/* * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev.js; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException; import com.google.gwt.dev.common.InliningMode; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.JavaToJavaScriptMap; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.OptimizerStats; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsContext; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsFunction; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsModVisitor; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsName; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsNode; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsProgram; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsVisitor; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.UnitTestTreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Lists; import java.util.List; /** * Safety checks for JsInliner. */ public class JsInlinerTest extends OptimizerTestBase { private static class FixStaticRefsVisitor extends JsModVisitor { /** * Called reflectively. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void exec(JsProgram program) { (new FixStaticRefsVisitor()).accept(program); } @Override public void endVisit(JsFunction x, JsContext ctx) { JsName name = x.getName(); if (name != null) { name.setStaticRef(x); } } } public void testVarInling() throws Exception { String code = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function a1(arg) {var a = arg.f();}", "function caller_doNotInline() { a1(o); }", "caller_doNotInline();"); String expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function caller_doNotInline(){var a;a=o.f()}", "caller_doNotInline();"); verifyOptimized(expected, code); } public void testInlineIntoGlobalScope() throws Exception { verifyOptimized( "o.f();", "function a1(arg) {return arg; } a1(o).f();"); verifyOptimized( "o();", "function a1(arg) {return arg()} a1(o);"); verifyOptimized( "f(o);", "function a1(arg) {return arg;} f(a1(o));"); verifyNoChange("function a1(arg) {var a; return a = arg; }; a1(o);"); } public void testInlineArrayLiterals() throws Exception { String input = "function a1(arg, x) { arg.x = x; return arg; }" + "function b1() { var x=a1([], 10); } b1();"; verifyNoChange(input); } public void testInlineFunctionLiterals() throws Exception { String input = "function a1(arg, x) { arg.x = x; return arg; }" + "function b1() { var x=a1(function (){}, 10); } b1();"; verifyNoChange(input); String input2 = "function a1(arg, x) { arg.x = x; return arg; }" + "function b1() { var x=a1(function blah(){}, 10); } b1();"; verifyNoChange(input2); } public void testInlineObjectLiterals() throws Exception { String input = "function a1(arg, x) { arg.x = x; return arg; }" + "function b1() { var x=a1({}, 10); } b1();"; verifyNoChange(input); } public void testInlineSmallFunctions() throws Exception { String input, expected; // Always make more than one call, because there are special heuristics for functions that // are called only once. // Inline empty function input = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function setP(t, p) {}", "function b1(o) { setP(o, 1); setP(o, 2); } b1({});"); expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function b1(o){}", "b1({});"); verifyOptimized(expected, input); // Inline a array assignment. input = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function set(arr, p, v) { arr[p] = v; }", "function b1(arr) { set(arr, \"X\", 1); set(arr, \"Y\", 1); } b1({});"); expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function b1(arr){arr['X']=1;arr['Y']=1}", "b1({});"); verifyOptimized(expected, input); // Inline a devirtualized setter input = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function setP(t, p) { t.a=p; }", "function b1(o) { setP(o, 1); setP(o, 2); } b1({});"); expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function b1(o){o.a=1; o.a=2;}", "b1({});"); verifyOptimized(expected, input); // Inline a devirtualized getter input = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function getP(t) { return t.a; }", "function b1(o) { return getP(o) == getP(o); } b1({});"); expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function b1(o){return o.a==o.a;}", "b1({});"); verifyOptimized(expected, input); // Inline a devirtualized getter input = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function arrayFieldAssignment(o) { return o.arr[10] = 20; }", "function b1(o) { arrayFieldAssignment(o); arrayFieldAssignment(o); } b1({});"); expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function b1(o){o.arr[10] = 20;o.arr[10] = 