package coloredlightscore.src.asm.transformer.core; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.*; import; public abstract class HelperMethodTransformer extends MethodTransformer { protected String className; protected String classNameDeobfuscated; /** * When set, this class will check for the existance of the proper target function. * This is useful during development to help narrow down programming errors that would * otherwise crash the game. Set to false on release. */ public boolean checkForHelperFunction = true; public HelperMethodTransformer(String className) { this.className = className; this.classNameDeobfuscated = NameMapper.getInstance().getClassName(className).replace('/', '.'); checkForHelperFunction = !NameMapper.getInstance().isObfuscated(); } protected abstract Class<?> getHelperClass(); @Override protected boolean transforms(String className) { return className.equals(this.classNameDeobfuscated) || className.equals(this.className); } /** * Replaces the entire target method with a single call to the helper method. This is the more * invasive method of transformation, and should only be used when addReturnMethod is not an * option! * <p/> * Method Descriptor Details: For TargetMethod(args...), HelperMethod must be HelperMethod(targetClass, args...), and MUST MATCH IN RETURN TYPE. * targetClass is the instance of the targetClass that targetMethod is running under. * * @param clazz Reference of the class to transform * @param targetMethod Reference of the method to transform * @param helperMethod The name of the method in the helper class to invoke. See description for Descriptor details. * @return * @author heaton84 */ protected final boolean redefineMethod(ClassNode clazz, MethodNode targetMethod, String helperMethod) { Type targetMethodReturnType = Type.getReturnType(targetMethod.desc); InsnList staticInvoke = generateHelperInvoke(clazz, targetMethod, helperMethod, false); int returnOpcode = targetMethodReturnType.getOpcode(Opcodes.IRETURN); staticInvoke.add(new InsnNode(returnOpcode)); // Turns out this bit is important, otherwise we could step on the existing LVT targetMethod.localVariables.clear(); targetMethod.instructions.clear(); targetMethod.instructions.add(staticInvoke); return true; } /** * Replaces the return statement of the target method with an invokation to the helper method. * This is the preferred method of transformation, but is very simplistic. * <p/> * Method Descriptor Details: For TargetMethod(args...), HelperMethod must be HelperMethod(retVar, targetClass, args...), and MUST MATCH IN RETURN TYPE. * retVar will be the value that *would* have been returned by the target method. * targetClass is the instance of the targetClass that targetMethod is running under. * * @param clazz * @param targetMethod * @param helperMethod The name of the method in the helper class to invoke. Refer to method documentation for proper Descriptor! * @return * @author heaton84 */ protected final boolean addReturnMethod(ClassNode clazz, MethodNode targetMethod, String helperMethod) { // NOTE new helper sig: helper(ret, ref, args) for target(args) InsnList staticInvoke = generateHelperInvoke(clazz, targetMethod, helperMethod, true); // NOTE: This logic assumes that there is only ONE return instruction in the method! targetMethod.instructions.insertBefore(ASMUtils.findLastReturn(targetMethod), staticInvoke); return true; } protected InsnList generateHelperInvoke(ClassNode targetClass, MethodNode targetMethod, String helperMethod, boolean includeReturnVarAsParam) { InsnList staticInvoke = new InsnList(); Type targetClassType = Type.getType(; Type helperClassType = Type.getType(getHelperClass()); Type[] args = Type.getArgumentTypes(targetMethod.desc); int argIndex; String helperMethodDescriptor; if (helperMethod.indexOf(' ') > -1) helperMethod = helperMethod.substring(0, helperMethod.indexOf(' ')); // Prepare helperMethodDescriptor // Refer to add...Method documentation for proper method Descriptors of helper methods (or just read the comments below) if (includeReturnVarAsParam) { // Descriptor should be: // Param 0 <Type targetMethodReturnType> - What target method was about to return // Param 1 <Type targetClass> - The instance of the target class // Param 2..n - All parameters that were passed to targetMethod helperMethodDescriptor = String.format("(L%s;L%s;%s", Type.getReturnType(targetMethod.desc).getInternalName(), targetClassType.getInternalName(), targetMethod.desc.substring(1)); // Omit leading '(' as we just redefined it } else { // Descriptor should be: // Param 0 <Type targetClass> - The instance of the target class // Param 1..n - All parameters that were passed to targetMethod helperMethodDescriptor = String.format("(L%s;%s", targetClassType.getInternalName(), targetMethod.desc.substring(1)); // Omit leading '(' as we just redefined it } if (checkForHelperFunction) { // Debugging trap to assert that the helper function exists with // the correct method descriptor try { ASMUtils.assertClassContainsHelperMethod(getHelperClass().getName(), helperMethod, helperMethodDescriptor); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // Push reference to target class onto stack : aload_0 [this] staticInvoke.add(new VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)); // Push all calling arguments from target method onto stack for (argIndex = 0; argIndex < args.length; argIndex++) { int LoadOpCode = args[argIndex].getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD); staticInvoke.add(new VarInsnNode(LoadOpCode, argIndex + 1)); } // Now prepare a call to a static method (did I mention the helper method should be static?) MethodInsnNode invokestatic = new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, helperClassType.getInternalName(), // target class of invoke helperMethod, // target method of invoke helperMethodDescriptor); // target Descriptor of invoke staticInvoke.add(invokestatic); return staticInvoke; } }