package org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.osm2world.core.math.GeometryUtil; import org.osm2world.core.math.InvalidGeometryException; import org.osm2world.core.math.LineSegmentXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.SimplePolygonXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.TriangleXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; public final class EarClippingTriangulationUtil { private EarClippingTriangulationUtil() { } /** * triangulates a two-dimensional polygon * by creating a simple polygon first * (integrating holes into the polygon outline), * then using Ear Clipping on that simple polygon. */ public static final List<TriangleXZ> triangulate( SimplePolygonXZ polygon, Collection<SimplePolygonXZ> holes) { /* * store the outline of the polygon; * additional vertices from holes and terrain will be integrated later. * Use LinkedList for insertion performance. */ List<VectorXZ> polygonOutline = new LinkedList<VectorXZ>(polygon.getVertexLoop()); /* integrate holes */ insertHolesInPolygonOutline(polygonOutline, holes); // if (simplify) { // * @param simplify if true, the polygon will be modified in a way // * that improves the robustness of the algorithm, // * but does not preserve the original shape entirely. // * This should be used if a first attempt to triangulate failed. // simplifyOutline(polygonOutline); // } /* triangulate */ if (polygonOutline.size() >= 3) { return triangulateSimplePolygon(polygonOutline); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } /** * inserts multiple holes into a polygon outline using * {@link #insertHoleInPolygonOutline(List, SimplePolygonXZ, List)} * * TODO: public for debugging purposes */ public static void insertHolesInPolygonOutline( List<VectorXZ> polygonOutline, Collection<SimplePolygonXZ> holes) { List<SimplePolygonXZ> remainingHoles = new LinkedList<SimplePolygonXZ>(holes); //It is possible that some holes block other holes' access to the outline. //However, at least one hole will be inserted during each loop execution. while (!remainingHoles.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator<SimplePolygonXZ> holeIt = remainingHoles.iterator(); holeIt.hasNext(); ) { SimplePolygonXZ hole = (SimplePolygonXZ); boolean success = insertHoleInPolygonOutline(polygonOutline, hole, remainingHoles); if (success) { holeIt.remove(); } } } } /** * @param polygonOutline polygon outline; will be modified directly to perform the insertion * @param hole hole to be inserted * @param holes all holes that haven't been integrated into the polygon yet, including 'hole' * @return true if inserting the hole was successful */ static final boolean insertHoleInPolygonOutline( List<VectorXZ> polygonOutline, SimplePolygonXZ hole, List<SimplePolygonXZ> holes) { int innerIndex; Integer outerIndex = null; List<VectorXZ> holeVertices = hole.getVertices(); for (innerIndex = 0; innerIndex < holeVertices.size(); innerIndex++) { outerIndex = findVisibleOutlineVertex(polygonOutline, holeVertices.get(innerIndex), holes); if (outerIndex != null) { break; } } if (outerIndex == null) { return false; } else { SimplePolygonXZ outerPolygon = new SimplePolygonXZ(new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(polygonOutline)); //TODO: avoid creating this every time polygonOutline.add(outerIndex+1, polygonOutline.get(outerIndex)); if (hole.isClockwise() ^ outerPolygon.isClockwise()) { polygonOutline.addAll(outerIndex+1, rearrangeOutline(hole.getVertexLoop(), innerIndex, false)); } else { polygonOutline.addAll(outerIndex+1, rearrangeOutline(hole.getVertexLoop(), innerIndex, true)); } return true; } } /** * rearranges a polygon outline. * * @param outline old polygon outline, will not be modified. * First and last vertex need to be identical. * @param newStart index of the new first/last outline vertex * @param invert determines whether the order of vertices is inverted * @return New polygon outline. * The new first and last vertex are identical. * */ static final List<VectorXZ> rearrangeOutline( List<VectorXZ> outline, int newStart, boolean invert) { List<VectorXZ> newOutline = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(outline.size()); boolean complete = false; boolean oldStartAdded = false; int currentIndex = newStart; while (!complete) { /* add vertex to new outline */ if (currentIndex == 0 || currentIndex == outline.size() - 1) { if (!oldStartAdded) {//remove original duplication of first/last node newOutline.add(outline.get(0)); oldStartAdded = true; } } else { newOutline.add(outline.get(currentIndex)); } /* shift current index */ if (!invert) { currentIndex += 1; if (currentIndex >= outline.size()) { currentIndex = 0; } } else { currentIndex -= 1; if (currentIndex < 0) { currentIndex = outline.size() - 1; } } if (currentIndex == newStart) { complete = true; } } newOutline.add(outline.get(newStart)); return newOutline; } static final void insertVertexInPolygonOutline( List<VectorXZ> polygonOutline, VectorXZ point) { int index = findVisibleOutlineVertex(polygonOutline, point, Collections.