package; import static java.lang.Math.PI; import static java.lang.Math.abs; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXYZ; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Base class for renderer that use vertex buffer objects (VBO) to speed up the process. * * If you don't need the renderer anymore, it's recommended to manually call * {@link #freeResources()} to delete the VBOs and other resources. */ public abstract class JOGLRendererVBO extends JOGLRenderer { protected static final boolean DOUBLE_PRECISION_RENDERING = false; /** VBOs with static, non-alphablended geometry for each material */ protected List<VBOData<?>> vbos = new ArrayList<VBOData<?>>(); /** alphablended primitives, need to be sorted by distance from camera */ protected List<PrimitiveWithMaterial> transparentPrimitives = new ArrayList<PrimitiveWithMaterial>(); /** * the camera direction that was the basis for the previous sorting * of {@link #transparentPrimitives}. */ private CardinalDirection currentPrimitiveSortDirection = null; protected static final class PrimitiveWithMaterial { public final Primitive primitive; public final Material material; public final VBOData<?> vbo; private PrimitiveWithMaterial(Primitive primitive, Material material, VBOData<?>vbo) { this.primitive = primitive; this.material = material; this.vbo = vbo; } } /** * returns the number of values for each vertex * in the vertex buffer layout appropriate for a given material. */ public static int getValuesPerVertex(Material material) { int numValues = 6; // vertex coordinates and normals if (material.getTextureDataList() != null) { numValues += 2 * material.getTextureDataList().size(); } if (material.hasBumpMap()) { numValues += 4; // tangent vectors are 4D } return numValues; } JOGLRendererVBO(JOGLTextureManager textureManager) { super(textureManager); } /** * Create the VBOs from a {@link PrimitiveBuffer}. * @param primitiveBuffer the source for the VBOs */ protected void init(PrimitiveBuffer primitiveBuffer) { for (Material material : primitiveBuffer.getMaterials()) { if (material.getTransparency() == Transparency.TRUE) { for (Primitive primitive : primitiveBuffer.getPrimitives(material)) { transparentPrimitives.add(new PrimitiveWithMaterial( primitive, material, this.createVBOData( textureManager, material, Arrays.asList(primitive)))); } } else { Collection<Primitive> primitives = primitiveBuffer.getPrimitives(material); vbos.add(this.createVBOData(textureManager, material, primitives)); } } } /** * Sort all transparent primitives back to front relative to the camera. * The projection can be used to speed up sorting if it is orthographic. */ protected void sortPrimitivesBackToFront(final Camera camera, final Projection projection) { if (projection.isOrthographic() && abs(camera.getViewDirection().xz().angle() % (PI/2)) < 0.01 ) { /* faster sorting for cardinal directions */ CardinalDirection closestCardinal = closestCardinal(camera.getViewDirection().xz().angle()); if (closestCardinal.isOppositeOf(currentPrimitiveSortDirection)) { Collections.reverse(transparentPrimitives); } else if (closestCardinal != currentPrimitiveSortDirection) { Comparator<PrimitiveWithMaterial> comparator = null; switch(closestCardinal) { case N: comparator = new Comparator<PrimitiveWithMaterial>() { @Override public int compare(PrimitiveWithMaterial p1, PrimitiveWithMaterial p2) { return, primitivePos(p1).z); } }; break; case E: comparator = new Comparator<PrimitiveWithMaterial>() { @Override public int compare(PrimitiveWithMaterial p1, PrimitiveWithMaterial p2) { return, primitivePos(p1).x); } }; break; case S: comparator = new Comparator<PrimitiveWithMaterial>() { @Override public int compare(PrimitiveWithMaterial p1, PrimitiveWithMaterial p2) { return, primitivePos(p2).z); } }; break; case W: comparator = new Comparator<PrimitiveWithMaterial>() { @Override public int compare(PrimitiveWithMaterial p1, PrimitiveWithMaterial p2) { return, primitivePos(p2).x); } }; break; } Collections.sort(transparentPrimitives, comparator); } currentPrimitiveSortDirection = closestCardinal; } else { /* sort based on distance to camera */ Collections.sort(transparentPrimitives, new Comparator<PrimitiveWithMaterial>() { @Override public int compare(PrimitiveWithMaterial p1, PrimitiveWithMaterial p2) { return distanceToCameraSq(camera, p2), distanceToCameraSq(camera, p1)); } }); currentPrimitiveSortDirection = null; } } private double distanceToCameraSq(Camera camera, PrimitiveWithMaterial p) { return primitivePos(p).distanceToSquared(camera.getPos()); } private VectorXYZ primitivePos(PrimitiveWithMaterial p) { double sumX = 0, sumY = 0, sumZ = 0; for (VectorXYZ v : p.primitive.vertices) { sumX += v.x; sumY += v.y; sumZ += v.z; } return new VectorXYZ(sumX / p.primitive.vertices.size(), sumY / p.primitive.vertices.size(), sumZ / p.primitive.vertices.size()); } @Override public void freeResources() { if (vbos != null) { for (VBOData<?> vbo : vbos) { vbo.delete(); } vbos = null; } super.freeResources(); } /** * Create a new vertex buffer object for a bunch of primitives with the same material. * @param textureManager the texture manager used if the material contains texture layers. * @param material the material that applies to all primitives * @param primitives the primitives to create the VBO for * @return a vertex buffer object matching the primitives */ abstract VBOData<?> createVBOData(JOGLTextureManager textureManager, Material material, Collection<Primitive> primitives); }