package coloredlightscore.src.helper; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.util.Facing; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; import; import; public class CLWorldHelper { public static long[] lightUpdateBlockList = new long[32768]; //Copied from the world class in 1.7.2, modified from the source from 1.6.4, made the method STATIC //Added the parameter 'World world, ' and then replaces all instances of world, with WORLD public static int getBlockLightValue_do(World world, int x, int y, int z, boolean par4) { if (x >= -30000000 && z >= -30000000 && x < 30000000 && z < 30000000) { if (par4 && world.getBlock(x, y, z).getUseNeighborBrightness()) { // heaton84 - should be world.getBlockLightValue_do, // switched to CLWorldHelper.getBlockLightValue_do // This will save an extra invoke int l1 = CLWorldHelper.getBlockLightValue_do(world, x, y + 1, z, false); int l = CLWorldHelper.getBlockLightValue_do(world, x + 1, y, z, false); int i1 = CLWorldHelper.getBlockLightValue_do(world, x - 1, y, z, false); int j1 = CLWorldHelper.getBlockLightValue_do(world, x, y, z + 1, false); int k1 = CLWorldHelper.getBlockLightValue_do(world, x, y, z - 1, false); if ((l & 15) > (l1 & 15)) { l1 = l; } if ((i1 & 15) > (l1 & 15)) { l1 = i1; } if ((j1 & 15) > (l1 & 15)) { l1 = j1; } if ((k1 & 15) > (l1 & 15)) { l1 = k1; } return l1; } else if (y < 0) { return 0; } else { if (y >= 256) { y = 255; } //int cx = x >> 4; //int cz = z >> 4; Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x >> 4, z >> 4); x &= 15; z &= 15; //"NEWTEST %s,%s:%s", cx, cz, Integer.toBinaryString(chunk.getBlockLightValue(0, 0, 0, 15))); return chunk.getBlockLightValue(x, y, z, world.skylightSubtracted); } } else { return 15; } } //Hands back the uncolored expected value. @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static int getLightBrightnessForSkyBlocks(World world, int x, int y, int z, int lightValue) { int skyBrightness = world.getSkyBlockTypeBrightness(EnumSkyBlock.Sky, x, y, z) & 15; int blockBrightness = world.getSkyBlockTypeBrightness(EnumSkyBlock.Block, x, y, z) & 15; if (blockBrightness < lightValue) { blockBrightness = lightValue; } return skyBrightness << 20 | blockBrightness << 4; } //Copied from the world class in 1.7.2, modified from the source from 1.6.4, made the method STATIC //Refactored variable names to match the method from the 1.6.4 source place cursor over variable and (Alt + Shift + r) //Added the parameter 'World world, ' and then replaces all instances of world, with WORLD //Use this one if you want color @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static int getLightBrightnessForSkyBlocksWithColor(World world, int x, int y, int z, int lightValue) { int skyBrightness = world.getSkyBlockTypeBrightness(EnumSkyBlock.Sky, x, y, z); int blockBrightness = world.getSkyBlockTypeBrightness(EnumSkyBlock.Block, x, y, z); lightValue = ((lightValue & 15) | ((lightValue & 480) >> 1) | ((lightValue & 15360) >> 2) | ((lightValue & 491520) >> 3)); blockBrightness = ((blockBrightness & 15) | ((blockBrightness & 480) >> 1) | ((blockBrightness & 15360) >> 2) | ((blockBrightness & 491520) >> 3)); if (blockBrightness < lightValue) { blockBrightness = lightValue; } return skyBrightness << 20 | blockBrightness << 4; } //getBrightness(x,y,z) appears to be missing... not sure what's up there //Copied from the world class in 1.7.2, modified from the source from 1.6.4, made the method STATIC //Added the parameter 'World world, ' and then replaces all instances of world, with WORLD public static float getLightBrightness(World world, int par1, int par2, int par3) { return world.provider.lightBrightnessTable[world.getBlockLightValue(par1, par2, par3) & 15]; } //Copied from the world class in 1.7.2, modified from the source from 1.6.4, made the method STATIC, made it PUBLIC //Added the parameter 'World world, ' and then replaces all instances of 'this', with world public static int computeLightValue(World world, int x, int y, int z, EnumSkyBlock par4EnumSkyBlock) { if (par4EnumSkyBlock == EnumSkyBlock.Sky && world.canBlockSeeTheSky(x, y, z)) { return 15; } else { Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z); int blockLight = (block == null ? 0 : block.getLightValue(world, x, y, z)); int currentLight = par4EnumSkyBlock == EnumSkyBlock.Sky ? 0 : blockLight; int opacity = (block == null ? 0 : block.getLightOpacity(world, x, y, z)); if (opacity >= 15 && blockLight > 0) { opacity = 1; } if (opacity < 1) { opacity = 1; } if (opacity >= 15) { return 0; } // else if ((currentLight&15) >= 14) { // return currentLight; // } else { for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < 6; ++faceIndex) { int l1 = x + Facing.offsetsXForSide[faceIndex]; int i2 = y + Facing.offsetsYForSide[faceIndex]; int j2 = z + Facing.offsetsZForSide[faceIndex]; int neighboorLight = world.getSavedLightValue(par4EnumSkyBlock, l1, i2, j2); int ll = neighboorLight & 15; int rl = neighboorLight & 480; int gl = neighboorLight & 15360; int bl = neighboorLight & 491520; ll -= opacity; rl -= 32 * opacity; gl -= 1024 * opacity; bl -= 32768 * opacity; if (ll > (currentLight & 15)) { currentLight = (currentLight & 507360) | ll; } if (rl > (currentLight & 480)) { currentLight = (currentLight & 506895) | rl; } if (gl > (currentLight & 15360)) { currentLight = (currentLight & 492015) | gl; } if (bl > (currentLight & 491520)) { currentLight = (currentLight & 15855) | bl; } } return currentLight; } } } //Copied from the world class in 1.7.2, modified from the source from 1.6.4, made the method STATIC //Added the parameter 'World world, ' and then replaces all instances of world, with WORLD /* public static boolean updateLightByType(World world, EnumSkyBlock par1Enu, int x, int y, int z) { // This method is different than 1.6.4 // Once it is updated, uncomment the last string in TransformWorld.methodsToReplace if (!world.doChunksNearChunkExist(x, y, z, 17)) { return false; } else { int l = 0; int i1 = 0; world.theProfiler.startSection("getBrightness"); int savedLightValue = world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x, y, z); int computedLightValue = CLWorldHelper.computeLightValue(world, x, y, z, par1Enu); long l1; int x1; int y1; int z1; int lightEntry; int expectedEntryLight; int x2; int z2; int y2; // Format of lightUpdateBlockList word: // rrrr.gggg.bbbb.LLLLzzzzzzyyyyyyxxxxxx // x/y/z are relative offsets if ((computedLightValue&15) > (savedLightValue&15)) { // Do nothing here, let the computed light take over CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = 133152; // x=32-32=0 y=32-32=0 z=32-32=0, no light value. It's a blank value. } else if (computedLightValue < savedLightValue) { CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = 133152 | savedLightValue << 18; // Store saved light value at rel(0,0,0) while (l < i1) { l1 = CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[l++]; x1 = (int)((l1 & 63) - 32 + x); y1 = (int)((l1 >> 6 & 63) - 32 + y); z1 = (int)((l1 >> 12 & 63) - 32 + z); lightEntry = (int)(l1 >> 18); expectedEntryLight = world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1); if ((expectedEntryLight&15) == (lightEntry&15)) { world.setLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1, 0); if ((lightEntry&15) > 0) { x2 = MathHelper.abs_int(x1 - x); y2 = MathHelper.abs_int(y1 - y); z2 = MathHelper.abs_int(z1 - z); if (x2 + y2 + z2 < 17) { // Calculate light values for all surrounding blocks for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < 6; ++faceIndex) { int xFace = x1 + Facing.offsetsXForSide[faceIndex]; int yFace = y1 + Facing.offsetsYForSide[faceIndex]; int zFace = z1 + Facing.offsetsZForSide[faceIndex]; int opacity = Math.max(1, world.getBlock(xFace, yFace, zFace).getLightOpacity(world, xFace, yFace, zFace)); expectedEntryLight = world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, xFace, yFace, zFace); // heaton84 - RGB components are not needed here. See how lightEntry is set above. int ll = lightEntry&15; int rl = lightEntry&480; int gl = lightEntry&15360; int bl = lightEntry&491520; ll-=opacity; rl-=32*opacity; gl-=1024*opacity; bl-=32768*opacity; if ((expectedEntryLight&15) == ll && i1 < CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList.length) { CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = xFace - x + 32 | yFace - y + 32 << 6 | zFace - z + 32 << 12 | (ll | rl | gl | bl) << 18; //CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = xFace - x + 32 | yFace - y + 32 << 6 | zFace - z + 32 << 12 | ll << 18; } } } } } } l = 0; } world.theProfiler.endSection(); world.theProfiler.startSection("checkedPosition < toCheckCount"); while (l < i1) { l1 = CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[l++]; x1 = (int)((l1 & 63) - 32 + x); y1 = (int)((l1 >> 6 & 63) - 32 + y); z1 = (int)((l1 >> 12 & 63) - 32 + z); lightEntry = world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1); expectedEntryLight = CLWorldHelper.computeLightValue(world, x1, y1, z1, par1Enu); if (expectedEntryLight != lightEntry) { int tempStorageLightValue = lightEntry; if((expectedEntryLight&15) > (lightEntry&15)) tempStorageLightValue = tempStorageLightValue&507360 | expectedEntryLight&15; if((expectedEntryLight&480) > (lightEntry&480)) tempStorageLightValue = tempStorageLightValue&506895 | expectedEntryLight&480; if((expectedEntryLight&15360) > (lightEntry&15360)) tempStorageLightValue = tempStorageLightValue&492015 | expectedEntryLight&15360; if((expectedEntryLight&491520) > (lightEntry&491520)) tempStorageLightValue = tempStorageLightValue&15855 | expectedEntryLight&491520; //world.setLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1, expectedEntryLight); //if (expectedEntryLight > lightEntry) if ((((1048576|lightEntry) - expectedEntryLight)&541200) > 0) { world.setLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1, tempStorageLightValue); x2 = Math.abs(x1 - x); y2 = Math.abs(y1 - y); z2 = Math.abs(z1 - z); boolean flag = i1 < CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList.length - 6; if (x2 + y2 + z2 < 17 && flag) { //if (world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1 - 1, y1, z1) < expectedEntryLight) if ((((1048576|world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1 - 1, y1, z1))-expectedEntryLight)&541200) > 0) { CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - 1 - x + 32 + (y1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - z + 32 << 12); } //if (world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1 + 1, y1, z1) < expectedEntryLight) if ((((1048576|world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1 + 1, y1, z1))-expectedEntryLight)&541200) > 0) { CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 + 1 - x + 32 + (y1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - z + 32 << 12); } //if (world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1 - 1, z1) < expectedEntryLight) if ((((1048576|world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1 - 1, z1))-expectedEntryLight)&541200) > 0) { CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - x + 32 + (y1 - 1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - z + 32 << 12); } //if (world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1 + 1, z1) < expectedEntryLight) if ((((1048576|world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1 + 1, z1))-expectedEntryLight)&541200) > 0) { CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - x + 32 + (y1 + 1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - z + 32 << 12); } //if (world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1 - 1) < expectedEntryLight) if ((((1048576|world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1 - 1))-expectedEntryLight)&541200) > 0) { CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - x + 32 + (y1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - 1 - z + 32 << 12); } //if (world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1 + 1) < expectedEntryLight) if ((((1048576|world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1 + 1))-expectedEntryLight)&541200) > 0) { CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - x + 32 + (y1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 + 1 - z + 32 << 12); } } } } } world.theProfiler.endSection(); return true; } }*/ public static boolean updateLightByType(World world, EnumSkyBlock par1Enu, int x, int y, int z) { if (!world.doChunksNearChunkExist(x, y, z, 17)) { return false; } else { int l = 0; int i1 = 0; world.theProfiler.startSection("getBrightness"); int savedLightValue = world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x, y, z); int compLightValue = CLWorldHelper.computeLightValue(world, x, y, z, par1Enu); long l1; int x1; int y1; int z1; int lightEntry; int expectedEntryLight; int x2; int z2; int y2; // Format of lightUpdateBlockList word: // rrrr.gggg.bbbb.LLLLzzzzzzyyyyyyxxxxxx // x/y/z are relative offsets if (compLightValue > savedLightValue) { CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = 133152; //Save Entry at pos 0 (move i1) } else if (compLightValue < savedLightValue) { // Do nothing here, let the computed light take over CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = 133152 | savedLightValue << 18; //Save Entry at pos 0 with its Light Value (move i1) while (l < i1) { l1 = CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[l++]; //Get Entry at l, which starts at 0 x1 = ((int) (l1 & 63) - 32 + x); //Get Entry X coord y1 = ((int) (l1 >> 6 & 63) - 32 + y); //Get Entry Y coord z1 = ((int) (l1 >> 12 & 63) - 32 + z); //Get Entry Z coord lightEntry = (int) (l1 >>> 18) & 507375; //Get Entry's saved Light expectedEntryLight = world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1); //Get the saved Light Level at the entry's location if ((expectedEntryLight & 15) >= (lightEntry & 15)) { world.setLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1, 0); if (lightEntry > 0) { x2 = MathHelper.abs_int(x1 - x); y2 = MathHelper.abs_int(y1 - y); z2 = MathHelper.abs_int(z1 - z); if (x2 + y2 + z2 < 17) { for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < 6; ++faceIndex) { int xFace = x1 + Facing.offsetsXForSide[faceIndex]; int yFace = y1 + Facing.offsetsYForSide[faceIndex]; int zFace = z1 + Facing.offsetsZForSide[faceIndex]; int blockOpacity = world.getBlock(xFace, yFace, zFace).getLightOpacity(world, xFace, yFace, zFace); int opacity = Math.max(1, blockOpacity); //Get Saved light value from face expectedEntryLight = world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, xFace, yFace, zFace); int ll = lightEntry & 15; int rl = lightEntry & 480; int gl = lightEntry & 15360; int bl = lightEntry & 491520; ll -= opacity; rl -= 32 * opacity; gl -= 1024 * opacity; bl -= 32768 * opacity; if (((expectedEntryLight & 15) >= ll) && (i1 < CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList.length)) CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = xFace - x + 32 | (yFace - y + 32 << 6) | (zFace - z + 32 << 12) | ((ll | rl | gl | bl) << 18); } } } } } //reset l, so we can loop through all of the updates again! l = 0; } world.theProfiler.endSection(); world.theProfiler.startSection("checkedPosition < toCheckCount"); while (l < i1) { l1 = CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[l++]; //Get Entry and it's light value (if there is one) x1 = ((int) (l1 & 63) - 32 + x); //Get Entry X coord y1 = ((int) (l1 >> 6 & 63) - 32 + y); //Get Entry Y coord z1 = ((int) (l1 >> 12 & 63) - 32 + z); //Get Entry Z coord //Get the Saved Light at the Entry's Position lightEntry = world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1); //Compute the light level at the entry's location. If the light's have been set to zero before this occurs, //then the computation will change dynamically expectedEntryLight = CLWorldHelper.computeLightValue(world, x1, y1, z1, par1Enu); if (expectedEntryLight != lightEntry) { int tempStorageLightValue = lightEntry; if ((expectedEntryLight & 15) > (lightEntry & 15)) tempStorageLightValue = tempStorageLightValue & 507360 | expectedEntryLight & 15; if ((expectedEntryLight & 480) > (lightEntry & 480)) tempStorageLightValue = tempStorageLightValue & 506895 | expectedEntryLight & 480; if ((expectedEntryLight & 15360) > (lightEntry & 15360)) tempStorageLightValue = tempStorageLightValue & 492015 | expectedEntryLight & 15360; if ((expectedEntryLight & 491520) > (lightEntry & 491520)) tempStorageLightValue = tempStorageLightValue & 15855 | expectedEntryLight & 491520; if ((((1048576 | lightEntry) - expectedEntryLight) & 541200) > 0)//If the light entry is smaller { //Moved this here, from the lines above world.setLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1, tempStorageLightValue); x2 = Math.abs(x1 - x); y2 = Math.abs(y1 - y); z2 = Math.abs(z1 - z); boolean flag = i1 < CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList.length - 6; //What's with the minus 6? 6 Sides on cube? if (x2 + y2 + z2 < 17 && flag) { if ((((1048576 | world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1 - 1, y1, z1)) - expectedEntryLight) & 541200) > 0) CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - 1 - x + 32 + (y1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - z + 32 << 12); if ((((1048576 | world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1 + 1, y1, z1)) - expectedEntryLight) & 541200) > 0) CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 + 1 - x + 32 + (y1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - z + 32 << 12); if ((((1048576 | world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1 - 1, z1)) - expectedEntryLight) & 541200) > 0) CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - x + 32 + (y1 - 1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - z + 32 << 12); if ((((1048576 | world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1 + 1, z1)) - expectedEntryLight) & 541200) > 0) CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - x + 32 + (y1 + 1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - z + 32 << 12); if ((((1048576 | world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1 - 1)) - expectedEntryLight) & 541200) > 0) CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - x + 32 + (y1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 - 1 - z + 32 << 12); if ((((1048576 | world.getSavedLightValue(par1Enu, x1, y1, z1 + 1)) - expectedEntryLight) & 541200) > 0) CLWorldHelper.lightUpdateBlockList[i1++] = x1 - x + 32 + (y1 - y + 32 << 6) + (z1 + 1 - z + 32 << 12); } } } } world.theProfiler.endSection(); return true; } } }