package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.math.AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.InvalidGeometryException; import org.osm2world.core.math.PolygonWithHolesXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.SimplePolygonXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import; import; public class MapArea implements MapElement { private final OSMElement objectWithTags; private final List<MapNode> nodes; private final List<List<MapNode>> holes; private final PolygonWithHolesXZ polygon; private Collection<MapAreaSegment> areaSegments; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //is later checked for EMPTY_LIST using == private Collection<MapOverlap<?,?>> overlaps = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; private List<AreaWorldObject> representations = new ArrayList<AreaWorldObject>(1); //TODO: contained / intersecting nodes/lines public MapArea(OSMElement objectWithTags, List<MapNode> nodes) { this(objectWithTags, nodes, Collections.<List<MapNode>>emptyList()); } public MapArea(OSMElement objectWithTags, List<MapNode> nodes, List<List<MapNode>> holes) { this.objectWithTags = objectWithTags; this.nodes = nodes; this.holes = holes; try { this.polygon = convertToPolygon(nodes, holes); } catch (InvalidGeometryException e) { throw new InvalidGeometryException( "outer polygon is not simple for this object: " + objectWithTags, e); } } public MapArea(OSMElement objectWithTags, List<MapNode> nodes, List<List<MapNode>> holes, PolygonWithHolesXZ polygon) { this.objectWithTags = objectWithTags; this.nodes = nodes; this.holes = holes; this.polygon = polygon; } private static final PolygonWithHolesXZ convertToPolygon( List<MapNode> nodes, List<List<MapNode>> holes) { SimplePolygonXZ outerPolygon = polygonFromMapNodeLoop(nodes); List<SimplePolygonXZ> holePolygons = new ArrayList<SimplePolygonXZ>(holes.size()); for (List<MapNode> hole : holes) { holePolygons.add(polygonFromMapNodeLoop(hole)); } return new PolygonWithHolesXZ(outerPolygon, holePolygons); } public static final SimplePolygonXZ polygonFromMapNodeLoop( List<MapNode> nodes) { List<VectorXZ> vertices = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(nodes.size()); for (MapNode node : nodes) { vertices.add(node.getPos()); } return new SimplePolygonXZ(vertices); } public List<MapNode> getBoundaryNodes() { return nodes; } @Override public int getLayer() { if (objectWithTags.tags.containsKey("layer")) { try { return Integer.parseInt(objectWithTags.tags.getValue("layer")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return 0; } } return 0; } public Collection<List<MapNode>> getHoles() { return holes; } /** returns the way or relation with the tags for this area */ public OSMElement getOsmObject() { return objectWithTags; } @Override public TagGroup getTags() { return objectWithTags.tags; } /** * returns the area as a polygon. */ public PolygonWithHolesXZ getPolygon() { return polygon; } public SimplePolygonXZ getOuterPolygon() { return getPolygon().getOuter(); } /** * returns the segments making up this area's outer and inner boundaries */ public Collection<MapAreaSegment> getAreaSegments() { if (areaSegments == null) { areaSegments = new ArrayList<MapAreaSegment>(); for (int v = 0; v+1 < nodes.size(); v++) { //relies on duplication of first/last node areaSegments.add(new MapAreaSegment(this, getPolygon().getOuter().isClockwise(), nodes.get(v), nodes.get(v+1))); } for (int h = 0; h < holes.size(); h++) { List<MapNode> holeNodes = holes.get(h); SimplePolygonXZ holePolygon = polygon.getHoles().get(h); for (int v = 0; v+1 < holeNodes.size(); v++) { //relies on duplication of first/last node areaSegments.add(new MapAreaSegment(this, !holePolygon.isClockwise(), holeNodes.get(v), holeNodes.get(v+1))); } } } return areaSegments; } @Override public List<AreaWorldObject> getRepresentations() { return representations; } @Override public AreaWorldObject getPrimaryRepresentation() { if (representations.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return representations.get(0); } } /** * adds a visual representation for this area */ public void addRepresentation(AreaWorldObject representation) { this.representations.add(representation); } public void addOverlap(MapOverlap<?, ?> overlap) { assert overlap.e1 == this || overlap.e2 == this; if (overlaps == Collections.EMPTY_LIST) { overlaps = new ArrayList<MapOverlap<?,?>>(); } overlaps.add(overlap); } @Override public Collection<MapOverlap<?,?>> getOverlaps() { return overlaps; } @Override public AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ getAxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ() { return new AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ(getOuterPolygon().getVertexCollection()); } @Override public String toString() { return objectWithTags.toString(); } }