/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev.cfg; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.BadPropertyValueException; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.DefaultConfigurationProperty; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.base.Splitter; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.ImmutableMap.Builder; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Lists; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * The compiler's representation of a set of configuration properties. * These are properties that don't vary by permutation. * They may be single-valued or multi-valued. */ public class ConfigurationProperties implements Serializable { public static final ConfigurationProperties EMPTY = new ConfigurationProperties(Collections.<ConfigurationProperty>emptyList()); private static final Splitter SPLIT_ON_COMMAS = Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults(); /** * Maps a configuration property's name to its values. * * <p>The value list may be empty, to represent a multi-valued property that has no values. * (This is distinct from a property that doesn't exist at all.) * * <p>The value list may contain nulls. By default, an undefined, single-valued * configuration property is represented as a list containing one null. * * <p>We don't have a way to distinguish a single-valued property from * a multi-valued property that happens to contain one entry. (It's available in * {@link ConfigurationProperty} but not preserved.) * * <p>(We can't use a Multimap due to the above requirements.) */ private final ImmutableMap<String, List<String>> properties; /** * Takes a snapshot of some ConfigurationProperty instances. */ public ConfigurationProperties(Iterable<ConfigurationProperty> properties) { Builder<String, List<String>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (ConfigurationProperty property : properties) { builder.put(property.getName(), copyOf(property.getValues())); } this.properties = builder.build(); } /** * Takes a snapshot of a module's configuration properties. */ public ConfigurationProperties(ModuleDef def) { this(def.getProperties().getConfigurationProperties()); } /** * Construct from a map (for testing). */ public ConfigurationProperties(Map<String, List<String>> map) { Builder<String, List<String>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : map.entrySet()) { builder.put(entry.getKey(), copyOf(entry.getValue())); } this.properties = builder.build(); } /** * Returns a single-valued property as a boolean if possible. * If not set or not single-valued, returns the default value. */ public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue) { List<String> values = getStrings(key); if (values.size() != 1 || values.get(0) == null) { return defaultValue; } return Boolean.parseBoolean(values.get(0)); } /** * Returns a single-valued configuration property as an integer if possible. * If not set, not single-valued, or not an integer, returns the default value. */ public int getInteger(String key, int defaultValue) { List<String> values = getStrings(key); if (values.size() != 1 || values.get(0) == null) { return defaultValue; } try { return Integer.parseInt(values.get(0)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Returns a single-valued property as a string if possible. * If not set or not single-valued, returns the default value. */ public String getString(String key, String defaultValue) { List<String> values = getStrings(key); if (values.size() != 1 || values.get(0) == null) { return defaultValue; } return values.get(0); } /** * Returns all the values of a multi-valued configuration property, or an empty list * if not found. * * <p>A single-valued and unset configuration property will be returned as a list * containing one null. */ public List<String> getStrings(String key) { if (!properties.containsKey(key)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return properties.get(key); } /** * Reads a configuration property as a comma-separated list of strings. * It may be a single-valued or multi-valued property. If multi-valued, * each value will be split on commas and all items concatenated. * * <p>Leading and trailing space is automatically trimmed, and nulls and * empty strings are automatically ignored. * * <p>Returns an empty list if the property doesn't exist. */ public List<String> getCommaSeparatedStrings(String key) { List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String value : getStrings(key)) { if (value != null) { result.addAll(SPLIT_ON_COMMAS.splitToList(value)); } } return result; } /** * Returns whether the property is multivalued or not. If the property is not defined then it is * considered single valued. */ public boolean isMultiValued(String key) { return getStrings(key).size() > 1; } /** * Returns the ConfigurationProperty with the given key. * (API-compatible with {@link com.google.gwt.core.ext.PropertyOracle}.) */ com.google.gwt.core.ext.ConfigurationProperty getConfigurationProperty(String key) throws BadPropertyValueException { if (!properties.containsKey(key)) { throw new BadPropertyValueException(key); } return new DefaultConfigurationProperty(key, properties.get(key)); } /** * Returns an unmodifiable copy of a list that may contain nulls. */ private static List<String> copyOf(List<String> values) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Lists.newArrayList(values)); } }