package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import; import; import; import; /** * class that will calculate the information for those {@link MapElement}s * that implement an interface from and set it. * Calling this is necessary for those representations to work properly! */ public class NetworkCalculator { private NetworkCalculator() {} //FIXME: must be able to handle connectors with lines of opposite direction! private static final float ROAD_PUSHING_STEP = 0.01f; /** * calculates cut and offset information for all * NetworkNode/Line/AreaRepresentations of elements in a grid. */ public static void calculateNetworkInformationInGrid(MapData grid) { for (MapNode node : grid.getMapNodes()) { //TODO: also work with nodes that aren't Network*NodeRepresentations, // but connect two NetworkWaySegmentRep.s (invisible connectors) final List<MapWaySegment> inboundNLines = new ArrayList<MapWaySegment>(); List<MapWaySegment> outboundNLines = new ArrayList<MapWaySegment>(); for (MapWaySegment line : node.getInboundLines()) { if (line.getPrimaryRepresentation() instanceof NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject) { inboundNLines.add(line); } } for (MapWaySegment line : node.getOutboundLines()) { if (line.getPrimaryRepresentation() instanceof NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject) { outboundNLines.add(line); } } if (node.getPrimaryRepresentation() instanceof JunctionNodeWorldObject) { /* junctions */ calculateJunctionNodeEffects(node, (JunctionNodeWorldObject)node.getPrimaryRepresentation(), inboundNLines, outboundNLines); } else if (inboundNLines.size() + outboundNLines.size() == 2) { /* visible or invisible connectors */ List<MapWaySegment> connectedNLines = new ArrayList<MapWaySegment>(2); connectedNLines.addAll(inboundNLines); connectedNLines.addAll(outboundNLines); MapWaySegment line1 = connectedNLines.get(0); MapWaySegment line2 = connectedNLines.get(1); calculateConnectorNodeEffects(node.getPrimaryRepresentation(), line1, line2, inboundNLines.contains(line1), inboundNLines.contains(line2)); } else { for (MapWaySegment outboundNLine : outboundNLines) { setOrthogonalCutVector(outboundNLine, true); } for (MapWaySegment inboundNLine : inboundNLines) { setOrthogonalCutVector(inboundNLine, false); } } } } /** * calculates the effects of both visible and invisible connector nodes. */ private static void calculateConnectorNodeEffects( NodeWorldObject nodeRepresentation, MapWaySegment line1, MapWaySegment line2, boolean inbound1, boolean inbound2) { NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject renderable1 = ((NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject)line1.getPrimaryRepresentation()); NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject renderable2 = ((NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject)line2.getPrimaryRepresentation()); VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject visibleConnectorRep = null; if (nodeRepresentation instanceof VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject) { visibleConnectorRep = (VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject)nodeRepresentation; } /* calculate cut as angle bisector between the two lines */ VectorXZ inVector = line1.getDirection(); VectorXZ outVector = line2.getDirection(); if (!inbound1) { inVector = inVector.invert(); } if (inbound2) { outVector = outVector.invert(); } VectorXZ cutVector; if (inVector.equals(outVector)) { //TODO: allow for some small difference? cutVector = outVector.rightNormal(); } else { cutVector = outVector.subtract(inVector); cutVector = cutVector.normalize(); } //make sure that cutVector points to the right, which is equivalent to: //y component of the cross product (inVector x cutVector) is positive. //If this isn't the case, invert the cut vector. if (inVector.z * cutVector.x - inVector.x * cutVector.z <= 0) { cutVector = cutVector.invert(); } /* set calculated cut vector */ if (inbound1) { renderable1.setEndCutVector(cutVector); } else { renderable1.setStartCutVector(cutVector.invert()); } if (inbound2) { renderable2.setEndCutVector(cutVector.invert()); } else { renderable2.setStartCutVector(cutVector); } /* perform calculations necessary for connectors * whose representation requires space */ double connectorLength = 0; if (visibleConnectorRep != null) { connectorLength = visibleConnectorRep.getLength(); } if (connectorLength > 0) { /* move connected lines to make room for the node's representation */ //connected node of line1 is moved orthogonally to the cut vector VectorXZ offset1 = cutVector.rightNormal(); offset1 = offset1.mult(connectorLength / 2); if (inbound1) { renderable1.setEndOffset(offset1); } else { renderable1.setStartOffset(offset1); } //node of line2 is moved into the opposite direction VectorXZ offset2 = offset1.invert(); if (inbound2) { renderable2.setEndOffset(offset2); } else { renderable2.setStartOffset(offset2); } /* provide information to node's representation */ if (nodeRepresentation instanceof VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject) { VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject connectorRep = (VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject)nodeRepresentation; VectorXZ connectedPos1; VectorXZ connectedPos2; if (inbound1) { connectedPos1 = line1.getEndNode().getPos(); } else { connectedPos1 = line1.getStartNode().getPos(); } if (inbound2) { connectedPos2 = line2.getEndNode().getPos(); } else { connectedPos2 = line2.getStartNode().getPos(); } connectorRep.setInformation( cutVector, connectedPos1.add(offset1), connectedPos2.add(offset2), renderable1.getWidth(), renderable2.getWidth()); } //TODO: if done properly, this might affect NOT ONLY the directly adjacent lines } } private static void calculateJunctionNodeEffects( MapNode node, JunctionNodeWorldObject nodeRepresentation, final List<MapWaySegment> inboundNLines, List<MapWaySegment> outboundNLines) { /* create list of all connected roads. * Order of adds is important, it needs to match * the order of cutVectors, coords and widths adds. */ List<MapWaySegment> connectedNSegments = new ArrayList<MapWaySegment>(); connectedNSegments.addAll(inboundNLines); connectedNSegments.addAll(outboundNLines); //all cut vectors in here will point to the right from the junctions pov! List<VectorXZ> cutVectors = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(connectedNSegments.size()); List<VectorXZ> coords = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(connectedNSegments.size()); List<Float> widths = new ArrayList<Float>(connectedNSegments.size()); /* determine cut angles: * always orthogonal to the connected line */ for (MapWaySegment in : inboundNLines) { NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject inRenderable = ((NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject)in.getPrimaryRepresentation()); VectorXZ cutVector = in.getRightNormal(); inRenderable.setEndCutVector(cutVector); cutVectors.add(cutVector.invert()); coords.add(in.getEndNode().getPos()); widths.add(inRenderable.getWidth()); } for (MapWaySegment out : outboundNLines) { NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject outRenderable = ((NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject)out.getPrimaryRepresentation()); VectorXZ cutVector = out.getRightNormal(); outRenderable.setStartCutVector(cutVector); cutVectors.add(cutVector); coords.add(out.getStartNode().getPos()); widths.add(outRenderable.getWidth()); } /* move roads away from the intersection until they cannot overlap anymore, * this is certain if the distance between their ends' center points * is greater than the sum of their half-widths */ //TODO (performance) if roads were ordered by angle here already, this would be much faster -> only neighbors checked boolean overlapPossible; do { overlapPossible = false; overlapCheck: for (int r1=0; r1 < coords.size(); r1++) { for (int r2=r1+1; r2 < coords.size(); r2++) { /* ignore overlapping (or almost overlapping) way segments * as no reasonable amount of pushing would separate these */ if (VectorXZ.distance(connectedNSegments.get(r1).getDirection(), connectedNSegments.get(r2).getDirection()) < 0.1 || VectorXZ.distance(connectedNSegments.get(r1).getDirection(), connectedNSegments.get(r2).getDirection().invert()) < 0.1) { continue; } double distance = Math.abs(coords.get(r1).subtract(coords.get(r2)).length()); if (distance > 200) { //TODO: proper error handling System.err.println("distance has exceeded 200 at node " + node + "\n (representation: " + nodeRepresentation + ")"); // overlapCheck will remain false, no further size increase break overlapCheck; } if (distance <= widths.get(r1)*0.5 + widths.get(r2)*0.5) { overlapPossible = true; break overlapCheck; } } } if (overlapPossible) { /* push outwards */ coords.clear(); for (MapWaySegment in : inboundNLines) { NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject inRenderable = ((NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject)in.getPrimaryRepresentation()); VectorXZ inVector = in.getDirection(); VectorXZ offsetModification = inVector.mult(-ROAD_PUSHING_STEP); VectorXZ newEndOffset = inRenderable.getEndOffset().add(offsetModification); inRenderable.setEndOffset(newEndOffset); coords.add(in.getEndNode().getPos().add(newEndOffset)); } for (MapWaySegment out : outboundNLines) { NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject outRenderable = ((NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject)out.getPrimaryRepresentation()); VectorXZ outVector = out.getDirection(); VectorXZ offsetModification = outVector.mult(ROAD_PUSHING_STEP); VectorXZ newStartOffset = outRenderable.getStartOffset().add(offsetModification); outRenderable.setStartOffset(newStartOffset); coords.add(out.getStartNode().getPos().add(newStartOffset)); } } } while(overlapPossible); /* set calculated information using the correct order */ List<MapSegment> segments = node.getConnectedSegments(); ArrayList<VectorXZ> junctionCutCenters = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(segments.size()); ArrayList<VectorXZ> junctionCutVectors = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(segments.size()); ArrayList<Float> junctionWidths = new ArrayList<Float>(segments.size()); for (MapSegment segment : segments) { if (connectedNSegments.contains(segment)) { int index = connectedNSegments.indexOf(segment); junctionCutCenters.add(coords.get(index)); junctionCutVectors.add(cutVectors.get(index)); junctionWidths.add(widths.get(index)); } else { junctionCutCenters.add(null); junctionCutVectors.add(null); junctionWidths.add(null); } } nodeRepresentation.setInformation( junctionCutCenters, junctionCutVectors, junctionWidths); } /** * @param l line with {@link NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject} as representation */ private static void setOrthogonalCutVector(MapWaySegment l, boolean setStartVector) { VectorXZ cutVector = l.getRightNormal(); NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject lRepresentation = (NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject)l.getPrimaryRepresentation(); if (setStartVector) { lRepresentation.setStartCutVector(cutVector); } else { lRepresentation.setEndCutVector(cutVector); } } }