package; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.nCopies; import static; import static*; import static; import static*; import static*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.math.GeometryUtil; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXYZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * adds barriers to the world */ public class BarrierModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void applyToWaySegment(MapWaySegment line) { TagGroup tags = line.getTags(); if (!tags.containsKey("barrier")) return; //fast exit for common case if (Wall.fits(tags)) { line.addRepresentation(new Wall(line)); } else if (CityWall.fits(tags)) { line.addRepresentation(new CityWall(line)); } else if (Hedge.fits(tags)) { line.addRepresentation(new Hedge(line)); } else if (ChainLinkFence.fits(tags)) { line.addRepresentation(new ChainLinkFence(line, tags)); } else if (Fence.fits(tags)) { line.addRepresentation(new Fence(line, tags)); } } @Override protected void applyToNode(MapNode node) { TagGroup tags = node.getTags(); if (!tags.containsKey("barrier") && !tags.containsKey("power")) return; //fast exit for common case if (Bollard.fits(tags)) { node.addRepresentation(new Bollard(node, tags)); } } private static abstract class LinearBarrier extends AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject implements RenderableToAllTargets { protected final float height; protected final float width; public LinearBarrier(MapWaySegment waySegment, float defaultHeight, float defaultWidth) { super(waySegment); height = parseHeight(waySegment.getOsmWay().tags, defaultHeight); width = parseWidth(waySegment.getOsmWay().tags, defaultWidth); } @Override public VectorXZ getStartPosition() { return segment.getStartNode().getPos(); } @Override public VectorXZ getEndPosition() { return segment.getEndNode().getPos(); } @Override public GroundState getGroundState() { return GroundState.ON; //TODO: flexible ground states } @Override public float getWidth() { return width; } } /** * superclass for linear barriers that are a simple colored "wall" * (use width and height to create vertical sides and a flat top) */ private static abstract class ColoredWall extends LinearBarrier { private final Material material; public ColoredWall(Material material, MapWaySegment segment, float defaultHeight, float defaultWidth) { super(segment, 1, 0.5f); this.material = material; } @Override public void renderTo(Target<?> target) { //TODO: join ways back together to reduce the number of caps List<VectorXYZ> wallShape = asList( new VectorXYZ(-width/2, 0, 0), new VectorXYZ(-width/2, height, 0), new VectorXYZ(+width/2, height, 0), new VectorXYZ(+width/2, 0, 0) ); List<VectorXYZ> path = getCenterline(); List<List<VectorXYZ>> strips = createShapeExtrusionAlong(wallShape, path, nCopies(path.size(), VectorXYZ.Y_UNIT)); for (List<VectorXYZ> strip : strips) { target.drawTriangleStrip(material, strip, texCoordLists(strip, material, STRIP_WALL)); } /* draw caps */ List<VectorXYZ> startCap = transformShape(wallShape, path.get(0), segment.getDirection().xyz(0), VectorXYZ.Y_UNIT); List<VectorXYZ> endCap = transformShape(wallShape, path.get(path.size()-1), segment.getDirection().invert().xyz(0), VectorXYZ.Y_UNIT); List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists = texCoordLists(wallShape, material, GLOBAL_X_Y); target.drawConvexPolygon(material, startCap, texCoordLists); target.drawConvexPolygon(material, endCap, texCoordLists); } } private static class Wall extends ColoredWall { public static boolean fits(TagGroup tags) { return tags.contains("barrier", "wall"); } private static Material getMaterial(TagGroup tags) { Material material = null; if ("gabion".equals(tags.getValue("wall"))) { material = Materials.WALL_GABION; } else if ( tags.containsKey("material") ) { material = Materials.getMaterial(tags.getValue("material").toUpperCase()); } if (material != null) { return material; } else { return Materials.WALL_DEFAULT; } } public Wall(MapWaySegment segment) { super(getMaterial(segment.getTags()), segment, 1f, 0.25f); } } private static class CityWall extends ColoredWall { public static boolean fits(TagGroup tags) { return tags.contains("barrier", "city_wall"); } public CityWall(MapWaySegment segment) { super(Materials.WALL_DEFAULT, segment, 10, 2); } } private static class Hedge extends ColoredWall { public static boolean fits(TagGroup tags) { return tags.contains("barrier", "hedge"); } public Hedge(MapWaySegment segment) { super(Materials.HEDGE, segment, 1f, 0.5f); } } private static class ChainLinkFence extends LinearBarrier { public static boolean fits(TagGroup tags) { return tags.contains("barrier", "fence") && tags.contains("fence_type", "chain_link"); } public ChainLinkFence(MapWaySegment segment, TagGroup tags) { super(segment, 1f, 0.02f); } @Override public void renderTo(Target<?