package com.tesora.dve.mysqlapi.repl; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import; import com.tesora.dve.charset.MysqlNativeCharSet; import com.tesora.dve.charset.NativeCharSet; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.MysqlLoadDataInfileRequestCollector; import com.tesora.dve.dbc.ServerDBConnection; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.mysqlapi.repl.messages.*; import com.tesora.dve.server.connectionmanager.SSConnection; import com.tesora.dve.server.connectionmanager.loaddata.LoadDataBlockExecutor; import com.tesora.dve.server.connectionmanager.loaddata.LoadDataRequestExecutor; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Pair; import com.tesora.dve.variable.VariableConstants; import; import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * */ public class MyReplicationVisitorDispatch implements ReplicationVisitorTarget { static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyReplicationVisitorDispatch.class); MyReplicationSlaveService plugin; public MyReplicationVisitorDispatch(MyReplicationSlaveService plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } public static void executeLDB(ServerDBConnection dbCon, final ChannelHandlerContext channelHandlerContext, final byte[] readData) throws SQLException { try { final SSConnection ssCon1 = dbCon.getSSConn(); Throwable t = ssCon1.executeInContext(new Callable<Throwable>() { public Throwable call() { try { LoadDataBlockExecutor.executeInsert(channelHandlerContext, ssCon1, LoadDataBlockExecutor.processDataBlock(channelHandlerContext, ssCon1, readData)); } catch (Throwable e) { return e; } return null; } }); if (t != null && t.getCause() != null) { throw new PEException(t); } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new SQLException(t); } } public static void executeLDR(ServerDBConnection serverDBConnection, final ChannelHandlerContext channelHandlerContext, final byte[] query) throws SQLException { final MysqlLoadDataInfileRequestCollector resultConsumer = new MysqlLoadDataInfileRequestCollector(channelHandlerContext); try { final NativeCharSet clientCharSet = MysqlNativeCharSet.UTF8; final SSConnection ssCon1 = serverDBConnection.getSSConn(); Throwable t = ssCon1.executeInContext(new Callable<Throwable>() { public Throwable call() { try { LoadDataRequestExecutor.execute(channelHandlerContext, ssCon1, resultConsumer, clientCharSet.getJavaCharset(), query); } catch (Throwable e) { return e; } return null; } }); if (t != null && t.getCause() != null) { throw new PEException(t); } if (resultConsumer.getFileName() == null) { throw new SQLException(new PEException("Cannot handle load data statement: " + new String(query))); } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new SQLException(t); } } @Override public void visit(MyAppendBlockLogEvent packet) throws PEException { try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** START AppendBlock Log Event **"); logger.debug("File id = " + packet.getFileID() + ", size of block = " + packet.getDataBlock().readableBytes()); logger.debug("** END AppendBlock Log Event **"); } plugin.getInfileHandler().addBlock(packet.getFileID(), packet.getDataBlock().array()); updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PEException("Received APPEND_BLOCK_EVENT but cannot add to infile.", e); } } @Override public void visit(MyBeginLoadLogEvent packet) throws PEException { try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** START BeginLoadLog Event **"); logger.debug("File id = " + packet.getFileId()); logger.debug("** END BeginLoadLog Event **"); } plugin.getInfileHandler().createInfile(packet.getFileId()); plugin.getInfileHandler().addInitialBlock(packet.getFileId(), packet.getDataBlock().array()); updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PEException("Receive BEGIN_LOAD_QUERY_EVENT but cannot create new infile.", e); } } @Override public void visit(MyCreateFileLogEvent packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented for log event type: CREATE_FILE_EVENT"); } @Override public void visit(MyDeleteFileLogEvent packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented for log event type: DELETE_FILE_EVENT"); } @Override public void visit(MyExecLoadLogEvent packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented for log event type: EXEC_LOAD_EVENT"); } @Override public void visit(MyExecuteLoadLogEvent packet) throws PEException { boolean switchToDb = true; ServerDBConnection conn = null; String dbName = packet.getDbName(); String origQuery = packet.getOrigQuery(); try { if (!this.includeDatabase(plugin, dbName)) { // still want to update log position if we filter out message updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); return; } conn = plugin.getServerDBConnection(); // If any session variables are to be set do it first plugin.getSessionVariableCache().setAllSessionVariableValues(conn); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** START ExecuteLoadLog Event **"); if ( switchToDb ) logger.debug("USE " + dbName); logger.debug(origQuery); logger.debug("** END ExecuteLoadLog Event **"); } if ( switchToDb ) conn.setCatalog(dbName); // since we don't want to parse here to determine if a time function is specified // set the TIMESTAMP variable to the master statement execution time conn.executeUpdate("set " + VariableConstants.REPL_SLAVE_TIMESTAMP_NAME + "=" + packet.getCommonHeader().getTimestamp()); executeLDR(conn, plugin.getClientConnectionContext().getCtx(), origQuery.getBytes(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); // start throwing down the bytes from the load data infile File infile = plugin.getInfileHandler().getInfile(packet.getFileId()); FileInputStream in = null; byte[] readData = new byte[MyExecuteLoadLogEvent.MAX_BUFFER_LEN]; try { in = new FileInputStream(infile); int len =; do { final byte[] readData1 = (len == MyExecuteLoadLogEvent.MAX_BUFFER_LEN) ? readData : ArrayUtils.subarray(readData, 0, len); executeLDB(conn, plugin.getClientConnectionContext().getCtx(), readData1); len =; } while (len > -1); executeLDB(conn, plugin.getClientConnectionContext().getCtx(), ArrayUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); plugin.getInfileHandler().cleanUp(); } updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); } catch (Exception e) { if (plugin.validateErrorAndStop(packet.getErrorCode(), e)) { logger.error("Error occurred during replication processing: ",e); try { conn.execute("ROLLBACK"); } catch (SQLException e1) { throw new PEException("Error attempting to rollback after exception",e); // NOPMD by doug on 18/12/12 8:07 AM } } else { packet.setSkipErrors(true, "Replication Slave failed processing: '" + origQuery + "' but slave_skip_errors is active. Replication processing will continue"); } throw new PEException("Error executing: " + origQuery,e); } finally { // NOPMD by doug on 18/12/12 8:08 AM // Clear all the session variables since they are only good for one // event plugin.getSessionVariableCache().clearAllSessionVariables(); } } @Override public void visit(MyFormatDescriptionLogEvent packet) throws PEException { String binLogVerTypeString = StringUtils.EMPTY; switch (MyFormatDescriptionLogEvent.MyBinLogVerType.fromByte((byte) packet.getBinaryLogVersion())) { case MySQL_3_23: binLogVerTypeString = "MySQL_3_23(" + MyFormatDescriptionLogEvent.MyBinLogVerType.MySQL_3_23 + ")"; break; case MySQL_4_0_2_to_4_1: binLogVerTypeString = "MySQL_4_0_2_to_4_1(" + MyFormatDescriptionLogEvent.MyBinLogVerType.MySQL_4_0_2_to_4_1 + ")"; break; case MySQL_5_0: binLogVerTypeString = "MySQL_5_0(" + MyFormatDescriptionLogEvent.MyBinLogVerType.MySQL_5_0 + ")"; break; default: break; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** START Format Description Event **"); logger.debug("Bin Log Ver: " + binLogVerTypeString); for (MyLogEventType levt : packet.getEventTypeValues().keySet()) { logger.debug("Variable(value): " + + "(" + packet.getEventTypeValues().get(levt) + ")"); } logger.debug("** END Format Description Event **"); } try { updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); } catch (PEException e) { logger.error("Error updating binlog from Format Description Event.", e); // TODO I think we really need to stop the service in this case throw new PEException("Error updating bin log position", e); } } @Override public void visit(MyIntvarLogEvent packet) throws PEException { boolean lastInsertIdEvent = (MyIntvarLogEvent.MyIntvarEventVariableType.fromByte(packet.getVariableType()) == MyIntvarLogEvent.MyIntvarEventVariableType.LAST_INSERT_ID_EVENT); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** START Intvar Event **"); logger.debug("Var Type: " + ( lastInsertIdEvent ? "LAST_INSERT_ID_EVENT(" + MyIntvarLogEvent.MyIntvarEventVariableType.LAST_INSERT_ID_EVENT + ")" : "INSERT_ID_EVENT(" + MyIntvarLogEvent.MyIntvarEventVariableType.INSERT_ID_EVENT + ")")); logger.debug("Var Value: " + packet.getVariableValue()); logger.debug("** END Intvar Event **"); } plugin.getSessionVariableCache().setIntVarValue(packet.getVariableType(), packet.getVariableValue()); } @Override public void visit(MyLoadLogEvent packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented for log event type: LOAD_EVENT"); } @Override public void visit(MyNewLoadLogEvent packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented for log event type: NEW_LOAD_EVENT"); } @Override public void visit(MyQueryLogEvent packet) throws PEException { boolean switchToDb = true; ServerDBConnection conn = null; String dbName = packet.getDbName(); String origQuery = packet.getOrigQuery(); try { if (!this.includeDatabase(plugin, dbName)) { // still want to update log position if we filter out message updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); return; } if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(origQuery, "CREATE DATABASE") || StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(origQuery, "DROP DATABASE")) { switchToDb = false; } conn = plugin.getServerDBConnection(); // If any session variables are to be set do it first plugin.getSessionVariableCache().setAllSessionVariableValues(conn); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** START QueryLog Event **"); if ( switchToDb ) logger.debug("USE " + dbName); logger.debug(origQuery); logger.debug("** END QueryLog Event **"); } if ( switchToDb ) conn.setCatalog(dbName); // since we don't want to parse here to determine if a time function is specified // set the TIMESTAMP variable to the master statement execution time conn.executeUpdate("set " + VariableConstants.REPL_SLAVE_TIMESTAMP_NAME + "=" + packet.getCommonHeader().getTimestamp()); boolean unset = handleAutoIncrement(conn,plugin.getSessionVariableCache().getIntVarValue()); conn.executeUpdate(packet.getQuery().array()); if (unset) conn.executeUpdate("set " + VariableConstants.REPL_SLAVE_INSERT_ID_NAME + "=null"); updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); } catch (Exception e) { if (plugin.validateErrorAndStop(packet.getErrorCode(), e)) { logger.error("Error occurred during replication processing: ",e); try { conn.execute("ROLLBACK"); } catch (SQLException e1) { throw new PEException("Error attempting to rollback after exception",e); // NOPMD by doug on 18/12/12 8:07 AM } } else { packet.setSkipErrors(true,"Replication Slave failed processing: '" + origQuery + "' but slave_skip_errors is active. Replication processing will continue"); } throw new PEException("Error executing: " + origQuery,e); } finally { // NOPMD by doug on 18/12/12 8:08 AM // Clear all the session variables since they are only good for one // event plugin.getSessionVariableCache().clearAllSessionVariables(); } } boolean handleAutoIncrement(ServerDBConnection conn, Pair<Byte, UnsignedLong> intVarValue) throws SQLException { if (intVarValue.getFirst() != null && intVarValue.getSecond() != null && intVarValue.getFirst() == MyIntvarLogEvent.MyIntvarEventVariableType.INSERT_ID_EVENT.getByteValue()) { conn.executeUpdate("set " + VariableConstants.REPL_SLAVE_INSERT_ID_NAME + "=" + intVarValue.getSecond().toString()); return true; } return false; } @Override public void visit(MyRandLogEvent packet) throws PEException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** START Rand Event **"); logger.debug("seed1="+packet.getSeed1().toString()); logger.debug("seed2=" + packet.getSeed2().toString()); logger.debug("** END Rand Event **"); } plugin.getSessionVariableCache().setRandValue(packet.getSeed1(),packet.getSeed2()); } @Override public void visit(MyRotateLogEvent packet) throws PEException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** START Rotate Event **"); logger.debug("Position: " + packet.getPosition()); logger.debug("New Log File: " + packet.getNewLogFileName()); logger.debug("** END Rotate Event **"); } plugin.getSessionVariableCache().setRotateLogValue(packet.getNewLogFileName()); plugin.getSessionVariableCache().setRotateLogPositionValue(packet.getPosition()); try { updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); } catch (PEException e) { logger.error("Error updating binlog from Rotate Log Event.", e); // TODO I think we really need to stop the service in this case throw new PEException("Error updating bin log position",e); } } @Override public void visit(MyStopLogEvent packet) throws PEException { if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) logger.debug("** Stop Event: NO BODY **"); try { updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); } catch (PEException e) { logger.error("Error updating binlog from Stop Log Event.", e); throw new PEException("Error updating bin log position",e); } } @Override public void visit(MyTableMapLogEvent packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented for log event type: TABLE_MAP_EVENT"); } @Override public void visit(MyUserVarLogEvent packet) throws PEException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("** START UserVarLog Event **"); logger.debug("Var Name: " + packet.getVariableName()); logger.debug("Var Value: " + packet.getVariableValue()); logger.debug("** END UserVarLog Event **"); } plugin.getSessionVariableCache().setUserVariable(new Pair<String, String>(packet.getVariableName(),packet.getVariableValue())); } @Override public void visit(MyXIdLogEvent packet) throws PEException { if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) logger.debug("COMMIT (from XId event)"); try { updateBinLogPosition(packet,plugin); plugin.getServerDBConnection().executeUpdate("COMMIT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error occurred processing XID log event: ",e); try { plugin.getServerDBConnection().execute("ROLLBACK"); } catch (SQLException e1) { throw new PEException("Error attempting to rollback after exception",e); // NOPMD by doug on 18/12/12 8:08 AM } throw new PEException("Error executing executing commit.",e); } finally { // NOPMD by doug on 18/12/12 8:08 AM // Clear all the session variables since they are only good for one // event plugin.getSessionVariableCache().clearAllSessionVariables(); } } @Override public void visit(MyReplEvent packet) throws PEException { plugin.setLastEventTimestamp(packet.getCommonHeader().getTimestamp()); MyLogEventPacket levp = packet.getLogEventPacket(); try { levp.accept(this); } catch (PEException e) { if ( levp.skipErrors() ) { logger.error(levp.getSkipErrorMessage(), e); } else { logger.error("Exception encountered processing Replication Events - stopping service " + plugin.getSlaveInfo(), e); // if we get an exception while processing Replication // Events we need to stop the service // unless stop has already been called... if (!plugin.stopCalled()) { plugin.stop(); } // make sure we re-throw the exception throw e; } } } @Override public void visit(MyUnknownLogPayload packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented."); } @Override public void visit(MyLogWriteRowsPayload packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented."); } @Override public void visit(MyLogUpdateRowsPayload packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented."); } @Override public void visit(MyLogDeleteRowsPayload packet) throws PEException { logger.warn("Message is parsed but no handler is implemented."); } public static void updateBinLogPosition(MyLogEventPacket logEvent, MyReplicationSlaveService plugin) throws PEException { if (!logEvent.isSaveBinaryLogPosition()) { return; } try { Long position = logEvent.getCommonHeader().getMasterLogPosition(); MyReplSessionVariableCache svc = plugin.getSessionVariableCache(); if (svc.getRotateLogPositionValue() != null) { position = svc.getRotateLogPositionValue(); // clear out the value svc.setRotateLogPositionValue(null); } if (position >= 4) { // update only if valid position MyBinLogPosition myBLPos = new MyBinLogPosition(plugin.getMasterHost(), svc.getRotateLogValue(), position); plugin.updateBinLogPosition(myBLPos); logger.debug("Updating binary log position: " + myBLPos.getMasterHost() + ", " + myBLPos.getFileName() + ", " + myBLPos.getPosition()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new PEException ("Error updating bin log position.",e); } } public boolean includeDatabase(MyReplicationSlaveService plugin, String dbName) { boolean ret = plugin.includeDatabase(dbName); if (!ret) { logger.debug("Filtered event for '" + dbName + "'"); } return ret; } }