package; import static; import static; import static org.osm2world.core.math.GeometryUtil.triangleNormalListFromTriangleStripOrFan; import static org.osm2world.core.math.GeometryUtil.triangleVertexListFromTriangleFan; import static org.osm2world.core.math.GeometryUtil.triangleVertexListFromTriangleStrip; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXYZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import; import; import; /** * Base class that keeps a VBO id along with associated information. */ public abstract class VBOData<BufferT extends Buffer> { /** material associated with this VBO, determines VBO layout */ protected Material material; /** array with one element containing the VBO id */ protected final int[] id; /** number of vertices in the vbo */ protected final int vertexCount; /** size of each value in the vbo */ protected final int valueTypeSize; /** gl constant for the value type in the vbo */ protected final int glValueType; /** create a buffer to store the vbo data for upload to graphics memory */ protected abstract BufferT createBuffer(int numValues); /** add a texture coordinate to the vbo buffer */ protected abstract void put(BufferT buffer, VectorXZ texCoord); /** add 3d vertex data to the vbo buffer */ protected abstract void put(BufferT buffer, VectorXYZ v); /** returns the size of each value in the vbo */ protected abstract int valueTypeSize(); /** returns the gl constant for the value type in the vbo */ protected abstract int glValueType(); private GL gl; protected JOGLTextureManager textureManager; /** * Creates a new vertex buffer object, adds all primitives to the buffer and uploads it to graphics memory. */ public VBOData(GL gl, JOGLTextureManager textureManager, Material material, Collection<Primitive> primitives) { = gl; this.textureManager = textureManager; this.material = material; valueTypeSize = valueTypeSize(); glValueType = glValueType(); vertexCount = countVertices(primitives); /* create the buffer */ id = new int[1]; gl.glGenBuffers(1, id, 0); /* collect the data for the buffer */ BufferT valueBuffer = createBuffer( vertexCount * getValuesPerVertex(material)); for (Primitive primitive : primitives) { addPrimitiveToValueBuffer(valueBuffer, primitive); } valueBuffer.rewind(); /* write the data into the buffer */ gl.glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, id[0]); gl.glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, valueBuffer.capacity() * valueTypeSize, valueBuffer, GL_STATIC_DRAW); } /** * returns the number of vertices required to represent a collection * of primitives with individual triangles */ static int countVertices(Collection<Primitive> primitives) { int vertexCount = 0; for (Primitive primitive : primitives) { if (primitive.type == Type.TRIANGLES) { vertexCount += primitive.vertices.size(); } else { vertexCount += 3 * (primitive.vertices.size() - 2); } } return vertexCount; } /** * put the values for a primitive's vertices into the buffer */ protected void addPrimitiveToValueBuffer(BufferT buffer, Primitive primitive) { /* * rearrange the lists of vertices, normals and texture coordinates * to turn triangle strips and triangle fans into separate triangles */ List<VectorXYZ> primVertices = primitive.vertices; List<VectorXYZ> primNormals = primitive.normals; List<List<VectorXZ>> primTexCoordLists = primitive.texCoordLists; if (primitive.type == Type.TRIANGLE_STRIP) { // TODO: support smooth interpolation of normals primVertices = triangleVertexListFromTriangleStrip(primVertices); primNormals = triangleNormalListFromTriangleStripOrFan(primNormals); if (primTexCoordLists != null) { List<List<VectorXZ>> newPrimTexCoordLists = new ArrayList<List<VectorXZ>>(); for (List<VectorXZ> primTexCoordList : primTexCoordLists) { newPrimTexCoordLists.add(triangleVertexListFromTriangleStrip(primTexCoordList)); } primTexCoordLists = newPrimTexCoordLists; } } else if (primitive.type == Type.TRIANGLE_FAN) { // TODO: support smooth interpolation of normals primVertices = triangleVertexListFromTriangleFan(primVertices); primNormals = triangleNormalListFromTriangleStripOrFan(primNormals); if (primTexCoordLists != null) { List<List<VectorXZ>> newPrimTexCoordLists = new ArrayList<List<VectorXZ>>(); for (List<VectorXZ> primTexCoordList : primTexCoordLists) { newPrimTexCoordLists.add(triangleVertexListFromTriangleFan(primTexCoordList)); } primTexCoordLists = newPrimTexCoordLists; } } /* put the values into the buffer, in the right order */ for (int i = 0; i < primVertices.size(); i++) { assert (primTexCoordLists == null && material.getNumTextureLayers() == 0) || (primTexCoordLists != null && primTexCoordLists.size() == material.getNumTextureLayers()) : "WorldModules need to provide the correct number of tex coords"; if (primTexCoordLists == null && material.getNumTextureLayers() > 0) { System.out.println(material); } for (int t = 0; t < material.getNumTextureLayers(); t++) { VectorXZ textureCoord = primTexCoordLists.get(t).get(i); put(buffer, textureCoord); } put(buffer, primNormals.get(i)); put(buffer, primVertices.get(i)); } } /** * Bind and render this vertex buffer object. */ public abstract void render(); /** * Returns the number of values for each vertex in the vertex buffer layout appropriate for a given material. */ protected abstract int getValuesPerVertex(Material material); /** * Delete the vertex buffer object from graphics memory. */ public void delete() { gl.glDeleteBuffers(id.length, id, 0); } }