LinkOptionsImpl(LinkOptions other) { copyFrom(other); } public void copyFrom(LinkOptions other) { super.copyFrom(other); setDeployDir(other.getDeployDir()); setExtraDir(other.getExtraDir()); setSaveSourceOutput(other.getSaveSourceOutput()); setWarDir(other.getWarDir()); } @Override public File getSaveSourceOutput() { return debugSourceDir; } @Override public File getDeployDir() { return (deployDir == null) ? new File(warDir, "WEB-INF/deploy") : deployDir; } @Override public File getExtraDir() { return extraDir; } @Override public File getWarDir() { return warDir; } @Override public void setSaveSourceOutput(File dest) { this.debugSourceDir = dest; } @Override public void setDeployDir(File dir) { deployDir = dir; } @Override public void setExtraDir(File extraDir) { this.extraDir = extraDir; } @Override public void setWarDir(File warDir) { this.warDir = warDir; } } public static void link(TreeLogger logger, ModuleDef module, ResourceOracle publicResourceOracle, ArtifactSet generatedArtifacts, Permutation[] permutations, List<PersistenceBackedObject<PermutationResult>> resultFiles, Set<PermutationResult> libraries, PrecompileTaskOptions precompileOptions, LinkOptions linkOptions) throws UnableToCompleteException, IOException { StandardLinkerContext linkerContext = new StandardLinkerContext(logger, module, publicResourceOracle, precompileOptions.getOutput()); ArtifactSet artifacts = doSimulatedShardingLink( logger, module, linkerContext, generatedArtifacts, permutations, resultFiles); doProduceOutput(logger, artifacts, linkerContext, module, precompileOptions.shouldSaveSource(), linkOptions); } /** * This link operation is performed on a CompilePerms shard for one * permutation. It sees the generated artifacts for one permutation compile, * and it runs the per-permutation part of each shardable linker. */ public static void linkOnePermutationToJar(TreeLogger logger, ModuleDef module, ResourceOracle publicResourceOracle, ArtifactSet generatedArtifacts, PermutationResult permResult, File jarFile, PrecompileTaskOptions precompileOptions) throws UnableToCompleteException { try { if (jarFile.exists()) { boolean success = jarFile.delete(); if (!success) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Linker output file " + jarFile.getName() + " already exists and can't be deleted."); } } JarOutputStream jar = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile)); StandardLinkerContext linkerContext = new StandardLinkerContext(logger, module, publicResourceOracle, precompileOptions.getOutput()); StandardCompilationResult compilation = new StandardCompilationResult( permResult); addSelectionPermutations(compilation, permResult.getPermutation(), linkerContext); ArtifactSet permArtifacts = new ArtifactSet(generatedArtifacts); permArtifacts.addAll(permResult.getArtifacts()); permArtifacts.add(compilation); ArtifactSet linkedArtifacts = linkerContext.invokeLinkForOnePermutation( logger, compilation, permArtifacts); // Write the data of emitted artifacts for (EmittedArtifact art : linkedArtifacts.find(EmittedArtifact.class)) { Visibility visibility = art.getVisibility(); String jarEntryPath = visibility.name() + "/"; if (visibility == Visibility.Public) { jarEntryPath += art.getPartialPath(); } else { jarEntryPath += prefixArtifactPath(art, linkerContext); } ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(jarEntryPath); ze.setTime(OutputFileSetOnJar.normalizeTimestamps ? 0 : art.getLastModified()); jar.putNextEntry(ze); art.writeTo(logger, jar); jar.closeEntry(); } // Serialize artifacts marked as Transferable int numSerializedArtifacts = 0; // The raw type Artifact is to work around a Java compiler bug: // http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6548436 for (Artifact art : linkedArtifacts) { if (art.isTransferableFromShards() && !(art instanceof EmittedArtifact)) { String jarEntryPath = "arts/" + numSerializedArtifacts++; ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(jarEntryPath); if (OutputFileSetOnJar.normalizeTimestamps) { ze.setTime(0); } jar.putNextEntry(ze); Util.writeObjectToStream(jar, art); jar.closeEntry(); } } jar.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Error linking", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { boolean success = false; Event linkEvent = SpeedTracerLogger.start(CompilerEventType.LINK); /* * NOTE: main always exits with a call to System.exit to terminate any * non-daemon threads that were started in Generators. Typically, this is to * shutdown AWT related threads, since the contract for their termination is * still implementation-dependent. */ final LinkOptions options = new LinkOptionsImpl(); if (new ArgProcessor(options).processArgs(args)) { CompileTask task = new CompileTask() { @Override public boolean run(TreeLogger logger) throws UnableToCompleteException { return new Link(options).run(logger); } }; if (CompileTaskRunner.runWithAppropriateLogger(options, task)) { success = true; } } linkEvent.end(); System.exit(success ? 