/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.resources.converter; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger.Type; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.TextOutput; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.Context; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssCharset; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssDef; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssEval; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssExternalSelectors; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssFontFace; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssIf; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssMediaRule; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssNoFlip; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssPageRule; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssProperty; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssProperty.DotPathValue; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssProperty.FunctionValue; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssProperty.Value; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssRule; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssSelector; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssSprite; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssUnknownAtRule; import com.google.gwt.resources.css.ast.CssUrl; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.common.css.SourceCode; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.common.css.compiler.ast.GssParser; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.common.css.compiler.ast.GssParserException; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.base.Splitter; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.base.Strings; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * The GssGenerationVisitor turns a css tree into a gss string. */ public class GssGenerationVisitor extends ExtendedCssVisitor { /* templates and tokens list */ private static final String AND = " && "; private static final String CHARSET = "@charset \"%s\";"; private static final String DEF = "@def "; private static final String ELSE = "@else "; private static final String ELSE_IF = "@elseif (%s)"; private static final String EVAL = "eval('%s')"; private static final String EXTERNAL = "@external"; private static final String GWT_SPRITE = "gwt-sprite: \"%s\""; private static final String IF = "@if (%s)"; private static final String IMPORTANT = " !important"; private static final String IS = "is(\"%s\", \"%s\")"; private static final String NO_FLIP = "/* @noflip */"; private static final String NOT = "!"; private static final String OR = " || "; private static final Pattern UNESCAPE = Pattern.compile("\\\\"); private static final Pattern UNESCAPE_EXTERNAL = Pattern.compile("\\\\|@external|,|\\n|\\r"); private static final String URL = "resourceUrl(\"%s\")"; private static final String VALUE = "value('%s')"; private static final String VALUE_WITH_SUFFIX = "value('%s', '%s')"; // Used to quote font family name that contains white space(s) and aren't quoted yet. private static Pattern NOT_QUOTED_WITH_WITHESPACE = Pattern.compile("^[^'\"].*\\s.*[^'\"]$"); // Used to sanitize the boolean conditions private static Pattern BANG_OPERATOR = Pattern.compile("^(!+)(.*)"); // GSS impose constant names to be in uppercase. This Map will contains the mapping between // the name of constants defined in the CSS and the corresponding name that will be used in GSS. private final Map<String, String> cssToGssConstantMapping; private final TextOutput out; private final boolean lenient; private final TreeLogger treeLogger; private final Predicate<String> simpleBooleanConditionPredicate; // list of external at-rules defined inside a media at-rule. // In lenient mode, these nodes will be extracted and print outside the media at-rule. private final List<CssExternalSelectors> wrongExternalNodes = new ArrayList<CssExternalSelectors>(); // list of constant definition nodes defined inside a media at-rule. // In lenient mode, these nodes will be extracted and print outside the media at-rule. private final List<CssDef> wrongDefNodes = new ArrayList<CssDef>(); private boolean insideNoFlipNode; private boolean needsNewLine; private boolean needsOpenBrace; private boolean needsComma; private boolean insideMediaAtRule; // used to group a sequence of @def in one block private boolean previousNodeIsDef; // used to group asequence of @external in one block private boolean previousNodeIsExternal; public GssGenerationVisitor(TextOutput