package org.osm2world.core.map_data.creation; import static java.lang.Boolean.*; import static java.lang.Double.NaN; import static java.lang.Math.*; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static org.osm2world.core.math.GeometryUtil.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.math.AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.InvalidGeometryException; import org.osm2world.core.math.LineSegmentXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.PolygonWithHolesXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.SimplePolygonXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.datastructures.IntersectionTestObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.osm.ruleset.HardcodedRuleset; import org.osm2world.core.osm.ruleset.Ruleset; /** * utility class for creating areas from multipolygon relations, * including those with non-closed member ways. * * Known Limitations:<ul> * <li>This cannot reliably handle touching inner rings consisting * of non-closed ways.</li> * <li>Closed touching rings will not break the calculation, * but are represented as multiple touching holes.</li> * </ul> */ final class MultipolygonAreaBuilder { /** prevents instantiation */ private MultipolygonAreaBuilder() { } /** * Creates areas for a multipolygon relation. * Also adds this area to the adjacent nodes using * {@link MapNode#addAdjacentArea(MapArea)}. * * @param relation the multipolygon relation * @param nodeMap map from {@link OSMNode}s to {@link MapNode}s * * @return constructed area(s), multiple areas will be created if there * is more than one outer ring. Empty for invalid multipolygons. */ public static final Collection<MapArea> createAreasForMultipolygon( OSMRelation relation, Map<OSMNode, MapNode> nodeMap) { if (isSimpleMultipolygon(relation)) { return createAreasForSimpleMultipolygon(relation, nodeMap); } else { return createAreasForAdvancedMultipolygon(relation, nodeMap); } } private static final boolean isSimpleMultipolygon(OSMRelation relation) { int numberOuters = 0; boolean closedWays = true; for (OSMMember member : relation.relationMembers) { if ("outer".equals(member.role) && member.member instanceof OSMWay) { numberOuters += 1; } if (("outer".equals(member.role) || "inner".equals(member.role)) && member.member instanceof OSMWay) { if (!((OSMWay)member.member).isClosed()) { closedWays = false; break; } } } return numberOuters == 1 && closedWays; } /** * handles the common simple case with only one outer way. * Expected to be faster than the more general method * {@link #createAreasForAdvancedMultipolygon(OSMRelation, Map)} * * @param relation has to be a simple multipolygon relation * @param nodeMap */ private static final Collection<MapArea> createAreasForSimpleMultipolygon( OSMRelation relation, Map<OSMNode, MapNode> nodeMap) { assert isSimpleMultipolygon(relation); OSMElement tagSource = null; List<MapNode> outerNodes = null; List<List<MapNode>> holes = new ArrayList<List<MapNode>>(); for (OSMMember member : relation.relationMembers) { if (member.member instanceof OSMWay) { OSMWay way = (OSMWay)member.member; if ("inner".equals(member.role)) { List<MapNode> hole = new ArrayList<MapNode>(way.nodes.size()); for (OSMNode node : ((OSMWay)member.member).nodes) { hole.add(nodeMap.get(node)); //TODO: add area as adjacent to node for inners' nodes, too? } holes.add(hole); } else if ("outer".equals(member.role)) { tagSource = relation.tags.size() > 1 ? relation : way; outerNodes = new ArrayList<MapNode>(way.nodes.size()); for (OSMNode node : way.nodes) { outerNodes.add(nodeMap.get(node)); } } } } return singleton(new MapArea(tagSource, outerNodes, holes)); } private static final Collection<MapArea> createAreasForAdvancedMultipolygon( OSMRelation relation, Map<OSMNode, MapNode> nodeMap) { List<NodeSequence> innersAndOuters = new ArrayList<NodeSequence>(); /* collect ways */ for (OSMMember member : relation.relationMembers) { if (member.member instanceof OSMWay && ("outer".equals(member.role) || "inner".equals(member.role)) ) { innersAndOuters.add(new NodeSequence( (OSMWay)member.member, nodeMap)); } } /* build rings, then polygons from the ways */ List<Ring> rings = buildRings(innersAndOuters); if (rings != null) { return buildPolygonsFromRings(relation, rings); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } /** * builds closed rings from any mixture of closed and unclosed segments * * @return null if building closed rings isn't possible */ private