package com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.join; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import com.tesora.dve.common.MultiMap; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.SchemaException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.ParserException.Pass; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.ExpressionUtils; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.TableKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.jg.DPart; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ExpressionNode; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.TableInstance; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.TableJoin; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.structural.FromTableReference; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.structural.JoinedTable; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.test.EngineConstant; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.DistributionVector; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEStorageGroup; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SchemaContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.SelectStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.behaviors.defaults.DefaultFeatureStepBuilder; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.DMLExplainRecord; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.ExecutionCost; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.IndexCollector; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.PlannerContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.featureplan.FeatureStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.featureplan.ProjectingFeatureStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.featureplan.RedistFeatureStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.join.JoinRewriteTransformFactory.JoinRewriteAdaptedTransform; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Functional; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ListSet; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.UnaryFunction; /* * A JoinedPartitionEntry is the result of colocating two other partition entries and executing the join between them. * The other partition entries may be original or joined. */ class JoinedPartitionEntry extends PartitionEntry { protected List<PartitionEntry> entries; // raw join stmt before we take any filters, etc protected SelectStatement joinStatement; protected PEStorageGroup currentGroup; protected Set<DistributionVector> dists; protected UniquedExpressionList filters; protected ListSet<BufferEntry> rawFilters; protected List<BufferEntry> projectionEntries; protected MultiMap<TableInstance, JoinedTable> explicitJoins; // the final query, different from the kernel protected SelectStatement finalSelect; // delegate scheduling to the owning adapted transform protected JoinRewriteAdaptedTransform parentTransform; // we need the factory for the feature steps protected final JoinRewriteTransformFactory factory; // we need to know the original join that we're implementing - in particular for // outer joins we delay taking filters protected boolean outerJoin; // whether or not to schedule our children in parallel - not applicable sometimes protected boolean parallelChildren; protected ExecutionCost specifiedScore; protected final PlannerContext plannerContext; public JoinedPartitionEntry(PlannerContext pc, SchemaContext sc, SelectStatement orig, SelectStatement js, List<PartitionEntry> components, PEStorageGroup targetGroup, Set<DistributionVector> computedDists, ExecutionCost computedScore, JoinRewriteAdaptedTransform parent, JoinRewriteTransformFactory factory, boolean isOuterJoin, boolean parallelChildren, DMLExplainRecord explainHelp) { super(sc, orig, explainHelp); joinStatement = js; outerJoin = isOuterJoin; entries = components; currentGroup = targetGroup; dists = computedDists; if (computedDists.isEmpty()) throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Missing computed dist vects"); this.parallelChildren = parallelChildren; // start from decomposed filters filters = new UniquedExpressionList(); filters.addAll(ExpressionUtils.decomposeAndClause(js.getWhereClause())); explicitJoins = new MultiMap<TableInstance, JoinedTable>(); projectionEntries = new ArrayList<BufferEntry>(); rawFilters = new ListSet<BufferEntry>(); for(PartitionEntry