package org.osm2world.console; import static*; import static org.osm2world.console.CLIArgumentsUtil.ProgramMode.CONVERT; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * a group of {@link CLIArguments} that represent conversions * which can be performed at the same time * and are only distinguished by output format/parameters */ public class CLIArgumentsGroup { private final CLIArguments representative; private final List<CLIArguments> cliArgumentsList; /** * @param representative the first member of the group. */ public CLIArgumentsGroup(CLIArguments representative) { checkNotNull(representative); this.representative = representative; cliArgumentsList = new ArrayList<CLIArguments>(); cliArgumentsList.add(representative); } public void addCLIArguments(CLIArguments cliArguments) { checkNotNull(cliArguments); checkArgument(isCompatible(cliArguments), "argument incompatible with group"); cliArgumentsList.add(cliArguments); } public CLIArguments getRepresentative() { return representative; } public List<CLIArguments> getCLIArgumentsList() { return cliArgumentsList; } /** * checks whether a CLIArguments instance is compatible with this group */ public boolean isCompatible(CLIArguments cliArguments) { return isCompatible(representative, cliArguments); } /** * checks whether two CLIArguments instances can be put into the same group */ private static final boolean isCompatible( CLIArguments args1, CLIArguments args2) { return CLIArgumentsUtil.getProgramMode(args1) == CONVERT && CLIArgumentsUtil.getProgramMode(args2) == CONVERT && bothNullOrEqual(args1.getInputMode(), args2.getInputMode()) && bothNullOrEqual(args1.getInput(), args2.getInput()) && bothNullOrEqual(args1.getInputQuery(), args2.getInputQuery()) && bothNullOrEqual(args1.getInputBoundingBox(), args2.getInputBoundingBox()) && bothNullOrEqual(args1.getOverpassURL(), args2.getOverpassURL()) && ((args1.isConfig() && args1.getConfig().equals(args2.getConfig())) || (!args1.isConfig() && !args2.isConfig())); } private static final boolean bothNullOrEqual(Object o1, Object o2) { return (o1 == null && o2 == null) || (o1 != null && o1.equals(o2)); } }