package; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static org.osm2world.core.math.GeometryUtil.*; import static*; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXYZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import; import; import; import; /** * superclass for {@link Target} implementations that defines some * of the required methods using others. Extending it reduces the number of * methods that have to be provided by the implementation */ public abstract class AbstractTarget<R extends Renderable> implements Target<R> { protected Configuration config; @Override public void setConfiguration(Configuration config) { this.config = config; } @Override public void beginObject(WorldObject object) {} @Override public void drawBox(Material material, VectorXYZ bottomCenter, VectorXZ faceDirection, double height, double width, double depth) { final VectorXYZ backVector = faceDirection.mult(-depth).xyz(0); final VectorXYZ rightVector = faceDirection.rightNormal().mult(-width).xyz(0); final VectorXYZ upVector = new VectorXYZ(0, height, 0); final VectorXYZ frontLowerLeft = bottomCenter .add(rightVector.mult(-0.5)) .add(backVector.mult(-0.5)); final VectorXYZ frontLowerRight = frontLowerLeft.add(rightVector); final VectorXYZ frontUpperLeft = frontLowerLeft.add(upVector); final VectorXYZ frontUpperRight = frontLowerRight.add(upVector); final VectorXYZ backLowerLeft = frontLowerLeft.add(backVector); final VectorXYZ backLowerRight = frontLowerRight.add(backVector); final VectorXYZ backUpperLeft = frontUpperLeft.add(backVector); final VectorXYZ backUpperRight = frontUpperRight.add(backVector); List<VectorXYZ> vsStrip1 = asList( backLowerLeft, backLowerRight, frontLowerLeft, frontLowerRight, frontUpperLeft, frontUpperRight, backUpperLeft, backUpperRight ); List<VectorXYZ> vsStrip2 = asList( frontUpperRight, frontLowerRight, backUpperRight, backLowerRight, backUpperLeft, backLowerLeft, frontUpperLeft, frontLowerLeft ); List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoords1 = null, texCoords2 = null; if (material.getTextureDataList() != null) { texCoords1 = nCopies(material.getTextureDataList().size(), BOX_TEX_COORDS_1); texCoords2 = nCopies(material.getTextureDataList().size(), BOX_TEX_COORDS_2); } drawTriangleStrip(material, vsStrip1, texCoords1); drawTriangleStrip(material, vsStrip2, texCoords2); } protected static final List<VectorXZ> BOX_TEX_COORDS_1 = asList( new VectorXZ(0, 0), new VectorXZ(0.25, 0), new VectorXZ(0, 1.0/3), new VectorXZ(0.25, 1.0/3), new VectorXZ(0, 2.0/3), new VectorXZ(0.25, 2.0/3), new VectorXZ(0, 1), new VectorXZ(0.25, 1) ); protected static final List<VectorXZ> BOX_TEX_COORDS_2 = asList( new VectorXZ(0.25, 2.0/3), new VectorXZ(0.25, 1.0/3), new VectorXZ(0.50, 2.0/3), new VectorXZ(0.50, 1.0/3), new VectorXZ(0.75, 2.0/3), new VectorXZ(0.75, 1.0/3), new VectorXZ(1.00, 2.0/3), new VectorXZ(1.00, 1.0/3) ); private static final int EDGES_FOR_CYLINDER = 16; @Override public void drawColumn(Material material, Integer corners, VectorXYZ base, double height, double radiusBottom, double radiusTop, boolean drawBottom, boolean drawTop) { if (corners == null) { corners = EDGES_FOR_CYLINDER; material = material.makeSmooth(); } float angleInterval = (float) (2 * Math.PI / corners); /* prepare vector lists for the 3 primitives */ List<VectorXYZ> bottomFan = new ArrayList<VectorXYZ>(corners + 2); List<VectorXYZ> topFan = new ArrayList<VectorXYZ>(corners + 2); List<VectorXYZ> mantleStrip = new ArrayList<VectorXYZ>(corners + 2); /* fill vectors into lists */ bottomFan.add(base); topFan.add(base.add(0, height, 0)); for (int i = 0; i <= corners; i++) { double angle = - i * angleInterval; double sin = Math.sin(angle); double cos = Math.cos(angle); VectorXYZ topV = base.add( radiusTop * sin, height, radiusTop * cos); VectorXYZ bottomV = base.add( radiusBottom * sin, 0, radiusBottom * cos); bottomFan.add(bottomV); topFan.add(topV); mantleStrip.add(topV); mantleStrip.add(bottomV); } Collections.reverse(bottomFan); /* draw the 3 primitives */ if (drawBottom) { drawTriangleFan(material, bottomFan, texCoordLists(bottomFan, material, GLOBAL_X_Z)); } if (drawTop) { drawTriangleFan(material, topFan, texCoordLists(bottomFan, material, GLOBAL_X_Z)); } drawTriangleStrip(material, mantleStrip, texCoordLists(mantleStrip, material, STRIP_WALL)); } @Override public void drawTriangleStrip(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists) { List<List<VectorXZ>> newTexCoordLists = emptyList(); if (texCoordLists != null && !texCoordLists.isEmpty()) { newTexCoordLists = new ArrayList<List<VectorXZ>>(texCoordLists.size()); for (List<VectorXZ> texCoordList : texCoordLists) { newTexCoordLists.add( triangleVertexListFromTriangleStrip(texCoordList)); } } drawTriangles(material, trianglesFromTriangleStrip(vs), newTexCoordLists); } @Override public void drawTriangleFan(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists) { List<List<VectorXZ>> newTexCoordLists = emptyList(); if (texCoordLists != null && !texCoordLists.isEmpty()) { newTexCoordLists = new ArrayList<List<VectorXZ>>(texCoordLists.size()); for (List<VectorXZ> texCoordList : texCoordLists) { newTexCoordLists.add( triangleVertexListFromTriangleFan(texCoordList)); } } drawTriangles(material, trianglesFromTriangleFan(vs), newTexCoordLists); } @Override public void drawConvexPolygon(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists) { drawTriangleFan(material, vs, texCoordLists); } @Override public void finish() {} }