jre : entries) projectionEntries.addAll(jre.getBufferEntries()); parentTransform = parent; this.factory = factory; specifiedScore = computedScore; for(PartitionEntry jre : components) { jre.addReferencingEntry(this); jre.setPlanned(this); } setExplain(explainHelp); plannerContext = pc; sane("construction",projectionEntries.size(),joinStatement.getProjectionEdge().size(), joinStatement); } public boolean take(OriginalWhereBuffer owb, boolean last) { // figure out if we were involved in an outer join. in an outer join we take the test anyways // but leave it for the final step as well. Set<DPart> usedPartitions = getPartitions(); boolean any = false; for(Iterator<BufferEntry> iter = owb.getScoredBridging().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { BufferEntry be =; List<DPart> containingPartitions = owb.getPartitionsFor(be); // add this filter if it matches our partitions and we haven't added it already // note that because of the outer join test, we'll add some filters multiple times if (usedPartitions.containsAll(containingPartitions)) { if (!rawFilters.contains(be)) { rawFilters.add(be); filters.add(be.buildNew(getSchemaContext(),joinStatement.getMapper())); } be.attach(outerJoin && !last); if (!outerJoin || last) { iter.remove(); any = true; } } } return any; } public boolean take(ExplicitJoinBuffer ejb) { Set<DPart> usedPartitions = getPartitions(); boolean any = false; for(Iterator<BufferEntry> iter = ejb.getScoredBridging().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { BufferEntry be =; List<DPart> containingPartitions = ejb.getPartitionsFor(be); if (usedPartitions.containsAll(containingPartitions)) { JoinBufferEntry jbe = (JoinBufferEntry) be; ExpressionNode newJoinEx = be.buildNew(getSchemaContext(),joinStatement.getMapper()); // make sure that we handle any indexes IndexCollector.collect(getSchemaContext(), newJoinEx); TableInstance targetTable = joinStatement.getMapper().copyForward(jbe.getJoinedTable().getJoinedToTable()); TableInstance baseTable = joinStatement.getMapper().copyForward(jbe.getJoinedFromKey().toInstance()); if (targetTable.getTableKey().equals(baseTable.getTableKey())) throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Invalid mapping of explicit join: invalid self join"); JoinedTable jt = new JoinedTable(targetTable, newJoinEx, jbe.getJoinedTable().getJoinType()); if (be.getTarget() == null) { // informal join - we may have multiples for the same target table - don't add duplicates Collection<JoinedTable> sub = explicitJoins.get(baseTable); if (sub != null) { for(JoinedTable ejt : sub) { if (ejt.getJoinedToTable().getTableKey().equals(targetTable.getTableKey())) { jt = null; } } } } if (jt != null) explicitJoins.put(baseTable, jt); clearSelect(); jbe.attach(false); iter.remove(); any = true; } } return any; } public boolean take(P2ProjectionBuffer proj) { Set<DPart> usedPartitions = getPartitions(); boolean any = false; for(Iterator<BufferEntry> iter = proj.getEntries().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { BufferEntry be =; if (be.isRedistRequired()) { RedistBufferEntry rbe = (RedistBufferEntry) be; List<DPart> containingPartitions = proj.getPartitionsFor(be); if (usedPartitions.containsAll(containingPartitions)) { ExpressionNode projEx = null; if (be.isFor(JoinBufferEntry.class)) projEx = joinStatement.getMapper().copyForward(rbe.getTarget()); else projEx = be.buildNew(getSchemaContext(), joinStatement.getMapper()); rbe.setMapped(projEx); joinStatement.getProjectionEdge().add(projEx); clearSelect(); projectionEntries.add(be); iter.remove(); be.attach(false); any = true; } } } return any; } @Override protected String describe() throws PEException { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("IPE on { "); buf.append(Functional.joinToString(entries, ",")).append(" } ") .append(getScore()); return buf.toString(); } @Override public SelectStatement getJoinQuery(RewriteBuffers projInfo) throws PEException { SelectStatement fs = finalSelect; SelectStatement q = getJoinQueryInternal(projInfo); if (step == null || fs != q) { ProjectingFeatureStep pfs = DefaultFeatureStepBuilder.INSTANCE.buildProjectingStep( plannerContext, factory, q, getScore(), getSourceGroup(), q.getDatabase(getSchemaContext()), EngineConstant.BROADEST_DISTRIBUTION_VECTOR.getValue(q, getSchemaContext()), null, getExplain()); for(PartitionEntry jre : entries) { FeatureStep childStep = jre.getStep(null); if (!