package; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.List; import; /** * a material whose attributes can be configured at runtime. */ public class ConfMaterial extends Material { public ConfMaterial(Interpolation interpolation, Color color, float ambientFactor, float diffuseFactor, float specularFactor, int shininess, Transparency transparency, Shadow shadow, AmbientOcclusion ao, List<TextureData> textureDataList) { super(interpolation, color, ambientFactor, diffuseFactor, specularFactor, shininess, transparency, shadow, ao, textureDataList); } public ConfMaterial(Interpolation interpolation, Color color, float ambientFactor, float diffuseFactor, Transparency transparency, List<TextureData> textureDataList) { super(interpolation, color, ambientFactor, diffuseFactor, 0.0f, 1, transparency, Shadow.TRUE, AmbientOcclusion.TRUE, textureDataList); } public ConfMaterial(Interpolation interpolation, Color color, Transparency transparency, List<TextureData> textureDataList) { super(interpolation, color, transparency, textureDataList); } public ConfMaterial(Interpolation interpolation, Color color) { super(interpolation, color); } public void setInterpolation(Interpolation interpolation) { this.interpolation = interpolation; } public void setColor(Color color) { this.color = color; } public void setAmbientFactor(float ambientFactor) { this.ambientFactor = ambientFactor; } public void setDiffuseFactor(float diffuseFactor) { this.diffuseFactor = diffuseFactor; } public void setSpecularFactor(float specularFactor) { this.specularFactor = specularFactor; } public void setShininess(int shininess) { this.shininess = shininess; } public void setTransparency(Transparency transparency) { this.transparency = transparency; } public void setShadow(Shadow shadow) { this.shadow = shadow; } public void setAmbientOcclusion(AmbientOcclusion ao) { this.ambientOcclusion = ao; } public void setTextureDataList(List<TextureData> textureDataList) { this.textureDataList = textureDataList; this.updateBumpMap(); } /* * unlike ImmutableMaterial, this has no equals method. * It should not equal another material just because that one currently (!) * has the same visual parameters. */ }