package com.pixelutilitys.arcade.emulators.AEPgb; /** * this source file released under the GNU Public Licence. * see the accompanying copyright.txt for more information * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ben Mazur */ import java.applet.Applet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import; import; /** * PgbCart is responsible for the cartridge are of the * memory map. It also contains functions to read * header data and to load and save carts and batteries. */ public final class PgbCart implements FilenameFilter { private static final int C_NONE = 0x00; private static final int C_MBC1 = 0x01; private static final int C_MBC2 = 0x06; private static final int C_MMM01 = 0x0B; private static final int C_MBC3 = 0x0F; private static final int C_MBC5 = 0x19; private static final int CLOCK_REL = 0x00; private static final int CLOCK_LATCH = 0x01; private static final int CLOCK_SEC = 0x08; private static final int CLOCK_MIN = 0x09; private static final int CLOCK_HRS = 0x0A; private static final int CLOCK_DAYL = 0x0B; private static final int CLOCK_DAYH = 0x0C; public byte[] romdata; public byte[] ramdata; //public int currom; //public int curram; public int romoffset; public int ramoffset; public boolean mbc1mode; public boolean mbc1ramenabled; public boolean mbc3clockenabled; public long mbc3time; public int mbc3reg; public void reset() { setRomBank(1); setRamBank(0); mbc1mode = true; mbc1ramenabled = false; mbc3clockenabled = false; } public final byte read(int address) { // ROM bank 0 if(address < 0x4000) { return romdata[address]; } // ROM bank 1 and beyond if(address < 0x8000) { return romdata[address + romoffset]; } // cart RAM if(address < 0xC000) { if(!mbc3clockenabled) { return ramdata[address + ramoffset]; } else { Calendar cal; cal = Calendar.getInstance(); //System.out.println("Read MBC3 clock"); switch(mbc3reg) { case 0x08: // second return (byte)cal.get(Calendar.SECOND); case 0x09: // minute return (byte)cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); case 0x0A: // hour return (byte)cal.get(Calendar.HOUR); case 0x0B: // day low return (byte)cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); case 0x0C: // day high return (byte)(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) >> 8); default: return 0; } } } System.out.println("Read from unmapped cart memory:" + Integer.toHexString(address)); return 0; } /** * write a byte to the cart. This is how the various MBC * registers are set and this is responsible for emulating * them. */ public final void write(int address, int towrite) { // ram enable if(address < 0x2000) { //System.out.println("ram enable:" + towrite); mbc1ramenabled = (towrite & 0x0F) == 0x0A; return; } // rom select (ls byte) if(address < 0x3000) { if(PgbSettings.DEBUG && (towrite & 0xFF) > getRomBanks()) { System.out.println("rom select (ls byte):" + (towrite & 0xFF) + " (" + ((towrite & 0xFF) < getRomBanks() ? "valid" : "BAD!!") + ")"); } if(getType() != C_MBC5 && towrite == 0) { // can't set ROM0 here setRomBank(1); } else { setRomBank(towrite & 0xFF); } return; } // rom select (ms byte on mbc5, ls byte otherwise) if(address < 0x4000) { if(getType() == C_MBC5) { //System.out.println("rom select (ms byte):" + towrite); } else { setRomBank(towrite); } return; } // ram select if(address < 0x6000) { if(towrite < 0x04) { if(PgbSettings.DEBUG && (towrite & 0xFF) > getRamBanks()) { System.out.println("ram switch:" + towrite + " (" + ((towrite & 0xFF) < getRamBanks() ? "valid" : "BAD!!") + ")"); } setRamBank(towrite & 0xFF); mbc3clockenabled = false; return; } else { // clock select //System.out.println("MBC3 clock select:" + Integer.toHexString(towrite)); mbc3reg = towrite; mbc3clockenabled = true; return; } } // RAM/ROM select (MBC1 only) if(address < 0x8000 && getType() == C_MBC1) { //System.out.println("RAM/ROM select (MBC1 only):" + Integer.toHexString(towrite & 0xFF) + " (" + (towrite & 1) + ")"); mbc1mode = (towrite & 1) == 0; return; } // MBC3 clock latch/release if(address < 0x8000) { //System.out.println("MBC3 clock latch:" + towrite); mbc3time = System.currentTimeMillis(); return; } // cart RAM if(address < 0xC000 && address >= 0xA000) { if(mbc1ramenabled) { ramdata[address + ramoffset] = (byte)towrite; } else { //System.out.println("attempted to write to disabled RAM"); } return; } System.out.println("Write to unmapped cart memory:" + Integer.toHexString(address) + ", " + Integer.toHexString(towrite)); } public boolean loaded() { return romdata != null && romdata.length > 0; } public void setRomBank(int bank) { //currom = select; romoffset = (bank - 1) * 0x4000; } public void setRamBank(int bank) { //curram = select; ramoffset = -0xA000 + bank * 0x2000; } public String getName() { // this doesn't work right. return new String(romdata, 134, 11); } /** * read the number of ROM banks from the cart header */ public int getRomBanks() { switch(romdata[0x0148]) { case 0 : return 2; case 1 : return 4; case 2 : return 8; case 3 : return 16; case 4 : return 32; case 5 : return 64; case 6 : return 128; case 7 : return 256; default : return 2; } } /** * read the number of RAM banks from the cart header */ public int getRamBanks() { switch(romdata[0x0149]) { case 0 : return 0; case 1 : return 1; case 2 : return 1; case 3 : return 4; case 4 : return 16; case 5 : return 32; default : return 0; } } /** * is this cart Super Gameboy compatible? */ public boolean getSgb() { return loaded() && romdata[0x0146] == 3; } /** * is this cart Gameboy Color compatible? */ public boolean getGbc() { return loaded() && ((romdata[0x0143] & 0xFF) == 0x80 || (romdata[0x0143] & 0xFF) == 0xC0); } public int