/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package java.lang; import static javaemul.internal.InternalPreconditions.checkCriticalArgument; import java.io.Serializable; import javaemul.internal.NativeRegExp; /** * Wraps a native <code>char</code> as an object. * * TODO(jat): many of the classification methods implemented here are not * correct in that they only handle ASCII characters, and many other methods * are not currently implemented. I think the proper approach is to introduce * a deferred binding parameter which substitutes an implementation using * a fully-correct Unicode character database, at the expense of additional * data being downloaded. That way developers that need the functionality * can get it without those who don't need it paying for it. * * <pre> * The following methods are still not implemented -- most would require Unicode * character db to be useful: * - digit / is* / to*(int codePoint) * - isDefined(char) * - isIdentifierIgnorable(char) * - isJavaIdentifierPart(char) * - isJavaIdentifierStart(char) * - isJavaLetter(char) -- deprecated, so probably not * - isJavaLetterOrDigit(char) -- deprecated, so probably not * - isISOControl(char) * - isMirrored(char) * - isSpaceChar(char) * - isTitleCase(char) * - isUnicodeIdentifierPart(char) * - isUnicodeIdentifierStart(char) * - getDirectionality(*) * - getNumericValue(*) * - getType(*) * - reverseBytes(char) -- any use for this at all in the browser? * - toTitleCase(*) * - all the category constants for classification * * The following do not properly handle characters outside of ASCII: * - digit(char c, int radix) * - isDigit(char c) * - isLetter(char c) * - isLetterOrDigit(char c) * - isLowerCase(char c) * - isUpperCase(char c) * </pre> */ public final class Character implements Comparable<Character>, Serializable { /** * Helper class to share code between implementations, by making a char * array look like a CharSequence. */ static class CharSequenceAdapter implements CharSequence { private char[] charArray; private int start; private int end; public CharSequenceAdapter(char[] charArray) { this(charArray, 0, charArray.length); } public CharSequenceAdapter(char[] charArray, int start, int end) { this.charArray = charArray; this.start = start; this.end = end; } @Override public char charAt(int index) { return charArray[index + start]; } @Override public int length() { return end - start; } @Override public java.lang.CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end) { return new CharSequenceAdapter(charArray, this.start + start, this.start + end); } } /** * Use nested class to avoid clinit on outer. */ private static class BoxedValues { // Box values according to JLS - from \u0000 to \u007f private static Character[] boxedValues = new Character[128]; } public static final Class<Character> TYPE = Character.class; public static final int MIN_RADIX = 2; public static final int MAX_RADIX = 36; public static final char MIN_VALUE = '\u0000'; public static final char MAX_VALUE = '\uFFFF'; public static final char MIN_SURROGATE = '\uD800'; public static final char MAX_SURROGATE = '\uDFFF'; public static final char MIN_LOW_SURROGATE = '\uDC00'; public static final char MAX_LOW_SURROGATE = '\uDFFF'; public static final char MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE = '\uD800'; public static final char MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE = '\uDBFF'; public static final int MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT = 0x10000; public static final int MIN_CODE_POINT = 0x0000; public static final int MAX_CODE_POINT = 0x10FFFF; public static final int SIZE = 16; public static final int BYTES = SIZE / Byte.SIZE; public static int charCount(int codePoint) { return codePoint >= MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT ? 2 : 1; } public static int codePointAt(char[] a, int index) { return codePointAt(new CharSequenceAdapter(a), index, a.length); } public static int codePointAt(char[] a, int index, int limit) { return codePointAt(new CharSequenceAdapter(a), index, limit); } public static int codePointAt(CharSequence seq, int index) { return codePointAt(seq, index, seq.length()); } public static int codePointBefore(char[] a, int index) { return codePointBefore(new CharSequenceAdapter(a), index, 0); } public static int codePointBefore(char[] a, int index, int start) { return codePointBefore(new CharSequenceAdapter(a), index, start); } public static int codePointBefore(CharSequence cs, int index) { return codePointBefore(cs, index, 0); } public static int codePointCount(char[] a, int offset, int count) { return codePointCount(new CharSequenceAdapter(a), offset, offset + count); } public static int codePointCount(CharSequence seq, int beginIndex, int endIndex) { int count = 0; for (int idx = beginIndex; idx < endIndex; ) { char ch = seq.charAt(idx++); if (isHighSurrogate(ch) && idx < endIndex && (isLowSurrogate(seq.charAt(idx)))) { // skip the second char of surrogate pairs ++idx; } ++count; } return count; } public static int compare(char x, char y) { // JLS specifies that the chars are promoted to int before subtraction. return x - y; } /* * TODO: correct Unicode handling. */ public static int digit(char c, int radix) { if (radix < MIN_RADIX || radix > MAX_RADIX) { return -1; } if (c >= '0' && c < '0' + Math.min(radix, 10)) { return c - '0'; } // The offset by 10 is to re-base the alpha values if (c >= 'a' && c < (radix + 'a' - 10)) { return c - 'a' + 10; } if (c >= 'A' && c < (radix + 'A' - 10)) { return c - 'A' + 10; } return -1; } public static char forDigit(int digit, int radix) { if (radix < MIN_RADIX || radix > MAX_RADIX) { return 0; } if (digit < 0 || digit >= radix) { return 0; } return forDigit(digit); } public static int hashCode(char c) { return c; } public static boolean isBmpCodePoint(int codePoint) { return codePoint >= MIN_VALUE && codePoint <= MAX_VALUE; } /* * TODO: correct Unicode handling. */ public static boolean isDigit(char c) { return digitRegex().test(String.valueOf(c)); } private static native NativeRegExp digitRegex() /*-{ return /\d/; }-*/; public static boolean isHighSurrogate(char ch) { return ch >= MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE && ch <= MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE; } /* * TODO: correct Unicode handling. */ public static boolean isLetter(char c) { return leterRegex().test(String.valueOf(c)); } private static native NativeRegExp leterRegex() /*-{ return /[A-Z]/i; }-*/; /* * TODO: correct Unicode handling. */ public static boolean isLetterOrDigit(char c) { return leterOrDigitRegex().test(String.valueOf(c)); } private static native NativeRegExp leterOrDigitRegex() /*-{ return /[A-Z\d]/i; }-*/; /* * TODO: correct Unicode handling. */ public static boolean isLowerCase(char c) { return toLowerCase(c) == c && isLetter(c); } public static boolean isLowSurrogate(char ch) { return ch >= MIN_LOW_SURROGATE && ch <= MAX_LOW_SURROGATE; } /** * Deprecated - see isWhitespace(char). */ @Deprecated public static boolean isSpace(char c) { switch (c) { case ' ': return true; case '\n': return true; case '\t': return true; case '\f': return true; case '\r': return true; default: return false; } } public static boolean isWhitespace(char ch) { return whitespaceRegex().test(String.valueOf(ch)); } public static boolean isWhitespace(int codePoint) { return whitespaceRegex().test(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint)); } // The regex would just be /\s/, but browsers handle non-breaking spaces inconsistently. Also, // the Java definition includes separators. private static native NativeRegExp whitespaceRegex() /*-{ return /[\t-\r \u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2006\u2008-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]|[\x1C-\x1F]/; }-*/; public static boolean isSupplementaryCodePoint(int codePoint) { return codePoint >= MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT && codePoint <= MAX_CODE_POINT; } public static boolean isSurrogatePair(char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate) { return isHighSurrogate(highSurrogate) && isLowSurrogate(lowSurrogate); } /* * TODO: correct Unicode handling. */ public static boolean isUpperCase(char c) { return toUpperCase(c) == c && isLetter(c); } public static boolean isValidCodePoint(int codePoint) { return codePoint >= MIN_CODE_POINT && codePoint <= MAX_CODE_POINT; } public static int offsetByCodePoints(char[] a, int start, int count, int index, int codePointOffset) { return offsetByCodePoints(new CharSequenceAdapter(a, start, count), index, codePointOffset); } public static int offsetByCodePoints(CharSequence seq, int index, int codePointOffset) { if (codePointOffset < 0) { // move backwards while (codePointOffset < 0) { --index; if (Character.isLowSurrogate(seq.charAt(index)) && Character.isHighSurrogate(seq.charAt(index - 1))) { --index; } ++codePointOffset; } } else { // move forwards while (codePointOffset > 0) { if (Character.isHighSurrogate(seq.charAt(index)) && Character.isLowSurrogate(seq.charAt(index + 1))) { ++index; } ++index; --codePointOffset; } } return index; } public static char[] toChars(int codePoint) { checkCriticalArgument(codePoint >= 0 && codePoint <= MAX_CODE_POINT); if (codePoint >= MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) { return new char[] { getHighSurrogate(codePoint), getLowSurrogate(codePoint), }; } else { return new char[] { (char) codePoint, }; } } public static int toChars(int codePoint, char[] dst, int dstIndex) { checkCriticalArgument(codePoint >= 0 && codePoint <= MAX_CODE_POINT); if (codePoint >= MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) { dst[dstIndex++] = getHighSurrogate(codePoint); dst[dstIndex] = getLowSurrogate(codePoint); return 2; } else { dst[dstIndex] = (char) codePoint; return 1; } } public static int toCodePoint(char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate) { /* * High and low surrogate chars have the bottom 10 bits to store the value * above MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT, so grab those bits and add the * offset. */ return MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT + ((highSurrogate & 1023) << 10) + (lowSurrogate & 1023); } public static char toLowerCase(char c) { return String.valueOf(c).toLowerCase().charAt(0); } public static String toString(char x) { return String.valueOf(x); } public static char toUpperCase(char c) { return String.valueOf(c).toUpperCase().charAt(0); } public static Character valueOf(char c) { if (c < 128) { Character result = BoxedValues.boxedValues[c]; if (result == null) { result = BoxedValues.boxedValues[c] = new Character(c); } return result; } return new Character(c); } static int codePointAt(CharSequence cs, int index, int limit) { char hiSurrogate = cs.charAt(index++); char loSurrogate; if (Character.isHighSurrogate(hiSurrogate) && index < limit && Character.isLowSurrogate(loSurrogate = cs.charAt(index))) { return Character.toCodePoint(hiSurrogate, loSurrogate); } return hiSurrogate; } static int codePointBefore(CharSequence cs, int index, int start) { char loSurrogate = cs.charAt(--index); char highSurrogate; if (isLowSurrogate(loSurrogate) && index > start && isHighSurrogate(highSurrogate = cs.charAt(index - 1))) { return toCodePoint(highSurrogate, loSurrogate); } return loSurrogate; } /** * Shared implementation with {@link Long#toString}. * * @skip */ static char forDigit(int digit) { final int overBaseTen = digit - 10; return (char) (overBaseTen < 0 ? '0' + digit : 'a' + overBaseTen); } /** * Computes the high surrogate character of the UTF16 representation of a * non-BMP code point. See {@link getLowSurrogate}. * * @param codePoint requested codePoint, required to be >= * MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT * @return high surrogate character */ static char getHighSurrogate(int codePoint) { return (char) (MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE + (((codePoint - MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) >> 10) & 1023)); } /** * Computes the low surrogate character of the UTF16 representation of a * non-BMP code point. See {@link getHighSurrogate}. * * @param codePoint requested codePoint, required to be >= * MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT * @return low surrogate character */ static char getLowSurrogate(int codePoint) { return (char) (MIN_LOW_SURROGATE + ((codePoint - MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) & 1023)); } private final transient char value; public Character(char value) { this.value = value; } public char charValue() { return value; } @Override public int compareTo(Character c) { return compare(value, c.value); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof Character) && (((Character) o).value == value); } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode(value); } @Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(value); } }