out, Map<String, String> cssToGssConstantMapping, boolean lenient, TreeLogger treeLogger, Predicate<String> simpleBooleanConditionPredicate) { this.cssToGssConstantMapping = cssToGssConstantMapping; this.out = out; this.lenient = lenient; this.treeLogger = treeLogger; this.simpleBooleanConditionPredicate = simpleBooleanConditionPredicate; } public String getContent() { return out.toString(); } @Override public void endVisit(CssFontFace x, Context ctx) { closeBrace(); } @Override public void endVisit(CssMediaRule x, Context ctx) { closeBrace(); insideMediaAtRule = false; maybePrintWrongExternalNodes(); maybePrintWrongDefNodes(ctx); } @Override public void endVisit(CssPageRule x, Context ctx) { closeBrace(); } @Override public void endVisit(CssUnknownAtRule x, Context ctx) { // The old CSS resource has no support for many at-rules, like animations. There is no way // for us to parse them using the old CSS parser, so we will just output them as a string to // the GSS stylesheet and hope that the GSS parser is okay with the rule out.print(x.getRule()); } @Override public boolean visit(CssSprite x, Context ctx) { return false; } @Override public void endVisit(CssSprite x, Context ctx) { needsComma = false; accept(x.getSelectors()); openBrace(); out.print(String.format(GWT_SPRITE, x.getResourceFunction().getPath())); semiColon(); accept(x.getProperties()); closeBrace(); } @Override public boolean visit(CssDef x, Context ctx) { printDef(x, null, "def", false); previousNodeIsDef = true; previousNodeIsExternal = false; return false; } @Override public boolean visit(CssEval x, Context ctx) { printDef(x, EVAL, "eval", false); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(CssUrl x, Context ctx) { printDef(x, URL, "url", true); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(CssRule x, Context ctx) { maybePrintNewLine(); needsOpenBrace = true; needsComma = false; needsNewLine = false; previousNodeIsDef = false; previousNodeIsExternal = false; return true; } @Override public void endVisit(CssRule x, Context ctx) { // empty rule block case. maybePrintOpenBrace(); closeBrace(); needsNewLine = true; } @Override public boolean visit(CssNoFlip x, Context ctx) { insideNoFlipNode = true; previousNodeIsDef = false; previousNodeIsExternal = false; return true; } @Override public boolean visit(CssExternalSelectors x, Context ctx) { if (insideMediaAtRule) { if (lenient) { treeLogger.log(Type.WARN, "An external at-rule is not allowed inside a @media at-rule. " + "The following external at-rule [" + x + "] will be moved in the upper scope"); wrongExternalNodes.add(x); } else { treeLogger.log(Type.ERROR, "An external at-rule is not allowed inside a @media at-rule. " + "[" + x + "]."); throw new Css2GssConversionException("An external at-rule is not allowed inside a @media" + " at-rule."); } } else { printExternal(x); } return false; } @Override public boolean visit(CssCharset x, Context ctx) { out.print(String.format(CHARSET, x.getCharset())); out.newlineOpt(); needsNewLine = true; previousNodeIsDef = false; previousNodeIsExternal = false; return true; } private void maybePrintWrongExternalNodes() { if (!lenient) { return; } for (CssExternalSelectors external : wrongExternalNodes) { printExternal(external); } wrongExternalNodes.clear(); } private void maybePrintWrongDefNodes(Context ctx) { if (!lenient) { return; } for (CssDef def : wrongDefNodes) { if (def instanceof CssUrl) { visit((CssUrl) def, ctx); } else if (def instanceof CssEval) { visit((CssEval) def, ctx); } else { visit(def, ctx); } } wrongDefNodes.clear(); } private void printExternal(CssExternalSelectors x) { boolean first = true; for (String selector : x.getClasses()) { String unescaped = unescapeExternalClass(selector); if (validateExternalClass(selector) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(unescaped)) { if (first) { if (!previousNodeIsExternal) { maybePrintNewLine(); } out.print(EXTERNAL); first = false; } out.print(" "); boolean needQuote = selector.endsWith("*"); if (needQuote) { out.print("'"); } out.printOpt(unescaped); if (needQuote) { out.print("'"); } } } if (!first) { semiColon(); } previousNodeIsDef = false; previousNodeIsExternal = true; } private boolean validateExternalClass(String selector) { if (selector.contains(":")) { if (lenient) { treeLogger.log(Type.WARN, "This invalid external selector will be skipped: " + selector); return false; } else { throw new Css2GssConversionException( "One of your external statements contains a pseudo class: " + selector); } } return true; } @Override public void endVisit(CssNoFlip x, Context ctx) { insideNoFlipNode = false; } @Override public boolean visit(CssProperty x, Context ctx) { maybePrintOpenBrace(); StringBuilder propertyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (insideNoFlipNode) { propertyBuilder.append(NO_FLIP); propertyBuilder.append(' '); } propertyBuilder.append(x.getName()); propertyBuilder.append(": "); String valueListCss = printValuesList(x.getValues().getValues(), false); if ("font-family".equals(x.getName())) { // Font family names containing whitespace should be quoted. valueListCss = quoteFontFamilyWithWhiteSpace(valueListCss); } propertyBuilder.append(valueListCss); if (x.isImportant()) { propertyBuilder.append(IMPORTANT); } String cssProperty = propertyBuilder.toString(); // See if we can parse the rule using the GSS parser and thus verify that the // rule is indeed correct CSS. try { new GssParser(new SourceCode(null, "body{" + cssProperty + "}")).parse(); } catch (GssParserException e) { if (lenient) { // print a warning message and don't print the rule. treeLogger.log(Type.WARN, "The following rule is not valid and will be skipped: " + cssProperty); return false; } else { treeLogger.log(Type.ERROR, "The following rule is not valid. " + cssProperty); throw new Css2GssConversionException("Invalid css rule", e); } } out.print(cssProperty); semiColon(); return true; } /** * Quotes the font family names that contains white space but aren't quoted yet. thus allowing * usage of fonts that might be mistaken for constants. RTis is also recommended by the CSS * specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#propdef-font-family * <p>It's important to notice that the converter doesn't manage the case where a constant is * used inside a font family name with whitespace. The font family name will be quoted and * won't be replaced. * {@code * @def myFontFamily Comic; * * .div { * font-family: Arial, myFontFamily sans MS; * } * } * * will be converted to: * * {@code * @def MY_FONT_FAMILY Comic; * * .div { * font-family: Arial, "MY_FONT_FAMILY sans MS"; * } * } * @param cssProperty */ private String quoteFontFamilyWithWhiteSpace(String cssProperty) { StringBuilder valueBuilder = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (String subProperty : Splitter.on(",").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(cssProperty)) { if (first) { first = false; } else { valueBuilder.append(","); } if (NOT_QUOTED_WITH_WITHESPACE.matcher(subProperty).matches()) { valueBuilder.append("'" + subProperty + "'"); } else { valueBuilder.append(subProperty); } } return valueBuilder.toString(); } @Override public boolean visit(CssElse x, Context ctx) { closeBrace(); out.print(ELSE); openBrace(); needsNewLine = false; previousNodeIsDef = false; previousNodeIsExternal = false; return true; } @Override public boolean visit(CssElIf x, Context ctx) { closeBrace(); openConditional(ELSE_IF, x); return true; } @Override public void endVisit(CssIf x, Context ctx) { closeBrace(); needsNewLine = true; } @Override public boolean visit(CssIf x, Context ctx) { maybePrintNewLine(); openConditional(IF, x); return true; } private void openConditional(String template, CssIf ifOrElif) { String condition; String runtimeCondition = extractExpression(ifOrElif); if (runtimeCondition != null) { if (simpleBooleanConditionPredicate.apply(runtimeCondition)) { condition = runtimeCondition; } else { condition = String.format(EVAL, runtimeCondition); } } else { condition = printConditionnalExpression(ifOrElif); } out.print(String.format(template, condition)); openBrace(); needsNewLine = false; previousNodeIsDef = false; previousNodeIsExternal = false; } private String extractExpression(CssIf ifOrElif) { String condition = ifOrElif.getExpression(); if (condition == null) { return null; } if (condition.trim().startsWith("(")) { condition = condition.substring(1, condition.length() - 1); } // sanitize the expression. GSS doesn't accept more than one ! operator Matcher m = BANG_OPERATOR.matcher(condition); if (m.matches()) { String bangs = m.group(1); String replacement; if (bangs.length() % 2 == 0) { replacement = ""; } else { replacement = "!"; } condition = m.replaceFirst(replacement + "$2"); } return condition; } @Override public boolean visit(CssFontFace x, Context ctx) { out.print("@font-face"); openBrace(); previousNodeIsDef = false; previousNodeIsExternal = false; return true; } @Override public boolean visit(CssMediaRule x, Context ctx) { maybePrintNewLine(); insideMediaAtRule = true; out.print("@media"); boolean isFirst = true; for (String m : x.getMedias()) { if (isFirst) { out.print(" "); isFirst = false; } else { comma(); } out.print(m); } spaceOpt(); out.print("{"); out.newlineOpt(); out.indentIn(); needsNewLine = false; previousNodeIsDef = false; previousNodeIsExternal = false; return true; } @Override public boolean visit(CssPageRule x, Context ctx) { out.print("@page"); if (x.getPseudoPage() != null) { out.print(" :"); out.print(x.getPseudoPage()); } spaceOpt(); out.print("{"); out.newlineOpt(); out.indentIn(); previousNodeIsDef = false; previousNodeIsExternal = false; return true; } @Override public boolean visit(CssSelector x, Context ctx) { if (needsComma) { comma(false); } maybePrintNewLine(); needsComma = true; needsNewLine = true; out.print(unescape(x.getSelector())); return true; } private void printDef(CssDef def, String valueTemplate, String atRule, boolean insideUrlNode) { if (validateDefNode(def, atRule)) { if (!previousNodeIsDef) { maybePrintNewLine(); } out.print(DEF); String name = cssToGssConstantMapping.get(def.getKey()); if (name == null) { throw new Css2GssConversionException("unknown @" + atRule + " rule [" + def.getKey() + "]"); } out.print(name); out.print(' '); String values = printValuesList(def.getValues(), insideUrlNode); if (valueTemplate != null) { out.print(String.format(valueTemplate, values)); } else { out.print(values); } semiColon(); previousNodeIsDef = true; needsNewLine = true; } } private boolean validateDefNode(CssDef def, String atRule) { if (insideMediaAtRule) { if (lenient) { treeLogger.log(Type.WARN, "A " + atRule + " is not allowed inside a @media at-rule." + "The following " + atRule + " [" + def + "] will be moved in the upper scope"); wrongDefNodes.add(def); return false; } else { treeLogger.log(Type.ERROR, "A " + atRule + " is not allowed inside a @media at-rule. [" + def + "]"); throw new Css2GssConversionException("A " + atRule + " is not allowed inside a @media " + "at-rule."); } } return true; } private void closeBrace() { out.indentOut(); out.print('}'); out.newlineOpt(); } private void comma() { comma(true); } private void comma(boolean addSpace) { out.print(','); if (addSpace) { spaceOpt(); } } private void openBrace() { spaceOpt(); out.print('{'); out.newlineOpt(); out.indentIn(); } private void semiColon() { out.print(';'); out.newlineOpt(); } private void spaceOpt() { out.printOpt(' '); } private void maybePrintOpenBrace() { if (needsOpenBrace) { openBrace(); needsOpenBrace = false; } } private void maybePrintNewLine() { if (needsNewLine) { out.newlineOpt(); } } private String printConditionnalExpression(CssIf x) { if (x == null || x.getExpression() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String propertyName = x.getPropertyName(); for (String propertyValue : x.getPropertyValues()) { if (builder.length() != 0) { if (x.isNegated()) { builder.append(AND); } else { builder.append(OR); } } if (x.isNegated()) { builder.append(NOT); } builder.append(String.format(IS, propertyName, propertyValue)); } return builder.toString(); } private String printValuesList(List<Value> values, boolean insideUrlNode) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (Value value : values) { if (value.isSpaceRequired() && builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(' '); } String expression = value.toCss(); if (value.isIdentValue() != null && cssToGssConstantMapping.containsKey(expression)) { expression = cssToGssConstantMapping.get(expression); } else if (value.isExpressionValue() != null) { expression = value.getExpression(); } else if (value.isDotPathValue() != null) { DotPathValue dotPathValue = value.isDotPathValue(); if (insideUrlNode) { expression = dotPathValue.getPath(); } else { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(dotPathValue.getSuffix())) { expression = String.format(VALUE, dotPathValue.getPath()); } else { expression = String.format(VALUE_WITH_SUFFIX, dotPathValue.getPath(), dotPathValue.getSuffix()); } } } else if (value.isFunctionValue() != null) { FunctionValue functionValue = value.isFunctionValue(); // process the argument list values String arguments = printValuesList(functionValue.getValues().getValues(), insideUrlNode); expression = unescape(functionValue.getName()) + "(" + arguments + ")"; } // don't escape content of quoted string and don't escape isFunctionValue because the // arguments and the name of the functions are already unescaped if needed. if (value.isStringValue() != null || value.isFunctionValue() != null) { builder.append(expression); } else { builder.append(unescape(expression)); } } return builder.toString(); } private String unescape(String toEscape) { return UNESCAPE.matcher(toEscape).replaceAll(""); } private String unescapeExternalClass(String external) { return UNESCAPE_EXTERNAL.matcher(external).replaceAll(""); } }