package; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import com.tesora.dve.common.DBHelper; import com.tesora.dve.common.DBType; import com.tesora.dve.common.MultiMap; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEConstants; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEFileUtils; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEUrl; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEXmlUtils; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBNative; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.server.bootstrap.Host; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.QualifiedName; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.UnqualifiedName; import com.tesora.dve.sql.template.jaxb.ModelType; import com.tesora.dve.sql.template.jaxb.TableTemplateType; import com.tesora.dve.sql.template.jaxb.Template; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DVEAnalyzerCLI extends CLIBuilder { public static final String REPORT_FILE_EXTENSION = ".report"; public static final String TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION = ".template"; public static final String CORPUS_FILE_EXTENSION = ".corpus"; private static final String TEMP_FILE_EXTENSION = ".temp"; private static final String ERROR_FILE_EXTENSION = ".error"; private static final String DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME = "analyzer" + REPORT_FILE_EXTENSION; private static final DbAnalyzerCorpus EMPTY_FREQUENCY_CORPUS = new DbAnalyzerCorpus(); private String url = PEConstants.MYSQL_URL_3307; private String user = PEConstants.ROOT; private String password = PEConstants.PASSWORD; private final DBNative dbNative = DBNative.DBNativeFactory.newInstance(DBType.MYSQL); private final List<String> databases = new ArrayList<String>(); private final Map<String, Template> templates = new HashMap<String, Template>(); private final AnalyzerOptions options = new AnalyzerOptions(); private DbAnalyzerReport report = null; public DVEAnalyzerCLI(String[] args) throws PEException { super(args, "Analyzer Tool"); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "connect" }, "<url> <user> <password>", "Connect to the specified database (default=" + PEConstants.MYSQL_URL + " " + PEConstants.ROOT + " " + PEConstants.PASSWORD + ").")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "set", "database" }, "<database> [<database>]...", "Set the name of the database to use for analysis.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "static" }, "[<analyze>]", "Extract static analysis information from the database." + "If TRUE <analyze> executes 'ANALYZE TABLE' command before collecting table statistics (preferred, but causes update to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA and requires INSERT privileges).")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "open", "report" }, "[<filename>]", "Open an existing static analysis file (default filename = " + DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME + ").")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "save", "report" }, "[<filename>]", "Write static analysis data to the specified file (default filename = " + DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME + ").")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "display", "report" }, "Display the current analysis.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "update", "row", "counts" }, "<filename>", "Replace row counts in the current static report by values from a given tab-delimited file obtained by 'select * from information_schema.tables;' (must include column headers).")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "generate", "broadcast", "templates" }, "Generate all-broadcast templates.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "generate", "random", "templates" }, "Generate all-random templates.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "generate", "basic", "templates" }, "<cutoff cardinality> [<base template>]", "Generate broadcast/random templates with a hard broadcast cardinality cutoff.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "generate", "guided", "templates" }, "<cutoff cardinality> <fk> <safe> [<corpus file>] [<base template>]", "Generate templates with a hard broadcast cardinality cutoff. See \"generate templates\" command for the definition of other parameters.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "generate", "templates" }, "<fk> <safe> [<corpus file>] [<base template>]", "Generate templates from a given frequency corpus." + " If TRUE the <fk> switch forces the generator to coolocate the foreign keys." + " If TRUE the <safe> switch forces the generator to generate only ranges backed-up by auto-increment columns." + " Note that colocating foreign keys alone generally requires heavy broadcasting," + " turning both <fk> and <safe> switches ON at the same time may easily lead to unacceptable broadcasting in the template." + " Use with caution." + " A corpus file provides important information on statements executed agains the schema." + " The corpus file should ideally cover majority of the schema tables (> 60%)." + " It is generally necessary for a good template, but is not strictly required," + " as table cardinalities and FK relationships can be resolved from the static report alone.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "open", "template" }, "<filename>", "Open a template from the specified file.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "open", "templates" }, "[<folder>]", "Open all template files in the specified folder (default folder = current working directory).")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "save", "template" }, "<template name> [<filename>]", "Write the specified template to a file (default filename = <template name>" + TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION + ").")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "save", "templates" }, "[<folder>]", "Write all templates to the specified folder (default folder = current working directory).")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "display", "template" }, "[<template name>]", "Display the specified template or all templates if name isn't specified.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "compare", "templates" }, "<template 1> <template 2> [<output file>]", "Compare given template files.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "advanced", "compare", "templates" }, "<corpus file> <template 1> <template 2> [<output file>]", "Compare given template files. Includes table statistics in the output. This comparator requires a static report and frequency corpus.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "dynamic", "table" }, "<connection-url> <username> <password> <log table name> [<output file>]", "Perform dynamic analysis using specified mysql query log table on specified connection.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "dynamic", "plain" }, "<query log file> [<output file>]", "Perform dynamic analysis using the specified file of queries (one per line).")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "dynamic", "mysql" }, "<mysql log file> [<output file>]", "Perform dynamic analysis using specified mysql query log.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "dynamic", "corpus" }, "<corpus file> [<output file>]", "Perform dynamic analysis on the specified frequency corpus file.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "frequencies", "table" }, "<corpus file> <connection-url> <username> <password> <log table name> [<log table name> ...]", "Perform frequency analysis using specified mysql query log table on specified connection, writing the output to the specified <corpus file>.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "frequencies", "plain" }, "<corpus file> <query log file> [<query log file> ...]", "Perform frequency analysis on specified query log files (one per line), writing the output to the specified <corpus file>.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "frequencies", "mysql" }, "<corpus file> <mysql log file> [<mysql log file> ...]", "Perform frequency analysis on specified mysql log files, writing the output to the specified <corpus file>.")); registerCommand(new CommandType( new String[] { "merge", "corpus" }, "<output corpus file> <merged file 1> <merged file 2> [<merged file> ...]", "Merge multiple corpuses into a single file updating the counts on repeated statements.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "analyze", "corpus" }, "<corpus file>", "Analyze statements in the specified corpus file.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "option" }, "<key> <value>", "Set analysis option")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "options" }, "Display available options, along with current values and a description.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "status" }, "Show the current tool status and configuration.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "reset" }, "Reset to initial state.")); // Create a dummy Host with minimum configuration final Properties props = new Properties(); props.put(DBHelper.CONN_DRIVER_CLASS, PEConstants.MYSQL_DRIVER_CLASS); new Host(props, false); super.setDebugMode(true); // Toggle the debug mode on for the Analyzer. } /** * Specify the connection information to use when connecting to a database. * This information is used when the 'static' command is executed. * Note: this information is persisted to and read back from the report file * * @param scanner * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_connect(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { if (scanner.hasNext()) { url = scan(scanner, "jdbcURL"); user = scan(scanner, "user"); password = scan(scanner, "password"); } url = PEUrl.fromUrlString(url).getURL(); println("... Connection set to '" + url.toString() + "'"); } /** * Reset the analyzer to initial default settings */ public void cmd_reset() { report = null; clearDatabases(); clearTemplates(); url = PEConstants.MYSQL_URL_3307; user = PEConstants.ROOT; password = PEConstants.PASSWORD; options.reset(); println("... Reset to initial settings"); } /** * Dump information to the console about the current configuration of the * tool */ public void cmd_status() { println("Current Settings:"); println(" URL = " + url); println(" User = " + user); println(" Password = " + password); println(" Databases = " + databasesToString()); println(" Options:"); for (final AnalyzerOption ao : options.getOptions()) { println(" " + ao.getName() + " = " + ao.getCurrentValue()); } } /** * Perform static analysis of a database. In order to run the database(s) * must have been set. * * @throws PEException * @throws SQLException */ public void cmd_static(Scanner scanner) throws PEException, SQLException { checkConnection(); checkDatabase(); final Boolean analyze = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(scan(scanner)); println("... Connecting to " + url + " as " + user + "/" + password); final DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper(url, user, password).connect(); println("... Starting static analysis for '" + databasesToString() + "'"); report = StaticAnalyzer.doStatic(dbNative, options, url, user, password, databases, dbHelper, analyze); println("... Static anlysis complete for '" + databasesToString() + "'"); } /** * Open the specified report file and use it to configure the analyzer * * @param scanner * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_open_report(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { File reportFile = scanFile(scanner); if (reportFile == null) { reportFile = new File(DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME); } println("... Reading analyzer report from file '" + reportFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); report = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(reportFile, DbAnalyzerReport.class); // Setup the list of databases based on those represented in the // report clearDatabases(); for (final Database db : report.getDatabases().getDatabase()) { databases.add(db.getName()); } println("... Using databases '" + databasesToString() + "'"); // Fill in other global settings final AnalyzerType.Connection c = report.getAnalyzer().getConnection(); if (c != null) { user = c.getUser(); password = c.getPassword(); url = c.getUrl(); } final AnalyzerType.Options os = report.getAnalyzer().getOptions(); if (os != null) { for (final AnalyzerType.Options.Option o : os.getOption()) { try { options.setOption(o.getKey(), o.getValue()); } catch (final PEException e) { println("WARNING: " + e.getMessage() + ". Will be ignored."); } } } } /** * Save the analyzer report file to the specified filename * * @param scanner * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_save_report(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { checkReport(); // Filename is optional - if not set then pick a default File file = scanFile(scanner); if (file == null) { file = new File(DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME); } println("... Writing analyzer report to file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); writeToFileOrScreen(file, PEXmlUtils.marshalJAXB(report)); } /** * Dump the contents of the analyzer report to screen or to a file * * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_display_report() throws PEException { checkReport(); writeToFileOrScreen(null, PEXmlUtils.marshalJAXB(report)); } /** * Update row counts in a given static report. * * @throws PEException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public void cmd_update_row_counts(Scanner scanner) throws PEException, FileNotFoundException { checkDatabase(); checkReport(); final File file = scanFile(scanner, "row counts file"); println("... Reading row counts from file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); final Map<QualifiedName, Integer> rowCounts = getRowCountsFromFile(file); for (final Database staticReportDb : { for (final Table staticReportTable : staticReportDb.getTables().getTable()) { final QualifiedName tableName = new QualifiedName(new UnqualifiedName(staticReportDb.getName()), new UnqualifiedName(staticReportTable.getName())); final Integer newCount = rowCounts.get(tableName); if (newCount != null) { staticReportTable.setRowCount(newCount); } } } } /** * Run dynamic analysis using the specified general log table * * @param scanner * @throws Throwable */ @SuppressWarnings({ "synthetic-access", "resource" }) public void cmd_dynamic_table(Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { final String gltUrl = scan(scanner, "general log table url"); final String gltUsername = scan(scanner, "general log table username"); final String gltPassword = scan(scanner, "general log table password"); final String gltLogTable = scan(scanner, "general log table"); final File outputFile = scanFile(scanner); executeDynamicCmdOnAnalyzerSources(Collections.singleton(new JdbcSource(gltUrl, gltUsername, gltPassword, gltLogTable)), outputFile, new DynamicAnalyzerCallback()); } /** * Run dynamic analysis using the specified plain log file * * @param scanner * @throws Throwable */ @SuppressWarnings({ "synthetic-access", "resource" }) public void cmd_dynamic_plain(Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { final File logFile = scanFile(scanner, "plain log file"); final File outputFile = scanFile(scanner); executeDynamicCmdOnAnalyzerSources(Collections.singleton(new FileSource("plain", logFile)), outputFile, new DynamicAnalyzerCallback()); } /** * Run dynamic analysis using the specified general log file * * @param scanner * @throws Throwable */ @SuppressWarnings({ "synthetic-access", "resource" }) public void cmd_dynamic_mysql(Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { final File logFile = scanFile(scanner, "mysql log file"); final File outputFile = scanFile(scanner); executeDynamicCmdOnAnalyzerSources(Collections.singleton(new FileSource("mysql", logFile)), outputFile, new DynamicAnalyzerCallback()); } /** * Run dynamic analysis using the specified frequency corpus * * @param scanner * @throws Throwable */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") public void cmd_dynamic_corpus(Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { final File corpusFile = scanFile(scanner, "corpus file"); final File output = scanFile(scanner); final DbAnalyzerCorpus corpus = loadCorpus(corpusFile); executeDynamicCmdOnAnalyzerSources(Collections.singleton(new FrequenciesSource(corpus)), output, new DynamicAnalyzerCallback()); } private DbAnalyzerCorpus loadCorpus(File file) throws PEException { println("... Reading corpus from file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); return PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(file, DbAnalyzerCorpus.class); } public void cmd_frequencies_table(Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { final File corpusFile = scanFile(scanner, "corpus file"); final String gltUrl = scan(scanner, "general log table url"); final String gltUsername = scan(scanner, "general log table username"); final String gltPassword = scan(scanner, "general log table password"); final Set<JdbcSource> sources = this.scanJdbcSources(scanner, gltUrl, gltUsername, gltPassword); this.executeFrequenciesCmdOnAnalyzerSources(sources, corpusFile); } public void cmd_frequencies_plain(Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { this.executeFrequenciesCmdOnFileSources(scanner, "plain"); } public void cmd_frequencies_mysql(Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { this.executeFrequenciesCmdOnFileSources(scanner, "mysql"); } public void cmd_merge_corpus(Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { final File corpusFile = scanFile(scanner, "output corpus file"); final MultiMap<Class<?>, File> varargs = scanFilesByTypeOptionalMulti(scanner, Collections.<Class<?>>singleton(DbAnalyzerCorpus.class)); final Collection<File> mergedCorpusFiles = varargs.values(); if (mergedCorpusFiles.size() < 2) { throw new PEException("You must provide at least two files for merging"); } final Map<String, StatementNonDMLType> nonDmlPopulations = new HashMap<String, StatementNonDMLType>(); final Map<String, StatementPopulationType> dmlPopulations = new HashMap<String, StatementPopulationType>(); final StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder(); for (final File cf : mergedCorpusFiles) { final DbAnalyzerCorpus input = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(cf, DbAnalyzerCorpus.class); countCorpusStatements(input, nonDmlPopulations, dmlPopulations); if (description.length() > 0) { description.append("; "); } else { description.append("Formed by merging: "); } description.append(input.getDescription()); } final DbAnalyzerCorpus output = new DbAnalyzerCorpus(); output.getNonDml().addAll(nonDmlPopulations.values()); output.getPopulation().addAll(dmlPopulations.values()); output.setDescription(description.toString()); final String corpusString = PEXmlUtils.marshalJAXB(output); writeToFileOrScreen(corpusFile, corpusString); } private static void countCorpusStatements(final DbAnalyzerCorpus corpus, final Map<String, StatementNonDMLType> nonDmlPopulations, final Map<String, StatementPopulationType> dmlPopulations) { countFrequencies(corpus.getNonDml(), nonDmlPopulations); countFrequencies(corpus.getPopulation(), dmlPopulations); } private static <T extends HasStatement> void countFrequencies(final List<T> stmts, final Map<String, T> container) { for (final T entry : stmts) { bumpFrequency(entry, container); } } private static <T extends HasStatement> void bumpFrequency(final T item, final Map<String, T> container) { final T entry = container.get(item.getStmt()); if (entry == null) { container.put(item.getStmt(), item); } else { final int freq = entry.getFreq() + item.getFreq(); entry.setFreq(freq); } } private StatementCounter getInitializedStatementCounter(final File corpusFile) throws Throwable { checkDatabase(); checkReport(); final File reportFile = new File(corpusFile.getAbsolutePath() + TEMP_FILE_EXTENSION); final File errorFile = new File(corpusFile.getAbsolutePath() + ERROR_FILE_EXTENSION); final StatementCounter sc = new StatementCounter(options, corpusFile, reportFile, options.getFrequencyAnalysisCheckpointInterval(), errorFile, this.getPrintStream()); /* * Here we generate initial all-broadcast templates, so that the command * "never fails" and allows the user to proceed with advanced template * generation. */ generateAllBroadcastTemplates(); try { loadSchema(sc); } catch (final Throwable e) { clearTemplates(); throw e; } return sc; } private Emulator getInitializedEmulator(final AnalyzerCallback callback, final File outputFile) throws Throwable { checkDatabase(); checkReport(); checkTemplate(); final Emulator em = new Emulator(options, callback); loadSchema(em); if (outputFile != null) { try { callback.setOutputStream(new PrintStream(outputFile)); println("... Results saved to file '" + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new PEException("Failed to write to file '" + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", e); } } return em; } /** * Set the value of a specified analyzer option * * @param scanner * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_option(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String key = scan(scanner, "option key"); final String value = scan(scanner, "option value"); options.setOption(key, value); } /** * Output the current set of options and their values */ public void cmd_options() { for (final AnalyzerOption ao : options.getOptions()) { println(ao.getName() + " = " + ao.getCurrentValue() + ". " + ao.getDefinition()); } } /** * Open a template from the specified file. The template name must match on * of the database we are analyzing * * @param scanner * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_open_template(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File templateFile = scanFile(scanner, "filename"); addTemplate(templateFile); } /** * Open all templates from the specified folder or current working * directory. Templates are identified by their file extension * * @param scanner * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_open_templates(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File folder = scanFile(scanner, "folder"); if (!folder.isDirectory()) { throw new PEException("'" + folder.getAbsolutePath() + "' is not a valid directory"); } final File[] templateFiles = folder.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File dir, final String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION); } }); for (final File templateFile : templateFiles) { addTemplate(templateFile); } } /** * Write the specified template out to a file. The filename is either * specified or based on the template name * * @param scanner * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_save_template(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { checkTemplate(); final String name = scan(scanner, "template"); File file = scanFile(scanner); if (file == null) { file = new File(name + TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION); } println("... Writing template to file '" + file + "'"); writeToFileOrScreen(file, PEXmlUtils.marshalJAXB(checkTemplate(name))); } /** * Write all templates to the specified folder or current working directory * if folder not specified * * @param scanner * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_save_templates(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { checkTemplate(); final File folder = scanFile(scanner); if ((folder != null) && !folder.isDirectory()) { throw new PEException("'" + folder.getAbsolutePath() + "' is not a valid directory."); } for (final Template t : this.templates.values()) { final File file = new File(folder, t.getName() + TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION); println("... Writing template to file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); writeToFileOrScreen(file, PEXmlUtils.marshalJAXB(t)); } } /** * Display one or more templates to the console * * @throws PEException */ public void cmd_display_template(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { checkTemplate(); final String name = scan(scanner); if (name == null) { for (final Template t : templates.values()) { writeToFileOrScreen(null, PEXmlUtils.marshalJAXB(t)); } } else { writeToFileOrScreen(null, PEXmlUtils.marshalJAXB(checkTemplate(name))); } } /** * Generate all-broadcast templates for selected databases. */ public void cmd_generate_broadcast_templates() throws PEException { checkReport(); checkDatabase(); generateAllBroadcastTemplates(); } /** * Generate all-random templates for selected databases. */ public void cmd_generate_random_templates() throws PEException { checkReport(); checkDatabase(); generateAllRandomTemplates(); } /** * Generate broadcast/random templates with a hard broadcast cardinality * cutoff. */ public void cmd_generate_basic_templates(final Scanner scanner) throws Exception { checkReport(); checkDatabase(); final long broadcastCardinalityCutoff = scanLong(scanner, "cutoff cardinality"); final File baseTemplateFile = scanFile(scanner, null); generateBroadcastCutoffTemplates(broadcastCardinalityCutoff, baseTemplateFile); } /** * Generate guided templates with a hard broadcast cardinality cutoff. * @throws Throwable */ public void cmd_generate_guided_templates(final Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { checkReport(); checkDatabase(); final long broadcastCardinalityCutoff = scanLong(scanner, "cutoff cardinality"); final Boolean followForeignKeys = scanBoolean(scanner, "fk"); final Boolean isSafeMode = scanBoolean(scanner, "safe"); final Map<Class<?>, File> optionalInputFiles = scanFilesByTypeOptionalSingle(scanner, ImmutableSet.<Class<?>> of(DbAnalyzerCorpus.class, Template.class)); final File corpusFile = optionalInputFiles.get(DbAnalyzerCorpus.class); final File baseTemplateFile = optionalInputFiles.get(Template.class); generateCorpusBasedTemplates(broadcastCardinalityCutoff, followForeignKeys, isSafeMode, corpusFile, baseTemplateFile); } /** * Automatically generate templates from a given corpus. * @throws Throwable */ public void cmd_generate_templates(final Scanner scanner) throws Throwable { checkReport(); checkDatabase(); final Boolean followForeignKeys = scanBoolean(scanner, "fk"); final Boolean isSafeMode = scanBoolean(scanner, "safe"); final Map<Class<?>, File> optionalInputFiles = scanFilesByTypeOptionalSingle(scanner, ImmutableSet.<Class<?>> of(DbAnalyzerCorpus.class, Template.class)); final File corpusFile = optionalInputFiles.get(DbAnalyzerCorpus.class); final File baseTemplateFile = optionalInputFiles.get(Template.class); generateCorpusBasedTemplates(null, followForeignKeys, isSafeMode, corpusFile, baseTemplateFile); } /** * Compare given templates. */ public void cmd_compare_templates(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File baseTemplateFile = scanFile(scanner, "template 1"); final File comparedTemplateFile = scanFile(scanner, "template 2"); final File outputFile = scanFile(scanner); final Template baseTemplate = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(baseTemplateFile, Template.class); final Template comparedTemplate = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(comparedTemplateFile, Template.class); compareTemplates(baseTemplate, comparedTemplate, null, outputFile); } public void cmd_advanced_compare_templates(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { checkReport(); checkDatabase(); final File corpusFile = scanFile(scanner, "corpus file"); final File baseTemplateFile = scanFile(scanner, "template 1"); final File comparedTemplateFile = scanFile(scanner, "template 2"); final File outputFile = scanFile(scanner); final DbAnalyzerCorpus corpus = loadCorpus(corpusFile); final CorpusStats corpusStats = new CorpusStats(corpus.getDescription(), this.options.getCorpusScaleFactor(), this.options.getDefaultStorageEngine()); final Template baseTemplate = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(baseTemplateFile, Template.class); final Template comparedTemplate = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(comparedTemplateFile, Template.class); try { /* Generate initial "safe" templates for schema loading. */ generateAllBroadcastTemplates(); /* Analyze the static report. */ final StatementAnalyzer analyzer = new StatementAnalyzer(this.options, corpusStats); loadSchema(analyzer); loadCorpusStats(analyzer, corpusStats); /* Analyze the corpus. */ try (final FrequenciesSource frequencies = new FrequenciesSource(corpus)) { frequencies.analyze(analyzer); } } catch (final Throwable e) { clearTemplates(); throw new PEException("Unable to analyze corpus '" + corpusFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", e); } compareTemplates(baseTemplate, comparedTemplate, corpusStats, outputFile); } private void compareTemplates(final Template baseTemplate, final Template comparedTemplate, final CorpusStats corpusStats, final File outputFile) throws PEException { final Map<String, String> templateDiffs = compareTemplates(baseTemplate, comparedTemplate); final List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(templateDiffs.size()); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> item : templateDiffs.entrySet()) { final String tableName = item.getKey(); final String itemDiff = item.getValue(); final ColorStringBuilder entry = new ColorStringBuilder(); if (corpusStats != null) { for (final Database db : getSelectedDatabases()) { final TableStats table = corpusStats.findTable(new QualifiedName(db.getName().concat(QualifiedName.PART_SEPARATOR).concat(tableName))); entry.append(table.toString()); } } else { entry.append(tableName); } results.add(entry.append(": ").append(itemDiff, (itemDiff.equals("MATCH") ? ConsoleColor.GREEN : ConsoleColor.DEFAULT)).toString()); } if (outputFile == null) { printCollection(results, System.out); } else { try (final PrintStream outputWriter = new PrintStream(outputFile)) { printCollection(results, outputWriter); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { throw new PEException("Could not open the output file '" + outputFile + "'"); } } } public static Map<String, String> compareTemplates(final Template baseTemplate, final Template comparedTemplate) { final Comparator<TableTemplateType> orderByMatch = new Comparator<TableTemplateType>() { @Override public int compare(TableTemplateType a, TableTemplateType b) { if (a.getMatch().equals(".*")) { return 0; } return a.getMatch().compareTo(b.getMatch()); } }; final Set<TableTemplateType> baseItems = new TreeSet<TableTemplateType>(orderByMatch); final Set<TableTemplateType> comparedItems = new TreeSet<TableTemplateType>(orderByMatch); baseItems.addAll(baseTemplate.getTabletemplate()); comparedItems.addAll(comparedTemplate.getTabletemplate()); final Set<TableTemplateType> addedItems = getDifference(comparedItems, baseItems, orderByMatch); final Set<TableTemplateType> removedItems = getDifference(baseItems, comparedItems, orderByMatch); final Set<TableTemplateType> intersectionItems = getIntersection(comparedItems, baseItems, orderByMatch); final String arrow = " -> "; final String columnSeparator = ", "; final Map<String, String> results = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (final TableTemplateType item : intersectionItems) { final TableTemplateType baseItem = getFromCollection(baseItems, item); final TableTemplateType comparedItem = getFromCollection(comparedItems, item); final ModelType baseModel = baseItem.getModel(); final ModelType itemModel = comparedItem.getModel(); if (!baseModel.equals(itemModel)) { results.put(item.getMatch(), baseModel.value().concat(arrow).concat(itemModel.value())); } else { if (baseModel.equals(ModelType.RANGE)) { final List<String> baseColumns = baseItem.getColumn(); final List<String> itemColumns = comparedItem.getColumn(); if (!baseColumns.containsAll(itemColumns) || !itemColumns.containsAll(baseColumns)) { results.put(item.getMatch(), ("(" + ModelType.RANGE + ") <") .concat(StringUtils.join(baseColumns, columnSeparator)).concat(arrow) .concat(StringUtils.join(itemColumns, columnSeparator)).concat(">")); continue; } } results.put(item.getMatch(), "MATCH"); } } for (final TableTemplateType item : addedItems) { results.put(item.getMatch(), "ADDED"); } for (final TableTemplateType item : removedItems) { results.put(item.getMatch(), "REMOVED"); } return results; } public void cmd_analyze_corpus(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File corpusFile = scanFile(scanner, "corpus file"); final DbAnalyzerCorpus corpus = loadCorpus(corpusFile); final BasicStatsVisitor bsv = new BasicStatsVisitor(); try { /* Generate "safe" templates for schema loading. */ generateAllBroadcastTemplates(); final StatementAnalyzer analyzer = new StatementAnalyzer(options, bsv); loadSchema(analyzer); try (final FrequenciesSource frequencies = new FrequenciesSource(corpus)) { frequencies.analyze(analyzer); } bsv.display(System.out); } catch (final Throwable e) { clearTemplates(); throw new PEException("Unable to analyze corpus '" + corpusFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", e); } } public void cmd_set_database(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { String database = scan(scanner, "database"); while (database != null) { databases.add(database); database = scan(scanner); } println("... Databases set to '" + this.databasesToString() + "'"); } private static class DynamicAnalyzerCallback extends AnalyzerCallback { @Override public void onResult(final AnalyzerResult bar) { @SuppressWarnings("resource") // This should be handled by the owner. final PrintStream output = getOutputStream(); bar.printStatement(output); if (bar instanceof AnalyzerPlanningError) { output.println("... Analysis FAILED"); } bar.printTables(output); if (bar instanceof AnalyzerPlanningResult) { ((AnalyzerPlanningResult) bar).printPlan(output); } else if (bar instanceof AnalyzerPlanningError) { ((AnalyzerPlanningError) bar).getFault().printStackTrace(output); } else if (bar instanceof AnalyzerPlanningNotice) { output.println(((AnalyzerPlanningNotice) bar).getMessage()); } } } protected void writeToFileOrScreen(File file, String content) throws PEException { if (file != null) { PEFileUtils.writeToFile(file, content, true); } else { println(content); } } private void executeDynamicCmdOnAnalyzerSources(final Collection<? extends AnalyzerSource> sources, final File output, final AnalyzerCallback analyzerCallback) throws Throwable { try { final Emulator analyzer = getInitializedEmulator(analyzerCallback, output); for (final AnalyzerSource source : sources) { println("... Starting dynamic analysis of '" + source.getDescription() + "'"); source.analyze(analyzer); } println("... Dynamic analysis complete"); } catch (final Throwable e) { throw new PEException("Dynamic analysis has failed.", e); } finally { this.closeAnalyzerSources(sources); if (output != null) { analyzerCallback.close(); } } } private void executeFrequenciesCmdOnFileSources(final Scanner scanner, final String sourceType) throws Throwable { final File corpusFile = scanFile(scanner, "corpus file"); final Set<FileSource> sources = this.scanFileSources(scanner, sourceType); this.executeFrequenciesCmdOnAnalyzerSources(sources, corpusFile); } private void executeFrequenciesCmdOnAnalyzerSources(final Collection<? extends AnalyzerSource> sources, final File output) throws Throwable { final StatementCounter sc = getInitializedStatementCounter(output); try { for (final AnalyzerSource source : sources) { println("... Starting frequency analysis of '" + source.getDescription() + "'"); source.analyze(sc); } println("... Frequency analysis complete"); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new PEException("Frequency analysis has failed.", e); } finally { this.closeAnalyzerSources(sources); sc.close(); clearTemplates(); } } @SuppressWarnings("resource") private Set<FileSource> scanFileSources(final Scanner scanner, final String sourceType) throws Exception { /* * Scan given log files. There must be at least one. */ final Set<FileSource> analyzerSources = new LinkedHashSet<FileSource>(); try { File userLogFile = scanFile(scanner, sourceType + " log file"); while (userLogFile != null) { analyzerSources.add(new FileSource(sourceType, userLogFile)); userLogFile = scanFile(scanner, null); } return analyzerSources; } catch (final Exception e) { this.closeAnalyzerSources(analyzerSources); throw e; } } @SuppressWarnings("resource") private Set<JdbcSource> scanJdbcSources(final Scanner scanner, final String scanUrl, final String scanUser, final String scanPassword) throws Throwable { /* * Scan given log files. There must be at least one. */ final Set<JdbcSource> analyzerSources = new LinkedHashSet<JdbcSource>(); try { String logTable = scan(scanner, "log table"); while (logTable != null) { analyzerSources.add(new JdbcSource(scanUrl, scanUser, scanPassword, logTable)); logTable = scan(scanner, null); } return analyzerSources; } catch (final Throwable e) { this.closeAnalyzerSources(analyzerSources); throw e; } } private void closeAnalyzerSources(final Collection<? extends AnalyzerSource> sources) { for (final AnalyzerSource source : sources) { source.close(); } } private void checkConnection() throws PEException { if (url == null) { throw new PEException("Not connected"); } } private void checkTemplate() throws PEException { if (templates == null) { throw new PEException("No templates are available. You can load an existing templates or generate a new ones."); } } private Template checkTemplate(String name) throws PEException { checkTemplate(); final Template t = templates.get(name); if (t != null) { return t; } throw new PEException("Template '" + name + "' is not available"); } private void checkReport() throws PEException { if (report == null) { throw new PEException("You need a static report to proceed. You can load an existing report from file or generate a new one."); } } private void checkDatabase() throws PEException { if (databases.isEmpty()) { throw new PEException("Database list has not been configured"); } } private String checkDatabase(String name) throws PEException { checkDatabase(); for (final String db : databases) { if (name.equals(db)) { return db; } } throw new PEException("Database '" + name + "' is not in the list of databases"); } private String databasesToString() { if (!databases.isEmpty()) { return StringUtils.join(databases, ", "); } return StringUtils.EMPTY; } private void addTemplate(final File templateFile) throws PEException { println("... Reading template from file '" + templateFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); final Template template = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(templateFile, Template.class); addTemplate(template); } private void reloadTemplates(final List<Template> reloadTemplates) throws PEException { clearTemplates(); for (final Template template : reloadTemplates) { addTemplate(template); } } private void addTemplate(final Template template) throws PEException { checkDatabase(template.getName()); templates.put(template.getName(), template); println("... Template '" + template.getName() + "' added to catalog"); } private void clearDatabases() { println("... Removing current databases"); databases.clear(); } private void clearTemplates() { println("... Removing current templates"); templates.clear(); } private static <T extends TableTemplateType> T getFromCollection(final Collection<T> items, final T value) { for (final T item : items) { if (isMatch(item, value)) { return item; } } return null; } private static <T extends TableTemplateType> Set<T> getDifference(final Set<T> a, final Set<T> b, final Comparator<? super T> comparator) { final Set<T> difference = new TreeSet<T>(comparator); difference.addAll(a); for (final T aItem : a) { for (final T bItem : b) { if (isMatch(aItem, bItem)) { difference.remove(aItem); } } } return difference; } private static <T extends TableTemplateType> Set<T> getIntersection(final Set<T> a, final Set<T> b, final Comparator<? super T> comparator) { final Set<T> intersection = new TreeSet<T>(comparator); intersection.addAll(a); final Set<T> difference = getDifference(intersection, b, comparator); intersection.removeAll(difference); return intersection; } private static <T extends TableTemplateType> boolean isMatch(final T a, final T b) { return a.getMatch().matches(b.getMatch()) || b.getMatch().matches(a.getMatch()); } private static <T> void printCollection(final Collection<T> collection, final PrintStream output) { for (final T item : collection) { output.println(item.toString()); } } private Map<QualifiedName, Integer> getRowCountsFromFile(final File input) throws FileNotFoundException, PEException { final Map<QualifiedName, Integer> rowCounts = new HashMap<QualifiedName, Integer>(); try (final Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(input)) { boolean isHeaderLine = true; final Integer[] metaColumnIndices = { -1, -1, -1 }; while (fileScanner.hasNextLine()) { final String line = fileScanner.nextLine(); try (@SuppressWarnings("resource") final Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(line).useDelimiter("\t")) { if (isHeaderLine) { int headerColumnCounter = 0; while (lineScanner.hasNext()) { final String columnHeader =; if (columnHeader.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE_SCHEMA")) { metaColumnIndices[0] = headerColumnCounter; } else if (columnHeader.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE_NAME")) { metaColumnIndices[1] = headerColumnCounter; } else if (columnHeader.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE_ROWS")) { metaColumnIndices[2] = headerColumnCounter; } ++headerColumnCounter; } if (Collections.min(Arrays.asList(metaColumnIndices)) < 0) { throw new PEException("Could not find all required column ('TABLE_SCHEMA', 'TABLE_NAME' and 'TABLE_ROWS')."); } isHeaderLine = false; } else { String databaseName = null; String tableName = null; int tableRowCount = 0; int columnCounter = 0; while (lineScanner.hasNext()) { if (columnCounter == metaColumnIndices[0]) { databaseName =; } else if (columnCounter == metaColumnIndices[1]) { tableName =; } else if (columnCounter == metaColumnIndices[2]) { try { tableRowCount = lineScanner.nextInt(); } catch (final InputMismatchException e) { tableRowCount = 0; // Treat NULL and invalid count values as zero. } } else {; } ++columnCounter; } final QualifiedName qualifiedTableName = new QualifiedName(new UnqualifiedName(databaseName), new UnqualifiedName(tableName)); rowCounts.put(qualifiedTableName, tableRowCount); } } } } return rowCounts; } private void loadSchema(final Analyzer analyzer) throws PEException { checkReport(); checkDatabase(); checkTemplate(); for (final Database database : getSelectedDatabases()) { analyzer.loadSchema(checkTemplate(database.getName()), database, this.dbNative); } } private void loadCorpusStats(final Analyzer analyzer, final CorpusStats stats) throws PEException { checkReport(); checkDatabase(); analyzer.resolveSchemaObjects(getSelectedDatabases(), stats); } private List<Database> getSelectedDatabases() throws PEException { checkReport(); checkDatabase(); final List<Database> selectedDatabases = new ArrayList<Database>(); for (final Database database : { if (this.databases.contains(database.getName())) { selectedDatabases.add(database); } } return selectedDatabases; } private void generateAllBroadcastTemplates() throws PEException { reloadTemplates(AiTemplateBuilder.buildAllBroadcastTemplates(databases)); } private void generateAllRandomTemplates() throws PEException { reloadTemplates(AiTemplateBuilder.buildAllRandomTemplates(databases)); } private void generateBroadcastCutoffTemplates(final long broadcastCardinalityCutoff, final File baseTemplateFile) throws Exception { final CorpusStats corpusStats = new CorpusStats( EMPTY_FREQUENCY_CORPUS.getDescription(), this.options.getCorpusScaleFactor(), this.options.getDefaultStorageEngine()); final Template baseTemplate = (baseTemplateFile != null) ? PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(baseTemplateFile, Template.class) : null; try { /* Generate "safe" templates for schema loading. */ generateAllBroadcastTemplates(); final StatementAnalyzer analyzer = new StatementAnalyzer(this.options, corpusStats); loadSchema(analyzer); loadCorpusStats(analyzer, corpusStats); final TemplateModelItem fallbackModel = this.options.getGeneratorDefaultFallbackModel(); final boolean isRowWidthWeightingEnabled = this.options.isRowWidthWeightingEnabled(); final AiTemplateBuilder templateBuilder = new AiTemplateBuilder(corpusStats, baseTemplate, fallbackModel, this.getPrintStream()); templateBuilder.setWildcardsEnabled(this.options.isTemplateWildcardsEnabled()); templateBuilder.setVerbose(this.options.isVerboseGeneratorEnabled()); templateBuilder.setForeignKeysAsJoins(this.options.isForeignKeysAsJoinsEnabled()); templateBuilder.setUseIdentTuples(this.options.isIdentTuplesEnabled()); templateBuilder.setUseSorts(this.options.isUsingSortsEnabled()); templateBuilder.setUseWrites(this.options.isUsingWritesEnabled()); reloadTemplates(templateBuilder.buildBroadcastCutoffTemplates(databases, broadcastCardinalityCutoff, isRowWidthWeightingEnabled)); } catch (final Throwable e) { clearTemplates(); throw new PEException("Unable to generate templates.", e); } } private void generateCorpusBasedTemplates(final Long broadcastCardinalityCutoff, final boolean followForeignKeys, final boolean isSafeMode, final File corpusFile, final File baseTemplateFile) throws Throwable { /* If there is no corpus file, use an empty corpus instead. */ final DbAnalyzerCorpus corpus = (corpusFile != null) ? loadCorpus(corpusFile) : EMPTY_FREQUENCY_CORPUS; final Template baseTemplate = (baseTemplateFile != null) ? PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(baseTemplateFile, Template.class) : null; try { /* Generate initial "safe" templates for schema loading. */ generateAllBroadcastTemplates(); /* Analyze the static report. */ final CorpusStats corpusStats = new CorpusStats( corpus.getDescription(), this.options.getCorpusScaleFactor(), this.options.getDefaultStorageEngine()); final StatementAnalyzer analyzer = new StatementAnalyzer(this.options, corpusStats); loadSchema(analyzer); loadCorpusStats(analyzer, corpusStats); /* Analyze the corpus. */ try (final FrequenciesSource frequencies = new FrequenciesSource(corpus)) { frequencies.analyze(analyzer); } /* * Build templates for selected databases. * Use a user defined Broadcast cardinality cutoff or try to * determine optimal distribution models automatically. */ final TemplateModelItem fallbackModel = this.options.getGeneratorDefaultFallbackModel(); final boolean isRowWidthWeightingEnabled = this.options.isRowWidthWeightingEnabled(); final AiTemplateBuilder ai = new AiTemplateBuilder(corpusStats, baseTemplate, fallbackModel, this.getPrintStream()); ai.setWildcardsEnabled(this.options.isTemplateWildcardsEnabled()); ai.setVerbose(this.options.isVerboseGeneratorEnabled()); ai.setForeignKeysAsJoins(this.options.isForeignKeysAsJoinsEnabled()); ai.setUseIdentTuples(this.options.isIdentTuplesEnabled()); ai.setUseSorts(this.options.isUsingSortsEnabled()); ai.setUseWrites(this.options.isUsingWritesEnabled()); final List<Template> builtTemplates = ai.buildTemplates(this.databases, broadcastCardinalityCutoff, followForeignKeys, isSafeMode, isRowWidthWeightingEnabled); /* Load the generated templates while trashing the old ones. */ reloadTemplates(builtTemplates); } catch (final Throwable e) { clearTemplates(); throw new PEException("Unable to generate templates.", e); } /* Validate the generated templates by loading the schema. */ println("... Validating the templates"); try { final Emulator validator = new Emulator(this.options, new AnalyzerCallback() { @Override public void onResult(AnalyzerResult bar) { // Not needed. } }); loadSchema(validator); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new PEException("Template validation has failed.", e); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { new DVEAnalyzerCLI(args).start(); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }