package coloredlightscore.src.asm.transformer.core; import coloredlightscore.src.asm.ColoredLightsCoreLoadingPlugin; import; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.deobf.FMLDeobfuscatingRemapper; import net.minecraft.launchwrapper.IClassNameTransformer; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.*; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import static coloredlightscore.src.asm.ColoredLightsCoreDummyContainer.CLLog; import static coloredlightscore.src.asm.ColoredLightsCoreLoadingPlugin.CLASSLOADER; import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE; @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") public final class ASMUtils { private ASMUtils() { } public static String deobfuscate(String className, FieldNode field) { return deobfuscateField(className,, field.desc); } public static String deobfuscateField(String className, String fieldName, String desc) { return FMLDeobfuscatingRemapper.INSTANCE.mapFieldName(className, fieldName, desc); } public static String deobfuscate(String className, MethodNode method) { return deobfuscateMethod(className,, method.desc); } public static String deobfuscateMethod(String className, String methodName, String desc) { return FMLDeobfuscatingRemapper.INSTANCE.mapMethodName(className, methodName, desc); } public static String getFieldDescriptor(ClassNode clazz, String fieldName) { for (FieldNode field : clazz.fields) { if ( { return field.desc; } } return null; } public static boolean useMcpNames() { return ColoredLightsCoreLoadingPlugin.MCP_ENVIRONMENT; } public static AbstractInsnNode findLastReturn(MethodNode method) { int searchFor = Type.getReturnType(method.desc).getOpcode(Opcodes.IRETURN); return ASMUtils.findLastOpcode(method, searchFor); } public static AbstractInsnNode findLastOpcode(MethodNode method, int opcode) { AbstractInsnNode found = null; for (int i = 0; i < method.instructions.size(); i++) { AbstractInsnNode insn = method.instructions.get(i); if (insn.getOpcode() == opcode) { found = insn; } } return found; } /** * Finds last occurance of LDC <ldcArgument> * * @param method Method to search * @param ldcArgument String literal to be found * @return LdcInsnNode instance when found, null if not found */ public static LdcInsnNode findLastLDC(MethodNode method, String ldcArgument) { LdcInsnNode found = null; LdcInsnNode candidate; for (int i = 0; i < method.instructions.size(); i++) { AbstractInsnNode insn = method.instructions.get(i); if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.LDC) { candidate = (LdcInsnNode) insn; if (ldcArgument.equals(candidate.cst)) found = candidate; } } return found; } public static MethodInsnNode findLastInvoke(MethodNode method, int opcode, String className, String methodNameAndDescriptor, boolean dumpCandidates) { MethodInsnNode found = null; MethodInsnNode candidate; String obfClass = NameMapper.getInstance().getClassName(className); String obfName = NameMapper.getInstance().getMethodName(className, methodNameAndDescriptor); String obfDesc = NameMapper.getInstance().getMethodDescriptor(className, methodNameAndDescriptor); for (int i = 0; i < method.instructions.size(); i++) { AbstractInsnNode insn = method.instructions.get(i); if (insn.getOpcode() == opcode) { candidate = (MethodInsnNode) insn; if (dumpCandidates) { CLLog.debug(String.format(" findLastInvoke@%s is %s/%s %s, looking for [%s|%s]/%s %s", i, candidate.owner,, candidate.desc, className, obfClass, obfName, obfDesc)); } if ((candidate.owner.equals(obfClass) | candidate.owner.equals(className)) && && candidate.desc.equals(obfDesc)) found = candidate; } } return found; } public static String makeNameInternal(String name) { return name.replace('.', '/'); } public static String undoInternalName(String name) { return name.replace('/', '.'); } public static MethodInsnNode generateMethodCall(Method method) { int opcode = Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) ? Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC : Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL; return new MethodInsnNode(opcode, Type.getInternalName(method.getDeclaringClass()), method.getName(), Type.getMethodDescriptor(method)); } public static MethodNode generateSetterMethod(String targetClass, String setterMethodName, String fieldName, String fieldTypeDescriptor) { return generateSetterMethod(targetClass, setterMethodName, fieldName, fieldTypeDescriptor, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC); } public static MethodNode generateSetterMethod(String targetClass, String setterMethodName, String fieldName, String fieldTypeDescriptor, int methodAccess) { Type fieldType = Type.getType(fieldTypeDescriptor); MethodNode setter = new MethodNode(); = setterMethodName; setter.desc = String.format("(%s)V", fieldTypeDescriptor); setter.exceptions = new ArrayList<>(); setter.access = methodAccess; setter.instructions.add(new VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)); // store [this] setter.instructions.add(new VarInsnNode(fieldType.