20;}", "b1({});"); verifyOptimized(expected, input); } public void testWithVardeclaration() throws Exception { String input, expected; // Always make more than one call, because there are special heuristics for functions that // are called only once. input = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function a(o) { $wnd.blah(o); }", "function f(t,u,b,d) {var a = t; return a.u;}", "function b1(o) { a(f(o,1,2,3)); a(f(o,1,2,5)); } b1({});"); expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function d(a){$wnd.blah(a)}", "function e(a){var b,c;d((b=a,b.u));d((c=a,c.u))}", "e({})"); verifyOptimizedObfuscated(expected, input); } public void testInliningAnnotations() throws Exception { String input, expected; // Always make more than one call, because there are special heuristics for functions that // are called only once. // Test FORCE_INLINE input = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function uniqueId_forceInline(id) {return jsinterop.closure.getUniqueId(id);}", "function b1() { uniqueId_forceInline('a'); uniqueId_forceInline('b'); } b1();"); expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "jsinterop.closure.getUniqueId('a');", "jsinterop.closure.getUniqueId('b')"); verifyOptimizedObfuscated(expected, input); // Test DO_NOT_INLINE input = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function uniqueId_doNotInline(id) {return jsinterop.closure.getUniqueId(id);}", "function b1() { uniqueId_doNotInline('a'); uniqueId_doNotInline('b'); } b1();"); expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function b(a){return jsinterop.closure.getUniqueId(a)}", "b('a');b('b')"); verifyOptimizedObfuscated(expected, input); } public void testCheckerError() throws Exception { String input = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function m_forceInline(a,b,c) {a[c]=b;}", "function b1(a) { m_forceInline(a++,a++,a++);} b1();"); assertCheckerError(input, "Function m_forceInline is marked as @ForceInline but it could not be inlined"); } /** * A test for mutually-recursive functions. Setup: * * <pre> * a -> b, c * b -> a, c * c -> a, c * </pre> */ public void testMutualRecursion() throws Exception { String input = "function a1() { return ex ? b1() : c1() }" + "function b1() { return ex2 ? a1(): c1(); }" + "function c1() { return ex2? a1():c1(); } c1()"; String expected = "function a1() { return ex ? (ex2 ? a1() : c1()) : c1() }" + "function c1() { return ex2 ? a1() :c1(); } c1()"; verifyOptimized(expected, input); } /** * Test that a global array reference breaks argument ordering. */ public void testOrderingArrayGlobal() throws Exception { String code = Joiner.on('\n').join( "var array; ", "function clinit() { clinit = null; }", // callee references array[0] before evaluating argument "function callee(arg) { return array[0] + arg; }", // non inlineable caller invokes callee with a multi that runs clinit() "function caller_doNotInline() { callee((clinit(),2)); }", // bootstrap the program "caller_doNotInline();"); verifyNoChange(code); } /** * Test that a local reference does not break argument ordering. */ public void testOrderingArrayLocal() throws Exception { String code = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function clinit() { clinit = null; }", // callee references array[0] before evaluating argument "function callee(arg) { var array; return array[0] + arg; }", // caller invokes callee with a multi that runs clinit() "function caller() { callee((clinit(),2)); }", // bootstrap the program "caller();"); String expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function clinit() { clinit = null; }", "function caller() { var array; array[0] + (clinit(), 2); }", "caller();"); verifyOptimized(expected, code); } /** * Test that a field reference breaks argument ordering. */ public void testOrderingField() throws Exception { String code = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function clinit() { clinit = null; }", // callee references field.x before evaluating argument "function callee(arg) { var field; return field.x + arg; }", // caller invokes callee with a multi that runs clinit() "function caller_doNotInline() { callee((clinit(),2)); }", // bootstrap the program "caller_doNotInline();"); verifyNoChange(code); } /** * Test that a global variable breaks argument ordering. */ public void testOrderingGlobal() throws Exception { String code = Joiner.on('\n').join( // A global variable x "var x;", // clinit() sets up x "function clinit() { x = 1; clinit = null; }", // callee references x before evaluating argument "function callee(arg) { alert(x); return arg; }", // caller invokes callee with a multi that runs clinit() "function caller_doNotInline() { callee((clinit(),2)); }", // bootstrap the program "caller_doNotInline();"); verifyNoChange(code); } /** * Test that a local variable does not break argument ordering. */ public void testOrderingLocal() throws Exception { String code = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function clinit() { clinit = null; }", // callee references y before evaluating argument "function callee(arg) { var y; y=2; return arg; }", // caller invokes callee with a multi that runs clinit() "function caller_doNotInline() { return callee((clinit(),3)); }", // bootstrap the program "caller_doNotInline();"); String expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function clinit() { clinit = null; }", "function caller_doNotInline() {var y; return y=2,clinit(),3;}", "caller_doNotInline();"); verifyOptimized(expected, code); } /** * Test that a new expression breaks argument ordering. */ public void testOrderingNew() throws Exception { String code = Joiner.on('\n').join( // A static variable x "var x;", // foo() uses x "function foo() { alert('x = ' + x); }", // callee does "new foo" before evaluating its argument "function callee(arg) { new foo(); return arg; }", // caller invokes callee with a multi that initializes x "function caller_doNotInline() { callee((x=1,2)); }", // bootstrap the program "caller_doNotInline();"); verifyNoChange(code); } public void testSelfRecursion() throws Exception { String input = "function a1() { return blah && b1() }" + "function b1() { return bar && a1()}" + "function c_doNotInline() { a1() } c_doNotInline()"; String expected = "function a1() { return blah && bar && a1() }" + "function c_doNotInline() { a1() } c_doNotInline()"; verifyOptimized(expected, input); } /* * This is inspired by issue 5936: * @see http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5936 */ public void testPreserveNameScopeWithDoubleInliningAndObfuscation() throws Exception { String code = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function getA(){", " var s;", " s = getB();", " return s;", "}", "function getB(){", " var t;", " t = 't';", " t = t + '';", " return t;", " }", "function start(y){", " getA();", " if (y != 10) {$wnd.alert('y != 10');}", " }", "var x = 10; start(x);"); String expected = Joiner.on('\n').join( "function c(a){var b;b='t';if(a!=10){$wnd.alert('y != 10')}}", "var d=10;c(d);"); verifyOptimizedObfuscated(expected, code); } private void verifyNoChange(String input) throws Exception { verifyOptimized(input, input); } private void verifyOptimized(String expected, String input) throws Exception { String actual = optimizeToSource(input, JsSymbolResolver.class, FixStaticRefsVisitor.class, JsInlinerProxy.class, JsUnusedFunctionRemover.class); String expectedAfterParse = optimizeToSource(expected); assertEquals(expectedAfterParse, actual); } private void verifyOptimizedObfuscated(String expected, String input) throws Exception { String actual = optimizeToSource(input, JsSymbolResolver.class, FixStaticRefsVisitor.class, JsInlinerProxy.class, JsUnusedFunctionRemover.class, JsObfuscateNamer.class); String expectedAfterParse = optimizeToSource(expected); assertEquals(expectedAfterParse, actual); } private void assertCheckerError(String input, String error) throws Exception { JsProgram optimizedProgram = optimize(input, JsSymbolResolver.class, FixStaticRefsVisitor.class, JsInlinerProxy.class, JsUnusedFunctionRemover.class); UnitTestTreeLogger.Builder builder = new UnitTestTreeLogger.Builder(); builder.setLowestLogLevel(TreeLogger.ERROR); builder.expectError(error, null); UnitTestTreeLogger testLogger = builder.createLogger(); try { JsForceInliningChecker.check(testLogger, JavaToJavaScriptMap.EMPTY, optimizedProgram); fail("JsForceInliningChecker should have thrown an exception"); } catch (UnableToCompleteException expected) { } testLogger.assertCorrectLogEntries(); } /** * A Proxy class to call JsInlner, due to its lack of a single parameter exec method. */ private static class JsInlinerProxy { /** * Static entry point used by JavaToJavaScriptCompiler. */ public static OptimizerStats exec(JsProgram program) { final List<JsNode> inlineableFunctions = Lists.newArrayList(); new JsVisitor() { @Override public void endVisit(JsFunction x, JsContext ctx) { inlineableFunctions.add(x); JsName functionName = x.getName(); if (functionName == null) { return; } if (functionName.getIdent().endsWith("_forceInline")) { x.setInliningMode(InliningMode.FORCE_INLINE); } else if (functionName.getIdent().endsWith("_doNotInline")) { x.setInliningMode(InliningMode.DO_NOT_INLINE); } } }.accept(program); return JsInliner.exec(program, inlineableFunctions); } } }