0 : 1); } /** * In a parallel build, artifact sets are thinned down in transit between * compilation and linking. All emitted artifacts are changed to binary * emitted artifacts, and all other artifacts are dropped except @Transferable * ones. This method simulates the thinning that happens in a parallel build. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static ArtifactSet simulateTransferThinning(ArtifactSet artifacts, StandardLinkerContext context) { ArtifactSet thinnedArtifacts = new ArtifactSet(); // The raw type Artifact is to work around a compiler bug: // http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6548436 for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) { if (artifact instanceof EmittedArtifact) { EmittedArtifact emittedArtifact = (EmittedArtifact) artifact; String path = getFullArtifactPath(emittedArtifact, context); thinnedArtifacts.add(new BinaryOnlyArtifactWrapper(path, emittedArtifact)); } else if (artifact.isTransferableFromShards()) { thinnedArtifacts.add(artifact); } } return thinnedArtifacts; } /** * Add to a compilation result all of the selection permutations from its * associated permutation. */ private static void addSelectionPermutations( StandardCompilationResult compilation, Permutation permutation, StandardLinkerContext linkerContext) { for (BindingProperties properties : permutation.getProperties().getSoftProperties()) { compilation.addSelectionPermutation(computeSelectionPermutation(linkerContext, properties)); compilation.addSoftPermutation(computeSoftPermutation(linkerContext, properties)); } } /** * Choose an output file set for the given <code>dirOrJar</code> based on its * name, whether it's null, and whether it already exists as a directory. */ static OutputFileSet chooseOutputFileSet(File dirOrJar, String pathPrefix) throws IOException { if (dirOrJar == null) { return new NullOutputFileSet(); } String name = dirOrJar.getName(); if (!dirOrJar.isDirectory() && (name.endsWith(".war") || name.endsWith(".jar") || name.endsWith(".zip"))) { return new OutputFileSetOnJar(dirOrJar, pathPrefix); } else { Util.recursiveDelete(new File(dirOrJar, pathPrefix), true); return new OutputFileSetOnDirectory(dirOrJar, pathPrefix); } } /** * Return a map giving the value of each non-trivial selection property. */ private static Map<SelectionProperty, String> computeSelectionPermutation( StandardLinkerContext linkerContext, BindingProperties properties) { BindingProperty[] orderedProps = properties.getOrderedProps(); String[] orderedPropValues = properties.getOrderedPropValues(); Map<SelectionProperty, String> unboundProperties = new HashMap<SelectionProperty, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < orderedProps.length; i++) { SelectionProperty key = linkerContext.getProperty(orderedProps[i].getName()); if (key.tryGetValue() != null) { /* * The view of the Permutation doesn't include properties with defined * values. */ continue; } else if (key.isDerived()) { /* * The property provider does not need to be invoked, because the value * is determined entirely by other properties. */ continue; } unboundProperties.put(key, orderedPropValues[i]); } return unboundProperties; } private static Map<SelectionProperty, String> computeSoftPermutation( StandardLinkerContext linkerContext, BindingProperties properties) { BindingProperty[] orderedProps = properties.getOrderedProps(); String[] orderedPropValues = properties.getOrderedPropValues(); Map<SelectionProperty, String> softProperties = new HashMap<SelectionProperty, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < orderedProps.length; i++) { if (orderedProps[i].getCollapsedValuesSets().isEmpty()) { continue; } SelectionProperty key = linkerContext.getProperty(orderedProps[i].getName()); softProperties.put(key, orderedPropValues[i]); } return softProperties; } /** * Emit final output. */ private static void doProduceOutput(TreeLogger logger, ArtifactSet artifacts, StandardLinkerContext linkerContext, ModuleDef module, boolean saveSources, LinkOptions options) throws IOException, UnableToCompleteException { // == create output filesets == String destPrefix = module.getName() + "/"; OutputFileSet outFileSet = chooseOutputFileSet(options.getWarDir(), destPrefix); OutputFileSet extraFileSet = chooseOutputFileSet(options.getExtraDir(), destPrefix); // allow -deploy and -extra to point to the same directory/jar OutputFileSet deployFileSet; if (options.getDeployDir().equals(options.getExtraDir())) { deployFileSet = extraFileSet; } else { deployFileSet = chooseOutputFileSet(options.getDeployDir(), destPrefix); } // == write the output == linkerContext.produceOutput(logger, artifacts, Visibility.Public, outFileSet); linkerContext.produceOutput(logger, artifacts, Visibility.Deploy, deployFileSet); linkerContext.produceOutput(logger, artifacts, Visibility.Private, extraFileSet); if (saveSources) { // Assume that all source code is available in the compiler's classpath. // (This will have to be adjusted to work with Super Dev Mode.) ResourceLoader loader = ResourceLoaders.forClassLoader(Thread.currentThread()); SourceSaver.save(logger, artifacts, loader, options, destPrefix, extraFileSet); } outFileSet.close(); extraFileSet.close(); if (deployFileSet != extraFileSet) { deployFileSet.close(); } logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "Link succeeded"); } /** * This link operation simulates sharded linking even though all generating * and linking is happening on the same computer. It can tolerate * non-shardable linkers. */ private static ArtifactSet doSimulatedShardingLink(TreeLogger logger, ModuleDef module, StandardLinkerContext linkerContext, ArtifactSet generatedArtifacts, Permutation[] perms, List<PersistenceBackedObject<PermutationResult>> resultFiles) throws UnableToCompleteException { ArtifactSet combinedArtifacts = new ArtifactSet(); for (int i = 0; i < perms.length; ++i) { ArtifactSet newArtifacts = finishPermutation( logger, perms[i], resultFiles.get(i), linkerContext, generatedArtifacts); combinedArtifacts.addAll(newArtifacts); } combinedArtifacts.addAll(linkerContext.getArtifactsForPublicResources( logger, module)); ArtifactSet legacyLinkedArtifacts = linkerContext.invokeLegacyLinkers( logger, combinedArtifacts); ArtifactSet thinnedArtifacts = simulateTransferThinning( legacyLinkedArtifacts, linkerContext); return linkerContext.invokeFinalLink(logger, thinnedArtifacts); } /** * Add a compilation to a linker context. Also runs the shardable part of all * linkers that support sharding. * * @return the new artifacts generated by the shardable part of this link * operation */ private static ArtifactSet finishPermutation(TreeLogger logger, Permutation perm, PersistenceBackedObject<PermutationResult> resultFile, StandardLinkerContext linkerContext, ArtifactSet generatedArtifacts) throws UnableToCompleteException { PermutationResult permResult = resultFile.newInstance(logger); StandardCompilationResult compilation = new StandardCompilationResult(permResult); addSelectionPermutations(compilation, perm, linkerContext); logScriptSize(logger, perm.getId(), compilation); ArtifactSet permArtifacts = new ArtifactSet(generatedArtifacts); permArtifacts.addAll(permResult.getArtifacts()); permArtifacts.add(compilation); permArtifacts.freeze(); return linkerContext.invokeLinkForOnePermutation(logger, compilation, permArtifacts); } private static String getFullArtifactPath(EmittedArtifact emittedArtifact, StandardLinkerContext context) { String path = emittedArtifact.getPartialPath(); if (emittedArtifact.getVisibility() != Visibility.Public) { path = prefixArtifactPath(emittedArtifact, context); } return path; } /** * Logs the total script size for this permutation, as calculated by * CodeSplitter2#totalScriptSize(int[]). */ private static void logScriptSize(TreeLogger logger, int permId, StandardCompilationResult compilation) { if (!logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.TRACE)) { return; } String[] javaScript = compilation.getJavaScript(); int[] jsLengths = new int[javaScript.length]; for (int i = 0; i < javaScript.length; i++) { jsLengths[i] = javaScript[i].length(); } // TODO(acleung): This is broken for CodeSplitter2. int totalSize = CodeSplitter.computeTotalSize(jsLengths); if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.TRACE)) { logger.log(TreeLogger.TRACE, "Permutation " + permId + " (strong name " + compilation.getStrongName() + ") has an initial download size of " + javaScript[0].length() + " and total script size of " + totalSize); } } /** * Prefix an artifact's partial path with the linker name and make sure it is * a relative pathname. * * @param art * @param linkerContext * @return prefixed path */ private static String prefixArtifactPath(EmittedArtifact art, StandardLinkerContext linkerContext) { String pathWithLinkerName = linkerContext.getExtraPathForLinker( art.getLinker(), art.getPartialPath()); if (pathWithLinkerName.startsWith("/")) { // This happens if the linker has no extra path pathWithLinkerName = pathWithLinkerName.substring(1); } return pathWithLinkerName; } private static ArtifactSet scanCompilePermResults(TreeLogger logger, List<File> resultFiles) throws IOException, UnableToCompleteException { final ArtifactSet artifacts = new ArtifactSet(); for (File resultFile : resultFiles) { JarFile jarFile = null; try { jarFile = new JarFile(resultFile); } catch (ZipException ze) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Error opening " + resultFile + " as jar file.", ze); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); if (entry.isDirectory()) { continue; } String path; Artifact<?> artForEntry = null; String entryName = entry.getName(); if (entryName.startsWith("arts/")) { try { artForEntry = Util.readStreamAsObject(new BufferedInputStream( jarFile.getInputStream(entry)), Artifact.class); assert artForEntry.isTransferableFromShards(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Failed trying to deserialize an artifact", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } else { int slash = entryName.indexOf('/'); if (slash >= 0) { try { Visibility visibility = Visibility.valueOf(entryName.substring(0, slash)); path = entryName.substring(slash + 1); JarEntryEmittedArtifact jarArtifact = new JarEntryEmittedArtifact( path, resultFile, entry); jarArtifact.setVisibility(visibility); artForEntry = jarArtifact; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // silently ignore paths with invalid visibilities continue; } } } artifacts.add(artForEntry); } jarFile.close(); } return artifacts; } private final LinkOptionsImpl options; private final CompilerContext.Builder compilerContextBuilder = new CompilerContext.Builder(); private CompilerContext compilerContext; public Link(LinkOptions options) { this.options = new LinkOptionsImpl(options); compilerContext = compilerContextBuilder.options(new PrecompileTaskOptionsImpl(options)).build(); } public boolean run(TreeLogger logger) throws UnableToCompleteException { loop_modules : for (String moduleName : options.getModuleNames()) { ModuleDef module = ModuleDefLoader.loadFromClassPath(logger, moduleName); compilerContext = compilerContextBuilder.module(module).build(); ResourceOracle publicResourceOracle = compilerContext.getPublicResourceOracle(); File compilerWorkDir = options.getCompilerWorkDir(moduleName); // Look for the compilerOptions file output from running AnalyzeModule PrecompileTaskOptions precompileOptions = AnalyzeModule.readAnalyzeModuleOptionsFile( logger, compilerWorkDir); PrecompilationResult precompileResults = null; if (precompileOptions == null) { // Check for the output from Precompile where precompiling has // been delegated to shards. File precompilationFile = new File(compilerWorkDir, Precompile.PRECOMPILE_FILENAME); precompileResults = CompilePerms.readPrecompilationFile(logger, precompilationFile); if (precompileResults == null) { return false; } if (precompileResults instanceof PrecompileTaskOptions) { precompileOptions = (PrecompileTaskOptions) precompileResults; } } if (precompileOptions != null) { /** * Precompiling happened on the shards. */ if (!doLinkFinal( logger, compilerWorkDir, module, publicResourceOracle, precompileOptions)) { return false; } continue loop_modules; } else { /** * Precompiling happened on the start node. */ Precompilation precomp = (Precompilation) precompileResults; Permutation[] perms = precomp.getPermutations(); List<PersistenceBackedObject<PermutationResult>> resultFiles = CompilePerms.makeResultFiles(compilerWorkDir, perms, compilerContext.getOptions()); // Check that all files are present for (PersistenceBackedObject<PermutationResult> file : resultFiles) { if (!file.exists()) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "File not found '" + file.getPath() + "'; please compile all permutations"); return false; } } TreeLogger branch = logger.branch(TreeLogger.INFO, "Linking module " + module.getName()); try { link(branch, module, publicResourceOracle, precomp.getGeneratedArtifacts(), perms, resultFiles, Sets.<PermutationResult> newHashSet(), precomp.getUnifiedAst().getOptions(), options); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unexpected exception while producing output", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } } return true; } /** * Do a final link, assuming the precompiles were done on the CompilePerms * shards. Returns true if successful. */ private boolean doLinkFinal(TreeLogger logger, File compilerWorkDir, ModuleDef module, ResourceOracle publicResourceOracle, PrecompileTaskOptions precompileOptions) throws UnableToCompleteException { int numPermutations = new PropertyCombinations(module.getProperties(), module.getActiveLinkerNames()).collapseProperties().size(); List<File> resultFiles = new ArrayList<File>(numPermutations); for (int i = 0; i < numPermutations; ++i) { File f = CompilePerms.makePermFilename(compilerWorkDir, i); if (!f.exists()) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "File not found '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "'; please compile all permutations"); return false; } resultFiles.add(f); } TreeLogger branch = logger.branch(TreeLogger.INFO, "Linking module " + module.getName()); StandardLinkerContext linkerContext = new StandardLinkerContext(branch, module, publicResourceOracle, precompileOptions.getOutput()); try { ArtifactSet artifacts = scanCompilePermResults(logger, resultFiles); artifacts.addAll(linkerContext.getArtifactsForPublicResources(logger, module)); artifacts = linkerContext.invokeFinalLink(logger, artifacts); doProduceOutput(logger, artifacts, linkerContext, module, precompileOptions.shouldSaveSource(), options); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Exception during final linking", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } return true; } }