package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.nio.DoubleBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.util.Collection; import; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXYZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import; import; import; import; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; /** * Renders the contents of a {@link PrimitiveBuffer} using JOGL and the old fixed function OpengGL pipeline. * Uses vertex buffer objects (VBO) to speed up the process. * * If you don't need the renderer anymore, it's recommended to manually call * {@link #freeResources()} to delete the VBOs and other resources. */ public class JOGLRendererVBOFixedFunction extends JOGLRendererVBO { protected GL2 gl; private final class VBODataDouble extends VBODataFixedFunction<DoubleBuffer> { public VBODataDouble(GL2 gl, JOGLTextureManager textureManager, Material material, Collection<Primitive> primitives) { super(gl, textureManager, material, primitives); } @Override protected DoubleBuffer createBuffer(int numValues) { return Buffers.newDirectDoubleBuffer(numValues); } @Override protected void put(DoubleBuffer buffer, VectorXZ texCoord) { buffer.put(texCoord.x); buffer.put(texCoord.z); } @Override protected void put(DoubleBuffer buffer, VectorXYZ v) { buffer.put(v.x); buffer.put(v.y); buffer.put(-v.z); } @Override protected int valueTypeSize() { return Buffers.SIZEOF_DOUBLE; } @Override protected int glValueType() { return GL_DOUBLE; } } private final class VBODataFloat extends VBODataFixedFunction<FloatBuffer> { public VBODataFloat(GL2 gl, JOGLTextureManager textureManager, Material material, Collection<Primitive> primitives) { super(gl, textureManager, material, primitives); } @Override protected FloatBuffer createBuffer(int numValues) { return Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(numValues); } @Override protected void put(FloatBuffer buffer, VectorXZ texCoord) { buffer.put((float)texCoord.x); buffer.put((float)texCoord.z); } @Override protected void put(FloatBuffer buffer, VectorXYZ v) { buffer.put((float)v.x); buffer.put((float)v.y); buffer.put((float)-v.z); } @Override protected int valueTypeSize() { return Buffers.SIZEOF_FLOAT; } @Override protected int glValueType() { return GL_FLOAT; } } JOGLRendererVBOFixedFunction(GL2 gl, JOGLTextureManager textureManager, PrimitiveBuffer primitiveBuffer) { super(textureManager); = gl; this.init(primitiveBuffer); } @Override VBOData<?> createVBOData(JOGLTextureManager textureManager, Material material, Collection<Primitive> primitives) { if (DOUBLE_PRECISION_RENDERING) return new VBODataDouble(gl, textureManager, material, primitives); else return new VBODataFloat(gl, textureManager, material, primitives); } @Override public void render(final Camera camera, final Projection projection) { /* render static geometry */ gl.glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); gl.glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); for (VBOData<?> vboData : vbos) { vboData.render(); } gl.glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); gl.glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); for (int t = 0; t < JOGLTargetFixedFunction.MAX_TEXTURE_LAYERS; t++) { gl.glClientActiveTexture(JOGLTargetFixedFunction.getGLTextureConstant(t)); gl.glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); } gl.glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); /* render transparent primitives back-to-front */ sortPrimitivesBackToFront(camera, projection); Material previousMaterial = null; for (PrimitiveWithMaterial p : transparentPrimitives) { if (!p.material.equals(previousMaterial)) { JOGLTargetFixedFunction.setMaterial(gl, p.material, textureManager); previousMaterial = p.material; } drawPrimitive(gl, AbstractJOGLTarget.getGLConstant(p.primitive.type), p.primitive.vertices, p.primitive.normals, p.primitive.texCoordLists); } } @Override public void freeResources() { gl = null; super.freeResources(); } }