package com.tesora.dve.sql; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ // NOPMD by doug on 04/12/12 12:05 PM import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBNative; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEConstants; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.CatalogDAO; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.CatalogDAO.CatalogDAOFactory; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.MultitenantMode; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.TableVisibility; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.Tenant; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.UserDatabase; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.UserTable; import com.tesora.dve.errmap.MySQLErrors; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.resultset.ResultRow; import; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.TableInstance; import com.tesora.dve.sql.parser.ParserOptions; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEDatabase; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PETable; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SchemaContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.UnqualifiedName; import; import; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ResourceResponse; import com.tesora.dve.variable.VariableConstants; public class SimpleMultitenantTest extends MultitenantTest { @Test public void testMultitenantCommands() throws Throwable { setContext("testMultitenantCommands"); // verify that we can't create a tenant try { createTenant(0); fail("shouldn't be able to create tenants when not in multitenant mode"); } catch (Exception e) { assertException(e, SQLException.class, "Internal error: No multitenant database found"); } // create the database - for this test we use relaxed rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); // let's try creating a tenant createTenant(0); rootConnection.assertResults("show tenants", br(nr, AdaptiveMultitenantSchemaPolicyContext.LANDLORD_TENANT, testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"NO",getIgnore(), nr,tenantNames[0],testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"NO", "mtt")); try { tenantConnection.execute("create tenant dg2 'second dg user'"); fail("tenant shouldn't be able to create tenants"); } catch (Exception e) { assertException(e, SQLException.class, "Internal error: You do not have permission to create a tenant"); } try { tenantConnection.execute("show tenants"); fail("tenant shouldn't be able to show tenants"); } catch (Exception e) { assertException(e, SQLException.class, "Internal error: You do not have permission to show tenants"); } // create the second tenant now via the create database statement createTenant(1); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); rootConnection.execute("suspend tenant " + tenantNames[0]); rootConnection.assertResults("show tenants", br(nr,AdaptiveMultitenantSchemaPolicyContext.LANDLORD_TENANT,testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"NO",getIgnore(), nr,tenantNames[0],testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"YES",tenantNames[0], nr,tenantNames[1],testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"NO",getIgnore())); // anything on the tenant now should fail try { tenantConnection.execute("show databases"); fail("suspended tenant shouldn't be able to do squat"); } catch (Exception e) { assertException(e, SQLException.class, "Internal error: Your account has been disabled"); } rootConnection.execute("resume tenant " + tenantNames[0]); rootConnection.assertResults("show tenants", br(nr,AdaptiveMultitenantSchemaPolicyContext.LANDLORD_TENANT,testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"NO",getIgnore(), nr,tenantNames[0],testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"NO",tenantNames[0], nr,tenantNames[1],testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"NO",getIgnore())); tenantConnection.assertResults("show databases", br(nr,PEConstants.INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DBNAME, nr,PEConstants.LANDLORD_TENANT, nr,"mtt", nr,PEConstants.MYSQL_SCHEMA_DBNAME, nr,"stt")); // dropping database on the second tenant should remove it rootConnection.execute("drop database " + tenantNames[1]); rootConnection.assertResults("show tenants", br(nr,AdaptiveMultitenantSchemaPolicyContext.LANDLORD_TENANT,testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"NO",getIgnore(), nr,"mtt",testDDL.getDatabaseName(),"NO",tenantNames[0])); // make sure that dropping a multitenant database as a regular database pukes hard try { rootConnection.execute("drop database mtdb"); fail("should be unable to drop a multitenant database without using drop multitenant database"); } catch (Exception e) { assertException(e, SQLException.class, "Internal error: Illegal drop database statement. Use DROP MULTITENANT DATABASE to drop a multitenant database"); } } private static final String block_table_decl_p1 = "create table `block` ( " + "`bid` int(11) not null auto_increment, " + "`module` varchar(64) not null default '', " + "`delta` varchar(32) not null default '0', "; private static final String block_table_decl_p2 = "`theme` varchar(64) not null default '', " + "primary key (`bid`), " + "unique key `tmd` (`theme`, `module`, `delta`), " + "key `list` (`theme`, `module`)) " + "ENGINE=InnoDB"; private static final String block_table_decl = block_table_decl_p1 + block_table_decl_p2; private static final String copy_table_decl = "create table `square` ( " + "`squid` int(11) not null, " + "`module` varchar(64) not null default '', " + "primary key (`squid`))" + "ENGINE=InnoDB"; @Test public void testDDL() throws Throwable { setContext("testDDL"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); for(int i = 0; i < tenantNames.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[i]); tenantConnection.execute(block_table_decl); } // should verify that the table was correctly modified. CatalogDAO cat = CatalogDAOFactory.newInstance(); // find the db with name UserDatabase edb = cat.findDatabase("mtdb"); SchemaContext sc = SchemaContext.createContext(cat, Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getTypeCatalog()); sc.setOptions(ParserOptions.NONE); PEDatabase ped = sc.findPEDatabase(new UnqualifiedName("mtdb")); sc.setCurrentDatabase(ped); for(UserTable ut : edb.getUserTables()) { TableInstance ti = ped.getSchema().buildInstance(sc, new UnqualifiedName(ut.getName()), null, false); PETable tab = ti.getAbstractTable().asTable(); TenantColumn tc = tab.getTenantColumn(sc); assertNotNull(tc); PEKey pk = tab.getPrimaryKey(sc); assertNotNull(pk); assertEquals("pk columns", 2, pk.getKeyColumns().size()); assertTrue("pk must include tenant column", pk.getKeyColumns().get(0).getColumn().isTenantColumn()); cat.close(); } try { SchemaTest.echo(" ********* MT INFO SCHEMA *********"); CatalogQueryTest.exerciseSchema(rootConnection,"information_schema"); CatalogQueryTest.exerciseSchema(rootConnection,"mysql"); for(int i = 0; i < tenantNames.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[i]); CatalogQueryTest.exerciseSchema(tenantConnection,"information_schema", "generation_site","group_provider","range_distribution","storage_generation", "storage_group","storage_site","site_instance","tenant","external_service","scopes"); try { CatalogQueryTest.exerciseSchema(tenantConnection,"mysql","user"); } catch (PEException e) { assertSchemaException(e,"No such database: mysql"); } } } finally { rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); } } @Test public void testInserts() throws Throwable { setContext("testInserts"); // also have to create a second user rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); // rootConnection.execute("alter dve set plan_cache_limit = 0;"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); rootConnection.execute(block_table_decl); rootConnection.execute("insert into `block` (`module`, `delta`, `theme`) values ('b','b','b')"); rootConnection.assertResults("select * from block", br(nr,new Integer(1),"b","b","b")); rootConnection.execute(copy_table_decl); for(int i = 0; i < tenantNames.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[i]); tenantConnection.execute(block_table_decl); tenantConnection.execute("insert into `block` (`module`, `delta`, `theme`) values ('a','a','a')"); tenantConnection.assertResults("select * from block", br(nr,new Integer(1),"a","a","a")); tenantConnection.execute(copy_table_decl); tenantConnection.execute("insert into `square` (`squid`, `module`) select `bid`, `module` from `block`"); tenantConnection.assertResults("select * from square", br(nr,new Integer(1),"a")); rootConnection.assertResults("select * from square",br()); } becomeL(); ResourceResponse rr = rootConnection.fetch("show tables like '%block%'"); final String tn = (String) rr.getResults().get(0).getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue(); rootConnection.assertResults("select * from " + tn + " order by ___mtid", br(nr,new Integer(1),"b","b","b",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(1),"a","a","a",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(1),"a","a","a",getIgnore())); // should not be able to insert in null tenant mode if mtid not specified new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { // make sure that if you do an insert as the null tenant, you have to specify everything rootConnection.execute("insert into " + tn + " (`module`, `delta`, `theme`) values ('c','c','c')"); } }.assertSqlError(SQLException.class, MySQLErrors.missingDatabaseFormatter); } @Test public void testScoping() throws Throwable { setContext("testScoping"); // also have to create a second user rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("alter dve set " + VariableConstants.TABLE_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR_INTERVAL_NAME + " = 1001"); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); String visibilitySQL = "select table_state, scope_name from information_schema.scopes where tenant_name = '%s' order by scope_name"; for(int i = 0; i < tenantNames.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[i]); tenantConnection.execute("create table adblock (`bid` int(11) not null auto_increment, `blech` varchar(32) not null)"); tenantConnection.execute("insert into adblock (`blech`) values ('first entry')"); tenantConnection.assertResults("select * from adblock",br(nr,new Integer(1),"first entry")); // verify that the backing table exists and is shared rootConnection.assertResults(String.format(visibilitySQL,tenantNames[i]), br(nr,"SHARED","adblock")); // tenant connection should not be able to see block new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { tenantConnection.execute("select * from block"); } }.assertSqlError(SQLException.class, MySQLErrors.missingTableFormatter, "mtdb", "block"); tenantConnection.execute(block_table_decl); // verify that the backing table exists and is shared rootConnection.assertResults(String.format(visibilitySQL,tenantNames[i]), br(nr,"SHARED","adblock",nr,"SHARED","block")); tenantConnection.execute("drop table adblock"); tenantConnection.execute("drop table block"); // depends on table garbage collector running - ignore // assertExistence(actualAdBlockName,"mtdb",false); // assertExistence(actualBlockName,"mtdb",false); } } @Test public void testShow() throws Throwable { setContext("testShow"); // also have to create a second user rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); becomeLT(); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); rootConnection.execute(block_table_decl); rootConnection.assertResults("show tables like 'block'",br(nr,"block")); becomeL(); for(int i = 0; i < tenantNames.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[i]); Object[] none = br(); // on the tenant connection the block table is not yet visible tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables like 'block'",none); // nor is it visible in any of the varieties tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables", none); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables like '%blo%'",none); // now, when we create it, should become visible in all varieties tenantConnection.execute(block_table_decl); Object[] one = br(nr,"block"); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables like 'block'", one); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables", one); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables like '%blo%'",one); tenantConnection.execute("create table adblock (`bid` int(11) not null auto_increment, `blech` varchar(32) not null)"); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables like 'block'", one); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables like 'adblock'",br(nr,"adblock")); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables", br(nr,"adblock",nr,"block")); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables like '%blo%'", br(nr,"adblock",nr,"block")); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables like '%ad%'", br(nr,"adblock")); Object[] fullBlockCols = br(nr,"bid",getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(), nr,"module",getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(), nr,"delta",getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(), nr,"theme",getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(), nr,"___mtid",getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore()); Object[] tenantBlockCols = br(nr,"bid",getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(), nr,"module",getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(), nr,"delta",getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(), nr,"theme",getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore(),getIgnore()); String tn = (String) rootConnection.fetch("show tables like '%block%'").getResults().get(0).getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue(); rootConnection.execute("set @@dve_metadata_extensions = 1"); rootConnection.assertResults("describe " + tn, fullBlockCols); rootConnection.execute("set @@dve_metadata_extensions = 0"); tenantConnection.assertResults("describe block",tenantBlockCols); tenantConnection.assertResults("show columns in adblock", br(nr,"bid", getIgnore(), getIgnore(), getIgnore(), getIgnore(), getIgnore(), nr,"blech", getIgnore(), getIgnore(), getIgnore(), getIgnore(), getIgnore())); String ct = getCreateTable(rootConnection, tn); assertTrue("root connection create tbl stmt shows tenant column", ct.indexOf("___mtid") > -1); ct = getCreateTable(tenantConnection,"block"); assertTrue("tenant connection create tbl stmt does not show tenant column", ct.indexOf("___mtid") == -1); ct = getCreateTable(tenantConnection,"adblock"); assertTrue("tenant connection create tbl stmt does not show tenant column", ct.indexOf("___mtid") == -1); // so the show commands we care about are: // show create table, show table status, show database, show column, show triggers // these all need to be scoped to the current tenant // tenantConnection.execute("create table adblock (`bid` int(11) not null auto_increment, `blech` varchar(32) not null)"); } } @Test public void testAlter() throws Throwable { setContext("testAlter"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); rootConnection.execute(block_table_decl); for(int i = 1; i < tenantNames.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[i]); tenantConnection.execute(block_table_decl); // tenants should not be allowed to mod global tables try { tenantConnection.execute("alter table block add `head` int not null"); } catch (PEException e) { assertSchemaException(e, "You do not have permission to alter a table"); } // but root can rootConnection.execute("alter table block add `head` int not null"); String ct = getCreateTable(rootConnection, "block"); assertTrue("should have new column", ct.indexOf("head") > -1); tenantConnection.execute("create table adblock (`bid` int(11) not null auto_increment, `blech` varchar(32) not null)"); tenantConnection.execute("alter table adblock add `head` int not null"); ct = getCreateTable(tenantConnection, "adblock"); assertTrue("should have new column", ct.indexOf("head") > -1); } } private String getCreateTable(ConnectionResource conn, String tabname) throws Throwable { List<ResultRow> results = conn.fetch("show create table " + tabname).getResults(); assertEquals("only one table for show create table",1,results.size()); ResultRow rr = results.get(0); assertEquals("two columns for show create table",2,rr.getRow().size()); return (String)rr.getResultColumn(2).getColumnValue(); } // tests for the various kinds of mt support. for each we want to test landlord tenant create, drop, alter // tenant create, drop, alter // insert into two tenants, select, update, delete // select by landlord // test for adaptive - somewhat special - ordering matters - need a third and fourth tenant // also, set the limit to 2 before we start // tenant 1 create A, populate // tenant 2 create A, check for flip // tenant 3 create A, check that it hops on the shared table // verify select for all tenants // verify show tables for all tenants // verify select for landlord tenant (gets all data) // tenant 1 create table B // tenant 1 drop table A - verify still shared // tenant 2 create table B - different def // tenant 1 drop table B - tenant 2 still has B // tenant 2 recreate table A with different def - verify error // tenant 2 drop table A // tenant 3 drop table A - verify no A globally @Test public void testMTAdaptive() throws Throwable { setContext("testMTAdaptive"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("alter dve set " + VariableConstants.TABLE_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR_INTERVAL_NAME + " = 1001"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); createAdaptiveTenant(0); createAdaptiveTenant(1); String declA = "create table tmtAA (`id` int auto_increment, `payload` varchar(32))"; String popA = "insert into tmtAA (`payload`) values ('quick'),('brown')"; String declB = "create table tmtBB (`id` int auto_increment, `payload` varchar(32))"; String popB = "insert into tmtBB (`payload`) values ('quick'),('brown')"; String declB2 = "create table tmtBB (`payload` varchar(32), `pid` int auto_increment)"; String declAprime = "create table tmtAA (`payload` varchar(32), `sid` int auto_increment)"; String[] tens = new String[] { tenantNames[0], tenantNames[1], adaptiveTenants[0], adaptiveTenants[1] }; // we do lazy migration now, split out the tenant valued column so as to force the flip for(int i = 0; i < tens.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute(declA); tenantConnection.execute(popA); tenantConnection.assertResults("select id, payload from tmtAA order by id", br(nr,new Integer(1),"quick", nr,new Integer(2),"brown")); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables", br(nr,"tmtAA")); } for(int i = 0; i < tens.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("insert into tmtAA (`payload`) values ('" + tens[i] + "')"); } becomeL(); ResourceResponse rr = rootConnection.fetch("show tables like '%tmtAA%'"); String tabName = null; List<ResultRow> results = rr.getResults(); assertEquals("should only have one table so far in adaptive mode",results.size(),1); tabName = (String)results.get(0).getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue(); rootConnection.assertResults("select id, payload, ___mtid from " + tabName + " order by ___mtid, id", br(nr,new Integer(1),"quick",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(2),"brown",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(3),tens[0],getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(1),"quick",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(2),"brown",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(3),tens[1],getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(1),"quick",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(2),"brown",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(3),tens[2],getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(1),"quick",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(2),"brown",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(3),tens[3],getIgnore())); // // tenant 1 create table B // tenant 1 drop table A - verify still shared // tenant 2 create table B - different def // tenant 1 drop table B - tenant 2 still has B // tenant 2 recreate table A with different def - verify error // tenant 2 drop table A // tenant 3 drop table A - verify no A globally tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[0]); tenantConnection.execute(declB); tenantConnection.execute(popB + ", ('" + tens[0] + "')"); tenantConnection.execute("drop table tmtAA"); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables",br(nr,"tmtBB")); tenantConnection.assertResults("select id, payload from tmtBB order by id", br(nr,new Integer(1),"quick", nr,new Integer(2),"brown", nr,new Integer(3),tens[0])); tenantConnection.assertResults("describe tmtBB", br(nr,"id","int(11)","YES","",null,"auto_increment", nr,"payload","varchar(32)","YES","",null,"")); rootConnection.assertResults("select id, payload, ___mtid from " + tabName + " order by ___mtid, id", br(nr,new Integer(1),"quick",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(2),"brown",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(3),tens[1],getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(1),"quick",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(2),"brown",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(3),tens[2],getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(1),"quick",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(2),"brown",getIgnore(), nr,new Integer(3),tens[3],getIgnore())); for(int i = 1; i < tens.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables like 'tmtAA'",br(nr,"tmtAA")); } tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[1]); tenantConnection.execute(declB2); tenantConnection.execute(popB + ", ('" + tens[1] + "')"); tenantConnection.assertResults("select pid, payload from tmtBB order by pid", br(nr,new Integer(1),"quick", nr,new Integer(2),"brown", nr,new Integer(3),tens[1])); tenantConnection.assertResults("describe tmtBB", br(nr,"payload","varchar(32)","YES","",null,"", nr,"pid","int(11)","YES","",null,"auto_increment")); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[0]); tenantConnection.execute("drop table tmtBB"); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables",br()); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[1]); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables",br(nr,"tmtAA",nr,"tmtBB")); try { tenantConnection.execute(declAprime); } catch (Exception e) { assertException(e, SQLException.class, "Internal error: Invalid redeclaration of table: table definitions differ"); } tenantConnection.execute("drop table tmtAA"); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables",br(nr,"tmtBB")); tenantConnection.execute(declAprime); tenantConnection.assertResults("describe tmtAA", br(nr,"payload","varchar(32)","YES","",null,"", nr,"sid","int(11)","YES","",null,"auto_increment")); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables", br(nr,"tmtAA",nr,"tmtBB")); tenantConnection.execute("drop table tmtAA"); tenantConnection.execute("drop table tmtBB"); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables",br()); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[2]); tenantConnection.execute("drop table tmtAA"); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[3]); tenantConnection.execute("drop table tmtAA"); // since tables are now dropped by the garbage collector - can't test on this anymore // rootConnection.assertResults("show tables",br()); } @Test public void testDropTenant() throws Throwable { setContext("testDropTenant"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); String[] sts = new String[] { "st1", "st2", "st3" }; String[] pts = new String[] { "pt1" }; for(String stn : sts) rootConnection.execute("create table " + stn + " (id int, junk varchar(32))"); for(int i = 0; i < tenantNames.length; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[i]); // populate all three the same way String values = " values (1,'if'), (2,'you'), (3, 'are'), (4, 'happy'), (5, 'wag'), (6, 'your'), (7, 'tail')"; for(String tn : sts) { tenantConnection.execute("create table " + tn + " (id int, junk varchar(32))"); tenantConnection.execute("insert into " + tn + values); } for(String tn : pts) { tenantConnection.execute("create table " + tn + " (id int, junk varchar(32))"); tenantConnection.execute("insert into " + tn + values); } } // make sure the data is all there becomeL(); ResourceResponse rr = rootConnection.fetch("show tables"); HashMap<String,String> mangledNames = new HashMap<String,String>(); String[] ats = new String[] { "st1", "st2", "st3", "pt1" }; for(ResultRow row : rr.getResults()) { String tn = (String) row.getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue(); for(String s : ats) { if (tn.indexOf(s) > -1) mangledNames.put(s,tn); } rootConnection.assertResults("select count(*) from " + tn, br(nr,new Long(14))); } // we want to try dropping a table from a tenant, dropping a shared table from global, dropping a tenant // so: // ten1 drop st1 // lt drop st2 // ten0 drop pt1 // lt drop ten1 tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[1]); tenantConnection.execute("drop table st1"); rootConnection.assertResults("select count(*) from " + mangledNames.get("st1"),br(nr,new Long(7))); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables",br(nr,"pt1",nr,"st2",nr,"st3")); becomeLT(); tenantConnection.execute("drop table st2"); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables",br(nr,"pt1",nr,"st3")); becomeL(); rootConnection.execute("drop database " + tenantNames[1]); rootConnection.assertResults("select count(*) from " + mangledNames.get("st1"),br(nr,new Long(7))); rootConnection.assertResults("select count(*) from " + mangledNames.get("st3"),br(nr,new Long(7))); } @Test public void testCreateDatabaseA() throws Throwable { setContext("testCreateDatabaseA"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); // create some other databases as tenants rootConnection.execute("use mysql"); rootConnection.execute("create database " + tenantNames[0]); rootConnection.execute("create database " + tenantNames[1] + " default charset utf8"); rootConnection.assertResults("show multitenant databases", br(nr,testDDL.getDatabaseName())); rootConnection.assertResults("show multitenant databases like '" + testDDL.getDatabaseName() + "'", br(nr,testDDL.getDatabaseName())); rootConnection.assertResults("show databases",br(nr,PEConstants.INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DBNAME,nr,PEConstants.LANDLORD_TENANT, nr, "mtt",nr,"mysql",nr,"stt")); rootConnection.assertResults("show databases like '" + tenantNames[1] + "'", br(nr,"stt")); rootConnection.execute("drop database " + tenantNames[1]); rootConnection.assertResults("show databases",br(nr,PEConstants.INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DBNAME,nr,PEConstants.LANDLORD_TENANT, nr, "mtt",nr,"mysql")); } @Test public void testCreateDatabaseB() throws Throwable { setContext("testCreateDatabaseB"); String mtdbdecl = testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement(); String dbname = testDDL.getDatabaseName(); String qdbname = "`" + dbname + "`"; String qmtdbdecl = mtdbdecl.replaceFirst(dbname, qdbname); rootConnection.execute(qmtdbdecl); becomeLT(); rootConnection.execute("create table `dtest` (`id` int, primary key(`id`))"); rootConnection.execute("use mysql"); rootConnection.assertResults("show multitenant databases",br(nr,dbname)); rootConnection.execute("create tenant " + tenantNames[0] + " on " + dbname); rootConnection.execute("create tenant `" + tenantNames[1] + "` on " + qdbname); rootConnection.assertResults("show databases like '%tt'", br(nr,"mtt",nr,"stt")); rootConnection.assertResults("show databases like '%foobar%'",br()); for(int i = 0; i < tenantNames.length; i++) { rootConnection.execute("grant all on " + tenantNames[i] + ".* to '" + mtuserName + "'@'" + mtuserAccess + "' identified by '" + mtuserName + "'"); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[i]); tenantConnection.execute("create table `dtest` (`id` int, primary key (`id`))"); } rootConnection.execute("drop database `" + tenantNames[1] + "`"); } // reuse most of the tests from the alter test @Test public void testMTAdaptiveAltersAddChangeRemoveColumn() throws Throwable { setContext("testMTAdaptiveAltersAddChangeRemoveColumn"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); createAdaptiveTenant(0); createAdaptiveTenant(1); String def1 = "create table `altest` ( `cola` int not null auto_increment, `module` varchar(64) not null, primary key (`cola`))"; String pop1 = "insert into altest (module) values ('quick'),('scots'),('rule')"; String[] tens = new String[] { tenantNames[0], tenantNames[1], adaptiveTenants[0], adaptiveTenants[1] }; int ntens = tens.length; for(int nt = 2; nt <= tens.length; nt++) { ntens = nt; SchemaTest.echo("tenants = " + ntens); for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute(def1); tenantConnection.execute(pop1 + ",('" + tens[i] + "')"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection, "altest"); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("alter table altest add `book` int not null"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection, "altest"); assertTrue("should have new column",cts.indexOf("book") > -1); tenantConnection.assertResults("show columns in altest like 'book'",br(nr,"book","int(11)","NO","",null,"")); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("alter table altest change `book` `pamphlet` varchar(64) null"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection,"altest"); assertTrue("show have new col def",cts.indexOf("pamphlet") > -1); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("alter table altest alter column `pamphlet` set default 'howdy stranger'"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection,"altest"); assertTrue("should have def value",cts.indexOf("howdy stranger") > -1); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("alter table altest alter column `pamphlet` drop default"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection,"altest"); assertEquals("should not have def value",-1,cts.indexOf("howdy stranger")); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("alter table altest drop `pamphlet`"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection,"altest"); assertEquals("should not have removed column",-1,cts.indexOf("pamphlet")); tenantConnection.assertResults("show columns in altest like 'pamphlet'", br()); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("alter table altest add index `indone` (`cola`,`module`)"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection,"altest"); assertTrue("should have index",cts.indexOf("indone") > -1); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("alter table altest drop index `indone`"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection,"altest"); assertEquals("should not have index",-1,cts.indexOf("indone")); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); // verify that the data still exists after all this moving around tenantConnection.assertResults("select cola, module from altest order by cola", br(nr,new Integer(1),"quick", nr,new Integer(2),"scots", nr,new Integer(3),"rule", nr,new Integer(4),tens[i])); tenantConnection.execute("drop table altest"); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables",br()); } } } @Test public void testPE1037_MTAltersSkipLazyCopyForShareLimitOne() throws Throwable { setContext("testPE1037_MTAltersSkipLazyCopyForShareLimitOne"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); createAdaptiveTenant(0); createAdaptiveTenant(1); String def1 = "create table `altest` ( `cola` int not null auto_increment, `module` varchar(64) not null, primary key (`cola`))"; String pop1 = "insert into altest (module) values ('quick'),('scots'),('rule')"; String[] tens = new String[] { adaptiveTenants[0], adaptiveTenants[1] }; int ntens = tens.length; ntens = 2; SchemaTest.echo("tenants = " + ntens); //create scoped tables and populate with tenant specific data. for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute(def1); tenantConnection.execute(pop1 + ",('" + tens[i] + "')"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection, "altest"); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } assertSharedUserTableForSameLocalTable("altest", tens); //have each tenant run the same alter table command, but no DML that would trigger a lazy compaction. for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("alter table altest add `book` int not null"); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(tenantConnection, "altest"); assertTrue("should have new column",cts.indexOf("book") > -1); tenantConnection.assertResults("show columns in altest like 'book'",br(nr,"book","int(11)","NO","",null,"")); assertAutoInc(tenantConnection,cts); } assertSharedUserTableForSameLocalTable("altest", tens); for(int i = 0; i < ntens; i++) { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tens[i]); tenantConnection.execute("drop table altest"); tenantConnection.assertResults("show tables",br()); } } private void assertSharedUserTableForSameLocalTable(String localName, String... tenantNames) throws Throwable { CatalogDAO catalog = CatalogDAOFactory.newInstance(); Set<UserTable> backingTables = new HashSet<UserTable>(); try { for (String tenantName : tenantNames){ Tenant tenant = catalog.findTenant( tenantName ); TableVisibility scope = catalog.findScope( tenant.getId(), localName ); if (scope == null) fail(String.format("Tenant %s expected to have scope for %s, didn't find one",tenantName,localName)); UserTable userTab = scope.getTable(); backingTables.add( userTab ); } if (backingTables.size() != 1) fail(String.format("For local table %s, tenants %s have multiple user tables %s",localName, Arrays.asList(tenantNames),backingTables)); } finally { catalog.close(); } } @Test public void testPE291() throws Throwable { setContext("testPE291"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); rootConnection.execute(block_table_decl); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute(block_table_decl); for(int j = 1; j <= 5; j++) { StringBuilder insert = new StringBuilder(); insert.append("INSERT INTO `block` "); insert.append("VALUES ( "); insert.append(j + ","); insert.append("'" + j + "',"); insert.append("'" + j + "',"); insert.append("'" + j + "')"); tenantConnection.execute(insert.toString()); } // test that id as a literal works tenantConnection.assertResults("select * from `block` where `bid` in ('3')", br(nr,3,"3","3","3")); } @Test public void testCacheInvalidation() throws Throwable { setContext("testCacheInvalidation"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute(block_table_decl); for(int j = 1; j <= 5; j++) { StringBuilder insert = new StringBuilder(); insert.append("INSERT INTO `block` "); insert.append("VALUES ( "); insert.append(j + ","); insert.append("'" + j + "',"); insert.append("'" + j + "',"); insert.append("'" + j + "')"); tenantConnection.execute(insert.toString()); } tenantConnection.execute("drop table `block`"); tenantConnection.execute(block_table_decl); for(int j = 1; j <= 5; j++) { StringBuilder insert = new StringBuilder(); insert.append("INSERT INTO `block` "); insert.append("VALUES ( "); insert.append(j + ","); insert.append("'" + j + "',"); insert.append("'" + j + "',"); insert.append("'" + j + "')"); tenantConnection.execute(insert.toString()); } } @Test public void testDataLocks() throws Throwable { setContext("testDataLocks"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("create table foo (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[1]); tenantConnection.execute("create table foo (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("insert into foo values (1,'one'),(2,'two')"); tenantConnection.execute("start transaction"); tenantConnection.assertResults("select * from foo order by id",br(nr,new Integer(1),"one", nr, new Integer(2), "two")); rootConnection.assertResults("show multitenant lock", br( nr,"PE.Model.Range",ignore,"acquired","SHARED","[SHARED]",1,0,"default statement generation lock", //one for root nr,"PE.Model.Range",ignore,"acquired","SHARED","[SHARED]",1,0,"default statement generation lock", //one for tenant nr,"PETenant:mtt/foo",ignore,"acquired","SHARED","[SHARED]",1,0,"select" //and the tenant dml lock ) ); tenantConnection.execute("update foo set value='uno' where id=1"); tenantConnection.execute("commit"); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[1]); tenantConnection.execute("insert into foo values (1,'one'),(2,'two')"); tenantConnection.execute("start transaction"); tenantConnection.assertResults("select * from foo order by id",br(nr,new Integer(1),"one", nr, new Integer(2), "two")); rootConnection.assertResults("show multitenant lock", br( nr,"PE.Model.Range",ignore,"acquired","SHARED","[SHARED]",1,0,"default statement generation lock", //one for root nr,"PE.Model.Range",ignore,"acquired","SHARED","[SHARED]",1,0,"default statement generation lock", //one for tenant nr,"PETenant:stt/foo",ignore,"acquired","SHARED","[SHARED]",1,0,"lookup scope for mt cached plan" //and the landlord ) ); tenantConnection.execute("commit"); } @Test @Ignore public void testSessionVariables() throws Throwable { setContext("testSessionVariables"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); testMTVariable("long_query_time", "10.0", "5.5"); testMTVariable("group_concat_max_len", "1024", "512"); } private void testMTVariable(final String variableName, final String defaultValue, final String newValue) throws Throwable { assertMTVariable(0, variableName, defaultValue); assertMTVariable(1, variableName, defaultValue); setVariable(0, variableName, newValue); assertMTVariable(0, variableName, newValue); assertMTVariable(1, variableName, defaultValue); } private void assertMTVariable(final int tenantIndex, final String variableName, final String expectedValue) throws Throwable { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[tenantIndex]); tenantConnection.assertResults("show variables like '" + variableName + "'", br(nr, variableName, expectedValue)); } private void setVariable(final int tenantIndex, final String variableName, final String newValue) throws Throwable { tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[tenantIndex]); tenantConnection.execute("set " + variableName + " = " + newValue); } @Test public void testPE1163() throws Throwable { setContext("testPE1163"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); SelectTest.testUsePerformance(tenantConnection, tenantNames); } @Test public void testTruncateStatement() throws Throwable { setContext("testTruncateStatement"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); rootConnection.execute("use mtdb"); createTenant(0); createTenant(1); /* * Test non-AI truncate. */ tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("create table a (id INT not null)"); tenantConnection.execute(TruncateTest.buildTableColumnInsert("a", "id", Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3))); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[1]); tenantConnection.execute("create table a (id INT not null)"); tenantConnection.execute(TruncateTest.buildTableColumnInsert("a", "id", Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4))); TruncateTest.testTableTruncate(tenantConnection, tenantNames[0], "a", 3); TruncateTest.testTableTruncate(tenantConnection, tenantNames[1], "a", 4); /* * Test truncate with AI columns. */ final List<Integer> b0Data = Arrays.asList(null, null, null); final List<Integer> b1Data = Arrays.asList(null, null, null, null); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("create table b (id INT not null auto_increment)"); tenantConnection.execute(TruncateTest.buildTableColumnInsert("b", "id", b0Data)); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[1]); tenantConnection.execute("create table b (id INT not null auto_increment)"); tenantConnection.execute(TruncateTest.buildTableColumnInsert("b", "id", b1Data)); TruncateTest.testTableTruncate(tenantConnection, tenantNames[0], "b", 3); TruncateTest.testTableTruncate(tenantConnection, tenantNames[1], "b", 4); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute(TruncateTest.buildTableColumnInsert("b", "id", b0Data)); tenantConnection.assertResults("select * from b order by id", br(nr, 1, nr, 2, nr, 3)); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[1]); tenantConnection.execute(TruncateTest.buildTableColumnInsert("b", "id", b1Data)); tenantConnection.assertResults("select * from b order by id", br(nr, 1, nr, 2, nr, 3, nr, 4)); } }