package org.osm2world.viewer.view.debug; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import java.awt.Color; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.osm2world.core.ConversionFacade.Results; import; import org.osm2world.core.map_elevation.creation.TerrainElevationData; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXYZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * contains some common methods for debug views */ public abstract class DebugView { protected Configuration config; protected MapData map; protected TerrainElevationData eleData; protected Camera camera; protected Projection projection; // camera attributes that are used to detect changes private VectorXYZ cameraPos; private VectorXYZ cameraUp; private VectorXYZ cameraLookAt; private JOGLTarget target = null; private boolean targetNeedsReset; public final void setConfiguration(Configuration config) { this.config = config; if (target != null) { target.setConfiguration(config); targetNeedsReset = true; } } public void reset() { if (target != null) { target.freeResources(); target = null; } } public void setConversionResults(Results conversionResults) { = conversionResults.getMapData(); this.eleData = conversionResults.getEleData(); targetNeedsReset = true; } /** * returns true if this DebugView can currently be used for rendering. * By default, this checks whether all the setters have been used with * non-null values, but subclasses can overwrite it with their own checks. */ public boolean canBeUsed() { return map != null && eleData != null; } /** * returns a description of the debug view */ public String getDescription() { return ""; } /** * renders the content added by {@link #fillTarget(JOGLTarget)}. * Only has an effect if {@link #canBeUsed()} is true. * * @param gl needs to be the same gl as in previous calls */ public void renderTo(GL gl, Camera camera, Projection projection) { if (canBeUsed() && camera != null && projection != null) { if (target == null) { if ("shader".equals(config.getString("joglImplementation"))) { target = new JOGLTargetShader(gl.getGL3(), new JOGLRenderingParameters(), null); } else { target = new JOGLTargetFixedFunction(gl.getGL2(), new JOGLRenderingParameters(), null); } target.setConfiguration(config); } else if (targetNeedsReset){ target.reset(); } targetNeedsReset = false; boolean viewChanged = !camera.getPos().equals(this.cameraPos) || !camera.getUp().equals(this.cameraUp) || !camera.getLookAt().equals(this.cameraLookAt) || !projection.equals(this.projection); = camera; this.cameraPos = camera.getPos(); this.cameraUp = camera.getUp(); this.cameraLookAt = camera.getLookAt(); this.projection = projection; if (!target.isFinished()) { fillTarget(target); target.finish(); } else { updateTarget(target, viewChanged); target.finish(); } target.render(camera, projection); } } /** * lets the subclass add all content and settings for rendering. * Will only be called if {@link #canBeUsed()} is true. */ protected abstract void fillTarget(JOGLTarget target); /** * lets the subclass update the target after the initial * {@link #fillTarget(JOGLTarget)}. * * @param viewChanged true if camera or projection have changed */ protected void updateTarget(JOGLTarget target, boolean viewChanged) {}; protected static final void drawBoxAround(JOGLTarget target, VectorXZ center, Color color, float halfWidth) { drawBoxAround(target,, color, halfWidth); } protected static final void drawBoxAround(JOGLTarget target, VectorXYZ center, Color color, float halfWidth) { drawBox(target, color, new VectorXYZ(center.x - halfWidth, center.y, center.z - halfWidth), new VectorXYZ(center.x - halfWidth, center.y, center.z + halfWidth), new VectorXYZ(center.x + halfWidth, center.y, center.z + halfWidth), new VectorXYZ(center.x + halfWidth, center.y, center.z - halfWidth)); } protected static final void drawBox(JOGLTarget target, Color color, VectorXYZ v1, VectorXYZ v2, VectorXYZ v3, VectorXYZ v4) { target.drawLineLoop(color, 1, asList(v1, v2, v3, v4)); } protected static final void drawArrow(JOGLTarget target, Color color, float headLength, VectorXYZ... vs) { target.drawLineStrip(color, 1, vs); /* draw head */ VectorXYZ lastV =[vs.length-1]); VectorXYZ slastV =[vs.length-2]); VectorXYZ endDir = lastV.subtract(slastV).normalize(); VectorXYZ headStart = lastV.subtract(endDir.mult(headLength)); VectorXZ endDirXZ = endDir.xz(); if (endDirXZ.lengthSquared() < 0.01) { //(almost) vertical vector endDirXZ = VectorXZ.X_UNIT; } else { endDirXZ = endDirXZ.normalize(); } VectorXZ endNormalXZ = endDirXZ.rightNormal(); ImmutableMaterial colorMaterial = new ImmutableMaterial(Interpolation.FLAT, color); target.drawTriangleStrip(colorMaterial, asList( lastV, headStart.subtract(endDirXZ.mult(headLength/2)), headStart.add(endDirXZ.mult(headLength/2))), null); target.drawTriangleStrip(colorMaterial, asList( lastV, headStart.subtract(endNormalXZ.mult(headLength/2)), headStart.add(endNormalXZ.mult(headLength/2))), null); } }