package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXYZ; /** * a pair of variables for a linear program, * representing the elevation of a set of {@link EleConnector}s. */ public class LPVariablePair { private final List<EleConnector> connectors = new ArrayList<EleConnector>(2); /** * creates a variable pair for a first {@link EleConnector}. * Others may be added later. */ public LPVariablePair(EleConnector firstMember) { connectors.add(firstMember); } /** * returns all connectors currently in this set. * Must return the same object over the lifetime of this * {@link LPVariablePair} instance. */ public List<EleConnector> getConnectors() { return connectors; } /** * adds a connector to the set of {@link EleConnector}s whose elevation * is represented by this {@link LPVariablePair} */ public void add(EleConnector c) { if (!connectors.contains(c)) { connectors.add(c); } } /** * adds all connectors from another instance to this one */ public void addAll(LPVariablePair other) { connectors.addAll(other.getConnectors()); } /** * {@link EleConnector#setPosXYZ(VectorXYZ)} for all connectors in this set */ public void setPosXYZ(VectorXYZ posXYZ) { for (EleConnector c : connectors) { c.setPosXYZ(posXYZ); } } /** * {@link EleConnector#getPosXYZ()} for this set */ public VectorXYZ getPosXYZ() { return connectors.get(0).getPosXYZ(); } /** * {@link EleConnector#connectsTo(EleConnector)} for this set */ public boolean connectsTo(EleConnector other) { for (EleConnector c : connectors) { if (c.connectsTo(other)) return true; } return false; } /** * TODO document * @see #negVar() */ public Object posVar() { return this; } /** * TODO document * @see #posVar() */ public Object negVar() { return this.getConnectors(); } @Override public String toString() { return connectors.toString(); } }