static final List<Ring> buildRings( List<NodeSequence> sequences) { List<Ring> closedRings = new ArrayList<Ring>(); NodeSequence currentRing = null; while (sequences.size() > 0) { if (currentRing == null) { // start a new ring with any remaining node sequence currentRing = sequences.remove(sequences.size() - 1); } else { // try to continue the ring by appending a node sequence NodeSequence assignedSequence = null; for (NodeSequence sequence : sequences) { if (currentRing.tryAdd(sequence)) { assignedSequence = sequence; break; } } if (assignedSequence != null) { sequences.remove(assignedSequence); } else { return null; } } // check whether the ring under construction is closed if (currentRing != null && currentRing.isClosed()) { try { closedRings.add(new Ring(currentRing)); currentRing = null; } catch (InvalidGeometryException e) { throw new InvalidGeometryException(String.format( "self-intersecting ring (with %d nodes)", currentRing.size() - 1), e); } } } if (currentRing != null) { // the last ring could not be closed return null; } return closedRings; } /** * @param rings rings to build polygons from; will be empty afterwards */ private static final Collection<MapArea> buildPolygonsFromRings( OSMRelation relation, List<Ring> rings) { Collection<MapArea> finishedPolygons = new ArrayList<MapArea>(rings.size() / 2); /* build polygon */ while (!rings.isEmpty()) { /* find an outer ring */ Ring outerRing = null; for (Ring candidate : rings) { boolean containedInOtherRings = false; for (Ring otherRing : rings) { if (otherRing != candidate && otherRing.containsRing(candidate)) { containedInOtherRings = true; break; } } if (!containedInOtherRings) { outerRing = candidate; break; } } /* find inner rings of that ring */ Collection<Ring> innerRings = new ArrayList<Ring>(); for (Ring ring : rings) { if (ring != outerRing && outerRing.containsRing(ring)) { boolean containedInOtherRings = false; for (Ring otherRing : rings) { if (otherRing != ring && otherRing != outerRing && otherRing.containsRing(ring)) { containedInOtherRings = true; break; } } if (!containedInOtherRings) { innerRings.add(ring); } } } /* create a new area and remove the used rings */ List<List<MapNode>> holes = new ArrayList<List<MapNode>>(innerRings.size()); List<SimplePolygonXZ> holesXZ = new ArrayList<SimplePolygonXZ>(innerRings.size()); for (Ring innerRing : innerRings) { holes.add(innerRing.closedNodeSequence); holesXZ.add(innerRing.getPolygon()); } MapArea area = new MapArea(relation, outerRing.getNodeLoop(), holes, new PolygonWithHolesXZ(outerRing.getPolygon(), holesXZ)); finishedPolygons.add(area); rings.remove(outerRing); rings.removeAll(innerRings); } return finishedPolygons; } private static final TagGroup COASTLINE_NODE_TAGS = new MapBasedTagGroup( new Tag("osm2world:note", "fake node from coastline processing")); /** * turns all coastline ways into {@link MapArea}s * based on an artificial natural=water multipolygon relation. * * It relies on the direction-dependent drawing of coastlines. * If coastlines are incomplete, then it is attempted to connect them * to proper rings. One assumption being used is that they are complete * within the file's bounds. * * It cannot distinguish between water and land tiles if there is no * coastline at all (it will then guess based on the tags being used), * but should be able to handle all other cases. */ public static final Collection<MapArea> createAreasForCoastlines( OSMData osmData, Map<OSMNode, MapNode> nodeMap, Collection<MapNode> mapNodes, AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ fileBoundary) { long highestRelationId = 0; long highestNodeId = 0; List<OSMWay> coastlineWays = new ArrayList<OSMWay>(); for (OSMWay way : osmData.getWays()) { if (way.tags.contains("natural", "coastline")) { coastlineWays.add(way); } } for (OSMRelation relation : osmData.getRelations()) { if ( > highestRelationId) { highestRelationId =; } } for (OSMNode node : osmData.getNodes()) { if ( > highestNodeId) { highestNodeId =; } } if (fileBoundary != null) { /* build node sequences (may be closed or unclosed) */ List<NodeSequence> origCoastlines = new ArrayList<NodeSequence>(); for (OSMWay coastlineWay : coastlineWays) { origCoastlines.add(new NodeSequence(coastlineWay, nodeMap)); } /* find coastline intersections with bounding box. * They will be inserted into the rings that intersect the coastline, * and into a list (sorted counterclockwise) of intersection nodes. */ List<NodeOnBBox> bBoxNodes = new ArrayList<NodeOnBBox>(); for (final LineSegmentXZ side : getSidesClockwise(fileBoundary)) { List<NodeOnBBox> intersectionsSide = new ArrayList<NodeOnBBox>(); for (NodeSequence coastline : origCoastlines) { for (int i = 0; i + 1 < coastline.size(); i++) { VectorXZ r1 = coastline.get(i).getPos(); VectorXZ r2 = coastline.get(i + 1).getPos(); VectorXZ intersection = getLineSegmentIntersection( side.p1, side.p2, r1, r2); if (intersection != null) { MapNode intersectionNode; if (intersection.equals(r1)) { intersectionNode = coastline.get(i); } else if (intersection.equals(r2)) { intersectionNode = coastline.get(i + 1); } else { intersectionNode = createFakeMapNode(intersection, ++highestNodeId, osmData, nodeMap, mapNodes); coastline.add(i + 1, intersectionNode); i += 1; } intersectionsSide.add(new NodeOnBBox(intersectionNode, isRightOf(r1, side.p1, side.p2))); } } } /* add intersections for this side of the bbox, * sorted by distance from corner */ Collections.sort(intersectionsSide, new Comparator<NodeOnBBox>() { @Override public int compare(NodeOnBBox n1, NodeOnBBox n2) { return n1.node.getPos().distanceTo(side.p1), n2.node.getPos().distanceTo(side.p1)); } }); bBoxNodes.addAll(intersectionsSide); MapNode cornerNode = createFakeMapNode(side.p2, ++highestNodeId, osmData, nodeMap, mapNodes); bBoxNodes.add(new NodeOnBBox(cornerNode, null)); } /* rings are possibly shortened or split by removing all nodes * outside the bbox. */ List<NodeSequence> modifiedCoastlines = new ArrayList<NodeSequence>(); for (NodeSequence origCoastline : origCoastlines) { NodeSequence modifiedCoastline = new NodeSequence(); for (MapNode node : origCoastline) { boolean isOnBBox = false; for (NodeOnBBox bBoxNode : bBoxNodes) { if (bBoxNode.node.equals(node)) { isOnBBox = true; } } if (fileBoundary.contains(node) || isOnBBox) { modifiedCoastline.add(node); } else { if (!modifiedCoastline.isEmpty()) { modifiedCoastlines.add(modifiedCoastline); modifiedCoastline = new NodeSequence(); } } } if (!modifiedCoastline.isEmpty()) { modifiedCoastlines.add(modifiedCoastline); } } /* parts of the bounding box between outgoing and incoming * intersection nodes are used as additional coastline sections */ List<NodeSequence> bboxSections = new ArrayList<NodeSequence>(); if (bBoxNodes.size() > 4) { //more than just corners int firstIntersectionIndex = -1; int currentIndex = 0; List<MapNode> currentSequence = null; while (currentIndex != firstIntersectionIndex) { NodeOnBBox currentBBoxNode = bBoxNodes.get(currentIndex); if (currentBBoxNode.outgoingIntersection == TRUE) { currentSequence = new ArrayList<MapNode>(); currentSequence.add(currentBBoxNode.node); if (firstIntersectionIndex == -1) { firstIntersectionIndex = currentIndex; } } else if (currentBBoxNode.outgoingIntersection == FALSE) { if (currentSequence != null) { currentSequence.add(currentBBoxNode.node); NodeSequence finishedBboxPart = new NodeSequence(); finishedBboxPart.addAll(currentSequence); bboxSections.add(finishedBboxPart); currentSequence = null; } } else { if (currentSequence != null) { currentSequence.add(currentBBoxNode.node); } } currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % bBoxNodes.size(); } } /* construct closed rings and turn them into polygons with holes * (as if the coastlines were multipolygon member ways) */ List<Ring> closedRings; if (!bboxSections.isEmpty()) { modifiedCoastlines.addAll(bboxSections); closedRings = buildRings(modifiedCoastlines); } else { closedRings = buildRings(modifiedCoastlines); if (closedRings != null) { /* if there is an island, but no coastline intersects * the boundary, create a boundary around the entire tile. * Do the same for water tiles (tiles without any land). */ boolean hasIsland = false; for (Ring closedRing : closedRings) { if (!closedRing.getPolygon().isClockwise()) { hasIsland = true; break; } } if (hasIsland || isProbablySeaTile(osmData)) { NodeSequence boundaryRing = new NodeSequence(); for (VectorXZ pos : fileBoundary.polygonXZ().getVertices()) { boundaryRing.add(createFakeMapNode(pos, ++highestNodeId, osmData, nodeMap, mapNodes)); } boundaryRing.add(boundaryRing.get(0)); closedRings.add(new Ring(boundaryRing)); } } } if (closedRings != null) { OSMRelation relation = new OSMRelation(new MapBasedTagGroup( new Tag("type", "multipolygon"), new Tag("natural", "water")), highestRelationId + 1, 0); return buildPolygonsFromRings(relation, closedRings); } } return emptyList(); } private static final List<LineSegmentXZ> getSidesClockwise( AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ fileBoundary) { return asList( new LineSegmentXZ(fileBoundary.topLeft(), fileBoundary.topRight()), new LineSegmentXZ(fileBoundary.topRight(), fileBoundary.bottomRight()), new LineSegmentXZ(fileBoundary.bottomRight(), fileBoundary.bottomLeft()), new LineSegmentXZ(fileBoundary.bottomLeft(), fileBoundary.topLeft())); } private static MapNode createFakeMapNode(VectorXZ pos, long nodeId, OSMData osmData, Map<OSMNode, MapNode> nodeMap, Collection<MapNode> mapNodes) { OSMNode osmNode = new OSMNode(NaN, NaN, COASTLINE_NODE_TAGS, nodeId + 1); osmData.getNodes().add(osmNode); MapNode mapNode = new MapNode(pos, osmNode); mapNodes.add(mapNode); nodeMap.put(osmNode, mapNode); return mapNode; } /** * guesses whether this is a pure sea tile (no land at all) */ private static boolean isProbablySeaTile(OSMData osmData) { boolean anySeaTag = false; Ruleset ruleset = new HardcodedRuleset(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Collection<? extends OSMElement>> collections = asList( osmData.getWays(), osmData.getNodes()); for (Collection<? extends OSMElement> collection : collections) { for (OSMElement element : collection) { for (Tag tag : element.tags) { if (ruleset.isLandTag(tag)) return false; anySeaTag |= ruleset.isSeaTag(tag); } } } return anySeaTag; } private static final class NodeSequence extends ArrayList<MapNode> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1189277554247756781L; //generated SerialUID /** * creates an empty sequence */ public NodeSequence() { super(); } /** * creates a node sequence from an {@link OSMWay} */ public NodeSequence(OSMWay way, Map<OSMNode, MapNode> nodeMap) { super(way.nodes.size()); for (OSMNode wayNode : way.nodes) { add(nodeMap.get(wayNode)); } } /** * tries to add another sequence onto the start or end of this one. * If it succeeds, the other sequence may also be modified and * should be considered "spent". */ public boolean tryAdd(NodeSequence other) { if (getLastNode() == other.getFirstNode()) { //add the sequence at the end remove(size() - 1); addAll(other); return true; } else if (getLastNode() == other.getLastNode()) { //add the sequence backwards at the end remove(size() - 1); Collections.reverse(other); addAll(other); return true; } else if (getFirstNode() == other.getLastNode()) { //add the sequence at the beginning remove(0); addAll(0, other); return true; } else if (getFirstNode() == other.getFirstNode()) { //add the sequence backwards at the beginning remove(0); Collections.reverse(other); addAll(0, other); return true; } else { return false; } } private MapNode getFirstNode() { return get(0); } private MapNode getLastNode() { return get(size() - 1); } public boolean isClosed() { return getFirstNode() == getLastNode(); } } private static final class Ring implements IntersectionTestObject { private final NodeSequence closedNodeSequence; private final SimplePolygonXZ polygon; public Ring(NodeSequence closedNodeSequence) { assert closedNodeSequence.isClosed(); this.closedNodeSequence = closedNodeSequence; polygon = MapArea.polygonFromMapNodeLoop(closedNodeSequence); } @Override public AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ getAxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ() { double minX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minZ = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double maxX = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxZ = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (MapNode n : closedNodeSequence) { minX = min(minX, n.getPos().x); minZ = min(minZ, n.getPos().z); maxX = max(maxX, n.getPos().x); maxZ = max(maxZ, n.getPos().z); } return new AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ(minX, minZ, maxX, maxZ); } private List<MapNode> getNodeLoop() { return closedNodeSequence; } public SimplePolygonXZ getPolygon() { return polygon; } public boolean containsRing(Ring other) { return this.getPolygon().contains(other.getPolygon()); } } private static class NodeOnBBox { /** true for outgoing, false for incoming, null for other bbox nodes */ public final Boolean outgoingIntersection; public final MapNode node; private NodeOnBBox(MapNode node, Boolean outgoingIntersection) { this.node = node; this.outgoingIntersection = outgoingIntersection; } @Override public String toString() { return "(" + outgoingIntersection + ", " + node.getOsmNode().id + "@" + node.getPos() + ")"; } } }