package org.osm2world.core.math; import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; import static org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ.*; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineSegment; /** * utility class for some useful calculations */ public final class GeometryUtil { /** prevents instantiation */ private GeometryUtil() { } public static final List<TriangleXYZ> trianglesFromVertexList( List<? extends VectorXYZ> vs) { if (vs.size() % 3 != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("vertex size must be multiple of 3"); } List<TriangleXYZ> triangles = new ArrayList<TriangleXYZ>(vs.size() / 3); for (int triangle = 0; triangle < vs.size() / 3; triangle++) { triangles.add(new TriangleXYZ( vs.get(triangle * 3), vs.get(triangle * 3 + 1), vs.get(triangle * 3 + 2))); } return triangles; } public static final List<TriangleXYZ> trianglesFromTriangleStrip( List<? extends VectorXYZ> vs) { return trianglesFromVertexList( triangleVertexListFromTriangleStrip(vs)); } public static final <V> List<V> triangleVertexListFromTriangleStrip( List<? extends V> vs) { List<V> result = new ArrayList<V>((vs.size() - 2) * 3); for (int triangle = 0; triangle + 2 < vs.size(); triangle++) { if (triangle % 2 == 0) { result.add(vs.get(triangle)); result.add(vs.get(triangle + 1)); result.add(vs.get(triangle + 2)); } else { result.add(vs.get(triangle)); result.add(vs.get(triangle + 2)); result.add(vs.get(triangle + 1)); } } return result; } public static final <V> List<V> triangleNormalListFromTriangleStripOrFan( List<? extends V> normals) { List<V> result = new ArrayList<V>((normals.size() - 2) * 3); for (int triangle = 0; triangle + 2 < normals.size(); triangle++) { V normal = normals.get(triangle + 2); result.add(normal); result.add(normal); result.add(normal); } return result; } public static final List<TriangleXYZ> trianglesFromTriangleFan( List<? extends VectorXYZ> vs) { return trianglesFromVertexList( triangleVertexListFromTriangleFan(vs)); } public static final <V> List<V> triangleVertexListFromTriangleFan( List<? extends V> vs) { List<V> result = new ArrayList<V>((vs.size() - 2) * 3); V center = vs.get(0); for (int triangle = 0; triangle + 2 < vs.size(); triangle++) { result.add(center); result.add(vs.get(triangle + 1)); result.add(vs.get(triangle + 2)); } return result; } /** * returns the position vector where two lines intersect. * The lines are given by a point on the line and a direction vector each. * Result is null if the lines are parallel or have more than one common point. */ public static final VectorXZ getLineIntersection( VectorXZ pointA, VectorXZ directionA, VectorXZ pointB, VectorXZ directionB) { //TODO (documentation) explain properly //calculate dot product of directionA and directionB; //if dot product is (approximately) 0, the lines are parallel double denom = directionA.z*directionB.x - directionA.x*directionB.z; if(approxZero(denom)) { return null; } //TODO: why? denom = 1/denom; //calculate vector for connection between pointA and pointB double amcX = pointB.x-pointA.x; double amcZ = pointB.z-pointA.z; //calculate t so that intersection is at pointA+t*directionA //TODO: why this formula? double t = (amcZ*directionB.x - amcX*directionB.z)*denom; return new VectorXZ( pointA.x + t * directionA.x, pointA.z + t * directionA.z); } /** * returns the position vector where two line segments intersect. * The lines are given by a point on the line and a direction vector each. * Result is null if the lines are parallel or have more than one common point. */ public static final VectorXZ getLineSegmentIntersection( VectorXZ pointA1, VectorXZ pointA2, VectorXZ pointB1, VectorXZ pointB2) { //TODO: (performance): passing "vector TO second point", rather than point2, would avoid having to calc it here - and that information could be reused for all comparisons involving the segment //TODO (documentation) explain properly double vx = pointA2.x - pointA1.x; double vz = pointA2.z - pointA1.z; double qx = pointB2.x - pointB1.x; double qz = pointB2.z - pointB1.z; //calculate dot product; //if dot product is (approximately) 0, the lines are parallel double denom = vz*qx - vx*qz; if(approxZero(denom)) { return null; } //TODO: why? denom = 1/denom; //calculate vector for connection between pointA1 and pointB1 double amcx = pointB1.x-pointA1.x; double amcz = pointB1.z-pointA1.z; //calculate t so that intersection is at pointA1+t*v //TODO: why this formula? double t = (amcz*qx - amcx*qz)*denom; if( t < 0 || t > 1 ) { return null; } //calculate s so that intersection is at pointB1+t*q double s = (amcz*vx - amcx*vz)*denom; if( s < 0 || s > 1 ) { return null; } return new VectorXZ( pointA1.x + t * vx, pointA1.z + t * vz); } /** * variant of {@link #getLineSegmentIntersection(VectorXZ, VectorXZ, VectorXZ, VectorXZ)} * that also returns null (= does not announce an intersection) * if the two segments share an end point */ public static final VectorXZ getTrueLineSegmentIntersection( VectorXZ pointA1, VectorXZ pointA2, VectorXZ pointB1, VectorXZ pointB2) { if (pointA1.equals(pointB1) || pointA1.equals(pointB2) || pointA2.equals(pointB1) || pointA2.equals(pointB2)) { return null; } else { return getLineSegmentIntersection(pointA1, pointA2, pointB1, pointB2); } } /** * returns true if the point p is on the right of the line though l1 and l2 */ public static final boolean isRightOf(VectorXZ p, VectorXZ l1, VectorXZ l2) { return 0 > (p.z-l1.z) * (l2.x-l1.x) - (p.x-l1.x) * (l2.z-l1.z); } /** * returns true if p is "between" l1 and l2, * i.e. l1 to l2 is the longest side of the triangle p,l1,l2. * * If all three points are on a line, this means that * p is on the line segment between l1 and l2. */ public static final boolean isBetween(VectorXZ p, VectorXZ l1, VectorXZ l2) { double distSqL1L2 = distanceSquared(l1, l2); double distSqPL1 = distanceSquared(p, l1); double distSqPL2 = distanceSquared(p, l2); return distSqL1L2 > distSqPL1 && distSqL1L2 > distSqPL2; } /** * returns the closest distance between point p and a line defined by two points */ public static final double distanceFromLine(VectorXZ p, VectorXZ v1, VectorXZ v2) { return Line2D.ptLineDist(v1.x, v1.z, v2.x, v2.z, p.x, p.z); } /** * returns the closest distance between point p and line segment s */ public static final double distanceFromLineSegment(VectorXZ p, LineSegmentXZ s) { LineSegment sJTS = new LineSegment(s.p1.x, s.p1.z, s.p2.x, s.p2.z); return sJTS.distance(new Coordinate(p.x, p.z)); } /** * returns a sequence of vectors at a distance above an original sequence * * @param sequence original sequence * @param yDistance distance in y direction between new and original sequence; * can be negative for creating a sequence below the original sequence. */ public static final List<VectorXYZ> sequenceAbove( List<VectorXYZ> sequence, double yDistance) { List<VectorXYZ> newSequence = new ArrayList<VectorXYZ>(sequence.size()); VectorXYZ undersideOffset = VectorXYZ.Y_UNIT.mult(yDistance); for (VectorXYZ v : sequence) { newSequence.add(v.add(undersideOffset)); } return newSequence; } /** * returns a point on a line segment between pos1 and pos2, * with parameterized placement between the two end nodes. * For example, a parameter of 0.5 would return the center * of the line segment; the interpolated point for a parameter * of 0.25 would be 1/4 of the distance between pos1 and pos2 * away from pos1. */ public static VectorXZ interpolateBetween(VectorXZ pos1, VectorXZ pos2, double influenceRatioPos2) { return new VectorXZ( pos1.x * (1-influenceRatioPos2) + pos2.x * influenceRatioPos2, pos1.z * (1-influenceRatioPos2) + pos2.z * influenceRatioPos2); } /** * three-dimensional version of * {@link #interpolateBetween(VectorXZ, VectorXZ, double)} */ public static VectorXYZ interpolateBetween(VectorXYZ pos1, VectorXYZ pos2, double influenceRatioPos2) { return new VectorXYZ( pos1.x * (1-influenceRatioPos2) + pos2.x * influenceRatioPos2, pos1.y * (1-influenceRatioPos2) + pos2.y * influenceRatioPos2, pos1.z * (1-influenceRatioPos2) + pos2.z * influenceRatioPos2); } /** * performs linear interpolation of elevation information * for a position on a line segment */ public static VectorXYZ interpolateElevation(VectorXZ posForEle, VectorXYZ pos1, VectorXYZ pos2) { double interpolatedElevation = interpolateValue(posForEle, pos1.xz(), pos1.y, pos2.xz(), pos2.y); return; } /** * performs linear interpolation of any value for a position on a line segment */ public static double interpolateValue(VectorXZ posForValue, VectorXZ pos1, double valueAt1, VectorXZ pos2, double valueAt2) { double distRatio = distance(pos1, posForValue) / (distance(pos1, posForValue) + distance(posForValue, pos2)); return valueAt1 * (1 - distRatio) + valueAt2 * distRatio; } /** * distributes points along a line segment. * * This can be used for many different features, such as * steps along a way, street lights along a road or posts along a fence. * * @param preferredDistance ideal distance between resulting points; * this method will try to keep the actual distance as close to this as possible * * @param pointsAtStartAndEnd if true, there will be a point at lineStart * and lineEnd each; if false, the closest points will be half the usual * distance away from these */ public static List<VectorXZ> equallyDistributePointsAlong( double preferredDistance, boolean pointsAtStartAndEnd, VectorXZ lineStart, VectorXZ lineEnd) { double lineLength = lineStart.subtract(lineEnd).length(); int numSegments = (int) Math.round(lineLength / preferredDistance); if (numSegments == 0) { return new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(0); } double pointDistance = lineLength / numSegments; VectorXZ pointDiff = lineEnd.subtract(lineStart).normalize().mult(pointDistance); int numPoints = pointsAtStartAndEnd ? numSegments + 1 : numSegments; List<VectorXZ> result = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(numPoints); /* create the points, starting with the first and basing each on the previous */ VectorXZ mostRecentPoint = pointsAtStartAndEnd ? lineStart : lineStart.add(pointDiff.mult(0.5f)); result.add(mostRecentPoint); for (int point = 1; point < numPoints; point ++) { mostRecentPoint = mostRecentPoint.add(pointDiff); result.add(mostRecentPoint); } return result; } /** * distributes points along a line segment sequence. * * This can be used for many different features, such as * steps along a way, street lights along a road or posts along a fence. * * @param preferredDistance ideal distance between resulting points; * this method will try to keep the actual distance as close to this as possible * * @param pointsAtStartAndEnd if true, there will be a point at lineStart * and lineEnd each; if false, the closest points will be half the usual * distance away from these */ public static List<VectorXZ> equallyDistributePointsAlong( double preferredDistance, boolean pointsAtStartAndEnd, List<VectorXZ> points) { double length = 0; for (int i=0; i+1 < points.size(); i++) { length += points.get(i+1).subtract(points.get(i)).length(); } int numSegments = (int) Math.round(length / preferredDistance); if (numSegments == 0) { return Collections.<VectorXZ>emptyList(); } double pointDistance = length / numSegments; int numPoints = pointsAtStartAndEnd ? numSegments + 1 : numSegments; List<VectorXZ> result = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(numPoints); /* create the points */ double currentDistanceFromStart = pointsAtStartAndEnd ? 0 : pointDistance / 2; for (int point = 1; point < numPoints; point ++) { //TODO: create and add point (to result) based on currentDistanceFromStart currentDistanceFromStart += pointDistance; } return result; //TODO: support distributing along a line with corners etc, //to avoid "restart" at each node //(should be relatively easy, just calculate TOTAL line length first // and then proceed in a way similar to getEleAt) } /** * returns a polygon that is constructed from a given polygon * by inserting a point into one of the segments of the original polygon. * The segment chosen for this purpose is the one closest to the new node. * * @param polygon original polygon, will not be modified by this method * @param point the new point * @param snapDistance minimum distance of new point from segment endpoints; * if the new point is closer, the unmodified * original polygon will be returned. */ public static PolygonXZ insertIntoPolygon(PolygonXZ polygon, VectorXZ point, double snapDistance) { LineSegmentXZ segment = polygon.getClosestSegment(point); for (int i = 0; i + 1 <= polygon.size() ; i++) { if (polygon.getVertex(i).equals(segment.p1) && polygon.getVertexAfter(i).equals(segment.p2)){ if (polygon.getVertex(i).distanceTo(point) <= snapDistance || polygon.getVertexAfter(i).distanceTo(point) <= snapDistance) { return polygon; } else { ArrayList<VectorXZ> vertexLoop = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(polygon.getVertexLoop()); vertexLoop.add(i + 1, point); return new PolygonXZ(vertexLoop); } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("segment " + segment + " was not found in polygon " + polygon); } /** * constant used by {@link #distributePointsOn(long, PolygonWithHolesXZ, * AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ, double, double)} */ private static final int POINTS_PER_BOX = 100; /** * distributes points pseudo-randomly on a polygon area. * The distribution for a set of parameters will always be identical. * * This can be used for features such as trees in a forest. * * Distribution works by slicing the area's bounding box into smaller boxes * with POINTS_PER_BOX potential points each, the size of these boxes * depending on density. In each of the boxes, POINTS_PER_BOX pseudo-random * positions will be calculated. If a position is far enough from previous * ones and not inside a hole, the position will be contained in the result. * * @param seed a seed for random number generation * @param polygonWithHolesXZ polygon on which the points should be placed * @param boundary boundary of the relevant area or null; * points outside of the boundary are optional. * @param density desired number of points per unit of area * @param minimumDistance minimum distance between resulting points * (not yet implemented) */ public static List<VectorXZ> distributePointsOn( long seed, PolygonWithHolesXZ polygonWithHolesXZ, AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ boundary, double density, double minimumDistance) { List<VectorXZ> result = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(); Random rand = new Random(seed); AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ outerBox = new AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ( polygonWithHolesXZ.getOuter().getVertices()); double boxSize = sqrt(100 / density); for (int boxZ = 0; boxZ <= (int)(outerBox.sizeZ() / boxSize); ++boxZ) { for (int boxX = 0; boxX <= (int)(outerBox.sizeX() / boxSize); ++boxX) { AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ box = new AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ( outerBox.minX + boxSize * boxX, outerBox.minZ + boxSize * boxZ, outerBox.minX + boxSize * (boxX + 1), outerBox.minZ + boxSize * (boxZ + 1)); if (boundary != null && !boundary.overlaps(box)) { continue; } if (!polygonWithHolesXZ.contains(box.polygonXZ()) && !polygonWithHolesXZ.intersects(box.polygonXZ())) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < POINTS_PER_BOX; ++i) { double x = box.minX + boxSize * rand.nextDouble(); double z = box.minZ + boxSize * rand.nextDouble(); VectorXZ v = new VectorXZ(x, z); if (polygonWithHolesXZ.contains(v)) { //TODO: check minimumDistance result.add(v); } } } } return result; } private static final double EPSILON = 0.0001f; private static final boolean approxZero(double f) { return f <= EPSILON && f >= -EPSILON; } /** * Calculate consistent tangent vectors for given vertices and vertex normals and texture coordinates. * Code inspired by Lengyel, Eric. “Computing Tangent Space Basis Vectors for an Arbitrary Mesh”. Terathon Software 3D Graphics Library, 2001. * @param vertices list of vertices for which the tangent vectors get calculated * @param normals list of normals belonging to the vertices * @param texCoords list of texture coordinates belonging to the vertices * @return list of tangent vectors that are consistent with the vertices, normals and texture coordinates */ public static final List<VectorXYZW> calculateTangentVectorsForTexLayer(List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<VectorXZ> texCoords) { int vertexCount = vertices.size(); VectorXYZ[] tan1 = new VectorXYZ[vertexCount]; VectorXYZ[] tan2 = new