/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev.resource.impl; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.dev.resource.Resource; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.PrintWriterTreeLogger; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Shared abstract class for tests that rely on well-known test data. * * These tests rely on the external existence of the following files under * <code>test/com/google/gwt/dev/javac/impl/testdata/</code> * * <pre> * cpe1/com/google/gwt/user/User.gwt.xml * cpe1/com/google/gwt/user/client/Command.java * cpe1/com/google/gwt/user/client/Timer.java * cpe1/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/Widget.java * cpe1/org/example/bar/client/BarClient1.txt * cpe1/org/example/bar/client/BarClient2.txt * cpe1/org/example/bar/client/etc/BarEtc.txt * cpe1/org/example/foo/client/FooClient.java * cpe1/org/example/foo/server/FooServer.java * * cpe1/com/google/gwt/i18n/I18N.gwt.xml * cpe2/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/Messages.java * cpe2/com/google/gwt/i18n/rebind/LocalizableGenerator.java * cpe2/org/example/bar/client/BarClient2.txt * cpe2/org/example/bar/client/BarClient3.txt * </pre> * * The same files should be present in jar files named cpe1.jar and cpe2.jar; * note that the contents of each will not have the <code>cpe1/</code> and * <code>cpe2/</code> prefixes (respectively) on their contained files. */ public abstract class AbstractResourceOrientedTestBase extends TestCase { private static class ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry extends ClassPathEntry { private final ClassPathEntry cpe; public ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry(ClassPathEntry cpe) { this.cpe = cpe; } @Override public Map<AbstractResource, ResourceResolution> findApplicableResources(TreeLogger logger, PathPrefixSet pathPrefixSet) { Map<AbstractResource, ResourceResolution> results = new IdentityHashMap<AbstractResource, ResourceResolution>(); Map<AbstractResource, ResourceResolution> rs = cpe.findApplicableResources( logger, pathPrefixSet); for (Map.Entry<AbstractResource, ResourceResolution> entry : rs.entrySet()) { AbstractResource r = entry.getKey(); if (r.getPath().indexOf(".svn/") < 0) { results.put(r, entry.getValue()); } } return results; } @Override public String getLocation() { return cpe.getLocation(); } @Override public String toString() { return cpe.toString(); } } private static class MOCK_CPE1 extends MockClassPathEntry { public MOCK_CPE1() { super("/cpe1/"); addResource("com/google/gwt/user/User.gwt.xml"); addResource("com/google/gwt/user/client/Command.java"); addResource("com/google/gwt/user/client/Timer.java"); addResource("com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/Widget.java"); addResource("org/example/bar/client/BarClient1.txt"); addResource("org/example/bar/client/BarClient2.txt"); addResource("org/example/bar/client/etc/BarEtc.txt"); addResource("org/example/foo/client/FooClient.java"); addResource("org/example/foo/server/FooServer.java"); } } private static class MOCK_CPE2 extends MockClassPathEntry { public MOCK_CPE2() { super("C:\\cpe2"); addResource("com/google/gwt/i18n/I18N.gwt.xml"); addResource("com/google/gwt/i18n/client/Messages.java"); addResource("com/google/gwt/i18n/rebind/LocalizableGenerator.java"); addResource("org/example/bar/client/BarClient2.txt"); addResource("org/example/bar/client/BarClient3.txt"); addResource("org/example/foo/client/BarClient1.txt"); } } // Set LOG_TO_CONSOLE to true to see a play-by-play. private static final boolean LOG_TO_CONSOLE = false; public static TreeLogger createTestTreeLogger() { if (LOG_TO_CONSOLE) { PrintWriterTreeLogger treeLogger = new PrintWriterTreeLogger(); treeLogger.setMaxDetail(TreeLogger.ALL); treeLogger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "=== logger start ==="); return treeLogger; } else { return TreeLogger.NULL; } } protected void assertPathIncluded(Set<AbstractResource> resources, String path) { assertNotNull("path = " + path + " should have been found in resources = " + resources, findResourceWithPath(resources, path)); } protected void assertPathNotIncluded(Set<AbstractResource> resources, String path) { assertNull("path = " + path + " should not have been found in resources = " + resources, findResourceWithPath(resources, path)); } protected File findJarDirectory(String name) throws URISyntaxException { ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); URL url = classLoader.getResource(name); assertNotNull("Expecting on the classpath: " + name); File file = new File(url.toURI()); assertTrue("Cannot read as file: " + url.toExternalForm(), file.canRead()); return file; } protected File findFile(String name) throws URISyntaxException { URL url = findUrl(name); assertNotNull( "Expecting on the classpath: " + name + "; did you forget to put the source root containing this very source file to the classpath?", url); File file = new File(url.toURI()); assertTrue("Cannot read as file: " + url.toExternalForm(), file.canRead()); return file; } /** * @param name * @return */ protected URL findUrl(String name) { ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); return classLoader.getResource(name); } protected Resource findResourceWithPath(Set<AbstractResource> resources, String path) { for (Resource r : resources) { if (r.getPath().equals(path)) { return r; } } return null; } protected ClassPathEntry getClassPathEntry1AsDirectory() throws URISyntaxException { File dir = findJarDirectory("com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/testdata/cpe1"); return new ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry(new DirectoryClassPathEntry(dir)); } protected ClassPathEntry getClassPathEntry1AsJar() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { File file = findFile("com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/testdata/cpe1.jar"); return new ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry(ZipFileClassPathEntry.get(file)); } protected ClassPathEntry getClassPathEntry1AsZip() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { File file = findFile("com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/testdata/cpe1.zip"); return new ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry(ZipFileClassPathEntry.get(file)); } protected ClassPathEntry getClassPathEntry1AsMock() { return new ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry(new MOCK_CPE1()); } protected ClassPathEntry getClassPathEntry2AsDirectory() throws URISyntaxException { File dir = findJarDirectory("com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/testdata/cpe2"); return new ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry(new DirectoryClassPathEntry(dir)); } protected ClassPathEntry getClassPathEntry2AsJar() throws URISyntaxException, IOException { File file = findFile("com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/testdata/cpe2.jar"); return new ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry(ZipFileClassPathEntry.get(file)); } protected ClassPathEntry getClassPathEntry2AsZip() throws URISyntaxException, IOException { File file = findFile("com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/testdata/cpe2.zip"); return new ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry(ZipFileClassPathEntry.get(file)); } protected ClassPathEntry getClassPathEntry2AsMock() { return new ExcludeSvnClassPathEntry(new MOCK_CPE2()); } }