package; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.graphview.core.util.ValueStringParser.parseAngle; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.graphview.core.util.ValueStringParser.parseOsmDecimal; import; import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.graphview.core.util.ValueStringParser; import; /** * utility class that can be used by {@link WorldModule}s * to interpret frequently used value formats. */ public class WorldModuleParseUtil { private WorldModuleParseUtil() { } /** * returns the value of the first key that exists, * or the fallback value if none of the keys exists */ public static final String getValueWithFallback(String fallback, TagGroup tags, String... keys) { for (String key : keys) { if (tags.containsKey(key)) { return tags.getValue(key); } } return fallback; } /** * retrieves width using (in this priority order) * width tag, est_width tag, defaultValue parameter */ public static final float parseWidth(TagGroup tags, float defaultValue) { return parseMeasure(tags, defaultValue, "width", "est_width"); } /** * retrieves length using (in this priority order) * length tag, defaultValue parameter */ public static final float parseLength(TagGroup tags, float defaultValue) { return parseMeasure(tags, defaultValue, "length"); } /** * retrieves height using (in this priority order) * height tag, building:height tag, est_height tag, defaultValue parameter */ public static final float parseHeight(TagGroup tags, float defaultValue) { return parseMeasure(tags, defaultValue, "height", "building:height", "est_height"); } /** * retrieves clearing using (in this priority order) * practical:maxheight tag, maxheight tag, defaultValue parameter */ public static final float parseClearing(TagGroup tags, float defaultValue) { return parseMeasure(tags, defaultValue, "maxheight:physical", "maxheight"); } /** * parses the direction tag and returns the direction * (or a default value) as radians */ public static final double parseDirection(TagGroup tags, double defaultValue) { Float directionAngle = null; if (tags.containsKey("direction")) { directionAngle = parseAngle(tags.getValue("direction")); } if (directionAngle != null) { return Math.toRadians(directionAngle); } else { return defaultValue; } } public static final int parseInt(TagGroup tags, int defaultValue, String key) { if(tags.containsKey(key)) { Float value = parseOsmDecimal(tags.getValue(key), false); if (value != null) { return(int) (float) value; } } return defaultValue; } private static final float parseMeasure(TagGroup tags, float defaultValue, String... keys) { for (String key : keys) { if (tags.containsKey(key)) { Float value = ValueStringParser.parseMeasure(tags.getValue(key)); if (value != null) { return value; } } } return defaultValue; } }