> target) { /* render fence */ List<VectorXYZ> pointsWithEle = getCenterline(); List<VectorXYZ> vsFence = createVerticalTriangleStrip( pointsWithEle, 0, height); List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordListsFence = texCoordLists( vsFence, CHAIN_LINK_FENCE, STRIP_WALL); target.drawTriangleStrip(CHAIN_LINK_FENCE, vsFence, texCoordListsFence); List<VectorXYZ> pointsWithEleBack = new ArrayList<VectorXYZ>(pointsWithEle); Collections.reverse(pointsWithEleBack); List<VectorXYZ> vsFenceBack = createVerticalTriangleStrip( pointsWithEleBack, 0, height); List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordListsFenceBack = texCoordLists( vsFenceBack, CHAIN_LINK_FENCE, STRIP_WALL); target.drawTriangleStrip(CHAIN_LINK_FENCE, vsFenceBack, texCoordListsFenceBack); /* render poles */ //TODO connect the poles to the ground independently List<VectorXZ> polePositions = GeometryUtil.equallyDistributePointsAlong(2f, false, segment.getStartNode().getPos(), segment.getEndNode().getPos()); for (VectorXZ polePosition : polePositions) { // TODO draw poles again // VectorXYZ base =; // target.drawColumn(CHAIN_LINK_FENCE_POST, null, base, // height, width, width, false, true); // } } } private static class Fence extends LinearBarrier { public static boolean fits(TagGroup tags) { return tags.contains("barrier", "fence"); } private static final Map<String, Material> MATERIAL_MAP; static { MATERIAL_MAP = new HashMap<String, Material>(); MATERIAL_MAP.put("split_rail", Materials.SPLIT_RAIL_FENCE); } private final Material material; public Fence(MapWaySegment segment, TagGroup tags) { super(segment, 0.5f, 0.1f); Material materialFromMap = MATERIAL_MAP.get(tags.getValue("fence_type")); if (materialFromMap != null) { material = materialFromMap; } else { material = Materials.FENCE_DEFAULT; } } @Override public void renderTo(Target<?> target) { List<VectorXYZ> baseline = getCenterline(); /* render bars */ List<VectorXYZ> vsLowFront = createVerticalTriangleStrip( baseline, 0.2f * height, 0.5f * height); List<VectorXYZ> vsLowBack = createVerticalTriangleStrip( baseline, 0.5f * height, 0.2f * height); target.drawTriangleStrip(material, vsLowFront, null); target.drawTriangleStrip(material, vsLowBack, null); List<VectorXYZ> vsHighFront = createVerticalTriangleStrip( baseline, 0.65f * height, 0.95f * height); List<VectorXYZ> vsHighBack = createVerticalTriangleStrip( baseline, 0.95f * height, 0.65f * height); target.drawTriangleStrip(material, vsHighFront, null); target.drawTriangleStrip(material, vsHighBack, null); /* render poles */ List<VectorXZ> polePositions = GeometryUtil.equallyDistributePointsAlong(1f, false, segment.getStartNode().getPos(), segment.getEndNode().getPos()); for (VectorXZ polePosition : polePositions) { // TODO draw poles again // VectorXYZ base =; // target.drawColumn(material, null , base, height, width, width, false, true); } } } private static class Bollard extends NoOutlineNodeWorldObject implements RenderableToAllTargets { private static final float DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 1; public static boolean fits(TagGroup tags) { return tags.contains("barrier", "bollard"); } private final float height; public Bollard(MapNode node, TagGroup tags) { super(node); height = parseHeight(tags, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } @Override public GroundState getGroundState() { return GroundState.ON; //TODO: flexible ground states } @Override public void renderTo(Target<?> target) { target.drawColumn(Materials.CONCRETE, null, getBase(), height, 0.15f, 0.15f, false, true); } } //TODO: bollard_count or similar tag exists? create "Bollards" rep. //just as lift gates etc, this should use the line.getRightNormal and the road width }