package; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static org.osm2world.core.map_data.creation.EmptyTerrainBuilder.EMPTY_SURFACE_TAG; import static org.osm2world.core.map_elevation.creation.EleConstraintEnforcer.ConstraintType.MIN; import static*; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.map_data.creation.EmptyTerrainBuilder; import; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.map_elevation.creation.EleConstraintEnforcer; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.math.LineSegmentXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.PolygonWithHolesXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.PolygonXYZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.SimplePolygonXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.TriangleXYZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.TriangleXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorGridXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ; import org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms.CAGUtil; import org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms.JTSTriangulationUtil; import org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms.Poly2TriTriangulationUtil; import; import; import; import; import org.osm2world.core.util.exception.TriangulationException; import; import; import; import; import; /** * adds generic areas with surface information to the world. * Is based on surface information on otherwise unknown/unspecified areas. */ public class SurfaceAreaModule extends AbstractModule { /** assumptions about default surfaces for certain tags */ private static final Map<Tag, String> defaultSurfaceMap = new HashMap<Tag, String>(); static { defaultSurfaceMap.put(new Tag("leisure", "pitch"), "ground"); defaultSurfaceMap.put(new Tag("landuse", "construction"), "ground"); defaultSurfaceMap.put(new Tag("golf", "bunker"), "sand"); defaultSurfaceMap.put(new Tag("golf", "green"), "grass"); defaultSurfaceMap.put(new Tag("natural", "sand"), "sand"); defaultSurfaceMap.put(new Tag("natural", "beach"), "sand"); defaultSurfaceMap.put(new Tag("landuse", "meadow"), "grass"); defaultSurfaceMap.put(new Tag("landuse", "grass"), "grass"); } @Override protected void applyToArea(MapArea area) { if (!area.getRepresentations().isEmpty()) return; TagGroup tags = area.getTags(); if (tags.containsKey("surface")) { area.addRepresentation(new SurfaceArea(area, tags.getValue("surface"))); } else { for (Tag tagWithDefault : defaultSurfaceMap.keySet()) { if (tags.contains(tagWithDefault)) { area.addRepresentation(new SurfaceArea( area, defaultSurfaceMap.get(tagWithDefault))); } } } } public static class SurfaceArea extends AbstractAreaWorldObject implements RenderableToAllTargets, TerrainBoundaryWorldObject { private final String surface; private Collection<TriangleXZ> triangulationXZ; public SurfaceArea(MapArea area, String surface) { super(area); this.surface = surface; } @Override public void renderTo(Target<?> target) { Material material = null; if (surface.equals(EMPTY_SURFACE_TAG.value)) { material = Materials.TERRAIN_DEFAULT; } else { material = Materials.getSurfaceMaterial(surface); } if (material != null) { Collection<TriangleXYZ> triangles = getTriangulation(); target.drawTriangles(material, triangles, triangleTexCoordLists(triangles, material, GLOBAL_X_Z)); } } /** * calculates the true ground footprint of this area by removing * area covered by other overlapping features, then triangulates it * into counterclockwise triangles. */ @Override protected Collection<TriangleXZ> getTriangulationXZ() { if (triangulationXZ != null) { return triangulationXZ; } boolean isEmptyTerrain = surface.equals(EMPTY_SURFACE_TAG.value); /* collect the outlines of overlapping ground polygons and other polygons, * and EleConnectors within the area */ List<SimplePolygonXZ> subtractPolys = new ArrayList<SimplePolygonXZ>(); List<SimplePolygonXZ> allPolys = new ArrayList<SimplePolygonXZ>(); List<VectorXZ> eleConnectorPoints = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(); for (MapOverlap<?, ?> overlap : area.getOverlaps()) { for (WorldObject otherWO : overlap.getOther(area).getRepresentations()) { if (otherWO instanceof TerrainBoundaryWorldObject && otherWO.getGroundState() == GroundState.ON) { if (otherWO instanceof SurfaceArea && !isEmptyTerrain) { // empty terrain has lowest priority continue; } if (overlap.type == MapOverlapType.CONTAIN && overlap.e1 == this.area) { // completely within other element, no ground area left return emptyList(); } TerrainBoundaryWorldObject terrainBoundary = (TerrainBoundaryWorldObject)otherWO; SimplePolygonXZ outlinePolygon = terrainBoundary.getOutlinePolygonXZ(); if (outlinePolygon != null) { subtractPolys.add(outlinePolygon); allPolys.add(outlinePolygon); for (EleConnector eleConnector : otherWO.getEleConnectors()) { if (!outlinePolygon.getVertexCollection().contains(eleConnector.pos)) { eleConnectorPoints.add(eleConnector.pos); } } } } else { for (EleConnector eleConnector : otherWO.getEleConnectors()) { if (eleConnector.reference == null) { /* workaround to avoid using connectors at intersections, * which might fall on area segments * //TODO cleaner solution */ continue; } eleConnectorPoints.add(eleConnector.pos); } if (otherWO instanceof WorldObjectWithOutline) { SimplePolygonXZ outlinePolygon = ((WorldObjectWithOutline)otherWO).getOutlinePolygonXZ(); if (outlinePolygon != null) { allPolys.add(outlinePolygon); } } } } } /* add a grid of points within the area for smoother surface shapes */ VectorGridXZ pointGrid = new VectorGridXZ( area.getAxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ(), EmptyTerrainBuilder.POINT_GRID_DIST); for (VectorXZ point : pointGrid) { //don't insert if it is e.g. on top of a tunnel; //otherwise there would be no minimum vertical distance boolean safe = true; for (SimplePolygonXZ polygon : allPolys) { if (polygon.contains(point)) { safe = false; break; } } if (safe) { eleConnectorPoints.add(point); } } /* create "leftover" polygons by subtracting the existing ones */ Collection<PolygonWithHolesXZ> polygons; if (subtractPolys.isEmpty()) { /* SUGGEST (performance) handle the common "empty terrain cell" * special case more efficiently, also regarding point raster? */ polygons = singleton(area.getPolygon()); } else { polygons = CAGUtil.subtractPolygons( area.getOuterPolygon(), subtractPolys); } /* triangulate, using elevation information from all participants */ triangulationXZ = new ArrayList<TriangleXZ>(); for (PolygonWithHolesXZ polygon : polygons) { List<VectorXZ> points = new ArrayList<VectorXZ>(); for (VectorXZ point : eleConnectorPoints) { if (polygon.contains(point)) { points.add(point); } } try { triangulationXZ.addAll(Poly2TriTriangulationUtil.triangulate( polygon.getOuter(), polygon.getHoles(), Collections.<LineSegmentXZ>emptyList(), points)); } catch (TriangulationException e) { System.err.println("Poly2Tri exception for " + this + ":"); e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("... falling back to JTS triangulation."); triangulationXZ.addAll(JTSTriangulationUtil.triangulate( polygon.getOuter(), polygon.getHoles(), Collections.<LineSegmentXZ>emptyList(), points)); } } return triangulationXZ; } @Override public void defineEleConstraints(EleConstraintEnforcer enforcer) { super.defineEleConstraints(enforcer); /** add vertical distance to connectors above and below */ for (MapOverlap<?, ?> overlap : area.getOverlaps()) { for (WorldObject otherWO : overlap.getOther(area).getRepresentations()) { for (EleConnector eleConnector : otherWO.getEleConnectors()) { EleConnector ownConnector = getEleConnectors().getConnector(eleConnector.pos); if (ownConnector == null) continue; if (eleConnector.groundState == ABOVE) { enforcer.requireVerticalDistance( MIN, 1, eleConnector, ownConnector); //TODO actual clearing } else if (eleConnector.groundState == BELOW) { enforcer.requireVerticalDistance( MIN, 10, ownConnector, eleConnector); //TODO actual clearing } } } } } @Override public PolygonXYZ getOutlinePolygon() { if (surface.equals(EMPTY_SURFACE_TAG.value)) { // avoid interfering with e.g. tree placement return null; } else { return super.getOutlinePolygon(); } } @Override public SimplePolygonXZ getOutlinePolygonXZ() { if (surface.equals(EMPTY_SURFACE_TAG.value)) { // avoid interfering with e.g. tree placement return null; } else { return super.getOutlinePolygonXZ(); } } @Override public GroundState getGroundState() { if (BridgeModule.isBridge(area.getTags())) { return GroundState.ABOVE; } else if (TunnelModule.isTunnel(area.getTags())) { return GroundState.BELOW; } else { return GroundState.ON; } } } }