VectorXYZ[vertexCount]; List<VectorXYZW> tangents = new ArrayList<VectorXYZW>(); for (int a = 0; a < vertexCount / 3; a++) { int i = a*3+1; VectorXYZ v1 = vertices.get(i-1); VectorXYZ v2 = vertices.get(i); VectorXYZ v3 = vertices.get(i+1); VectorXZ w1 = texCoords.get(i-1); VectorXZ w2 = texCoords.get(i); VectorXZ w3 = texCoords.get(i+1); double x1 = v2.x - v1.x; double x2 = v3.x - v1.x; double y1 = v2.y - v1.y; double y2 = v3.y - v1.y; double z1 = v2.z - v1.z; double z2 = v3.z - v1.z; double s1 = w2.x - w1.x; double s2 = w3.x - w1.x; double t1 = w2.z - w1.z; double t2 = w3.z - w1.z; double r = 1.0 / (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1); VectorXYZ sdir = new VectorXYZ((t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r, (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r, (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r); VectorXYZ tdir = new VectorXYZ((s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r, (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r, (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r); tan1[i-1] = sdir; tan1[i] = sdir; tan1[i+1] = sdir; tan2[i-1] = tdir; tan2[i] = tdir; tan2[i+1] = tdir; } for (int a = 0; a < vertexCount; a++) { VectorXYZ n = normals.get(a); VectorXYZ t = tan1[a]; // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize VectorXYZ res = (t.subtract(n.mult(; // Calculate handedness double w = (n.cross(t).dot(tan2[a]) < 0.0F) ? -1.0F : 1.0F; tangents.add(new VectorXYZW(res.x, res.y, res.z, w)); } return tangents; } /** * Epsilon to move the shadow volumes away in light direction. Avoids self shadowing. */ private static final double SHADOWVOLUME_EPSILON = 0.1f; /** * Calculate per triangle shadow volumes. Only light facing triangles will create a shadow volume, so objects should probably be closed for correct results. * @param vertices list of the triangles vertices. Have to be a multiple of three. * @param lightPos position of the light source. Supports point lights with lightPos.w != 0 and directional lights with lightPos.w == 0 * @return list of the shadow volume vertices in homogeneous coordinates. These will contain points at infinity (w == 0) for the shadow volume back cap */ public static final List<VectorXYZW> calculateShadowVolumesPerTriangle(List<VectorXYZ> vertices, VectorXYZW lightPos) { List<VectorXYZW> shadowVolumes = new ArrayList<VectorXYZW>(); for (int triangle = 0; triangle < vertices.size()/3; triangle++) { VectorXYZ v1 = vertices.get(triangle*3); VectorXYZ v2 = vertices.get(triangle*3+1); VectorXYZ v3 = vertices.get(triangle*3+2); VectorXYZ normal = v1.subtract(v2).crossNormalized(v3.subtract(v2)); VectorXYZ lightDir; if (lightPos.w == 0) lightDir =; else lightDir = v1.subtract(; // skip parallel triangles if (approxZero( continue; // only light facing triangles (not the same direction of the light rays) throw shadows if ( < 0) { // revert light facing triangles VectorXYZ tmp = v2; v2 = v3; v3 = tmp; //} // calculate the volume sides shadowVolumes.addAll(emitQuad(v1, v2, lightPos)); shadowVolumes.addAll(emitQuad(v2, v3, lightPos)); shadowVolumes.addAll(emitQuad(v3, v1, lightPos)); // calculate the front/back cap. move front cap a little in light direction to avoid self shadowing VectorXYZW c1 = new VectorXYZW( v1.add(lightDir.mult(SHADOWVOLUME_EPSILON)), 1); VectorXYZW b1 = new VectorXYZW( lightDir, 0); if (lightPos.w != 0) lightDir = v2.subtract(; VectorXYZW c2 = new VectorXYZW( v2.add(lightDir.mult(SHADOWVOLUME_EPSILON)), 1); VectorXYZW b2 = new VectorXYZW( lightDir, 0); if (lightPos.w != 0) lightDir = v3.subtract(; VectorXYZW c3 = new VectorXYZW( v3.add(lightDir.mult(SHADOWVOLUME_EPSILON)), 1); VectorXYZW b3 = new VectorXYZW( lightDir, 0); shadowVolumes.add(c1); shadowVolumes.add(c2); shadowVolumes.add(c3); // reverse back cap order shadowVolumes.add(b1); shadowVolumes.add(b3); shadowVolumes.add(b2); } } return shadowVolumes; } /** * Creates the sides of a shadow volume for a edge of the triangle casting the shadow. * @param start the start of the triangle edge * @param end the end of the triangle edge * @param lightPos position of the shadow casting light * @return the vertices making up