/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client; import com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell; import com.google.gwt.cell.client.TextCell; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.CloseEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.CloseHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.OpenEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.OpenHandler; import com.google.gwt.junit.client.GWTTestCase; import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtmlBuilder; import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.AbstractHasDataTestBase.IndexCell; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel; import com.google.gwt.view.client.ListDataProvider; import com.google.gwt.view.client.MultiSelectionModel; import com.google.gwt.view.client.ProvidesKey; import com.google.gwt.view.client.TreeViewModel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Base tests for subclasses of {@link AbstractCellTree}. */ public abstract class AbstractCellTreeTestBase extends GWTTestCase { /** * The root value. */ private static final Object ROOT_VALUE = new Object(); /** * A mock {@link TreeViewModel} used for testing. Each child ads a character * to the parent string. The longest string in the tree is 4 characters. */ protected class MockTreeViewModel implements TreeViewModel { private static final int MAX_DEPTH = 4; /** * The cell used to render all nodes in the tree. */ private final Cell<String> cell = new TextCell(); /** * The root data provider. */ private final ListDataProvider<String> rootDataProvider = createDataProvider(""); /** * The selection models at each level of the tree. */ private final List<MultiSelectionModel<String>> selectionModels = new ArrayList<MultiSelectionModel<String>>(); public MockTreeViewModel() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++) { selectionModels.add(new MultiSelectionModel<String>()); } } @Override public <T> NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(T value) { if (value == ROOT_VALUE) { return new DefaultNodeInfo<String>(rootDataProvider, cell, selectionModels.get(0), null); } else if (value instanceof String) { String prefix = (String) value; int depth = prefix.length(); if (depth >= MAX_DEPTH) { throw new IllegalStateException("Prefix should never exceed " + MAX_DEPTH + " characters."); } return new DefaultNodeInfo<String>(createDataProvider(prefix), cell, selectionModels.get(depth), null); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized value type"); } @Override public boolean isLeaf(Object value) { if (value == ROOT_VALUE) { return false; } else if (value instanceof String) { int depth = ((String) value).length(); if (depth > MAX_DEPTH) { throw new IllegalStateException( "value should never exceed five characters."); } return depth == MAX_DEPTH; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized value type"); } public ListDataProvider<String> getRootDataProvider() { return rootDataProvider; } /** * Get the {@link MultiSelectionModel} for the nodes at the specified depth. * * @param depth the depth of the node * @return the {@link MultiSelectionModel} at that depth */ public MultiSelectionModel<String> getSelectionModel(int depth) { return selectionModels.get(depth); } /** * Create a data provider that extends the prefix by one letter. * * @param prefix the prefix string * @return a data provider */ private ListDataProvider<String> createDataProvider(String prefix) { ListDataProvider<String> provider = new ListDataProvider<String>(); List<String> list = provider.getList(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { list.add(prefix + ((char) ('a' + i))); } provider.flush(); return provider; } } /** * A mock {@link CloseHandler} used for testing. */ private class MockCloseHandler implements CloseHandler<TreeNode> { private CloseEvent<TreeNode> lastEvent; public CloseEvent<TreeNode> getLastEventAndClear() { CloseEvent<TreeNode> toRet = lastEvent; lastEvent = null; return toRet; } @Override public void onClose(CloseEvent<TreeNode> event) { assertNull(lastEvent); this.lastEvent = event; } } /** * A mock {@link OpenHandler} used for testing. */ private class MockOpenHandler implements OpenHandler<TreeNode> { private OpenEvent<TreeNode> lastEvent; public OpenEvent<TreeNode> getLastEventAndClear() { OpenEvent<TreeNode> toRet = lastEvent; lastEvent = null; return toRet; } @Override public void onOpen(OpenEvent<TreeNode> event) { assertNull(lastEvent); this.lastEvent = event; } } /** * The model that backs the tree. */ protected MockTreeViewModel model; /** * The current tree being tested. */ protected AbstractCellTree tree; /** * If true, the tree only supports opening a single path. */ private final boolean singlePathOnly; /** * Construct a new {@link AbstractCellTreeTestBase}. * * @param singlePathOnly true if the tree only supports a single open path */ public AbstractCellTreeTestBase(boolean singlePathOnly) { this.singlePathOnly = singlePathOnly; } @Override public String getModuleName() { return "com.google.gwt.user.cellview.CellView"; } /** * Issue 6677: Deleting the last element on a CellTree causes NPE in IE. */ public void testDeleteLastNode() { // Remove all but the last tree node from the model. TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { model.rootDataProvider.getList().remove(0); } model.rootDataProvider.flush(); assertEquals(1, root.getChildCount()); // Remove the last tree node. model.rootDataProvider.getList().remove(0); model.rootDataProvider.flush(); assertEquals(0, root.getChildCount()); } public void testGetRootNode() { TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); assertEquals(10, root.getChildCount()); assertEquals(0, root.getIndex()); assertNull(root.getParent()); assertEquals(ROOT_VALUE, root.getValue()); testTreeNode(root, null, 0, ROOT_VALUE, false); } public void testIsLeaf() { assertFalse(tree.isLeaf(ROOT_VALUE)); assertFalse(tree.isLeaf("a")); assertFalse(tree.isLeaf("ab")); assertFalse(tree.isLeaf("ab")); assertFalse(tree.isLeaf("abc")); assertTrue(tree.isLeaf("abcd")); } /** * Test that the correct values are sent to the Cell to be rendered. */ public void testRenderWithKeyProvider() { // Create a cell that verifies the render args. final List<String> rendered = new ArrayList<String>(); final IndexCell<String> cell = new IndexCell<String>() { @Override public void render(Context context, String data, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { super.render(context, data, sb); int call = rendered.size(); rendered.add(data); assertTrue("render() called more than thrice", rendered.size() < 4); assertEquals(call + "value", data); Object key = context.getKey(); assertTrue(key instanceof Integer); assertEquals(call, key); } }; // Create a model with only one level, and three values at that level. TreeViewModel model = new TreeViewModel() { @Override public NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(Object value) { // The key provider returns the first char as an integer. ProvidesKey<String> keyProvider = new ProvidesKey<String>() { @Override public Object getKey(String item) { return Integer.parseInt(item.substring(0, 1)); } }; ListDataProvider<String> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<String>( keyProvider); dataProvider.getList().add("0value"); dataProvider.getList().add("1value"); dataProvider.getList().add("2value"); return new DefaultNodeInfo<String>(dataProvider, cell); } @Override public boolean isLeaf(Object value) { return value != null; } }; // Create a tree. createAbstractCellTree(model, null); delayTestFinish(5000); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { assertEquals("Cell#render() should be called exactly thrice", 3, rendered.size()); cell.assertLastRenderIndex(2); finishTest(); } }); } /** * Test that opening a sibling node works. */ public void testOpenSiblingNode() { MockOpenHandler openHandler = new MockOpenHandler(); MockCloseHandler closeHandler = new MockCloseHandler(); tree.addOpenHandler(openHandler); tree.addCloseHandler(closeHandler); TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Open a node. TreeNode b = root.setChildOpen(1, true); assertEquals(b, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); // Open a sibling node. TreeNode d = root.setChildOpen(3, true); if (singlePathOnly) { assertFalse(root.isChildOpen(1)); assertEquals(b, closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); } else { assertTrue(root.isChildOpen(1)); assertNull(closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); } assertEquals(d, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); assertTrue(root.isChildOpen(3)); } /** * Test a {@link TreeNode} at the leaf. We access the leaf nodes with the * {@link TreeNode} that is the parent of the leaf nodes. */ public void testTreeNodeAtLeaf() { MockOpenHandler openHandler = new MockOpenHandler(); MockCloseHandler closeHandler = new MockCloseHandler(); tree.addOpenHandler(openHandler); tree.addCloseHandler(closeHandler); TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Walk to a parent of leaf nodes. TreeNode b = root.setChildOpen(1, true); assertEquals(b, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); TreeNode bc = b.setChildOpen(2, true); assertEquals(bc, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); TreeNode bce = bc.setChildOpen(4, true); assertEquals(bce, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); // Try to open the leaf. assertNull(bce.setChildOpen(0, true)); assertNull(openHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertNull(openHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); // Test the values associated with the node. testTreeNode(bce, bc, 4, "bce", true); } /** * Test a {@link TreeNode} in the middle of the tree. */ public void testTreeNodeAtMiddle() { MockOpenHandler openHandler = new MockOpenHandler(); MockCloseHandler closeHandler = new MockCloseHandler(); tree.addOpenHandler(openHandler); tree.addCloseHandler(closeHandler); TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Walk to a parent of leaf nodes. TreeNode b = root.setChildOpen(1, true); assertEquals(b, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); TreeNode bc = b.setChildOpen(2, true); assertEquals(bc, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); // Test the values associated with the node. testTreeNode(bc, b, 2, "bc", false); } /** * Test that closing a branch closes all open nodes recursively. */ public void testTreeNodeCloseBranch() { MockOpenHandler openHandler = new MockOpenHandler(); MockCloseHandler closeHandler = new MockCloseHandler(); tree.addOpenHandler(openHandler); tree.addCloseHandler(closeHandler); TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Walk down a branch. TreeNode b = root.setChildOpen(1, true); assertEquals(b, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); TreeNode bc = b.setChildOpen(2, true); assertEquals(bc, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); TreeNode bce = bc.setChildOpen(4, true); assertEquals(bce, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); // Close the node at the top of the branch. assertNull(root.setChildOpen(1, false)); assertFalse(root.isChildOpen(1)); assertTrue(b.isDestroyed()); assertTrue(bc.isDestroyed()); assertTrue(bce.isDestroyed()); assertNull(openHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertEquals(b, closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); } public void testTreeNodeCloseChild() { MockOpenHandler openHandler = new MockOpenHandler(); MockCloseHandler closeHandler = new MockCloseHandler() { @Override public void onClose(CloseEvent<TreeNode> event) { super.onClose(event); // The node should be destroyed when the close event is fired. TreeNode node = event.getTarget(); assertTrue(node.isDestroyed()); } }; tree.addOpenHandler(openHandler); tree.addCloseHandler(closeHandler); TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Open a node. TreeNode child = root.setChildOpen(2, true); assertEquals(child, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); assertNull(closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertTrue(root.isChildOpen(2)); assertFalse(child.isDestroyed()); assertEquals("c", child.getValue()); assertEquals(2, child.getIndex()); assertEquals(root, child.getParent()); // Close the child. assertNull(root.setChildOpen(2, false)); assertNull(openHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertEquals(child, closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); assertFalse(root.isChildOpen(2)); assertFalse(root.isDestroyed()); assertTrue(child.isDestroyed()); } public void testTreeNodeCloseChildAlreadyClosed() { MockOpenHandler openHandler = new MockOpenHandler(); MockCloseHandler closeHandler = new MockCloseHandler(); tree.addOpenHandler(openHandler); tree.addCloseHandler(closeHandler); TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Open a node. TreeNode child = root.setChildOpen(2, true); assertEquals(child, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); assertNull(closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertTrue(root.isChildOpen(2)); assertFalse(child.isDestroyed()); assertEquals("c", child.getValue()); assertEquals(2, child.getIndex()); assertEquals(root, child.getParent()); // Close the child. assertNull(root.setChildOpen(2, false)); assertNull(openHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertEquals(child, closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); assertFalse(root.isChildOpen(2)); assertFalse(root.isDestroyed()); assertTrue(child.isDestroyed()); // Close the child again. assertNull(root.setChildOpen(2, false)); assertNull(openHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertNull(closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertFalse(root.isChildOpen(2)); assertFalse(root.isDestroyed()); assertTrue(child.isDestroyed()); } /** * Test that a tree node is destroyed if its associated data is lost when new * data is provided to the node. */ public void testTreeNodeDataLost() { MockOpenHandler openHandler = new MockOpenHandler(); MockCloseHandler closeHandler = new MockCloseHandler(); tree.addOpenHandler(openHandler); tree.addCloseHandler(closeHandler); TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Get a node. TreeNode b = root.setChildOpen(1, true); assertEquals(b, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); // Replace the data without the old node. List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("x"); list.add("y"); list.add("z"); model.rootDataProvider.setList(list); // Verify the node is destroyed. assertTrue(b.isDestroyed()); // True to open a new node. assertNotNull(root.setChildOpen(0, true)); } /** * Test that a tree node continues to exist when new data is pushed to the * node. */ public void testTreeNodeDataReplaced() { MockOpenHandler openHandler = new MockOpenHandler(); MockCloseHandler closeHandler = new MockCloseHandler(); tree.addOpenHandler(openHandler); tree.addCloseHandler(closeHandler); TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Get a node. TreeNode b = root.setChildOpen(1, true); assertEquals(b, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); // Replace the data and include the old node at a different location. List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("x"); list.add("y"); list.add("b"); list.add("z"); model.rootDataProvider.setList(list); // Verify the node still exists. assertFalse(root.isChildOpen(1)); assertTrue(root.isChildOpen(2)); testTreeNode(b, root, 2, "b", false); } public void testTreeNodeIsDestroyed() { TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Open a node. TreeNode c = root.setChildOpen(2, true); assertFalse(c.isDestroyed()); // Close the node. assertNull(root.setChildOpen(2, false)); assertFalse(root.isDestroyed()); assertTrue(c.isDestroyed()); // Verify we can still get the value. assertEquals("c", c.getValue()); try { c.getChildCount(); fail("Expected IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Expected; } try { c.getChildValue(0); fail("Expected IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Expected; } try { c.getIndex(); fail("Expected IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Expected; } try { c.getParent(); fail("Expected IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Expected; } try { c.isChildLeaf(0); fail("Expected IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Expected; } try { c.setChildOpen(0, true); fail("Expected IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Expected; } try { c.setChildOpen(0, true, true); fail("Expected IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Expected; } } /** * Try to open a child that is already open. */ public void testTreeNodeOpenChildAlreadyOpen() { MockOpenHandler openHandler = new MockOpenHandler(); MockCloseHandler closeHandler = new MockCloseHandler(); tree.addOpenHandler(openHandler); tree.addCloseHandler(closeHandler); TreeNode root = tree.getRootTreeNode(); // Open a node. TreeNode child = root.setChildOpen(2, true); assertEquals(child, openHandler.getLastEventAndClear().getTarget()); assertNull(closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertTrue(root.isChildOpen(2)); assertFalse(child.isDestroyed()); assertEquals("c", child.getValue()); assertEquals(2, child.getIndex()); assertEquals(root, child.getParent()); // Open the same node. assertEquals(child, root.setChildOpen(2, true)); assertNull(openHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertNull(closeHandler.getLastEventAndClear()); assertTrue(root.isChildOpen(2)); assertFalse(child.isDestroyed()); } /** * Create an {@link AbstractCellTree} to test. * * @param <T> the data type of the root value * @param model the {@link TreeViewModel} that backs the tree * @param rootValue the root value * @return a new {@link AbstractCellTree} */ protected abstract <T> AbstractCellTree createAbstractCellTree( TreeViewModel model, T rootValue); @Override protected void gwtSetUp() throws Exception { model = new MockTreeViewModel(); tree = createAbstractCellTree(model, ROOT_VALUE); RootPanel.get().add(tree); } @Override protected void gwtTearDown() throws Exception { RootPanel.get().remove(tree); } /** * Test the state of a {@link TreeNode}. * * @param node the node to test * @param parent the expected parent * @param index the expected index within the parent * @param value the expected value * @param isChildLeaf true if the node only contains leaf nodes */ private void testTreeNode(TreeNode node, TreeNode parent, int index, Object value, boolean isChildLeaf) { assertEquals(10, node.getChildCount()); assertEquals(index, node.getIndex()); assertEquals(parent, node.getParent()); assertEquals(value, node.getValue()); // Test child values. String prefix = (value == ROOT_VALUE) ? "" : value.toString(); assertEquals(prefix + "a", node.getChildValue(0)); assertEquals(prefix + "j", node.getChildValue(9)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { assertEquals(isChildLeaf, node.isChildLeaf(i)); assertFalse(node.isChildOpen(i)); } // Test children out of range. try { node.getChildValue(-1); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Expected. } try { node.getChildValue(10); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Expected. } try { node.isChildLeaf(-1); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Expected. } try { node.isChildLeaf(10); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Expected. } try { node.isChildOpen(-1); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Expected. } try { node.isChildOpen(10); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Expected. } try { node.setChildOpen(-1, true); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Expected. } try { node.setChildOpen(10, true); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Expected. } } }