package com.tesora.dve.common.catalog; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.LockModeType; import javax.persistence.Persistence; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.sql.DataSource; import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager; import net.sf.ehcache.Statistics; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.C3P0Registry; import com.tesora.dve.common.DBHelper; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEUrl; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.DistributionRange; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.RangeTableRelationship; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.RangeTableRelationship.RangeTableRelationshipCacheLookup; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PECodingException; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PENotFoundException; import com.tesora.dve.groupmanager.GroupManager; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Functional; public class CatalogDAO { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CatalogDAO.class); AtomicReference<EntityManager> em = new AtomicReference<EntityManager>(); int transactionDepth = 0; private CatalogDAO(EntityManager em) { this.em.set(em); } public void close() { EntityManager theEm = em.getAndSet(null); if (theEm != null && theEm.isOpen()) theEm.close(); } @Override public String toString() { return "CatalogDAO@" + System.identityHashCode(this); } public void begin() { if (transactionDepth++ == 0) { em.get().getTransaction().begin(); // System.out.println("@" + System.identityHashCode(this) + // " beginning new txn"); } } public void nonNestedBegin() { if (transactionDepth > 0) throw new PECodingException("Attempt to start non-nested transaction inside transaction scope"); ++transactionDepth; em.get().getTransaction().begin(); } public Query createQuery(String queryString) { return em.get().createQuery(queryString); } public void commit() { if (transactionDepth == 1) { em.get().getTransaction().commit(); } if (transactionDepth > 0) --transactionDepth; } public void rollbackNoException() { if (transactionDepth > 0) em.get().getTransaction().rollback(); transactionDepth = 0; } public void rollback(Throwable t) { try { if (em.get().getTransaction().isActive()) rollbackNoException(); } catch (Throwable rollbackT) { logger.warn("Exception during rollback", rollbackT); throw new PersistenceException("Exception during rollback (check log for rollback exception)", t); } } public void retryableRollback(Throwable t) { try { if (em.get().getTransaction().isActive()) rollbackNoException(); } catch (Throwable rollbackT) { logger.warn("Exception during rollback", rollbackT); logger.warn("Original exception", t); } } public void cleanupRollback() { if (em.get().getTransaction().isActive()) em.get().getTransaction().rollback(); transactionDepth = 0; } public void persistToCatalog(Object o) { em.get().persist(o); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends CatalogEntity> T findByKey(Class<? extends CatalogEntity> c, int id) { return (T) em.get().find(c, id); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends CatalogEntity> T findByName(Class<? extends CatalogEntity> tClass, String entityName, boolean except) throws PENotFoundException { return (T) CatalogDAOFactory.INSTANCE.getLookupCache(tClass, "name").findByValue(this, entityName, except); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> List<T> findAllByClass(Class<T> entityClass) { Query q = em.get().createQuery("from " + entityClass.getSimpleName()); return (List<T>) q.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<CatalogEntity> queryCatalogEntity(String queryStr) { return queryCatalogEntity(queryStr, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List nativeQuery(String nativeQueryString, Map<String, Object> params) { Query q = em.get().createNativeQuery(nativeQueryString); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> me : params.entrySet()) q.setParameter(me.getKey(), me.getValue()); return q.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List nativeQuery(String nativeQueryString, Map<String, Object> params, Class<?> targ) { Query q = em.get().createNativeQuery(nativeQueryString, targ); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> me : params.entrySet()) q.setParameter(me.getKey(), me.getValue()); return q.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<CatalogEntity> queryCatalogEntity(String queryStr, Map<String, Object> params) { Query query = em.get().createQuery(queryStr); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> me : params.entrySet()) query.setParameter(me.getKey(), me.getValue()); return (List<CatalogEntity>) query.getResultList(); } public List<User> findAllUsers() { return findAllByClass(User.class); } public List<DistributionModel> findAllDistributionModels() { return findAllByClass(DistributionModel.class); } public List<UserDatabase> findAllUserDatabases() { return findAllByClass(UserDatabase.class); } public List<Project> findAllProjects() { return findAllByClass(Project.class); } public List<Provider> findAllProviders() { return findAllByClass(Provider.class); } public List<DynamicPolicy> findAllDynamicPolicies() { return findAllByClass(DynamicPolicy.class); } public List<ExternalService> findAllExternalServices() { return findAllByClass(ExternalService.class); } public List<CharacterSets> findAllCharacterSets() { return findAllByClass(CharacterSets.class); } public List<Collations> findAllCollations() { return findAllByClass(Collations.class); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserTable> findAllTablesInPersistentGroup(PersistentGroup sg) { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from UserTable ut where ut.persistentGroup = :storageGroup"); query.setParameter("storageGroup", sg); return (List<UserTable>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PersistentGroup findBalancedPersistentGroup(String prefix) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( "select pg.persistent_group_id, count(ud.user_database_id) as usecount from persistent_group pg left outer join user_database ud on pg.persistent_group_id = ud.default_group_id where not in ('InformationSchemaGroup','SystemGroup') "); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(prefix)) builder.append("and like '" + prefix + "%'"); builder.append(" group by pg.persistent_group_id order by usecount asc, pg.persistent_group_id limit 1"); Query query = em.get().createNativeQuery(builder.toString()); List<Object[]> out = query.getResultList(); if (out.isEmpty()) return null; if (out.size() != 1) throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to find persistent group"); Object[] first = out.get(0); return (PersistentGroup) findByKey(PersistentGroup.class, (Integer) first[0]); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserDatabase> findAllMTDatabases() { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from UserDatabase ud where ud.multitenant_mode != 'off'"); return (List<UserDatabase>) query.getResultList(); } public DistributionModel findDistributionModel(String name) throws PEException { return findByName(DistributionModel.class, name, true); } public Map<String, DistributionModel> getDistributionModelMap() { Map<String, DistributionModel> modelMap = new HashMap<String, DistributionModel>(); for (DistributionModel d : findAllByClass(DistributionModel.class)) modelMap.put(d.getName(), d); return modelMap; } public PersistentSite createPersistentSite(String name, String url, String user, String password) throws PEException { SiteInstance si = new SiteInstance(name, url, user, password); PersistentSite db = new PersistentSite(name, si); em.get().persist(db); em.get().persist(si); return db; } public PersistentSite createPersistentSite(String siteName, String haType, SiteInstance master, SiteInstance[] replicants) throws PEException { PersistentSite theSite = new PersistentSite(siteName, master); theSite.setHaType(haType); em.get().persist(theSite); theSite.addAll(replicants); return theSite; } public PersistentGroup createPersistentGroup(String name) { PersistentGroup sc = new PersistentGroup(name); em.get().persist(sc); return sc; } public UserTable createUserTable(UserDatabase c, String name, DistributionModel dist, PersistentGroup sc, String engine, String tableType) { UserTable ut = new UserTable(name, dist, c, TableState.SHARED, engine, tableType); // dist.addUserTable(ut); ut.setPersistentGroup(sc); c.addUserTable(ut); em.get().persist(ut); return ut; } public User createUser(String name, String password, String accessSpec) { User u = new User(name, password, accessSpec); em.get().persist(u); return u; } public User createUser(String name, String password, String accessSpec, boolean adminUser) { User u = new User(name, password, accessSpec, adminUser); em.get().persist(u); return u; } public UserColumn createUserColumn(UserTable ut, String name, int dataType, String nativeTypeName, int size) { // TODO figure out best way to inject other column values // into this... UserColumn uc = new UserColumn(ut, name, dataType, nativeTypeName, size); uc.setAutoGenerated(false); uc.setNullable(true); uc.setHasDefault(false); return uc; } public UserDatabase createDatabase(String name, PersistentGroup sg, String charSet, String collation) { UserDatabase c = new UserDatabase(name, sg, null, TemplateMode.OPTIONAL, MultitenantMode.OFF, FKMode.STRICT, charSet, collation); em.get().persist(c); return c; } public Project createProject(String name) { Project p = new Project(name); em.get().persist(p); return p; } public Engines createEngines(String engine, String support, String comment, String transactions, String xa, String savepoints) { Engines engines = new Engines(engine, support, comment, transactions, xa, savepoints); em.get().persist(engines); return engines; } public Provider createProvider(String name, String plugin) { Provider prov = new Provider(name, plugin); em.get().persist(prov); return prov; } public Provider createProvider(String name, String plugin, String config) { Provider prov = new Provider(name, plugin, StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(config)); em.get().persist(prov); return prov; } public ExternalService createExternalService(String name, String plugin, String connectUser, boolean usesDataStore) throws PEException { return createExternalService(name, plugin, connectUser, usesDataStore, null); } public ExternalService createExternalService(String name, String plugin, String connectUser, boolean usesDataStore, String config) throws PEException { ExternalService extServ = new ExternalService(name, plugin, connectUser, usesDataStore); if (config != null) extServ.setConfig(config); em.get().persist(extServ); return extServ; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // FIND Methods // public List<PersistentGroup> findAllPersistentGroups() { return findAllByClass(PersistentGroup.class); } public List<UserTable> findAllUserTables() { return findAllByClass(UserTable.class); } public List<UserColumn> findAllUserColumns() { return findAllByClass(UserColumn.class); } public List<PersistentSite> findAllPersistentSites() { return findAllByClass(PersistentSite.class); } public PersistentGroup findDefaultPersistentGroup() throws PEException { return findByName(PersistentGroup.class, "Default", true); } public Project findDefaultProject() throws PEException { return findProject(Project.DEFAULT, true); } public Project findProject(String projectName) throws PEException { return findProject(projectName, true); } public Project findProject(String projectName, boolean except) throws PEException { return (Project) CatalogDAOFactory.INSTANCE.getLookupCache(Project.class, "name").findByValue(this, projectName, except); } public VariableConfig findVariableConfig(String variableName) throws PENotFoundException { return findVariableConfig(variableName, true); } public VariableConfig findVariableConfig(String variableName, boolean except) throws PENotFoundException { return (VariableConfig) CatalogDAOFactory.INSTANCE.getLookupCache(VariableConfig.class, "name").findByValue(this, variableName, except); } public List<VariableConfig> findAllVariableConfigs() { return findAllByClass(VariableConfig.class); } public UserDatabase findDatabase(String databaseName) throws PEException { return findDatabase(databaseName, true); } public UserDatabase findDatabase(String databaseName, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(UserDatabase.class, databaseName, except); } public PersistentGroup findPersistentGroup(String groupName) throws PEException { return findPersistentGroup(groupName, true); } public PersistentGroup findPersistentGroup(String groupName, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(PersistentGroup.class, groupName, except); } public PersistentSite findPersistentSite(String siteName) throws PEException { return findPersistentSite(siteName, true); } public PersistentGroup buildAllSitesGroup() throws PEException { List<PersistentSite> sites = findAllPersistentSites(); final LinkedHashMap<String,PersistentSite> uniqueURLS = new LinkedHashMap<String,PersistentSite>(); for(PersistentSite ps : sites) { String key = ps.getMasterUrl(); PersistentSite already = uniqueURLS.get(key); if (already == null) uniqueURLS.put(key,ps); } return new PersistentGroup(uniqueURLS.values()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T onlyOne(List<T> results, String what, String searchedOn, boolean except) throws PENotFoundException { if (results.size() > 1 || (results.size() == 0 && except)) { throw new PENotFoundException("Expected exactly one " + what + " for name " + searchedOn); } if (results.size() == 0) return null; return (T) results.toArray()[0]; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T onlyOne(List<? extends NamedCatalogEntity> results, String what, String dbid, String name, boolean except, boolean quoted) throws PENotFoundException { String searchedOn = dbid + ((name != null) ? ("/" + name) : ""); if (results.size() == 0 && except) { throw new PENotFoundException("Expected exactly one " + what + " for name " + searchedOn); } if (results.size() == 0) return null; T ce = null; for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { T entity = (T) results.get(i); ce = findExactNameMatch(entity, name); if (ce != null) { break; } } if (quoted) { if (except && ce == null) { throw new PENotFoundException("Expected exactly one " + what + " for name " + searchedOn); } return ce; } else { // not quoted so if exact match then return it if (ce != null) { return ce; } // otherwise return any matching entity return (T) results.get(0); } } static private <T> T findExactNameMatch(T ce, String searchedOn) { T ret = null; // must be exact match if (StringUtils.equals(searchedOn, ((NamedCatalogEntity) ce).getName())) { ret = ce; } return ret; } public PersistentSite findPersistentSite(String siteName, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(PersistentSite.class, siteName, except); } public <T> T merge(T o) { return em.get().merge(o); } public <T> void detach(T o) { em.get().detach(o); } public boolean isDetached(Object o) { return !em.get().contains(o); } public <T> void remove(T o) { em.get().remove(o); CatalogDAOFactory.INSTANCE.clearLookupCache(o.getClass()); } public <T> void refresh(T o) { try { em.get().refresh(o); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw iae; } } public <T> void refreshForLock(T o) { em.get().refresh(o, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE); } public DistributionRange findRangeForTable(UserTable userTable) throws PEException { return findRangeTableRelationship(userTable, true).getRange(); } public DistributionRange findRangeForTableByName(String qualifiedTableName, int tableId) throws PEException { return findRangeTableRelationshipByTableId(qualifiedTableName, tableId, true).getRange(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public DistributionRange findRangeByName(String name, String groupName, boolean except) throws PEException { Query q = em.get().createQuery("from DistributionRange dr where = :name and = :groupName"); q.setParameter("name", name); q.setParameter("groupName", groupName); List<DistributionRange> results = q.getResultList(); return onlyOne(results, "DistributionRange", name + "/" + groupName, except); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<DistributionRange> findRangeByName(String name) throws PEException { Query q = em.get().createQuery("from DistributionRange dr where = :name"); q.setParameter("name", name); return q.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<DistributionRange> findRangesOnGroup(String groupName) throws PEException { Query q = em.get().createQuery("from DistributionRange dr where = :groupName"); q.setParameter("groupName", groupName); return q.getResultList(); } // existence test, mostly public RangeTableRelationship findRangeTableRelationship(UserTable ut, boolean except) throws PEException { return (RangeTableRelationship) CatalogDAOFactory.INSTANCE .getLookupCache(RangeTableRelationship.class, "table").findByValue(this, ut.getQualifiedName(), ut, except); } public RangeTableRelationship findRangeTableRelationshipByTableId(String tableQualifiedName, int tableId, boolean except) throws PEException { return (RangeTableRelationship) CatalogDAOFactory.INSTANCE.getLookupCache(RangeTableRelationship.class, "").findByValue(this, tableQualifiedName, tableId, except); } public Provider findProvider(String name) throws PEException { return findProvider(name, true); } public Provider findProvider(String name, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(Provider.class, name, except); } public DynamicPolicy findDynamicPolicy(String name) throws PEException { return findDynamicPolicy(name, true); } public DynamicPolicy findDynamicPolicy(String name, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(DynamicPolicy.class, name, except); } public ExternalService findExternalService(String name) throws PEException { return findExternalService(name, true); } public ExternalService findExternalService(String name, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(ExternalService.class, name, except); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<User> findUsers(String name, String accessSpec) throws PEException { Query query = null; if (accessSpec == null) query = em.get().createQuery("from User u where = :name"); else { query = em.get().createQuery("from User u where = :name and u.accessSpec = :accessSpec"); query.setParameter("accessSpec", accessSpec); } query.setParameter("name", name); return (List<User>) query.getResultList(); } public User findUser(String name, boolean except) throws PEException { List<User> candidates = findUsers(name, null); if (candidates.isEmpty()) { if (except) throw new PENotFoundException("User " + name + " not found in catalog"); return null; } User catalogUser = null; catalogUser = candidates.get(0); if (candidates.size() > 1) logger.debug("More than one user found, choosing '" + catalogUser.getName() + "'@'" + catalogUser.getAccessSpec() + "'"); return catalogUser; } public User findUser(String name) throws PEException { return findUser(name, true); } public List<Tenant> findAllTenants() throws PEException { return findAllByClass(Tenant.class); } public Tenant findTenant(String extID) throws PEException { return findTenant(extID, true); } public Tenant findTenant(String extID, boolean except) throws PEException { return (Tenant) CatalogDAOFactory.INSTANCE.getLookupCache(Tenant.class, "externalID").findByValue(this, extID, except); } public List<TableVisibility> findAllTenantScopes() { return findAllByClass(TableVisibility.class); } public List<TableVisibility> findTenantScopesForTable(UserTable ut) { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from TableVisibility tv where tv.table = :ut"); query.setParameter("ut", ut); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TableVisibility> res = query.getResultList(); return res; } public TableVisibility findScopeForTable(UserTable ut, Tenant t, boolean except) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from TableVisibility tv where tv.table = :ut and tv.ofTenant = :t"); query.setParameter("ut", ut); query.setParameter("t", t); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TableVisibility> res = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(res, "TenantVisibility", ut.getName() + "/" + t.getExternalTenantId(), except); } public TableVisibility findScopeForTable(int tableID, int tenantID, boolean except) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery( "from TableVisibility tv where = :tableID and = :tenantID"); query.setParameter("tableID", tableID); query.setParameter("tenantID", tenantID); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TableVisibility> res = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(res, "TenantVisibility", tableID + "/" + tenantID, except); } // only used in adaptive mode - thus always has localName public TableVisibility findScope(int tenantID, String localName) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery( "from TableVisibility tv where = :tenantID and tv.localName = :localName"); query.setParameter("tenantID", tenantID); query.setParameter("localName", localName); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TableVisibility> res = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(res, "TenantVisibility", localName + "/" + tenantID, true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Priviledge> findPriviledgesOnDatabase(UserDatabase udb) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from Priviledge p where p.database = :udb"); query.setParameter("udb", udb); return (List<Priviledge>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Tenant> findTenantsOnDatabase(UserDatabase udb) throws Exception { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from Tenant t where t.userDatabase = :udb"); query.setParameter("udb", udb); return (List<Tenant>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ContainerTenant> findContainerTenants(Container ofContainer) throws Exception { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from ContainerTenant ct where ct.container = :cont"); query.setParameter("cont", ofContainer); return (List<ContainerTenant>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Priviledge> findPriviledgesOnTenant(Tenant t) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from Priviledge p where p.tenant = :t"); query.setParameter("t", t); return (List<Priviledge>) query.getResultList(); } public Priviledge findMatchingPrivilege(int userid, String name) throws PEException { // Query query = // em.createQuery("from Priviledge p where ( = :name or p.tenant.externalID = :name) and p.user = :user"); Query query = em .get() .createQuery( "select p from Priviledge p left join fetch p.database ud left join fetch p.tenant t where = :userid and ( = :name or t.externalID = :name)"); query.setParameter("userid", userid); query.setParameter("name", name); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Priviledge> res = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(res, "Privilege", userid + "/" + name, false); } public boolean findGlobalPrivilege(User user) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery( "from Priviledge p where p.user = :user and p.database is null and p.tenant is null"); query.setParameter("user", user); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Priviledge> res = query.getResultList(); Priviledge candidate = onlyOne(res, "Privilege", user.getName() + "/*", false); return candidate != null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<TableVisibility> findMatchingTenantRecords(UserTable ut) { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from TableVisibility tv where tv.table = :ut "); query.setParameter("ut", ut); return (List<TableVisibility>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> findTenantTableNames(Tenant t) { Query query = em.get().createQuery("select from UserTable ut where like :tname"); query.setParameter("tname", "_" + t.getId() + "%"); return (List<String>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<TableVisibility> findMatchingScopes(Shape matchShape, TableState matchState) throws PEException { Query query = em .get() .createQuery( "from TableVisibility tv where tv.table.state = :state and tv.table.shape = :shape order by"); query.setParameter("shape", matchShape); query.setParameter("state", matchState); return (List<TableVisibility>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserTable> findMatchingTables(Shape matchShape, TableState matchState) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery( "from UserTable ut where ut.shape = :matchShape and ut.state = :matchState order by"); query.setParameter("matchShape", matchShape); query.setParameter("matchState", matchState); return (List<UserTable>) query.getResultList(); } public Shape findShape(UserDatabase indb, String logicalName, String definition, String typeHash) throws PEException { Query query = em .get() .createQuery( "from Shape s where s.userDatabase = :indb and s.tableDefinition = :definition and = :logicalName and s.typeHash = :typeHash"); query.setParameter("indb", indb); query.setParameter("definition", definition); query.setParameter("logicalName", logicalName); query.setParameter("typeHash", typeHash); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Shape> results = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(results, "Shape", indb.getName() + "/" + logicalName, false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserTable> findMatchingTables(UserDatabase indb, String logicalName, String definition) { Query query = em .get() .createQuery( "from UserTable ut where ut.userDatabase = :indb and ut.shape.tableDefinition = :definition and = :logicalName and ut.stale != 1"); query.setParameter("indb", indb); query.setParameter("definition", definition); query.setParameter("logicalName", logicalName); return (List<UserTable>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Shape> findShapesOnDB(UserDatabase indb) { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from Shape s where s.userDatabase = :indb"); query.setParameter("indb", indb); return (List<Shape>) query.getResultList(); } public UserTable findUserTable(int dbid, String tableName, boolean quoted) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from UserTable ut where = :name and = :dbid"); query.setParameter("name", tableName); query.setParameter("dbid", dbid); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<UserTable> res = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(res, "UserTable", Integer.toString(dbid), tableName, false, quoted); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserTable> findTablesOnGroup(String groupName) { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from UserTable ut where = :groupName"); query.setParameter("groupName",groupName); return query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public UserView findView(String viewName, String dbName) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery( "from UserView uv where = :viewName and = :dbName"); query.setParameter("viewName", viewName); query.setParameter("dbName", dbName); List<UserView> res = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(res, "UserView", dbName + "." + viewName, false); } public void recoverTransactions() { // DBConnectionParameters dbp = new DBConnectionParameters(Host.getProperties()); // for (TransactionRecord txn : findAltemplate(TransactionRecord.class)) { // txn.recover2PC(this, dbp.getUserAuthentication()); // } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserTable> findContainerMemberTables(String containerName) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from UserTable ut where = :name"); query.setParameter("name", containerName); return query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<PersistentTemplate> findMatchTemplates() throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from PersistentTemplate pt where pt.dbmatch is not null order by"); return query.getResultList(); } public PersistentTemplate findTemplate(String name, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(PersistentTemplate.class, name, except); } public RawPlan findRawPlan(String name, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(RawPlan.class, name, except); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<RawPlan> findAllEnabledRawPlans() throws PEException { Query q = em.get().createQuery("from RawPlan rp where rp.enabled = 1"); return q.getResultList(); } public abstract class EntityUpdater { public abstract CatalogEntity update() throws Throwable; /** * A utility method that encapsulates the logic of updating a catalog * entity * * @return * @throws Throwable */ public CatalogEntity execute() throws Throwable { CatalogEntity ret = null; begin(); try { ret = update(); commit(); } catch (Throwable t) { rollback(t); throw t; } return ret; } } public abstract class EntityGenerator extends EntityUpdater { public abstract CatalogEntity generate() throws Throwable; @Override public CatalogEntity update() throws Throwable { CatalogEntity entity = generate(); if (entity != null) persistToCatalog(entity); return entity; } } public PersistentTemplate createTemplate(String name, String template, String match, String comment) { PersistentTemplate t = new PersistentTemplate(name, template, match, comment); em.get().persist(t); return t; } public SiteInstance createSiteInstance(String name, String url, String user, String password) { SiteInstance si = new SiteInstance(name, url, user, password); em.get().persist(si); return si; } public SiteInstance createSiteInstance(String name, String url, String user, String password, boolean isMaster, String status) { SiteInstance si = new SiteInstance(name, url, user, password, isMaster, status); em.get().persist(si); return si; } public SiteInstance findSiteInstance(String name) throws PEException { return findSiteInstance(name, true); } public SiteInstance findSiteInstance(String name, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(SiteInstance.class, name, except); } public UserTable loadTable(UserTable foo) { UserTable theTable = foo; if (!em.get().getEntityManagerFactory().getPersistenceUnitUtil().isLoaded(theTable, "userColumns")) { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from UserTable ut JOIN FETCH ut.userColumns WHERE = :id"); query.setParameter("id", theTable.getId()); theTable = (UserTable) query.getResultList().get(0); } return theTable; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ServerRegistration> findAllRegisteredServers() { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from ServerRegistration"); return query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ServerRegistration findServerRegistrationByAddress(String ourAddress) throws PENotFoundException { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from ServerRegistration where ipAddress = :ipAddress"); query.setParameter("ipAddress", ourAddress); List<ServerRegistration> results = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(results, ourAddress, "ipAddress", true); } public Container findContainer(String containerName) throws PEException { return findContainer(containerName, true); } public Container findContainer(String containerName, boolean except) throws PEException { return findByName(Container.class, containerName, except); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ContainerTenant findContainerTenant(String containerName, String disc) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery( "from ContainerTenant ct where = :containerName and ct.discriminant = :disc"); query.setParameter("containerName", containerName); query.setParameter("disc", disc); return onlyOne((List<ContainerTenant>) query.getResultList(), "ContainerTenant", containerName + "/" + disc, false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserTable> findBaseTables(UserDatabase within) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery( "from UserTable ut where ut.userDatabase = :udb and ut.container.baseTable = ut"); query.setParameter("udb", within); return (List<UserTable>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserDatabase> findDatabasesWithin(Container cont) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery( "select distinct ut.userDatabase from UserTable ut where ut.container = :cont"); query.setParameter("cont", cont); return (List<UserDatabase>) query.getResultList(); } // this restricts the search to this server public List<TemporaryTable> findLocalUserlandTemporaryTables(Integer connID, String dbName, String tableName) { return findUserlandTemporaryTables(GroupManager.getCoordinationServices().getMemberAddress().toString(),connID,dbName, tableName); } // values not specified won't be queried on - so null,null,null returns all temp tables // and foo, null, null returns all temp tables on server foo @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<TemporaryTable> findUserlandTemporaryTables(String serverName, Integer connID, String dbName, String tableName) { StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); hql.append("from TemporaryTable tt "); Query query = null; if (serverName == null && connID == null && tableName == null) { query = em.get().createQuery(hql.toString()); } else { hql.append("where "); List<String> filters = new ArrayList<String>(); if (serverName != null) filters.add("tt.server = :serverName"); if (connID != null) filters.add("tt.sessionID = :connID"); if (dbName != null) filters.add("tt.db = :dbName"); if (tableName != null) filters.add(" = :tableName"); hql.append(Functional.join(filters, " and ")); query = em.get().createQuery(hql.toString()); if (serverName != null) query.setParameter("serverName",serverName); if (connID != null) query.setParameter("connID", connID); if (dbName != null) query.setParameter("dbName",dbName); if (tableName != null) query.setParameter("tableName", tableName); } return (List<TemporaryTable>)query.getResultList(); } public void cleanupUserlandTemporaryTables(String serverName) { Query query = em.get().createQuery("delete from TemporaryTable where server = :name"); query.setParameter("name", serverName); query.executeUpdate(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserTable> findTablesWithUnresolvedFKsTargeting(String dbName, String tabName) { Query query = em .get() .createQuery( "select distinct k.userTable from Key k where k.constraint = 'FOREIGN' and k.referencedSchemaName = :dbName and k.referencedTableName = :tableName"); query.setParameter("dbName", dbName); query.setParameter("tableName", tabName); return (List<UserTable>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UserTable> findTablesWithFKsReferencing(int tabID) { Query query = em .get() .createQuery( "select distinct k.userTable from Key k where k.constraint = 'FOREIGN' and = :tabID"); query.setParameter("tabID", tabID); return (List<UserTable>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<TableVisibility> findScopesWithFKsReferencing(int tabID, int tenantID) { Query query = em.get().createQuery( "select tv from TableVisibility tv, Key k " + "where k.constraint = 'FOREIGN' and = :tabID " + "and = :tenantID and k.userTable = tv.table"); query.setParameter("tabID", tabID); query.setParameter("tenantID", tenantID); return (List<TableVisibility>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<TableVisibility> findScopesWithUnresolvedFKsTargeting(String dbName, String tabName, int tenant) { /* * I started with this sql: select s.scope_id from scope s inner join * user_table ut on s.scope_table_id = ut.table_id inner join user_key * uk on ut.table_id = uk.user_table_id where uk.forward_schema_name = ? * and uk.forward_table_name = ? and s.scope_tenant_id = ?; * * using this query, hql will cause us to deref the collection of keys * which would not be optimal */ Query query = em.get().createQuery( "select tv from TableVisibility tv, Key k " + "where k.referencedSchemaName = :dbName and k.referencedTableName = :tabName " + "and = :tenant " + "and tv.table = k.userTable"); query.setParameter("tenant", tenant); query.setParameter("dbName", dbName); query.setParameter("tabName", tabName); return (List<TableVisibility>) query.getResultList(); } // given a backing table and a tenant, tell me all the scopes in that tenant // of the tables it references. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<TableVisibility> findScopesForFKTargets(int tableID, int tenantID) { /* * here is my raw query: select s.scope_id from user_key uk inner join * scope s on s.scope_table_id = uk.user_table_id where * uk.referenced_table = :tableID and s.scope_tenant_id = :tenantID */ Query query = em .get() .createQuery( "select tv from TableVisibility tv, Key uk where tv.table = uk.userTable and = :tableID and = :tenantID"); query.setParameter("tableID", tableID); query.setParameter("tenantID", tenantID); return (List<TableVisibility>) query.getResultList(); } public Key findForeignKey(UserDatabase db, Integer tenantID, String name, String constraintName, boolean except) throws PEException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(name) && StringUtils.isBlank(constraintName)) { return null; } StringBuffer qry = new StringBuffer("from Key k "); if (tenantID != null) qry.append(", TableVisibility tv "); qry.append("where k.constraint = 'FOREIGN' and k.userTable.userDatabase = :db "); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(name)) qry.append("and = :name"); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(constraintName)) qry.append("and k.constraintName = :constraintName"); if (tenantID != null) qry.append(" and = :tenantID and tv.table = k.userTable "); Query query = em.get().createQuery(qry.toString()); query.setParameter("db", db); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(name)) query.setParameter("name", name); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(constraintName)) query.setParameter("constraintName", constraintName); if (tenantID != null) query.setParameter("tenantID", tenantID); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Key> keys = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(keys, "Foreign Keys", name + "/" + constraintName, except); } public Key findKey(String dbName, String encTabName, String keyName) throws PEException { Query query = em .get() .createQuery( "from Key k where = :keyName and = :encTabName and = :dbName"); query.setParameter("dbName", dbName); query.setParameter("encTabName", encTabName); query.setParameter("keyName", keyName); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Key> keys = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(keys, "Specific key", dbName + "." + encTabName + "/" + keyName, false); } public UserTrigger findTrigger(String name, String dbName) throws PEException { Query query = em.get().createQuery("from UserTrigger ut where = :name and = :dbname"); query.setParameter("name",name); query.setParameter("dbname",dbName); List<UserTrigger> trigs = query.getResultList(); return onlyOne(trigs, "Triggers", dbName + "." + name,false); } public void deleteAllServerRegistration() { Query q = em.get().createQuery("delete from ServerRegistration"); q.executeUpdate(); } // for autoupdate public EntityManager getEntityManager() { return em.get(); } public static DataSource getCatalogDS() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<DataSource> c3p0pools = C3P0Registry.allPooledDataSources(); return c3p0pools.iterator().next(); } public enum CatalogDAOFactory { INSTANCE; EntityManagerFactory emf = null; Map<Class<?>, CachedCatalogLookup<? extends CatalogEntity>> lookupCacheMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, CachedCatalogLookup<? extends CatalogEntity>>(); public static CatalogDAO newInstance() { return new CatalogDAO(INSTANCE.emf.createEntityManager()); } public static CatalogDAO newInstance(Properties p) throws PEException { return new CatalogDAO(INSTANCE.getEMF(p).createEntityManager(fixProperties(p))); } public static boolean isSetup() { return INSTANCE.emf != null ? true : false; } public static void setup(Properties p) throws PEException { INSTANCE.emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("DveCatalog", fixProperties(p)); } private static Properties fixProperties(Properties p) throws PEException { final String url = p.getProperty(DBHelper.CONN_URL); // In production we don't have a default value for the catalog URL if(StringUtils.isEmpty(url)) throw new PEException("Value for " + DBHelper.CONN_URL + " not specified in properties"); final Properties props = new Properties(p); props.putAll(p); final PEUrl peUrl = CatalogURL.buildCatalogBaseUrlFrom(url); final String dbName = props.getProperty(DBHelper.CONN_DBNAME); props.remove(DBHelper.CONN_DBNAME); peUrl.setPath(dbName); props.setProperty(DBHelper.CONN_URL, peUrl.getURL()); props.remove(""); return props; } public static void shutdown() { if (Boolean.getBoolean("CatalogDAO.printCacheStatistics")) { CacheManager cm = CacheManager.getInstance(); for (String s : cm.getCacheNames()) { if (s.matches("com.tesora.dve.*")) { Statistics stats = cm.getCache(s).getStatistics(); System.out.println("Cache " + s + ": " + stats.getObjectCount() + " items (" + stats.getCacheHits() + " hits, " + stats.getCacheMisses() + " misses)"); } } } INSTANCE.lookupCacheMap.clear(); if (INSTANCE.emf != null) INSTANCE.emf.close(); INSTANCE.emf = null; } public static void clearCache() { CacheManager.getInstance().clearAll(); } EntityManagerFactory getEMF(Properties p) throws PEException { if (emf == null) setup(p); return emf; } public CachedCatalogLookup<? extends CatalogEntity> getLookupCache(Class<? extends CatalogEntity> cacheClass, String columnName) { CachedCatalogLookup<? extends CatalogEntity> lookupCache = null; // it's possible to have a race condition here between threads within the same jvm // in particular, between a containsKey call and a get call the cache could be cleared // leading to npes in callers - so instead if we don't find a cache, create a new one // and return that lookupCache = lookupCacheMap.get(cacheClass); if (lookupCache == null) { lookupCache = new CachedCatalogLookup<CatalogEntity>(cacheClass, columnName); if (cacheClass.equals(RangeTableRelationship.class)) lookupCache = new RangeTableRelationshipCacheLookup(cacheClass); lookupCacheMap.put(cacheClass, lookupCache); } return lookupCache; } public void clearLookupCache(Class<?> cacheClass) { lookupCacheMap.remove(cacheClass); } } }