the side of the shadow volume for the triangle edge */ private static List<VectorXYZW> emitQuad(VectorXYZ start, VectorXYZ end, VectorXYZW lightPos) { List<VectorXYZW> result = new ArrayList<VectorXYZW>(10); VectorXYZ lightDir; // Vertex #1: the starting vertex (just a tiny bit below the original edge) if (lightPos.w == 0) lightDir =; else lightDir = start.subtract(; VectorXYZW v1 = new VectorXYZW(start.add(lightDir.mult(SHADOWVOLUME_EPSILON)), 1); // Vertex #2: the starting vertex projected to infinity VectorXYZW v2 = new VectorXYZW(lightDir, 0); // Vertex #3: the ending vertex (just a tiny bit below the original edge) if (lightPos.w != 0) lightDir = end.subtract(; VectorXYZW v3 = new VectorXYZW(end.add(lightDir.mult(SHADOWVOLUME_EPSILON)), 1); // Vertex #4: the ending vertex projected to infinity VectorXYZW v4 = new VectorXYZW(lightDir, 0); result.add(v1); result.add(v2); result.add(v3); result.add(v3); result.add(v2); result.add(v4); // result.add(v1); // result.add(v3); // result.add(v2); // result.add(v3); // result.add(v4); // result.add(v2); return result; } /* public static final List<VectorXYZW> calculateShadowVolumesPerTriangle(List<VectorXYZ> vertices, VectorXYZW lightPos, FloatBuffer gWVP) { List<VectorXYZW> shadowVolumes = new ArrayList<VectorXYZW>(); for (int triangle = 0; triangle < vertices.size()/3; triangle++) { VectorXYZ v1 = vertices.get(triangle*3); VectorXYZ v2 = vertices.get(triangle*3+1); VectorXYZ v3 = vertices.get(triangle*3+2); VectorXYZ normal = v1.subtract(v2).crossNormalized(v3.subtract(v2)); VectorXYZ lightDir; if (lightPos.w == 0) lightDir =; else lightDir = v1.subtract(; // Handle only light facing triangles if ( > 0) { // calculate the volume sides shadowVolumes.addAll(emitQuad(v1, v2, lightPos, gWVP)); shadowVolumes.addAll(emitQuad(v2, v3, lightPos, gWVP)); shadowVolumes.addAll(emitQuad(v3, v1, lightPos, gWVP)); // calculate the front/back cap VectorXYZW c1 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, v1.add(lightDir.mult(EPSILON)), 1); VectorXYZW b1 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, lightDir, 0); if (lightPos.w != 0) lightDir = v2.subtract(; VectorXYZW c2 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, v2.add(lightDir.mult(EPSILON)), 1); VectorXYZW b2 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, lightDir, 0); if (lightPos.w != 0) lightDir = v3.subtract(; VectorXYZW c3 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, v3.add(lightDir.mult(EPSILON)), 1); VectorXYZW b3 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, lightDir, 0); shadowVolumes.add(c1); shadowVolumes.add(c2); shadowVolumes.add(c3); // reverse back cap order shadowVolumes.add(b1); shadowVolumes.add(b3); shadowVolumes.add(b2); } } return shadowVolumes; } private static List<VectorXYZW> emitQuad(VectorXYZ start, VectorXYZ end, VectorXYZW lightPos, FloatBuffer gWVP) { List<VectorXYZW> result = new ArrayList<VectorXYZW>(10); VectorXYZ lightDir; // Vertex #1: the starting vertex (just a tiny bit below the original edge) if (lightPos.w == 0) lightDir =; else lightDir = start.subtract(; VectorXYZW v1 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, start.add(lightDir.mult(EPSILON)), 1); // Vertex #2: the starting vertex projected to infinity VectorXYZW v2 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, lightDir.mult(EPSILON), 0); // Vertex #3: the ending vertex (just a tiny bit below the original edge) if (lightPos.w == 0) lightDir =; else lightDir = end.subtract(; VectorXYZW v3 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, end.add(lightDir.mult(EPSILON)), 1); // Vertex #4: the ending vertex projected to infinity VectorXYZW v4 = multMatrixVec(gWVP, lightDir.mult(EPSILON), 0); // TODO: correct for directional light? result.add(v1); result.add(v2); result.add(v3); result.add(v3); result.add(v2); result.add(v4); return result; } private static VectorXYZW multMatrixVec(FloatBuffer mat, VectorXYZ v, float w) { float[] result = new float[4]; FloatUtil.multMatrixVecf(mat, new float[]{(float)v.x, (float)v.y, (float)v.z, w}, result); return new VectorXYZW(result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3]); } */ }