(childStep instanceof RedistFeatureStep)) childStep.omitSelf(); pfs.addChild(childStep); } if (parallelChildren) pfs.withParallelChildren(); setStep(pfs); } return q; } @Override public FeatureStep getStep(RewriteBuffers projInfo) throws PEException { if (step == null) getJoinQuery(projInfo); return step; } private SelectStatement getJoinQueryInternal(RewriteBuffers projInfo) throws PEException { if (finalSelect == null) { pasteExplicitJoins(); joinStatement.setWhereClause(ExpressionUtils.buildWhereClause(filters.getExprs())); // normalize it, just in case we have unaliased projection entries joinStatement.normalize(getSchemaContext()); pruneProjection(); finalSelect = joinStatement; } if (projInfo == null) return finalSelect; // note that the projection is no longer in declaration first we're going to sort what's left into // declaration order, adding nulls for stuff that doesn't exist. with that in hand, we can reverse apply p3 -> p2, p2 -> p1, p1 -> orig TreeMap<Integer, ExpressionNode> ordered = new TreeMap<Integer, ExpressionNode>(); TreeMap<Integer, BufferEntry> oe = new TreeMap<Integer, BufferEntry>(); for(int i = 0; i < projectionEntries.size(); i++) { ordered.put(projectionEntries.get(i).getBeforeOffset(), ExpressionUtils.getTarget(finalSelect.getProjectionEdge().get(i))); oe.put(projectionEntries.get(i).getBeforeOffset(), projectionEntries.get(i)); } ArrayList<ExpressionNode> inorder = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(ordered.values()); projectionEntries = new ArrayList<BufferEntry>(oe.values()); List<ExpressionNode> finalProjection = buildFinalProjection(projInfo, inorder); finalSelect.setProjection(finalProjection); finalSelect.normalize(getSchemaContext()); return finalSelect; } protected void pasteExplicitJoins() throws PEException { if (explicitJoins.isEmpty()) return; HashSet<JoinedTable> allJoins = new HashSet<JoinedTable>(); allJoins.addAll(explicitJoins.values()); // so we basically have something of the form select ... from A, B, C right now // and a bunch of explicit joins keyed by lhs; however the joins may be chained // (i.e. the original was A ij B ij C) - so we have to do a deep search down the branches // in order to find the point at which the join should be pasted in for(TableInstance ti : explicitJoins.keySet()) { Collection<JoinedTable> sub = explicitJoins.get(ti); if (sub == null || sub.isEmpty()) continue; HashSet<TableInstance> rhs = new HashSet<TableInstance>(); for(FromTableReference ftr : joinStatement.getTables()) { if (ftr.getBaseTable() == ti) { ftr.addJoinedTable(sub); allJoins.removeAll(sub); for(JoinedTable jt : sub) { if (jt.getJoinedToQuery() != null) throw new PEException("Unhandled nested query"); rhs.add(jt.getJoinedToTable()); } } else if (!ftr.getTableJoins().isEmpty()) { // search the joins as well for(JoinedTable jt : ftr.getTableJoins()) { if (jt.getJoinedToTable() == ti) { ftr.addJoinedTable(sub); allJoins.removeAll(sub); for(JoinedTable ijt : sub) { if (ijt.getJoinedToQuery() != null) throw new PEException("Unhandled nested query"); rhs.add(ijt.getJoinedToTable()); } } } } } for(Iterator<FromTableReference> iter = joinStatement.getTablesEdge().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { FromTableReference ftr =; if (ftr.getTableJoins().isEmpty() && rhs.contains(ftr.getBaseTable())) iter.remove(); } } if (!allJoins.isEmpty()) throw new PEException("Unable to paste in some explicit joins on joined partition entry"); fixDuplicatePastes(); } protected void pruneProjection() { // we're going to note offsets of entries to remove, then remove them in reverse order LinkedList<Integer> toRemove = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i < projectionEntries.size(); i++) { BufferEntry be = projectionEntries.get(i); if (!be.isNeeded()) toRemove.addFirst(i); } for(Integer ith : toRemove) { projectionEntries.remove(ith.intValue()); joinStatement.getProjectionEdge().remove(ith.intValue()); } sane("pruning",projectionEntries.size(),joinStatement.getProjectionEdge().size(),joinStatement); } @Override protected ExecutionCost computeScore() { return specifiedScore; } @Override protected Set<TableKey> computeTables() { HashSet<TableKey> tab = new HashSet<TableKey>(); for(PartitionEntry jre : entries) tab.addAll(jre.getSpanningTables()); return tab; } @Override protected Set<DPart> computePartitions() { HashSet<DPart> ret = new HashSet<DPart>(); for(PartitionEntry jre : entries) ret.addAll(jre.getPartitions()); return ret; } @Override protected PEStorageGroup computeSourceGroup() { return currentGroup; } @Override protected Set<DistributionVector> computeDistributedOn() { return dists; } @Override public List<ExpressionNode> mapDistributedOn(List<ExpressionNode> in) throws PEException { // get the final query for the partition SelectStatement finalIpeQuery = getJoinQuery(null); List<ExpressionNode> mappedDistributeOn = finalIpeQuery.getMapper().copyForward(in); return mappedDistributeOn; } @Override public SelectStatement getTempTableSource() throws PEException { return getJoinQuery(null); } protected List<ExpressionNode> buildFinalProjection(RewriteBuffers buffers, List<ExpressionNode> ordered) { ArrayList<ExpressionNode> p2version = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); P2ProjectionBuffer p2proj = buffers.getP2(); P3ProjectionBuffer p3proj = buffers.getProjectionBuffer(); P1ProjectionBuffer p1proj = buffers.getP1(); // any entry in p2proj that is no longer needed need not be considered - so just traverse the p2 version looking for entries // still needed, then map via p3proj to the current offset and pick up the expression node there - duping for(BufferEntry be2 : p2proj.getEntries()) { if (!be2.isNeeded()) continue; BufferEntry be3 = p3proj.getP3ForP2(be2); ExpressionNode p3v = ordered.get(be3.getBeforeOffset()); p2version.add((ExpressionNode) p3v.copy(null)); } ArrayList<ExpressionNode> p1version = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); for(BufferEntry be1 : p1proj.getEntries()) { p1version.add(be1.buildNew(p2version)); } ArrayList<ExpressionNode> origVersion = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); for(BufferEntry ope : buffers.getOriginalProjection().getEntries()) { if (ope.getAfterOffsetBegin() == ope.getAfterOffsetEnd()) { // data dependent, just add a copy back in origVersion.add((ExpressionNode) ope.getTarget().copy(null)); } else { origVersion.add(ope.buildNew(p1version)); } } // we've modded the projection, also mod the projection entries to match projectionEntries = new ListSet<BufferEntry>(buffers.getOriginalProjection().getEntries()); return origVersion; } @Override public List<BufferEntry> getBufferEntries() { return projectionEntries; } @Override public SelectStatement getCurrentExecQuery() { return joinStatement; } private void fixDuplicatePastes() { List<FromTableReference> toBeDeleted = new ArrayList<FromTableReference>(); List<FromTableReference> allFromTableReferences = joinStatement.getTables(); for (int i = 0; i < allFromTableReferences.size(); i++) { if (allFromTableReferences.size() < (i+1)) break; FromTableReference currentFromTableReference = allFromTableReferences.get(i); if (toBeDeleted.contains(currentFromTableReference)) { continue; } Set<TableInstance> currentTablesInFromTableReference = getAllTablesInFromTableReference(currentFromTableReference); for (int j = i+1; j < allFromTableReferences.size(); j++) { FromTableReference nextFromTableReference = allFromTableReferences.get(j); if (!toBeDeleted.contains(nextFromTableReference)) { TableInstance nextTableInstance = nextFromTableReference.getBaseTable(); if (currentTablesInFromTableReference.contains(nextTableInstance)) { currentFromTableReference.addJoinedTable(nextFromTableReference.getTableJoins()); toBeDeleted.add(nextFromTableReference); } } } } joinStatement.removeTables(toBeDeleted); } private Set<TableInstance> getAllTablesInFromTableReference(FromTableReference currentFromTableReference) { Set<TableInstance> currentTablesInJoin = new HashSet<TableInstance>(); currentTablesInJoin.add(currentFromTableReference.getBaseTable()); if (currentFromTableReference.getTarget() instanceof TableInstance) { currentTablesInJoin.add((TableInstance)currentFromTableReference.getTarget()); } else if (currentFromTableReference.getTarget() instanceof TableJoin) { currentTablesInJoin.addAll(Functional.apply( ((TableJoin)currentFromTableReference.getTarget()).getUnrolledOrder().getSecond(), new UnaryFunction<TableInstance, JoinedTable>() { @Override public TableInstance evaluate(JoinedTable object) { return object.getJoinedToTable(); } })); } return currentTablesInJoin; } @Override public List<ExpressionNode> getProjection() throws PEException { return joinStatement.getProjection(); } private void clearSelect() { finalSelect = null; step = null; } }