getType() { int type = romdata[0x0147] & 0xFF; if(type >= 0x01 && type <= 0x03) { return C_MBC1; } if(type == 0x06) { return C_MBC2; } if(type >= 0x0B && type <= 0x0D) { return C_MMM01; } if(type >= 0x0F && type <= 0x13) { return C_MBC3; } if(type >= 0x19 && type <= 0x1E) { return C_MBC5; } return C_NONE; } public String getTypeString() { switch(getType()) { case C_MBC1 : return "MBC1"; case C_MBC2 : return "MBC2"; case C_MMM01 : return "MMM01"; case C_MBC3 : return "MBC3"; case C_MBC5 : return "MBC5"; default : return "NONE"; } } /** * loads a gb file, given a path and a filename */ public boolean load(String path, String filename) { return load(filename); } /** * loads a file in .gb or .zip format, then tries to * load a battery file, if necessary */ public boolean load(String filename) { if(filename.length() < 1) { return false; } if(accept(null, filename)) { loadGB(filename); loadBattery(filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".sav"); System.out.println(""); return true; } if(filename.endsWith(".zip")) { if(loadZip(filename)) { loadBattery(filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".sav"); System.out.println(""); return true; } } System.out.println("File format not recognized."); return false; } /** * simplified loadingcode for applet usage */ public void loadApplet(String filename, Applet a) { InputStream is = null; try { is = new URL(a.getDocumentBase(), filename).openStream(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error opening rom"); } romdata = new byte[255000]; loadCart(is,255000); } /** * sends a GB formatted file (raw cart dump) to loadCart */ public void loadGB(String filename) { InputStream is; File romfile; romfile = new File(filename); romdata = new byte[(int)romfile.length()]; System.out.println("\nLoading cart '" + romfile.getName() + "', size:" + romfile.length() + "..."); try { is = new FileInputStream(romfile); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("File not found!"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); romdata = new byte[0x8000]; return; } loadCart(is, (int)romfile.length()); } /** * searches for the first acceptable file in a .zip * archive and sends it to loadCart */ public boolean loadZip(String filename) { File romfile; ZipEntry ze; ZipInputStream zis; romfile = new File(filename); System.out.println("\nLoading zip file '" + romfile.getName() + "'..."); try { zis = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(romfile)); while((ze = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { // or until out of files if(accept(null, ze.getName())) { System.out.println("Loading entry '" + ze.getName() + "', size : " + ze.getSize() + "..."); break; } } loadCart(zis, (int) ze.getSize()); return true; } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("File not found!"); System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * loads a cartridge from the InputStream it is given */ public void loadCart(InputStream is, int length) { try { romdata = new byte[length]; int nRead, count = 0; while((length > 0) && ((nRead =, count, length)) != -1)) { count += nRead; length -= nRead; } is.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("File read error:"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("rom byte: " + Integer.toHexString(romdata[0x0148]) + ", banks: " + getRomBanks()); System.out.println("ram byte: " + Integer.toHexString(romdata[0x0149]) + ", banks: " + getRamBanks()); System.out.println("type byte: " + Integer.toHexString(romdata[0x0147]) + " (" + getTypeString() + ")" + ", SGB features: " + Integer.toHexString(romdata[0x146] & 0xFF) + " (" + getSgb() + "), GBC features: " + Integer.toHexString(romdata[0x143] & 0xFF) + " (" + getGbc() + ")"); } /** * if there are any RAM banks, this allocates memory * for them and tries to load saved RAM from disk */ public void loadBattery(String filename) { InputStream is; File ramfile; String ramdesc; // create & load ram if(getRamBanks() > 0) { ramdata = new byte[0x2000 * getRamBanks()]; ramfile = new File(filename); ramdesc = "Looking for battery save... "; try { if(ramfile.exists()) { ramdesc += "loading... "; is = new FileInputStream(ramfile); loadBattery(is); ramdesc += "done."; } else { ramdesc += "not found."; } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } // print some ram info // System.out.println("ramdesc: "+ramdesc); } else { ramdata = new byte[0x2000]; } } /** * reads battery-backed RAM from an InputStream */ public void loadBattery(InputStream is) { try {; is.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("File read error:"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * if there is any battery-backed save RAM allocated, this * saves it to the disk, in the save directory specified * in the settings */ public void saveBattery(String romfilename) { if(!loaded() || getRamBanks() == 0) { return; } OutputStream os; File ramfile; ramfile = new File(romfilename.substring(0, romfilename.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".sav"); try { os = new FileOutputStream(ramfile); os.write(ramdata); os.close(); System.out.println("Saving ram to file... done."); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Saving ram to file... error!"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * tests if a file extension is in an acceptable format */ public boolean accept(File file, String filename) { return (filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gb") || filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gbc") || filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".cgb") || filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".sgb")); } }