package com.tesora.dve.sql.schema; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBNative; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import com.tesora.dve.common.MultiMap; import com.tesora.dve.common.PECharsetUtils; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEConstants; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.CatalogDAO; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.ConstraintType; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.DistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.Key; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.PersistentColumn; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.PersistentContainer; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.PersistentDatabase; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.PersistentTable; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.StorageGroup; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.TableState; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.UserTable; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.UserTrigger; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.MysqlEmitter; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.KeyValue; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; import com.tesora.dve.sql.ParserException.Pass; import com.tesora.dve.sql.SchemaException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.cache.SchemaCacheKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.AutoincTableModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.CharsetTableModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.CollationTableModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.CommentTableModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.CreateOptionModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.EngineTableModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.RowFormatTableModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.TableModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.TableModifierTag; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.TableModifiers; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.validate.ValidateResult; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Cast; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Functional; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ListSet; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.UnaryPredicate; import com.tesora.dve.variables.KnownVariables; public class PETable extends PEAbstractTable<PETable> implements HasComment { private List<PEKey> keys; // duplicated for convenience private PEKey pk; private Boolean hasCardInfo = null; // tables which have fks which refer to this table. used in fk action support. private ListSet<SchemaCacheKey<PEAbstractTable<?>>> referring; // when this is persistently loaded the trigger info is the planning version private EnumMap<TriggerEvent,PETableTriggerEventInfo> triggers; // table options - this encompasses both those persisted separately and those not. // for non-new tables (i.e. loaded) this contains the options separately persisted. TableModifiers modifiers; private String tableDefinition; // cache this for the truncate case private Boolean hasAutoInc = null; // keep track of our autoinc tracker id to avoid a catalog lookup private Integer autoIncTrackerID; private boolean loaded; // cache object; used to avoid some catalog access issues in the engine // also used for cta support protected CachedPETable cached; public PETable(SchemaContext pc, Name name, List<TableComponent<?>> fieldsAndKeys, DistributionVector dv, List<TableModifier> modifier, PEPersistentGroup defStorage, PEDatabase db, TableState theState) { super(pc,name,fieldsAndKeys,dv,defStorage,db,theState); loaded = true; = null; this.referring = new ListSet<SchemaCacheKey<PEAbstractTable<?>>>(); this.keys = new ArrayList<PEKey>(); this.modifiers = new TableModifiers(modifier); this.triggers = new EnumMap<TriggerEvent,PETableTriggerEventInfo>(TriggerEvent.class); // do keys & columns first so that database can propagate charset/collation initializeColumnsAndKeys(pc,fieldsAndKeys,db); setDatabase(pc,db,false); autoIncTrackerID = null; forceStorage(pc); setPersistent(pc,null,null); cached = null; } @Override public boolean isTable() { return true; } @Override public PETable asTable() { return this; } @Override public PEViewTable asView() { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot cast a table to a view"); } @Override protected boolean isLoaded() { return loaded; } @Override protected void setLoaded() { loaded = true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void initializeColumnsAndKeys(SchemaContext pc, List<TableComponent<?>> fieldsAndKeys, PEDatabase db) { // add in canonical order: columns, nonfks, fks for(PEColumn p : getColumns(pc,true)) { if (p.isAutoIncrement()) hasAutoInc = Boolean.TRUE; } for(Iterator<TableComponent<?>> iter = fieldsAndKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { PEKey ktc = (PEKey); if (ktc.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.FOREIGN) continue; addKey(pc, ktc,false,db); if (ktc.isPrimary()) { if ( != null) throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND,"Only one primary key per table, please"); = ktc; } ktc.setTable(StructuralUtils.buildEdge(pc,this,false)); iter.remove(); } for(Iterator<TableComponent<?>> iter = fieldsAndKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey); addKey(pc,pefk,false,db); } } // placeholder table ctor public PETable(SchemaContext pc, Name name, List<PEColumn> cols, DistributionVector distVect, PEStorageGroup group, PEDatabase pdb) { super(pc,name,cols,distVect,group,pdb); loaded = true; = null; this.keys = new ArrayList<PEKey>(); autoIncTrackerID = null; modifiers = new TableModifiers(); setDatabase(pc,pdb,false); forceStorage(pc); setPersistent(pc,null,null); cached = null; } protected PETable(UserTable table, SchemaContext lc) { super(table,lc); loaded = false; lc.startLoading(this, table); modifiers = new TableModifiers(); modifiers.setModifier(new EngineTableModifier(EngineTableModifier.EngineTag.findEngine(table.getEngine()))); if (table.getCollation() != null) modifiers.setModifier(new CollationTableModifier(new UnqualifiedName(table.getCollation()))); if (table.getComment() != null) modifiers.setModifier(new CommentTableModifier(new Comment(table.getComment()))); if (table.getRowFormat() != null) modifiers.setModifier(new RowFormatTableModifier(new UnqualifiedName(table.getRowFormat()))); loadPersistent(table,lc); setDatabase(lc,PEDatabase.load(table.getDatabase(), lc),true); this.tableDefinition = (table.getShape() == null ? null : table.getShape().getTableDefinition()); if (table.hasAutoIncr()) autoIncTrackerID = table.getAutoIncr().getId(); checkLoaded(lc); cached = new CachedPETable(lc, this); lc.finishedLoading(this, table); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void loadRest(UserTable table, SchemaContext pc) { for(PEColumn c : getColumns(pc,true)) { if (c.isAutoIncrement()) hasAutoInc = Boolean.TRUE; } this.keys = new ArrayList<PEKey>(); for(Key k : table.getKeys()) { PEKey pek = PEKey.load(k, pc, this); if (pek.isPrimary()) pk = pek; keys.add(pek); pek.setTable(StructuralUtils.buildEdge(pc,this, true)); } referring = new ListSet<SchemaCacheKey<PEAbstractTable<?>>>(); for(Key k : table.getReferringKeys()) { referring.add(PEAbstractTable.getTableKey(k.getTable())); } forceStorage(pc); // load the triggers here this.triggers = new EnumMap<TriggerEvent,PETableTriggerEventInfo>(TriggerEvent.class); if (!table.getTriggers().isEmpty()) { for(UserTrigger ut : table.getTriggers()) { PETrigger trig = PETrigger.load(ut, pc, this); addTriggerInternal(trig,true); } } } private void addTriggerInternal(PETrigger trig,boolean persistent) { PETableTriggerEventInfo any = triggers.get(trig.getEvent()); if (any == null) { any = (persistent ? new PETableTriggerPlanningEventInfo() : new PETableTriggerEventInfo()); triggers.put(trig.getEvent(),any); } any.set(trig); } public void setDeclaration(SchemaContext sc, PETable basedOn) { super.setDeclaration(sc,basedOn); tableDefinition = new MysqlEmitter().emitTableDefinition(sc,sc.getValues(),basedOn); } public String getDefinition() { return tableDefinition; } public String getTypeHash() { return buildTypeHash(tableDefinition); } public static String buildTypeHash(String in) { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); byte[] bout = md.digest(PECharsetUtils.getBytes(in, PECharsetUtils.UTF_8)); String out = new String(Hex.encodeHex(bout, true)); return out; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Unable to obtain sha-1 hash of type definition"); } } // used in mt mode public void resetName(SchemaContext sc, UnqualifiedName unq) { setName(unq); int counter = 0; for(PEKey pek : getKeys(sc)) { if (!pek.isForeign()) continue; PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; pefk.setPhysicalSymbol(new UnqualifiedName(getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get() + "_ibfk_" + (++counter))); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setDatabase(SchemaContext sc, PEDatabase pdb, boolean persistent) { this.db = StructuralUtils.buildEdge(sc,pdb,persistent); if (pdb != null && modifiers != null) { CharsetTableModifier charset = (CharsetTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.DEFAULT_CHARSET); CollationTableModifier collation = (CollationTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.DEFAULT_COLLATION); if (charset == null) { charset = new CharsetTableModifier(new UnqualifiedName(pdb.getCharSet())); modifiers.setModifier(charset); } if (collation == null) { collation = new CollationTableModifier(new UnqualifiedName(pdb.getCollation())); modifiers.setModifier(collation); } for(PEColumn pec : getColumns(sc)) { pec.takeCharsetSettings(charset, collation, false); } } } public boolean isContainerBaseTable(SchemaContext sc) { checkLoaded(sc); if (dv == null) return false; if (!dv.isContainer()) return false; return dv.getContainer(sc).getBaseTable(sc) == this; } @Override public void setComment(Comment c) { if (modifiers == null) modifiers = new TableModifiers(); modifiers.setModifier(new CommentTableModifier(c)); } @Override public Comment getComment() { CommentTableModifier ctm = (CommentTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.COMMENT); if (ctm == null) return null; return ctm.getComment(); } public TableModifiers getModifiers() { return modifiers; } public Long getAutoIncOffset(SchemaContext sc) { AutoincTableModifier atm = (AutoincTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.AUTOINCREMENT); if (atm == null) return null; return atm.getStartAt(); } public EngineTableModifier getEngine() { return (EngineTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.ENGINE); } public CollationTableModifier getCollation() { return (CollationTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.DEFAULT_COLLATION); } public CharsetTableModifier getCharset() { return (CharsetTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.DEFAULT_CHARSET); } public boolean shouldEmitCharset() { return true; } public boolean shouldEmitCollation(SchemaContext sc) { CollationTableModifier ctm = getCollation(); if (ctm == null) return false; PEDatabase ofdb = getPEDatabase(sc); if (ofdb == null) return false; return !ctm.getCollation().getUnquotedName().get().equals(ofdb.getCollation()); } public List<PEKey> getKeys(SchemaContext sc) { checkLoaded(sc); return keys; } protected List<TableComponent<?>> getKeys() { return Functional.apply(keys,new Cast<TableComponent<?>,PEKey>()); } public PEKey lookupKey(SchemaContext sc, Name keyName) { if (!loaded) return null; PEKey asConstraint = null; for(PEKey pek : getKeys(sc)) { if (pek.getName().equals(keyName)) return pek; else if (pek.getSymbol() != null && pek.getSymbol().equals(keyName)) asConstraint = pek; } return asConstraint; } public PEKey addKey(SchemaContext sc, PEKey pek, boolean doSyntheticChecks) { return addKey(sc, pek, doSyntheticChecks, getPEDatabase(sc)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PEKey addKey(SchemaContext sc, PEKey pek, boolean doSyntheticChecks, PEDatabase theDB) { checkLoaded(sc); PEKey newlyDropped = null; boolean mtmode = (theDB == null ? false : theDB.getMTMode().isMT()); if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.FOREIGN) { if (!mtmode) { PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; PEKey exists = pefk.findPrefixKey(sc, this); if (exists == null) { exists = pefk.buildPrefixKey(sc,this); addKey(sc,exists,false,theDB); } } } else if (!pek.isSynthetic() && doSyntheticChecks && !mtmode) { for(PEKey cpek : keys) { if (!cpek.isSynthetic()) continue; if (PEKey.samePrefix(cpek, pek)) { newlyDropped = cpek; } } } generateNames(sc, pek, mtmode); // canonical order for keys is: // any primary key // all unique keys // other keys // foreign keys if (keys.isEmpty()) { keys.add(pek); } else if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY) { keys.add(0, pek); } else if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.FOREIGN) { keys.add(pek); } else { PEKey thePK = null; List<PEKey> uniques = new ArrayList<PEKey>(); List<PEKey> regulars = new ArrayList<PEKey>(); List<PEKey> foreigns = new ArrayList<PEKey>(); for(PEKey ipek : keys) { if (ipek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY) thePK = ipek; else if (ipek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) uniques.add(ipek); else if (ipek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.FOREIGN) foreigns.add(ipek); else regulars.add(ipek); } if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) uniques.add(pek); else regulars.add(pek); keys.clear(); if (thePK != null) keys.add(thePK); keys.addAll(uniques); keys.addAll(regulars); keys.addAll(foreigns); } pek.setTable(StructuralUtils.buildEdge(sc,this, false)); return newlyDropped; } public void generateNames(SchemaContext sc, PEKey pek, boolean mtMode) { generateKeyName(sc, pek); if (pek.getConstraint() == null) { } else if (pek.getSymbol() != null) { } else if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY) { pek.setSymbol(new UnqualifiedName("PRIMARY")); } else if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) { pek.setSymbol(pek.getName()); } else if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.FOREIGN) { pek.setSymbol(buildFKSymbol(sc)); } if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.FOREIGN && mtMode) { PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; pefk.setPhysicalSymbol(buildFKSymbol(sc)); } } private void generateKeyName(SchemaContext sc, PEKey pek) { if (pek.getName() == null) { if (pek.isPrimary()) { pek.setName(new UnqualifiedName("PRIMARY")); pek.setSymbol(new UnqualifiedName("PRIMARY")); } else if (!pek.isForeign()) { Name candidate = pek.getKeyColumns().get(0).getColumn().getName(); Name nn = null; int counter = 0; while(nn == null) { nn = (counter == 0 ? candidate : new UnqualifiedName(candidate.getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get() + "_" + counter,true)); for(PEKey opek : keys) { if (opek.getName().getUnquotedName().equals(nn.getUnquotedName())) { nn = null; counter++; break; } } } pek.setName(nn); } else { if (pek.getSymbol() != null) { pek.setName(pek.getSymbol()); } else { Name symbol = buildFKSymbol(sc); pek.setName(symbol); pek.setSymbol(symbol); } if (isDuplicateFKSymbol(sc, pek.getSymbol().get())) throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Duplicate foreign key name: " + pek.getSymbol().get()); } } else { if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.FOREIGN && pek.getSymbol() != null) { if (isDuplicateFKSymbol(sc, pek.getSymbol().get())) throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Duplicate foreign key name: " + pek.getSymbol().get()); for(PEKey p : getKeys(sc)) { if (p.getConstraint() != ConstraintType.FOREIGN) { continue; } if (p.getSymbol().equals(pek.getSymbol())) throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Duplicate foreign key name: " + pek.getSymbol().get()); } } else { for(PEKey p : getKeys(sc)) { if (p.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.FOREIGN) { continue; } if (p.getName().equals(pek.getName())) throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Duplicate key name: " + pek.getName()); } } } } private UnqualifiedName buildFKSymbol(SchemaContext sc) { // foreign keys follow tablename_ibfk_n; the _n is the number of fks int n = getForeignKeys(sc).size() + 1; return new UnqualifiedName(getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get() + "_ibfk_" + n); } private boolean isDuplicateFKSymbol(SchemaContext sc, String symbol) { boolean ret = false; try { Long tenid = sc.getPolicyContext().getTenantID(false); Integer tenantID = (tenid == null ? null : tenid.intValue()); PEKey fKey = sc.findForeignKey(hasDatabase(sc) ? getDatabase(sc) : null, tenantID, null, symbol); if (fKey != null) { PETable t = fKey.getTable(sc); if (t != null && !t.equals(this)) ret = true; } } catch(Exception e) { ret = false; } return ret; } public void removeKey(SchemaContext sc, PEKey pek) { checkLoaded(sc); // also, at this point, clear the key flags on the columns // but only if the column is now truly not a key MultiMap<PEColumn,PEKey> colByKey = new MultiMap<PEColumn,PEKey>(); for(PEKey k : keys) { if (k.isForeign()) continue; // doesn't matter for(PEKeyColumnBase pekc : k.getKeyColumns()) { colByKey.put(pekc.getColumn(), k); } } for(PEColumn pec : colByKey.keySet()) { Collection<PEKey> vals = colByKey.get(pec); vals.remove(pek); // now look at the remaining keys, and figure out the key parts boolean isPrimary = false; boolean isUnique = false; boolean isKey = !vals.isEmpty(); for(PEKey ipek : vals) { if (ipek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY) isPrimary = true; if (ipek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) isUnique = true; } if (!isPrimary) pec.clearPrimaryKeyPart(); if (!isUnique) pec.clearUniqueKeyPart(); if (!isKey) pec.clearKeyPart(); } keys.remove(pek); } public int getOffsetOf(SchemaContext sc, PEKey pek) { for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { PEKey me = keys.get(i); if (me.getConstraint() == pek.getConstraint() && me.getName().equals(pek.getName())) return i+1; } throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Cannot find key " + pek + " within table " + getName()); } public List<PEForeignKey> getForeignKeys(SchemaContext sc) { List<PEKey> all = getKeys(sc); List<PEForeignKey> out = new ArrayList<PEForeignKey>(); for(PEKey pek : all) if (pek.isForeign()) out.add((PEForeignKey) pek); return out; } public void removeForeignKeys(SchemaContext sc) { for(PEForeignKey fk : getForeignKeys(sc)) { removeKey(sc, fk); } } public List<PEKey> getUniqueKeys(SchemaContext sc) { List<PEKey> all = getKeys(sc); return, new UnaryPredicate<PEKey>() { @Override public boolean test(PEKey object) { if (object.isForeign()) return false; if (!object.isUnique()) return false; return true; } }); } public PEKey getPrimaryKey(SchemaContext sc) { checkLoaded(sc); return pk; } public PEKey getUniqueKey(SchemaContext sc) { checkLoaded(sc); if (pk != null) return pk; for(PEKey pek : getKeys(sc)) { if (pek.isUnique()) return pek; } return null; } public boolean hasUniqueKey(SchemaContext sc) { return (getUniqueKey(sc) != null); } public boolean isPrimaryKeyPart(SchemaContext sc, PEColumn c) { checkLoaded(sc); if (pk == null) return false; return pk.containsColumn(c); } public ListSet<SchemaCacheKey<PEAbstractTable<?>>> getReferencingTables() { return referring; } public void addTrigger(SchemaContext sc, PETrigger trig) { checkLoaded(sc); addTriggerInternal(trig, false); } public void removeTrigger(SchemaContext sc, PETrigger trig) { checkLoaded(sc); PETableTriggerEventInfo any = triggers.get(trig.getEvent()); if (any == null) return; any.remove(trig); } @Override public boolean collectDifferences(SchemaContext sc, List<String> messages, Persistable<PETable, UserTable> oth, boolean first, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Set<Persistable> visited) { PETable other = oth.get(); if (visited.contains(this) && visited.contains(other)) { return false; } visited.add(this); visited.add(other); if (maybeBuildDiffMessage(sc,messages, "name", getName(), other.getName(), first, visited)) return true; if ((dv == null ? 1 : 0) != (other.getDistributionVector(sc) == null ? 1 : 0)) { if (dv == null) messages.add("Extra distribution vector present"); else messages.add("Distribution vector missing."); if (first) return true; } else if (dv != null && other != null && dv.collectDifferences(sc, messages, other.getDistributionVector(sc), first, visited)) return true; if (compareColumns(sc,messages,other,first,visited)) return true; if (compareKeys(sc,messages,other,first,visited)) return true; return false; } private boolean compareColumns(SchemaContext sc, List<String> messages, PETable other, boolean first, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Set<Persistable> visited) { if (maybeBuildDiffMessage(sc,messages, "number of columns", getColumns(sc).size(), other.getColumns(sc).size(), first, visited)) return true; Iterator<PEColumn> leftIter = getColumns(sc).iterator(); Iterator<PEColumn> rightIter = other.getColumns(sc).iterator(); while(leftIter.hasNext() && rightIter.hasNext()) { PEColumn lc =; PEColumn rc =; if (lc.collectDifferences(sc,messages, rc, first, visited)) return true; } return false; } private boolean compareKeys(SchemaContext sc, List<String> messages, PETable other, boolean first, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Set<Persistable> visited) { if (maybeBuildDiffMessage(sc,messages, "number of keys", getKeys(sc).size(), other.getKeys(sc).size(), first, visited)) return true; Iterator<PEKey> leftIter = getKeys(sc).iterator(); Iterator<PEKey> rightIter = getKeys(sc).iterator(); while(leftIter.hasNext() && rightIter.hasNext()) { PEKey lk =; PEKey rk =; if (lk.collectDifferences(sc, messages, rk, first, visited)) return true; } return false; } @Override protected String getDiffTag() { return "Table"; } @Override public String differs(SchemaContext sc, Persistable<PETable, UserTable> other, boolean first) { checkLoaded(sc); return super.differs(sc,other, first); } public String definitionDiffers(PETable other) { String mine = getDefinition(); String yours = other.getDefinition(); if (mine != null && yours != null) { if (!mine.equals(yours)) { return "table definitions differ"; } return null; } else if (mine == null && yours == null) { return null; } else { return "missing table definition"; } } @Override public String toString() { final Name n = getName(); return (n != null) ? n.get() : String.valueOf(n); } @Override protected void populateNew(SchemaContext pc,UserTable p) throws PEException { super.populateNew(pc,p); for(PEKey pek : getKeys(pc)) { p.addKey(pek.persistTree(pc)); } setModifiers(pc,p); } @Override protected Persistable<PETable, UserTable> load(SchemaContext pc, UserTable p) throws PEException { return new PETable(p,pc); } private void setModifiers(SchemaContext pc, UserTable p) throws PEException { CollationTableModifier collation = (CollationTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.DEFAULT_COLLATION); EngineTableModifier etm = (EngineTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.ENGINE); RowFormatTableModifier rtfm = (RowFormatTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.ROW_FORMAT); CommentTableModifier ctm = (CommentTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.COMMENT); if (collation != null) p.setCollation(collation.getCollation().getUnquotedName().get()); if (rtfm != null) p.setRowFormat(rtfm.getRowFormat().getSQL()); if (etm != null) p.setEngine(etm.getPersistent()); if (ctm != null) p.setComment(ctm.getComment().getComment()); p.setCreateOptions(, modifiers))); } @Override protected void updateExisting(SchemaContext pc, UserTable ut) throws PEException { super.updateExisting(pc,ut); updateExistingKeys(pc,ut); updateExistingTriggers(pc,ut); setModifiers(pc,ut); } private static void updateColumnPositions(final SchemaContext sc, final PEKey source, final PEKey in) { final List<PEColumn> updated = in.getColumns(sc); for (final PEColumn sourceCol : source.getColumns(sc)) { final int index = updated.indexOf(sourceCol); if (index > -1) { final PEColumn updatedCol = updated.get(index); updatedCol.setPosition(sourceCol.getPosition()); } } } protected void updateExistingKeys(SchemaContext pc, UserTable ut) throws PEException { HashMap<String, Key> persKeys = new HashMap<String, Key>(); HashMap<String, Key> persCons = new HashMap<String, Key>(); HashMap<String, PEKey> transKeys = new HashMap<String, PEKey>(); HashMap<String, PEForeignKey> transCons = new HashMap<String, PEForeignKey>(); for(PEKey c : getKeys(pc)) { if (c.isForeign()) transCons.put(c.getName().getCapitalized().get(), (PEForeignKey)c); else transKeys.put(c.getName().getCapitalized().get(), c); } for(Key uc : ut.getKeys()) { String name = uc.getName().toUpperCase().trim(); if (uc.isForeignKey()) { PEForeignKey was = transCons.remove(name); boolean same = (was != null); if (same) { PEForeignKey apc = PEForeignKey.load(uc, pc, null); updateColumnPositions(pc, was, apc); String anydiffs = was.differs(pc,apc, true); if (anydiffs != null) { same = false; transCons.put(name, was); } } if (!same) persCons.put(name,uc); } else { PEKey was = transKeys.remove(name); boolean same = (was != null); if (same) { PEKey apc = PEKey.load(uc, pc, null); updateColumnPositions(pc, was, apc); String anydiffs = was.differs(pc,apc, true); if (anydiffs != null) { same = false; transKeys.put(name, was); } } if (!same) persKeys.put(name,uc); } } // now transCols has columns not in persCols, and persCols has columns not in transCols // the former are additions, the latter are removals for(Key uc : persCons.values()) { ut.removeKey(uc); } for(Key uc : persKeys.values()) { ut.removeKey(uc); } pc.beginSaveContext(); try { for(PEKey c : transKeys.values()) { ut.addKey(c.persistTree(pc)); } for(PEForeignKey c : transCons.values()) { ut.addKey(c.persistTree(pc)); } } finally { pc.endSaveContext(); } } protected void updateExistingTriggers(SchemaContext sc, UserTable ut) throws PEException { HashMap<String, UserTrigger> persistent = new HashMap<String,UserTrigger>(); HashMap<String, PETrigger> trans = new HashMap<String,PETrigger>(); for(PETableTriggerEventInfo trig : triggers.values()) { for(PETrigger pet : trig.get()) { trans.put(pet.getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(),pet); } } for(UserTrigger trig : ut.getTriggers()) persistent.put(trig.getName(),trig); // anything that exists in persistent but not in trans has been deleted // anything that exists in trans but not persistent has been added Set<String> persTrigNames = persistent.keySet(); Set<String> transTrigNames = trans.keySet(); if (persTrigNames.equals(transTrigNames)) return; // nothing to do if (persTrigNames.size() < transTrigNames.size()) { // added transTrigNames.removeAll(persTrigNames); for(String s : transTrigNames) { ut.getTriggers().add(trans.get(s).persistTree(sc)); } } else { // dropped persTrigNames.removeAll(transTrigNames); for(String s : persTrigNames) { ut.getTriggers().remove(trans.get(s).persistTree(sc)); } } } public boolean hasAutoInc() { return (Boolean.TRUE.equals(hasAutoInc)); } private void forceStorage(SchemaContext pc) { EngineTableModifier etm = (EngineTableModifier) modifiers.getModifier(TableModifierTag.ENGINE); if (etm == null) { etm = new EngineTableModifier(KnownVariables.STORAGE_ENGINE.getSessionValue(pc.getConnection().getVariableSource())); modifiers.setModifier(etm); } } public void alterModifier(TableModifier tm) { if (tm.getKind() == null) throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Unknown table modifier kind, unable to alter"); modifiers.setModifier(tm); } // we don't store a complete orig decl in any one place, but instead recreate it // this function does that - take the decl and apply any changes (autoincs, nonpersisted fks, synthetic keys) // to the decl then return a new tschema copy @Override public PETable recreate(SchemaContext sc, String decl, LockInfo li) { PETable tschemaVersion = super.recreate(sc,decl, li).asTable(); boolean mtmode = tschemaVersion.getPEDatabase(sc).getMTMode().isMT(); // correctly boolean mod = false; for(PEColumn c : getColumns(sc)) { if (c.isAutoIncrement()) { PEColumn ntc = (PEColumn) c.getIn(sc,tschemaVersion); ntc.makeAutoincrement(); mod = true; } else if (c.getType().isBinaryText()) { // we don't store this in the declaration, but it is in the catalog PEColumn ntc = c.getIn(sc, tschemaVersion); ntc.makeBinaryText(); } if (!c.hasDefault()) { // make sure the rebuilt column has no default as well PEColumn ntc = (PEColumn) c.getIn(sc, tschemaVersion); if (ntc == null) continue; ntc.setDefaultValue(null); } } if (mtmode) { HashMap<UnqualifiedName,PEForeignKey> tfks = new HashMap<UnqualifiedName,PEForeignKey>(); for(PEKey pek : tschemaVersion.getKeys(sc)) { if (!pek.isForeign()) continue; PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; tfks.put(pefk.getPhysicalSymbol(), pefk); } for(PEKey pek : getKeys(sc)) { if (!pek.isForeign()) continue; PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; PEForeignKey tfk = tfks.get(pefk.getPhysicalSymbol()); if (tfk != null) { tfk.setSymbol(pefk.getSymbol()); tfk.setPhysicalSymbol(pefk.getPhysicalSymbol()); mod = true; } } } if (mod) tschemaVersion.setDeclaration(sc,tschemaVersion); // there is nothing in the create tbl stmt that can indicate that a key is synthetic, so if // we have any synthetic keys in this table, so mark them in the recreated table // also add in any fks that we don't actually persist - note that we have to make the order match, so we will // mess around with the list of keys directly in the tschema version List<PEKey> myKeys = getKeys(sc); for(int i = 0; i < myKeys.size(); i++) { PEKey pek = myKeys.get(i); if (pek.isSynthetic()) { PEKey npek = pek.getIn(sc, tschemaVersion); npek.setSynthetic(); } else if (pek.isForeign()) { PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; if (!pefk.isPersisted()) { // need to copy it in PEForeignKey npefk = (PEForeignKey) pefk.copy(sc, tschemaVersion); npefk.setPersisted(false); tschemaVersion.keys.add(i, npefk); } } } return tschemaVersion; } public Integer getAutoIncrTrackerID() { return autoIncTrackerID; } @Override public void checkValid(SchemaContext sc, List<ValidateResult> acc) { for(PEKey pek : getKeys(sc)) { if (pek.isForeign()) { PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; pefk.checkValid(sc, acc); } } } public static boolean valid(UserTable ut) { if (ut.getReferringKeys() == null) return false; if (ut.getKeys() == null) return false; if (!ut.getReferringKeys().isEmpty()) ut.getReferringKeys().iterator().next(); if (!ut.getKeys().isEmpty()) ut.getKeys().iterator().next(); return true; } @Override public String getTableType() { return PEConstants.DEFAULT_TABLE_TYPE; } public PersistentTable getPersistentTable(SchemaContext sc) { return cached; } protected static class CachedPETable implements PersistentTable { private final PETable table; private final PersistentDatabase db; private final StorageGroup pg; private final PersistentContainer container; private final Integer rangeID; public CachedPETable(SchemaContext sc, PETable tab) { this.table = tab; this.db = tab.getPEDatabase(sc); this.container = tab.getDistributionVector(sc).getContainer(sc); if (tab.getPersistentStorage(sc) == null) = null; else = tab.getPersistentStorage(sc).getScheduledGroup(sc,sc.getValues()); rangeID = tab.getDistributionVector(sc).getRangeID(sc); } @Override public String displayName() { return getPersistentName(); } @Override public String getNameAsIdentifier() { return Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getNameForQuery(this); } @Override public String getPersistentName() { return table.getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); } @Override public String getQualifiedName() { if (db == null) return getPersistentName(); return db.getUserVisibleName() + "." + getPersistentName(); } @Override public int getNumberOfColumns() { return table.getColumns(null).size(); } @Override public KeyValue getDistValue(CatalogDAO c) { KeyValue dv = new KeyValue(this,rangeID); TreeMap<Integer,PersistentColumn> sorted =new TreeMap<Integer,PersistentColumn>(); for(PEColumn pec : table.getColumns(null)) if (pec.getHashPosition() > 0) sorted.put(pec.getHashPosition(),pec); for(PersistentColumn pc : sorted.values()) dv.addColumnTemplate(pc); return dv; } @Override public StorageGroup getPersistentGroup() { return pg; } @Override public DistributionModel getDistributionModel() { return table.dv.getModel().getSingleton(); } @Override public int getId() { if (table.getPersistentID() == null) return 0; return table.getPersistentID(); } @Override public PersistentContainer getContainer() { return container; } @Override public PersistentDatabase getDatabase() { return db; } @Override public PersistentColumn getUserColumn(String name) { return table.lookup(null, name); } @Override public Integer getRangeID(CatalogDAO c) throws PEException { return rangeID; } } public long getTableSizeEstimate(SchemaContext sc) { for(PEKey pek : getUniqueKeys(sc)) { long card = pek.getCardinality(); if (card > -1) return card; } return -1; } @Override public boolean hasCardinalityInfo(SchemaContext sc) { if (hasCardInfo == null) hasCardInfo = computeCardInfo(sc); return hasCardInfo.booleanValue(); } private boolean computeCardInfo(SchemaContext sc) { for(PEKey pek : getKeys(sc)) { if (pek.isForeign()) continue; if (pek.getCardinality() == -1) return false; } return true; } public boolean isExplicitlyDeclared() { return false; } public boolean mustBeCreated() { return false; } public boolean hasTrigger(SchemaContext sc, TriggerEvent et) { return getTriggers(sc,et) != null; } public boolean hasTriggers() { return ((triggers != null) && !triggers.isEmpty()); } public PETableTriggerEventInfo getTriggers(SchemaContext sc, TriggerEvent et) { if (!hasTriggers()) return null; return triggers.get(et); } public Set<PETrigger> getAllTriggers(SchemaContext sc) { if (hasTriggers()) { final Set<PETrigger> allTriggers = new LinkedHashSet<PETrigger>(); for (final TriggerEvent e : TriggerEvent.values()) { final PETableTriggerEventInfo trigger = triggers.get(e); if (trigger != null) { allTriggers.addAll(trigger.get()); } } } return Collections.EMPTY_SET; } }