package; import static java.lang.Math.toRadians; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import org.osm2world.core.math.GeometryUtil; import org.osm2world.core.math.InvalidGeometryException; import org.osm2world.core.math.SimplePolygonXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXYZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import; import; import; /** * offers some geometry-related utility functions for {@link WorldModule}s */ public final class WorldModuleGeometryUtil { private WorldModuleGeometryUtil() { } /** * creates the vectors for a vertical triangle strip * at a given elevation above a line of points */ public static final List<VectorXYZ> createVerticalTriangleStrip( List<? extends VectorXYZ> baseLine, float stripLowerYBound, float stripUpperYBound) { VectorXYZ[] result = new VectorXYZ[baseLine.size() * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < baseLine.size(); i++) { VectorXYZ basePos = baseLine.get(i); result[i*2] = new VectorXYZ( basePos.getX(), basePos.getY() + stripLowerYBound, basePos.getZ()); result[i*2+1] = new VectorXYZ( basePos.getX(), basePos.getY() + stripUpperYBound, basePos.getZ()); } return asList(result); } /** * creates a triangle strip between two outlines with identical number of vectors */ public static final List<VectorXYZ> createTriangleStripBetween( List<VectorXYZ> leftOutline, List<VectorXYZ> rightOutline) { assert leftOutline.size() == rightOutline.size(); VectorXYZ[] vs = new VectorXYZ[leftOutline.size() * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < leftOutline.size(); i++) { vs[i*2] = leftOutline.get(i); vs[i*2+1] = rightOutline.get(i); } return asList(vs); } /** * @param ratio 0 is at left outline, 1 at right outline */ public static final List<VectorXYZ> createLineBetween( List<VectorXYZ> leftOutline, List<VectorXYZ> rightOutline, float ratio) { assert leftOutline.size() == rightOutline.size(); List<VectorXYZ> result = new ArrayList<VectorXYZ>(leftOutline.size()); for (int i = 0; i < leftOutline.size(); i++) { result.add(GeometryUtil.interpolateBetween( leftOutline.get(i), rightOutline.get(i), ratio)); } return result; } //TODO: many uses of VisualizationUtil#drawColumn are a special case of this /** * creates triangle strip vectors for a shape extruded along a line of coordinates * * @param shape shape relative to origin * @param extrusionPath nodes to extrude the shape along; needs at least 2 nodes * @param upVectors vector for "up" direction at each extrusion path node. * You can use {@link Collections#nCopies(int, Object)} * if you want the same up vector for all nodes. * @return list of triangle strip vertex lists */ public static final List<List<VectorXYZ>> createShapeExtrusionAlong( List<VectorXYZ> shape, List<VectorXYZ> extrusionPath, List<VectorXYZ> upVectors) { if (extrusionPath.size() < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("extrusion path needs at least 2 nodes"); } else if (extrusionPath.size() != upVectors.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("extrusionPath and upVectors must have same size"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<VectorXYZ>[] shapeVectors = new List[extrusionPath.size()]; /* * create shape at each node of the extrusion path. * Special handling for first and last node, * where calculation of "forward" vector is different. */ shapeVectors[0] = transformShape(shape, extrusionPath.get(0), extrusionPath.get(1).subtract(extrusionPath.get(0)).normalize(), upVectors.get(0)); for (int pathI = 1; pathI < extrusionPath.size()-1; pathI ++) { VectorXYZ forwardVector = extrusionPath.get(pathI+1).subtract(extrusionPath.get(pathI-1)); forwardVector = forwardVector.normalize(); shapeVectors[pathI] = transformShape(shape, extrusionPath.get(pathI), forwardVector, upVectors.get(pathI)); } int last = extrusionPath.size()-1; shapeVectors[last] = transformShape(shape, extrusionPath.get(last), extrusionPath.get(last).subtract(extrusionPath.get(last-1)).normalize(), upVectors.get(last)); /* draw triangle strips */ List<List<VectorXYZ>> triangleStripList = new ArrayList<List<VectorXYZ>>(shape.size()-1); for (int i = 0; i+1 < shape.size(); i++) { VectorXYZ[] triangleStripVectors = new VectorXYZ[2*shapeVectors.length]; for (int j=0; j < shapeVectors.length; j++) { triangleStripVectors[j*2+1] = shapeVectors[j].get(i); triangleStripVectors[j*2+0] = shapeVectors[j].get(i+1); } triangleStripList.add(asList(triangleStripVectors)); } return triangleStripList; } /** * creates an rotated version of a list of vectors * by rotating them by the given angle around the parallel of the x axis * defined by the given Y and Z coordinates * * @param angle rotation angle in degrees */ public static final List<VectorXYZ> rotateShapeX(List<VectorXYZ> shape, double angle, double posY, double posZ) { VectorXYZ[] result = new VectorXYZ[shape.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < shape.size(); ++i) { result[i] = shape.get(i).add(0f, -posY, -posZ); result[i] = result[i].rotateX(toRadians(angle)); result[i] = result[i].add(0f, posY, posZ); } return asList(result); } /** * moves a shape that was defined at the origin to a new position. * This is used by {@link #createShapeExtrusionAlong(List, List, List)} * * @param center new center coordinate * @param forward new forward direction (unit vector) * @param up new up direction (unit vector) * @return list of 3d vectors; same length as shape */ public static final List<VectorXYZ> transformShape (List<VectorXYZ> shape, VectorXYZ center, VectorXYZ forward, VectorXYZ up) { VectorXYZ[] result = new VectorXYZ[shape.size()]; VectorXYZ right = forward.cross(up); final double[][] m = { //rotation matrix {right.x, right.y, right.z}, {up.x, up.y, up.z}, {forward.x, forward.y, forward.z} }; for (int i = 0; i < shape.size(); i++) { VectorXYZ v = shape.get(i); v = new VectorXYZ( m[0][0] * v.x + m[1][0] * v.y + m[2][0] * v.z, m[0][1] * v.x + m[1][1] * v.y + m[2][1] * v.z, m[0][2] * v.x + m[1][2] * v.y + m[2][2] * v.z ); v = v.add(center); result[i] = v; } return asList(result); } /** * removes positions from a collection if they are on the area covered by a * {@link WorldObjectWithOutline} from a collection of {@link WorldObject}s. * * This can be used to avoid placing trees, bridge pillars * and other randomly distributed features on roads, rails * or other similar places where they don't belong. */ public static final void filterWorldObjectCollisions( Collection<VectorXZ> positions, Collection<WorldObject> worldObjects) { //TODO: add support for avoiding a radius around the position, too. //this is easily possible once "inflating"/"shrinking" polygons is supported [would also be useful for water bodies etc.] /* * prepare filter polygons. * It improves performance to construct the outline polygons only once * instead of doing this within the loop iterating over positions. */ List<SimplePolygonXZ> filterPolygons = new ArrayList<SimplePolygonXZ>(); for (WorldObject worldObject : worldObjects) { if (worldObject.getGroundState() == GroundState.ON && (worldObject instanceof WorldObjectWithOutline)) { SimplePolygonXZ outline = null; try { outline = ((WorldObjectWithOutline)worldObject). getOutlinePolygonXZ(); } catch (InvalidGeometryException e) { //ignore this outline } if (outline != null) { filterPolygons.add(outline); } } } /* perform filtering of positions */ Iterator<VectorXZ> positionIterator = positions.iterator(); while (positionIterator.hasNext()) { VectorXZ pos =; for (SimplePolygonXZ filterPolygon : filterPolygons) { if (filterPolygon.contains(pos)) { positionIterator.remove(); break; } } } } }