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), 1)); // store argument setter.instructions.add(new FieldInsnNode(Opcodes.PUTFIELD, targetClass, fieldName, fieldTypeDescriptor)); setter.instructions.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.RETURN)); return setter; } public static MethodNode generateGetterMethod(String targetClass, String setterMethodName, String fieldName, String fieldTypeDescriptor) { return generateGetterMethod(targetClass, setterMethodName, fieldName, fieldTypeDescriptor, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC); } public static MethodNode generateGetterMethod(String targetClass, String setterMethodName, String fieldName, String fieldTypeDescriptor, int methodAccess) { Type fieldType = Type.getType(fieldTypeDescriptor); MethodNode getter = new MethodNode(); = setterMethodName; getter.desc = String.format("()%s", fieldTypeDescriptor); getter.exceptions = new ArrayList<>(); getter.access = methodAccess; getter.instructions.add(new VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)); // store [this] getter.instructions.add(new FieldInsnNode(Opcodes.GETFIELD, targetClass, fieldName, fieldTypeDescriptor)); getter.instructions.add(new InsnNode(fieldType.getOpcode(Opcodes.IRETURN))); return getter; } public static ClassNode getClassNode(byte[] bytes) { ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(bytes); ClassNode clazz = new ClassNode(); reader.accept(clazz, 0); return clazz; } private static IClassNameTransformer nameTransformer; public static IClassNameTransformer getClassNameTransformer() { boolean nameTransChecked = false; if (!nameTransChecked) { Iterable<IClassNameTransformer> nameTransformers = Iterables.filter(ColoredLightsCoreLoadingPlugin.CLASSLOADER.getTransformers(), IClassNameTransformer.class); nameTransformer = Iterables.getOnlyElement(nameTransformers, null); } return nameTransformer; } public static String deobfuscateClass(String obfName) { IClassNameTransformer t = getClassNameTransformer(); return ASMUtils.makeNameInternal(t == null ? obfName : t.remapClassName(obfName)); } public static String obfuscateClass(String deobfName) { IClassNameTransformer t = getClassNameTransformer(); return ASMUtils.makeNameInternal(t == null ? deobfName : t.unmapClassName(deobfName)); } public static ClassNode getClassNode(String name) { try { return getClassNode(ColoredLightsCoreLoadingPlugin.CLASSLOADER.getClassBytes(obfuscateClass(name))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static AnnotationNode getAnnotation(FieldNode field, Class<? extends Annotation> ann) { return getAnnotation(JavaUtils.concatNullable(field.visibleAnnotations, field.invisibleAnnotations), ann); } public static AnnotationNode getAnnotation(ClassNode clazz, Class<? extends Annotation> ann) { return getAnnotation(JavaUtils.concatNullable(clazz.visibleAnnotations, clazz.invisibleAnnotations), ann); } public static AnnotationNode getAnnotation(MethodNode method, Class<? extends Annotation> ann) { return getAnnotation(JavaUtils.concatNullable(method.visibleAnnotations, method.invisibleAnnotations), ann); } public static AnnotationNode getAnnotation(Iterable<AnnotationNode> annotations, Class<? extends Annotation> ann) { String desc = Type.getDescriptor(ann); for (AnnotationNode node : annotations) { if (node.desc.equals(desc)) { return node; } } return null; } public static boolean hasAnnotation(FieldNode field, Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { return getAnnotation(field, annotation) != null; } public static boolean hasAnnotation(ClassNode clazz, Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { return getAnnotation(clazz, annotation) != null; } public static boolean hasAnnotation(MethodNode method, Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { return getAnnotation(method, annotation) != null; } public static boolean isPrimitive(Type type) { return type.getSort() != Type.ARRAY && type.getSort() != Type.OBJECT && type.getSort() != Type.METHOD; } public static ClassInfo getClassInfo(Class<?> clazz) { return new ClassInfoFromClazz(clazz); } public static ClassInfo getClassInfo(ClassNode clazz) { return new ClassInfoFromNode(clazz); } public static ClassInfo getClassInfo(String className) { try { // 03-05-2014 heaton84 - Fixed NullPointerException byte[] bytes = null; try { bytes = CLASSLOADER.getClassBytes(className); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { npe.printStackTrace(); } if (bytes != null) { return new ClassInfoFromNode(ASMUtils.getClassNode(bytes)); } else { // heaton84: This is a no-no. Class.forName is a minefield during class transformation return null; //return new ClassInfoFromClazz(Class.forName(ASMUtils.undoInternalName(className))); } } catch (Exception e) { throw JavaUtils.throwUnchecked(e); } } public static interface ClassInfo { Collection<String> interfaces(); String superName(); String internalName(); boolean isInterface(); } private static final class ClassInfoFromClazz implements ClassInfo { private final Class<?> clazz; private final Collection<String> interfaces; ClassInfoFromClazz(Class<?> clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; interfaces = Collections2.transform(Arrays.asList(clazz.getInterfaces()), ClassToNameFunc.INSTANCE); } @Override public Collection<String> interfaces() { return interfaces; } @Override public String superName() { Class<?> s = clazz.getSuperclass(); return s == null ? null : ASMUtils.makeNameInternal(s.getCanonicalName()); } @Override public String internalName() { return ASMUtils.makeNameInternal(clazz.getCanonicalName()); } @Override public boolean isInterface() { return clazz.isInterface(); } } private static final class ClassInfoFromNode implements ClassInfo { private final ClassNode clazz; ClassInfoFromNode(ClassNode clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; } @Override public Collection<String> interfaces() { return clazz.interfaces; } @Override public String superName() { return clazz.superName; } @Override public String internalName() { return; } @Override public boolean isInterface() { return (clazz.access & ACC_INTERFACE) == ACC_INTERFACE; } } private static enum ClassToNameFunc implements Function<Class<?>, String> { INSTANCE; @Override public String apply(Class<?> input) { return ASMUtils.makeNameInternal(input.getCanonicalName()); } } public static boolean isAssignableFrom(ClassInfo parent, ClassInfo child) { return parent.internalName().equals(child.internalName()) || parent.internalName().equals(child.superName()) || child.interfaces().contains(parent.internalName()) || child.superName() != null && !child.superName().equals("java/lang/Object") && isAssignableFrom(parent, getClassInfo(child.superName())); } /** * Given a type, returns the java keyword for it. Used to assemble * exception messages by the Transformer classes (I expected "int blah(float blah)"). * Not tested on arrays. * * @param type * @return */ public static String getTypeKeyword(Type type) { // Surely there must be a better way... // Also not sure how this reacts with arrays... if (type == Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE) return "boolean"; if (type == Type.BYTE_TYPE) return "byte"; if (type == Type.CHAR_TYPE) return "char"; if (type == Type.DOUBLE_TYPE) return "double"; if (type == Type.FLOAT_TYPE) return "float"; if (type == Type.INT_TYPE) return "int"; if (type == Type.LONG_TYPE) return "long"; if (type == Type.SHORT_TYPE) return "short"; if (type == Type.VOID_TYPE) return "void"; String internalName = type.getInternalName(); int lastSlash = internalName.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlash > -1) return internalName.substring(lastSlash + 1); else return internalName; } /** * Tests for the presence of a method with the given name and descriptor in a target * class. If the method is not found, throws an IllegalArgumentException. * * @param className The name of the class to search * @param methodName The name of the method to look for * @param methodDescriptor The descriptor of the method to look for * @throws IOException When the class cannot be found as named * @throws IllegalArgumentException When the method is not found * @author heaton84 */ public static void assertClassContainsHelperMethod(String className, String methodName, String methodDescriptor) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { String classPath = "/" + ASMUtils.makeNameInternal(className) + ".class"; ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(ASMUtils.class.getResourceAsStream(classPath)); ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode(); boolean foundStatic = false; boolean foundNonstatic = false; classReader.accept(classNode, 0); for (MethodNode m : classNode.methods) { if ( && m.desc.equals(methodDescriptor)) { // Better make sure it's a static if ((m.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) == Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) foundStatic = true; else foundNonstatic = true; } } if (!foundStatic) { String exceptionMessage; String plainTextDescriptor; Type expectedReturnType = Type.getReturnType(methodDescriptor); Type[] expectedArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(methodDescriptor); int argNum; // Turn methodDescriptor (III)Z into plaintext boolean funcname(int, int, int) plainTextDescriptor = String.format("%s %s(", ASMUtils.getTypeKeyword(expectedReturnType), methodName); for (argNum = 0; argNum < expectedArgs.length; argNum++) { if (argNum > 0 && argNum <= expectedArgs.length - 1) plainTextDescriptor += ", "; plainTextDescriptor += ASMUtils.getTypeKeyword(expectedArgs[argNum]); // getClassNameFromInternalName(expectedArgs[argNum].getInternalName()); } if (foundNonstatic) exceptionMessage = String.format("Missing STATIC modifier on helper method %s.%s %s!", className, methodName, methodDescriptor); else exceptionMessage = String.format("Unable to locate helper method \"static %s)\" in class %s!", plainTextDescriptor, className); throw new IllegalArgumentException(exceptionMessage); } } }