/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.validation.client; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.i18n.shared.GwtLocale; import com.google.gwt.regexp.shared.MatchResult; import com.google.gwt.regexp.shared.RegExp; import java.util.Map; import javax.validation.MessageInterpolator; /** * Base GWT {@link MessageInterpolator}. */ abstract class BaseMessageInterpolator implements MessageInterpolator { // local version because guava is not included. private static interface Function<F, T> { T apply(F from); } /** * Regular expression used to do message interpolation. */ private static final RegExp MESSAGE_PARAMETER_PATTERN = RegExp.compile( "(\\{[^\\}]+?\\})", "g"); // Visible for testing static Function<String, String> createAnnotationReplacer( final Map<String, Object> map) { return new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String from) { Object object = map.get(from); return object == null ? null : object.toString(); } }; } private static Function<String, String> createReplacer( final ValidationMessageResolver messageResolver) { return new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String from) { Object object = messageResolver.get(from); return object == null ? null : object.toString(); } }; } /** * Replaces keys using the Default Validation Provider properties. */ private final Function<String, String> providerReplacer = createReplacer((ValidationMessageResolver) GWT.create(ProviderValidationMessageResolver.class)); /** * Replaces keys using the Validation User custom properties. */ private final Function<String, String> userReplacer; protected BaseMessageInterpolator( UserValidationMessagesResolver userValidationMessagesResolver) { userReplacer = createReplacer(userValidationMessagesResolver); } @Override public final String interpolate(String messageTemplate, Context context) { return gwtInterpolate(messageTemplate, context, null); } protected final String gwtInterpolate(String message, Context context, GwtLocale locale) { // see Section String resolvedMessage = message; String step1message; // TODO(nchalko) Add a safety to make sure this does not loop forever. do { do { step1message = resolvedMessage; // Step 1 Replace message parameters using custom user messages // repeat resolvedMessage = replaceParameters(resolvedMessage, userReplacer); } while (!step1message.equals(resolvedMessage)); // Step2 Replace message parameter using the default provider messages. resolvedMessage = replaceParameters(resolvedMessage, providerReplacer); // Step 3 repeat from step 1 if step 2 made changes. } while (!step1message.equals(resolvedMessage)); // step 4 resolve annotation attributes resolvedMessage = replaceParameters( resolvedMessage, createAnnotationReplacer(context.getConstraintDescriptor().getAttributes())); // Remove escapes (4.3.1) resolvedMessage = resolvedMessage.replace("\\{", "{"); resolvedMessage = resolvedMessage.replace("\\}", "}"); resolvedMessage = resolvedMessage.replace("\\\\", "\\"); return resolvedMessage; } protected final String replaceParameters(String message, Function<String, String> replacer) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int index = 0; MatchResult matcher; while ((matcher = MESSAGE_PARAMETER_PATTERN.exec(message)) != null) { String matched = matcher.getGroup(0); sb.append(message.substring(index, matcher.getIndex())); Object value = replacer.apply(removeCurlyBrace(matched)); sb.append(value == null ? matched : value); index = MESSAGE_PARAMETER_PATTERN.getLastIndex(); } if (index < message.length()) { sb.append(message.substring(index)); } return sb.toString(); } private String removeCurlyBrace(String parameter) { return parameter.substring(1, parameter.length() - 1); } }