/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JAbstractMethod; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JClassType; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JField; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.TypeOracle; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ModuleDef; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ModuleDefLoader; import com.google.gwt.dev.javac.CompilationState; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.PrintWriterTreeLogger; import java.io.PrintWriter; /** * Entry point that outputs the GWT JRE support. */ public class GetJreEmulation { /** * Only print the publicly visible API of the JRE. */ private static final class FilterImplementation implements SignatureDumper.Filter { @Override public boolean shouldPrint(JAbstractMethod method) { return method.isPublic() || method.isProtected(); } @Override public boolean shouldPrint(JClassType type) { if (type.isMemberType()) { if (!shouldPrint(type.getEnclosingType())) { return false; } } return type.getQualifiedSourceName().startsWith("java.") && (type.isPublic() || type.isProtected()); } @Override public boolean shouldPrint(JField field) { return field.isPublic() || field.isProtected(); } } /** * @param args unused */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { PrintWriterTreeLogger logger = new PrintWriterTreeLogger(new PrintWriter( System.err, true)); logger.setMaxDetail(TreeLogger.WARN); CompilerContext.Builder compilerContextBuilder = new CompilerContext.Builder(); CompilerContext compilerContext = compilerContextBuilder.build(); ModuleDef module = ModuleDefLoader.loadFromClassPath(logger, "com.google.gwt.core.Core"); compilerContext = compilerContextBuilder.module(module).build(); CompilationState compilationState = module.getCompilationState(logger, compilerContext); TypeOracle typeOracle = compilationState.getTypeOracle(); SignatureDumper.dumpSignatures(typeOracle, System.out, new FilterImplementation()); } catch (UnableToCompleteException e) { // Error has already been logged. System.exit(1); } catch (Throwable e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } }