package com.tesora.dve.sql; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ListOfPairs; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.MirrorProc; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.MirrorTest; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.NativeDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.PEDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProjectDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ResourceResponse; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.StorageGroupDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.TestResource; public class BugsMirrorTest extends SchemaMirrorTest { private static final ProjectDDL checkDDL = new PEDDL("checkdb", new StorageGroupDDL("check",1,"checkg"), "schema"); private static final ProjectDDL multiDDL = new PEDDL("checkdb", new StorageGroupDDL("sys",3,"sysg"), "schema"); private static final NativeDDL nativeDDL = new NativeDDL("cdb"); @Override protected ProjectDDL getSingleDDL() { return checkDDL; } @Override protected ProjectDDL getNativeDDL() { return nativeDDL; } @Override protected ProjectDDL getMultiDDL() { return multiDDL; } @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Throwable { setup(multiDDL, checkDDL, nativeDDL, Collections.<MirrorTest> emptyList()); } @Test public void testDateFunctionsWithIntervals() throws Throwable { ArrayList<MirrorTest> out = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table pe825 (id int, ut timestamp not null, primary key (id)) /*#dve broadcast distribute */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("set time_zone = 'SYSTEM'")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into pe825 values " +"(1,'2012-09-18 04:30:00'),(2,'2012-09-20 04:30:00')," +"(3,'2012-09-18 09:00:30'),(4,'2012-09-22 13:25:32')")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from pe825 order by id")); String[] exprs = new String[] { "22","1","0","13" }; String[] units = new String[] { "microsecond", "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "quarter", "year" }; String[] funcs = new String[] { "adddate(ut,%s)", "date_add(ut,%s)", "ut + %s", "ut - %s", "date_sub(ut,%s)", "subdate(ut,%s)" }; for(String e : exprs) { for(String u : units) { for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { String istr = "interval " + e + " " + u; for(String f : funcs) { out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select " + String.format(f,istr) + " as tv from pe825 where id = " + i)); } } } } out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table pe825")); ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource> config = new ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource>(); config.add(nativeResource,checkResource); runTest(out, config, false); } @Test public void testMetadataGeneration() throws Throwable { ArrayList<MirrorTest> out = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table md1 (id int, fid int, primary key (id))")); // out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table md2 (id int, fid int, primary key (id))")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from md1")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select l.* from md1 l")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select id as i, fid as fi from md1")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select as i, l.fid as fi from md1 l")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select id + 1, fid * 22 from md1")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select + 1, l.fid * 22 from md1 l")); // add more cases here out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table md1")); // out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table md2")); ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource> config = new ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource>(); config.add(nativeResource,sysResource); runTest(out, config, false); } @Test public void testPE849() throws Throwable { ArrayList<MirrorTest> out = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); final String[] tabNames = new String[] { "BC", "AR", "RA", "ST" }; final String[] distDecls = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "random distribute", "range distribute on (id) using pe849r", "static distribute on (id)" }; out.add(new MirrorProc() { @Override public ResourceResponse execute(TestResource mr) throws Throwable { if (!mr.getDDL().isNative()) mr.getConnection().execute("create range pe849r (int) persistent group " + mr.getDDL().getPersistentGroup().getName()); String body = " (id int, aid int(4) zerofill, bid int zerofill, primary key (id)) "; ResourceResponse rr = null; for(int i = 0; i < tabNames.length; i++) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("create table ").append(tabNames[i]).append(body).append("/*#dve ").append(distDecls[i]).append(" */"); rr = mr.getConnection().execute(buf.toString()); } return rr; } }); for(String tn : tabNames) { out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into " + tn + " values (1,1,1),(2,2,2),(3,3,3),(4,4,4)")); } // this works without any mods, because this just streams the unordered select (with the casts) onto a temp site for // the order by for(String tn : tabNames) { out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select id, cast(aid as char(4)), cast(bid as char(10)) from " + tn + " order by id")); } int nonrand[] = new int[] { 0, 2, 3 }; for(int i = 0; i < nonrand.length; i++) { out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select cast(l.aid as char(4)), cast( as char(10)) from AR l inner join " + tabNames[nonrand[i]] + " r on = order by")); } for(String tn : tabNames) { out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table " + tn)); } ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource> config = new ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource>(); config.add(nativeResource,sysResource); runTest(out, config, false); } @Test public void testPE1078() throws Throwable { ArrayList<MirrorTest> out = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); final String[] tabNames = new String[] { "BC", "AR", "RA", "ST" }; final String[] distDecls = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "random distribute", "range distribute on (id) using pe1078r", "static distribute on (id)" }; out.add(new MirrorProc() { @Override public ResourceResponse execute(TestResource mr) throws Throwable { if (!mr.getDDL().isNative()) mr.getConnection().execute("create range pe1078r (int) persistent group " + mr.getDDL().getPersistentGroup().getName()); String body = " (id int, primary key (id)) "; ResourceResponse rr = null; for(int i = 0; i < tabNames.length; i++) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("create table ").append(tabNames[i]).append(body).append("/*#dve ").append(distDecls[i]).append(" */"); rr = mr.getConnection().execute(buf.toString()); } return rr; } }); for(String tn : tabNames) { out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into " + tn + " values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15),(16)")); } // first start with something small for(String tn : tabNames) { out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("select id from " + tn + " order by id limit 1 offset 2")); } // now choose a bunch of different limits and offsets; our max limit should be 5 and our max offset should be 15 for(String tn : tabNames) { for(int lf = 1; lf < 3; lf++) { for(int of = 1; of < 10; of++) { out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("select id from " + tn + " order by id limit " + (lf * 2) + " offset " + (of * 2))); } } } for(String tn : tabNames) { out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table " + tn)); } ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource> config = new ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource>(); config.add(nativeResource,sysResource); runTest(out, config, false); } @Test public void testPE342() throws Throwable { final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe342")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE pe342 (id int NOT NULL, st varchar(255) NOT NULL, u int(11) NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM /*#dve broadcast distribute */")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("INSERT INTO pe342 VALUES (1, 'a', 1), (2, 'A', 1), (3, 'aa', 1), (4, 'AA', 1), (5, 'a', 1), (6, 'aaa', 0), (7, 'BBB', 0)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("SELECT BINARY st FROM pe342 ORDER BY id ASC")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("SELECT IF(u = 1, binary st, st) s FROM pe342 ORDER BY s")); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testPE768Modify() throws Throwable { final String testQuery = "select * from pe768_modify order by a asc"; final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table if exists pe768_modify")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table pe768_modify (a INT NOT NULL, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(a))")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into pe768_modify values (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe768_modify modify a INT NOT NULL first")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun(testQuery)); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe768_modify modify a INT NOT NULL after c")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun(testQuery)); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe768_modify modify c INT NOT NULL first")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun(testQuery)); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testPE768Change() throws Throwable { final String testQuery = "select * from pe768_change order by a asc"; final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table if exists pe768_change")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table pe768_change (a INT NOT NULL, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(a))")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into pe768_change values (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe768_change change a d INT NOT NULL first")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from pe768_change order by d asc")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe768_change change d a INT NOT NULL after c")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun(testQuery)); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe768_change change c c INT NOT NULL first")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun(testQuery)); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testPE768() throws Throwable { final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table if exists pe768")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table pe768 (col1 int not null auto_increment primary key, col2 varchar(30) not null, col3 varchar (20) not null, col4 varchar(4) not null, col5 enum('PENDING', 'ACTIVE', 'DISABLED') not null, col6 int not null, to_be_deleted int)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into pe768 values (2, 4, 3, 5, 'PENDING', 1, 7)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe768 add column col4_5 varchar(20) not null after col4, add column col7 varchar(30) not null after col5, add column col8 datetime not null, drop column to_be_deleted, change column col2 fourth varchar(30) not null after col3, modify column col6 int not null first")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from pe768 order by col1 asc")); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testPE1480Add() throws Throwable { final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table if exists pe1480_add")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table pe1480_add (a INT, b INT, c INT)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into pe1480_add values (1, 2, 3)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe1480_add add d INT after b, add e INT after d, add f INT after e")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from pe1480_add")); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testAlterWithBroadcastReturnsModifiedRowCount() throws Throwable { final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table if exists test_alter_bc")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table test_alter_bc (a INT, b INT, c INT) /*#dve broadcast distribute */")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into test_alter_bc values (1, 2, 3)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into test_alter_bc values (2, 3, 4)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into test_alter_bc values (3, 4, 5)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into test_alter_bc values (4, 5, 6)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table test_alter_bc add d INT after b, add e INT after d, add f INT after e")); //should return 4 rows, not 4*sites. tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from test_alter_bc order by a")); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testPE1480Modify() throws Throwable { final ArrayList<MirrorTest> schema = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table if exists pe1480_modify")); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table pe1480_modify (a INT, b INT, c INT)")); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into pe1480_modify values (1, 2, 3)")); final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.addAll(schema); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe1480_modify change c d INT, add e INT after d")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from pe1480_modify")); runTest(tests); tests.clear(); tests.addAll(schema); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("alter table pe1480_modify change c d INT, modify b INT after d; ")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from pe1480_modify")); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testPE1500() throws Throwable { final ArrayList<MirrorTest> schema = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe1500a")); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe1500b")); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe1500c")); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE `pe1500a` (" + "`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + "`scr` double NOT NULL," + "`tfs` datetime DEFAULT NULL," + "`tls` datetime DEFAULT NULL," + "`citlv` bit(1) NOT NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`)" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6019 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE `pe1500b` (" + "`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + "`wri` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`)," + "KEY `FK_l80pbag6lyu32l644tw1ce4io` (`wri`)" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE `pe1500c` (" + "`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + "`wri` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`)," + "UNIQUE KEY `FKF0B8DE827B382519` (`wri`)" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=101 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); schema.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "INSERT INTO `pe1500a` VALUES (5567,1,'2014-02-14 23:03:13','2014-02-14 23:03:13','\0')")); final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.addAll(schema); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select " + "this_.citlv as citlv3_248_24_, " + "this_.scr as scr6_248_24_, " + "this_.tfs as tfs7_248_24_, " + "this_.tls as tls8_248_24_ " + "from pe1500a this_ " + "left outer join pe1500b fr18 on " + "left outer join pe1500c wr25 on " + "where ( in (5567))")); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testPE1511() throws Throwable { final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe1511")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe1511_large")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe1511_bin")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe1511_utf8")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS search_api_db_product_display_text")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe1511_child")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pe1511_parent")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE pe1511 (value1 VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci, value2 TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE pe1511_large (value1 VARCHAR(32000), value2 TEXT, value3 VARCHAR(1000), value4 VARCHAR(32000)) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE pe1511_bin (value1 VARCHAR(256), value2 TEXT) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE pe1511_utf8 (value1 VARCHAR(256), value2 TEXT)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE search_api_db_product_display_text (" + "`item_id` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The primary identifier of the item.'," + "`field_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the field in which the token appears, or an MD5 hash of the field.'," + "`word` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The text of the indexed token.'," + "`score` INT unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'The score associated with this token.'," + "PRIMARY KEY (`item_id`, `field_name`, `word`)," + "INDEX `word_field` (`word`(20), `field_name`)" + ") ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE pe1511_parent (value1 VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci, value2 TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci, KEY (value1)) /*#dve BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE */")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE pe1511_child (value1 VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci, value2 TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci, CONSTRAINT pe1511_child_fk FOREIGN KEY (value1) REFERENCES pe1511_parent (value1)) /*#dve BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE */")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("ALTER TABLE pe1511 CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci")); tests.addAll(buildAssertColumnTypeFun("pe1511", Arrays.asList("value1", "value2"))); /* * JDBC is throwing a "Column length too big..." exception. * * I believe this is a bug in JDBC as according to the documentation * ALTER TABLE ... CONVERT TO ... should perform automatic type * conversion as necessary to ensure that the new column is long enough * to store as many characters as the original column. The statement * indeed runs in the native MySQL client performing the necessary * conversions. */ // tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("ALTER TABLE pe1511_large CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci")); // tests.addAll(buildAssertColumnTypeFun("pe1511_large", Arrays.asList("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4"))); // tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("ALTER TABLE pe1511_large CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci")); // tests.addAll(buildAssertColumnTypeFun("pe1511_large", Arrays.asList("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4"))); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("ALTER TABLE pe1511_utf8 CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci")); tests.addAll(buildAssertColumnTypeFun("pe1511_utf8", Arrays.asList("value1", "value2"))); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("ALTER TABLE pe1511_bin CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin")); tests.addAll(buildAssertColumnTypeFun("pe1511_bin", Arrays.asList("value1", "value2"))); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("ALTER TABLE search_api_db_product_display_text CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_bin'")); tests.addAll(buildAssertColumnTypeFun("search_api_db_product_display_text", Arrays.asList("item_id", "field_name", "word", "score"))); // Test with FKs. tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("ALTER TABLE pe1511_parent CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("ALTER TABLE pe1511_child CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci")); runTest(tests); } private List<StatementMirrorFun> buildAssertColumnTypeFun(final String tableName, final List<String> columnNames) throws Throwable { final List<StatementMirrorFun> tests = new ArrayList<StatementMirrorFun>(); for (final String column : columnNames) { tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun(true, true, "SELECT DISTINCT COLUMN_TYPE, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE (TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "' AND COLUMN_NAME = '" + column + "')")); } return tests; } @Ignore @Test public void testPE1560() throws Throwable { final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS commerce_order")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS field_data_commerce_line_items")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS commerce_line_item")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE `commerce_order` (" + "`order_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," + "`order_number` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL," + "`revision_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL," + "`type` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," + "`uid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`mail` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," + "`status` varchar(255) NOT NULL," + "`created` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`changed` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`hostname` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," + "`data` longblob," + "PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`)," + "UNIQUE KEY `order_number` (`order_number`)," + "UNIQUE KEY `revision_id` (`revision_id`)" + ") DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE `field_data_commerce_line_items` (" + "`entity_type` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," + "`bundle` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," + "`deleted` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`entity_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," + "`revision_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL," + "`language` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," + "`delta` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," + "`commerce_line_items_line_item_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY (`entity_type`,`entity_id`,`deleted`,`delta`,`language`)" + ") DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("CREATE TABLE `commerce_line_item` (" + "`line_item_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," + "`order_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`type` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," + "`line_item_label` varchar(255) NOT NULL," + "`quantity` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00'," + "`created` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`changed` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," + "`data` longblob," + "PRIMARY KEY (`line_item_id`)" + ") DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("INSERT INTO `commerce_order` VALUES (1,'1',1,'commerce_order',4,'','cart',1404095055,1404095055,'','a:0:{}'),(2,'2',8,'commerce_order',4,'','pending',1404095055,1404095055,'','a:3:{s:14:\"payment_method\";s:66:\"commerce_payment_example|commerce_payment_commerce_payment_example\";s:24:\"commerce_payment_example\";a:1:{s:11:\"credit_card\";a:3:{s:6:\"number\";s:16:\"4111111111111111\";s:9:\"exp_month\";s:2:\"06\";s:8:\"exp_year\";s:4:\"2012\";}}s:43:\"commerce_payment_order_paid_in_full_invoked\";b:1;}'),(3,'3',15,'commerce_order',4,'','pending',1404095055,1404095055,'','a:3:{s:14:\"payment_method\";s:66:\"commerce_payment_example|commerce_payment_commerce_payment_example\";s:24:\"commerce_payment_example\";a:1:{s:11:\"credit_card\";a:3:{s:6:\"number\";s:16:\"4111111111111111\";s:9:\"exp_month\";s:2:\"06\";s:8:\"exp_year\";s:4:\"2012\";}}s:43:\"commerce_payment_order_paid_in_full_invoked\";b:1;}')")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("INSERT INTO `field_data_commerce_line_items` VALUES ('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,1,1,'und',0,1),('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,1,1,'und',1,2),('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,2,8,'und',0,3),('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,2,8,'und',1,4),('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,2,8,'und',2,5),('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,2,8,'und',3,6),('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,2,8,'und',4,7),('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,3,15,'und',0,8),('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,3,15,'und',1,9),('commerce_order','commerce_order',0,3,15,'und',2,10)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("INSERT INTO `commerce_line_item` VALUES (1,1,'product','SWT1-PNK-LG',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}'),(2,1,'product','SWT1-GRY-SM',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}'),(3,2,'product','SWT2-BLU-LG',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}'),(4,2,'product','LAP1-BLK-13',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}'),(5,2,'product','WTR-BLU-OS',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}'),(6,2,'product','TOT1-GRN-OS',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}'),(7,2,'product','SHO2-PRL-09',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}'),(8,3,'product','LAP1-BLK-17',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}'),(9,3,'product','LAP1-BLK-15',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}'),(10,3,'product','MG2-YLW-OS',1.00,1404095055,1404095055,'a:0:{}')")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("SELECT commerce_line_item_field_data_commerce_line_items.line_item_id AS commerce_line_item_field_data_commerce_line_items_line_item_" + " FROM commerce_order commerce_order" + " LEFT JOIN field_data_commerce_line_items field_data_commerce_line_items ON commerce_order.order_id = field_data_commerce_line_items.entity_id AND (field_data_commerce_line_items.entity_type = 'commerce_order' AND field_data_commerce_line_items.deleted = '0')" + " INNER JOIN commerce_line_item commerce_line_item_field_data_commerce_line_items ON field_data_commerce_line_items.commerce_line_items_line_item_id = commerce_line_item_field_data_commerce_line_items.line_item_id" + " WHERE (( (commerce_order.order_id = '0' ) )AND(( (commerce_line_item_field_data_commerce_line_items.type IN ('product_discount', 'product')) )))AND (1 = 0) AND (1 = 0)")); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testPE1584() throws Throwable { final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table pe1584 (`a` int(11) default null) /*#dve random distribute */")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into pe1584 values (1),(2)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("start transaction")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from pe1584 order by a for update")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table pe1584")); runTest(tests); } @Test public void testPE1591() throws Throwable { runTest(new StatementMirrorFun("select convert(@@version_compile_os using latin1) NOT IN (\"Win32\",\"Win64\",\"Windows\")")); } @Test public void testPE1593() throws Throwable { runTest(new StatementMirrorFun("select @@thread_handling")); } @Test public void testPE1624() throws Throwable { runTest(new StatementMirrorFun("select @non_existing_user_variable__")); final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("drop table if exists pe1624")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("create table pe1624 (`a` int(11)) /*#dve random distribute */")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into pe1624 values (@non_existing_user_variable__)")); tests.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from pe1624")); runTest(tests); runTest(new StatementMirrorFun("select @utf8_message as \"\" union select repeat(CONVERT('-' using utf8),80);")); } }