package; import static java.util.Collections.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.math.LineSegmentXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; /** * overlap between a {@link MapWaySegment} and a {@link MapArea} ("Way-Area"). * The way either intersects with the area * or is completely contained within the area. */ public class MapOverlapWA extends MapOverlap<MapWaySegment, MapArea> { //TODO maybe create a MapIntersection object for each of these? private final List<VectorXZ> intersectionPositions; private final List<MapAreaSegment> intersectingAreaSegments; public MapOverlapWA(MapWaySegment waySegment, MapArea area, MapOverlapType type, List<VectorXZ> intersectionPositions, List<MapAreaSegment> intersectingAreaSegments) { super(waySegment, area, type); this.intersectionPositions = intersectionPositions; this.intersectingAreaSegments = intersectingAreaSegments; } public MapArea getOther(MapWaySegment waySegment) { return (MapArea) super.getOther(waySegment); } public MapWaySegment getOther(MapArea area) { return (MapWaySegment) super.getOther(area); } /** same order as {@link #getIntersectingAreaSegments()} */ public List<VectorXZ> getIntersectionPositions() { return intersectionPositions; } /** same order as {@link #getIntersectionPositions()} */ public List<MapAreaSegment> getIntersectingAreaSegments() { return intersectingAreaSegments; } public Collection<LineSegmentXZ> getOverlappedSegments() { if (type == MapOverlapType.CONTAIN) { return singletonList(e1.getLineSegment()); } else if (type == MapOverlapType.INTERSECT) { /* order intersections and start/end nodes * by distance from the way segments' start node */ List<VectorXZ> positions = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(getIntersectionPositions()); positions.add(e1.getStartNode().getPos()); positions.add(e1.getEndNode().getPos()); sort(positions, new Comparator<VectorXZ>() { public int compare(VectorXZ v1, VectorXZ v2) { return VectorXZ.distance(v1, e1.getStartNode().getPos()), VectorXZ.distance(v2, e1.getStartNode().getPos())); } }); /* check for each line segments between two positions * whether it overlaps with the area */ List<LineSegmentXZ> result = new ArrayList<LineSegmentXZ>(); for (int i = 0; i+1 < positions.size(); i++) { LineSegmentXZ segment = new LineSegmentXZ(positions.get(i), positions.get(i+1)); if (e2.getPolygon().contains(segment.getCenter())) { result.add(segment); } } return result; } else { return emptyList(); } } public Collection<LineSegmentXZ> getSharedSegments() { if (type == MapOverlapType.SHARE_SEGMENT) { for (MapAreaSegment areaSegment : e2.getAreaSegments()) { if (areaSegment.sharesBothNodes(e1)) { return singletonList(areaSegment.getLineSegment()); } } throw new Error("no shared segment found"); } else { return emptyList(); } } }