package org.osm2world.console; import static org.osm2world.console.CLIArgumentsUtil.ProgramMode.*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public final class CLIArgumentsUtil { public static enum ProgramMode {GUI, CONVERT, HELP, VERSION, PARAMFILE}; public static enum OutputMode {OBJ, POV, PNG, PPM, GD}; public static enum InputMode {FILE, OVERPASS}; private CLIArgumentsUtil() { } public static final boolean isValid(CLIArguments args) { return getErrorString(args) == null; } public static final String getErrorString(CLIArguments args) { if (getProgramMode(args) == CONVERT) { switch (args.getInputMode()) { case FILE: if (!args.isInput()) { return "input file parameter is required (or choose a different input mode)"; } break; case OVERPASS: if (!args.isInputQuery() && !args.isInputBoundingBox()) { return "either a bounding box or a query string is required for Overpass"; } break; } if (!args.isOutput()) { return "output file parameter is missing"; } if (args.isOviewTiles() && args.getOviewTiles().isEmpty()) { return "at least one tile required"; } if (args.isOviewBoundingBox() && args.getOviewBoundingBox().size() < 2) { return "bounding box requires at least two lat,lon pairs"; } if (args.isOviewTiles() && args.isOviewBoundingBox()) { return "define *either* tiles or bounding box for" + " orthographic view"; } for (File outputFile : args.getOutput()) { if (getOutputMode(outputFile) == null) { return "cannot identify file type from name " + outputFile + "\navailable output types: " + OutputMode.values(); } } if ((args.isPviewPos() && !args.isPviewLookat()) || (args.isPviewLookat() && !args.isPviewPos())) { return "camera position and look-at for perspective view " + "cannot be used separately, both must be defined"; } if (hasOrthographicArg(args) && hasPerspectiveArg(args)) { return "you cannot combine arguments for perspective view " + "and orthographic view"; } } return null; } private static final boolean hasOrthographicArg(CLIArguments args) { return args.isOviewBoundingBox() || args.isOviewTiles(); } private static final boolean hasPerspectiveArg(CLIArguments args) { return args.isPviewLookat() || args.isPviewPos(); } public static final ProgramMode getProgramMode(CLIArguments args) { return args.isParameterFile() ? PARAMFILE : args.getHelp() ? HELP : args.getVersion() ? VERSION : args.getGui() ? GUI : CONVERT; } public static final OutputMode getOutputMode(File outputFile) { if (outputFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".obj")) { return OutputMode.OBJ; } else if (outputFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pov")) { return OutputMode.POV; } else if (outputFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".png")) { return OutputMode.PNG; } else if (outputFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".ppm")) { return OutputMode.PPM; } else if (outputFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".gd")) { return OutputMode.GD; } else { return null; } } public static final List<String[]> getUnparsedParameterGroups( File parameterFile) throws IOException { List<String[]> result = new ArrayList<String[]>(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(parameterFile)); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("#")) continue; if (line.trim().isEmpty()) continue; List<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>(); Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("[^\\s\"']+|\"([^\"]*)\"|'([^']*)'"); Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(line); while (matcher.find()) { if ( != null) { // Add double-quoted string without the quotes argList.add(; } else if ( != null) { // Add single-quoted string without the quotes argList.add(; } else { // Add unquoted word argList.add(; } } result.add(argList.toArray(new String[argList.size()])); } in.close(); return result; } }