<SimplePolygonXZ>emptyList()); polygonOutline.add(index+1, point); polygonOutline.add(index+2, polygonOutline.get(index)); } /** * finds a vertex in the polygon outline that is visible from a given point. * Visibility means that the connection between the point and the outline * vertex does not intersect the outline or any hole polygon. * * @return index of a vertex in the polygon outline * or null if none was found. * The method will always find an outline vertex * if there are no holes. */ static final Integer findVisibleOutlineVertex( List<VectorXZ> polygonOutline, VectorXZ point, Iterable<SimplePolygonXZ> holes) { // TODO (performance): replace primitive algorithm with more efficient one int outerIndex = -1; checkOuterVertex: for (VectorXZ outerVertex : polygonOutline) { outerIndex += 1; for (int i=0; i+1 < polygonOutline.size(); i++) { if (null != GeometryUtil.getTrueLineSegmentIntersection( point, outerVertex, polygonOutline.get(i), polygonOutline.get(i+1))) { continue checkOuterVertex; } } for (SimplePolygonXZ hole : holes) { if (hole.intersects(point, outerVertex)) { continue checkOuterVertex; } } return outerIndex; } return null; } /** * "simplifies" the outline by removing vertices that are (almost) * on a straight edge, or very close to each other, * because the triangulation method cannot handle these situations * - they produce zero-area polygons. * * Using this method <em>does</em> affect the result, especially if the * elevation data associated with the eliminated vertices isn't properly * represented by linear interpolation between the adjacent vertices. */ private static void simplifyOutline(List<VectorXZ> outline) { outline.remove(outline.size()-1); Set<Integer> removeIndizes = new HashSet<Integer>(); /* find vertices on straight lines */ for (int i = 0; i < outline.size(); i++) { if (GeometryUtil.distanceFromLineSegment( outline.get(i), new LineSegmentXZ(vertexBefore(outline, i), vertexAfter(outline, i))) < 0.001) { removeIndizes.add(i); } } // these didn't have a noticeable effect yet // // /* remove two vertices if they are very close and // * also close to each other's position in the sequence */ // // for (int i = 0; i < outline.size(); i++) { // if (VectorXZ.distance(outline.get(i), // vertexAfter(outline, i)) < 0.001) { // removeIndizes.add(i); // } // } // // for (int i = 0; i < outline.size(); i++) { // if (VectorXZ.distance(vertexBefore(outline, i), // vertexAfter(outline, i)) < 0.001) { // removeIndizes.add(indexBefore(outline, i)); // removeIndizes.add(i); // } // } /* actually remove the vertices */ for (int i = outline.size(); i >= 0; i--) { if (removeIndizes.contains(i)) { System.out.println("simplify removes vertex #" + i + " in outline: " + outline); outline.remove(i); } } /* restore the polygon loop property */ outline.add(outline.get(0)); } /** * Triangulates a simple polygon using Ear Clipping. * The implementation is based on the paper * "Triangulation by Ear Clipping" by David Eberly. * * @param outline outline of the polygon to triangulate; * can be arbitrarily modified by this method. */ static final List<TriangleXZ> triangulateSimplePolygon( List<VectorXZ> outline) { if (outline.size() == 3) { return Collections.singletonList( new TriangleXZ(outline.get(1), outline.get(2), outline.get(3))); } outline.remove(0); //TODO: only while first/last vertex is still duplicated List<TriangleXZ> triangles = new ArrayList<TriangleXZ>(outline.size() - 2); boolean progress = true; while(outline.size() >= 3 && progress) { progress = false; for (int i=0; i < outline.size(); i++) { if (isEarTip(i, outline)) { triangles.add(triangleAtTip(i, outline)); outline.remove(i); progress = true; break; } } } if (outline.size() >= 3) { throw new InvalidGeometryException("failed to triangulate outline." + "\nRemaining: " + outline + "\nTriangles: " + triangles); } // TODO: try to remove the need for progress check // TODO (performance) use better algorithm instead of the n^3 above return triangles; } static boolean isEarTip(int i, List<VectorXZ> outline) { if (isConvex(i, outline)) { TriangleXZ triangleAtTip = triangleAtTip(i, outline); for (VectorXZ vertex : outline) { if (vertex != triangleAtTip.v1 && vertex != triangleAtTip.v2 && vertex != triangleAtTip.v3 && triangleAtTip.contains(vertex)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } /** * //TODO: outline expects NO duplication of first/last node */ static boolean isConvex(int i, List<VectorXZ> outline) { List<VectorXZ> tempVertices = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(outline); tempVertices.add(outline.get(0)); SimplePolygonXZ tempPolygon = new SimplePolygonXZ(tempVertices); //TODO (performance) avoid creating polygon by passing clockwise information VectorXZ segBefore = outline.get(i).subtract(vertexBefore(outline, i)); VectorXZ segAfter = vertexAfter(outline, i).subtract(outline.get(i)); return tempPolygon.isClockwise() ^ segBefore.z * segAfter.x - segBefore.x * segAfter.z < 0; } static final TriangleXZ triangleAtTip(int i, List<VectorXZ> outline) { return new TriangleXZ(vertexBefore(outline, i), outline.get(i), vertexAfter(outline, i)); } private static final VectorXZ vertexBefore(List<VectorXZ> outline, int i) { int beforeI = indexBefore(outline, i); return outline.get(beforeI); } private static int indexBefore(List<VectorXZ> outline, int i) { return (outline.size() + i - 1) % outline.size(); } private static final VectorXZ vertexAfter(List<VectorXZ> outline, int i) { int afterI = indexAfter(outline, i); return outline.get(afterI); } private static int indexAfter(List<VectorXZ> outline, int i) { return (i + 1) % outline.size(); } /** * TODO (documentation) */ static final Collection<SimplePolygonXZ> splitAlong(SimplePolygonXZ splitPolygon, Collection<VectorXZ[]> splitLines) { Collection<SimplePolygonXZ> polygons = new ArrayList<SimplePolygonXZ>(1); polygons.add(splitPolygon); for (VectorXZ[] splitLine : splitLines) { Collection<SimplePolygonXZ> newPolygons = new ArrayList<SimplePolygonXZ>(polygons.size()); for (SimplePolygonXZ polygon : polygons) { Map<Integer, VectorXZ> intersectionPos; Map<Integer, LineSegmentXZ> intersectionPartner; for (int lineVertexI = 0; lineVertexI + 1 < splitLine.length; lineVertexI++) { } //TODO: implement (but check whether this method is actually needed first) } polygons = newPolygons; } return polygons; } }