package org.osm2world.core.map_data.creation; import static java.lang.Double.NaN; import static java.lang.Math.*; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import; /** * application of an orthographic projection that is intended to use * values in meters centered around the coordinate center (0,0). * It projects coordinates onto a plane touching the globe at the origin. * This results in sufficient accuracy * if the data covers only a "small" part of the globe. */ public class OrthographicAzimuthalMapProjection extends OriginMapProjection { private final double GLOBE_RADIUS = 6371000; private double lat0 = NaN; private double lon0 = NaN; @Override public VectorXZ calcPos(LatLon latlon) { return calcPos(, latlon.lon); } @Override public void setOrigin(LatLon origin) { super.setOrigin(origin); lat0 = toRadians(getOrigin().lat); lon0 = toRadians(getOrigin().lon); } @Override public void setOrigin(OSMData osmData) { super.setOrigin(osmData); lat0 = toRadians(getOrigin().lat); lon0 = toRadians(getOrigin().lon); } @Override public VectorXZ calcPos(double latDeg, double lonDeg) { double lat = toRadians(latDeg); double lon = toRadians(lonDeg); double x = GLOBE_RADIUS * cos(lat) * sin(lon - lon0); double y = GLOBE_RADIUS * (cos(lat0) * sin(lat) - sin(lat0) * cos(lat) * cos(lon - lon0)); return new VectorXZ(x, y); } @Override public double calcLat(VectorXZ pos) { double rho = sqrt(pos.x * pos.x + pos.z * pos.z); double c = asin(rho / GLOBE_RADIUS); if (rho > 0) { return toDegrees(asin( cos(c) * sin(lat0) + ( pos.z * sin(c) * cos(lat0) ) / rho )); } else { return toDegrees(lat0); } } @Override public double calcLon(VectorXZ pos) { double rho = sqrt(pos.x * pos.x + pos.z * pos.z); double c = asin(rho / GLOBE_RADIUS); double div = rho * cos(lat0) * cos(c) - pos.z * sin(lat0) * sin(c); if (abs(div) > 1e-5) { return toDegrees(lon0 + atan2( pos.x * sin(c), div )); } else { return toDegrees(lon0); } } @Override public VectorXZ getNorthUnit() { return VectorXZ.Z_UNIT; } }