package com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.types; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.UserColumn; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBNative; import com.tesora.dve.db.NativeType; import com.tesora.dve.db.NativeTypeCatalog; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.MysqlNativeType; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.MysqlNativeType.MysqlType; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.common.ColumnAttributes; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PECodingException; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; import com.tesora.dve.sql.ParserException.Pass; import com.tesora.dve.sql.SchemaException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.infoschema.persist.CatalogColumnEntity; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.LiteralExpression; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.FloatSizeTypeAttribute; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.Name; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SchemaContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SizeTypeAttribute; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.UnqualifiedName; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.StringTypeModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.TypeModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.TypeModifierKind; public class BasicType implements Type { public static final String COMPARISON_TAG = "COMPARISON"; public static final short UNSIGNED = 1; public static final short ZEROFILL = 2; public static final short BINARY = 4; protected NativeType base; protected short flags; protected BasicType(NativeType nt, short f) { base = nt; flags = f; if (nt == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("BasicType native type parameter cannot be null"); } protected boolean isSet(int f) { return (flags & f) != 0; } protected void clearFlag(int f) { flags &= ~f; } protected void setFlag(int f) { flags |= f; } @Override public NativeType getBaseType() { return base; } @Override public MysqlNativeType getMysqlType() { return (MysqlNativeType) base; } @Override public boolean isUnsigned() { return isSet(UNSIGNED); } @Override public boolean isZeroFill() { return isSet(ZEROFILL); } @Override public boolean isBinaryText() { return isSet(BINARY); } @Override public int getSize() { return 0; } @Override public boolean hasSize() { return false; } @Override public boolean hasPrecisionAndScale() { return false; } @Override public int getPrecision() { return 0; } @Override public int getScale() { return 0; } @Override public UnqualifiedName getCharset() { return null; } @Override public UnqualifiedName getCollation() { return null; } @Override public Integer getIndexSize() { MysqlNativeType nt = (MysqlNativeType) getBaseType(); if (nt == null) return null; switch(nt.getMysqlType()) { case BIGINT: case DOUBLE: case DATETIME: return 8; case INT: case FLOAT: case TIMESTAMP: return 4; case MEDIUMINT: case DATE: case TIME: return 3; case SMALLINT: return 2; case TINYINT: case YEAR: return 1; default: return null; } } @Override public TextType asTextType() { return new TextType(getBaseType(),flags,getSize(),null,null); } @Override public String getComparison() { return null; } @Override public boolean declUsesSizing() { return true; } @Override public boolean isSerialPlaceholder() { return false; } @Override public void addColumnTypeModifiers(UserColumn uc) { uc.setUnsigned(isUnsigned()); uc.setZerofill(isZeroFill()); uc.setBinaryText(isBinaryText()); } @Override public void addColumnTypeModifiers(CatalogColumnEntity cce) throws PEException { int flags = cce.getFlags(); int typeFlags = getBaseType().getDefaultColumnAttrFlags(); flags |= typeFlags; flags = ColumnAttributes.set(flags, ColumnAttributes.UNSIGNED, isUnsigned()); flags = ColumnAttributes.set(flags, ColumnAttributes.ZEROFILL, isZeroFill()); flags = ColumnAttributes.set(flags, ColumnAttributes.BINARY, isBinaryText()); cce.setFlags(flags); } @Override public String getTypeName() { return getBaseType().getTypeName(); } @Override public void persistTypeName(UserColumn uc) { uc.setTypeName(getTypeName()); } @Override public Integer getDataType() { return (getBaseType() == null ? null : getBaseType().getDataType()); } @Override public boolean comparableForDistribution(Type t) { if (t instanceof TempColumnType) return ((TempColumnType)t).comparableForDistribution(this); return getBaseType().getDataType() == t.getBaseType().getDataType() && getSize() == t.getSize(); } @Override public String getName() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getEmitter().emitDeclaration(this, null, buf, false); return buf.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((base == null) ? 0 : base.hashCode()); result = prime * result + flags; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; BasicType other = (BasicType) obj; if (base == null) { if (other.base != null) return false; } else if (!base.equals(other.base)) return false; if (flags != other.flags) return false; return true; } public static NativeType lookupNativeType(String name, NativeTypeCatalog typeCatalog) { try { return typeCatalog.findType(name, true); } catch (PEException pe) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "No such type: " + name,pe); } } /** * @param dataType * @param sizing * @param dbn * @return */ private static NativeType lookupNativeType(int dataType, int sizing, DBNative dbn) { try { return dbn.getTypeCatalog().findType(dataType, /* sizing, */true); } catch (PEException pe) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "No type for type code: " + dataType,pe); } } protected static short buildFlags(List<TypeModifier> modifiers) { short flags = 0; for(Iterator<TypeModifier> iter = modifiers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TypeModifier tm =; if (tm.getKind() == TypeModifierKind.UNSIGNED) { flags |= UNSIGNED; iter.remove(); } else if (tm.getKind() == TypeModifierKind.BINARY) { flags |= BINARY; iter.remove(); } else if (tm.getKind() == TypeModifierKind.ZEROFILL) { flags |= ZEROFILL; flags |= UNSIGNED; iter.remove(); } else if (tm.getKind() == TypeModifierKind.SIGNED) { // ignore - we're signed by default unless we are unsigned iter.remove(); } } return flags; } protected static String buildStringModifier(TypeModifierKind tk, List<TypeModifier> modifiers) { for(Iterator<TypeModifier> iter = modifiers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TypeModifier tm =; if (tm.getKind() == tk) { iter.remove(); StringTypeModifier stm = (StringTypeModifier) tm; return stm.getValue(); } } return null; } protected static UnqualifiedName buildNameModifier(TypeModifierKind tk, List<TypeModifier> modifiers) { String value = buildStringModifier(tk,modifiers); if (value != null) return new UnqualifiedName(value); return null; } protected static class FlagsAndModifiers { public short flags; public UnqualifiedName charset; public UnqualifiedName collation; public String comparator; } protected static FlagsAndModifiers buildFlagsAndModifiers(List<TypeModifier> modifiers) { FlagsAndModifiers out = new FlagsAndModifiers(); out.flags = buildFlags(modifiers); out.charset = buildNameModifier(TypeModifierKind.CHARSET, modifiers); out.collation = buildNameModifier(TypeModifierKind.COLLATE, modifiers); out.comparator = buildStringModifier(TypeModifierKind.COMPARISON, modifiers); if (!modifiers.isEmpty()) throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Unhandled type modifier: " + modifiers.get(0).getKind().getSQL()); return out; } public static BasicType buildType(NativeType backing, Integer size, List<TypeModifier> modifiers) { FlagsAndModifiers fam = buildFlagsAndModifiers(modifiers); if (fam.comparator != null) return new ComparisonType(backing, fam.flags, (size == null ? 0 : size), fam.charset, fam.collation, fam.comparator); else if (fam.charset != null || fam.collation != null) return new TextType(backing,fam.flags,(size == null ? 0 : size),fam.charset,fam.collation); else if (size != null && size > 0) return new SizedType(backing,fam.flags,size); else return new BasicType(backing,fam.flags); } public static BasicType buildType(NativeType backing, int size, int precision, int scale, List<TypeModifier> modifiers) { FlagsAndModifiers fam = buildFlagsAndModifiers(modifiers); if (fam.charset != null || fam.collation != null) throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND,"Invalid type modifiers, found charset or collation on floating point"); else if (fam.comparator != null) throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND,"Invalid type modifiers, found comparator on floating point"); return new FloatingPointType(backing,fam.flags,size,precision,scale); } public static Type buildType(String typeName, int size, List<TypeModifier> modifiers, NativeTypeCatalog typeCatalog) { ArrayList<TypeModifier> copy = new ArrayList<TypeModifier>(modifiers); NativeType bt = lookupNativeType(typeName.toString(), typeCatalog); return buildType(bt,size,copy); } public static BasicType buildType(List<Name> typeNames, List<SizeTypeAttribute> sizes, List<TypeModifier> modifiers, NativeTypeCatalog typeCatalog) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for(Iterator<Name> iter = typeNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { buf.append(; if (iter.hasNext()) buf.append(" "); } String str = buf.toString(); BasicType any = handleSerialType(str,typeCatalog); if (any != null) return any; NativeType bt = lookupNativeType(str,typeCatalog); // there could be multiple sizing hints - collapse them down to one FloatSizeTypeAttribute floatSizing = null; SizeTypeAttribute sizing = null; for(SizeTypeAttribute sta : sizes) { if (sta instanceof FloatSizeTypeAttribute) floatSizing = (FloatSizeTypeAttribute)sta; else sizing = sta; } if (floatSizing != null && !bt.getSupportsPrecision()) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Type " + bt.getTypeName() + " does not support precision/scale"); } if (floatSizing != null && sizing != null) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Cannot specify both sizing and precision"); } if (floatSizing != null) return buildType(bt,floatSizing.getSize(),floatSizing.getPrecision(),floatSizing.getScale(),modifiers); return buildType(bt,(sizing == null ? 0 : sizing.getSize()),modifiers); } public static Type buildType(int dataType, int sizing, DBNative dbn) { NativeType nativeType = lookupNativeType(dataType, sizing, dbn); if (sizing > 0) return new SizedType(nativeType,(short)0,sizing); return new BasicType(nativeType,(short)0); } public static Type buildType(UserColumn uc, NativeTypeCatalog types) { MysqlNativeType mnType = (MysqlNativeType)lookupNativeType(uc.getTypeName(),types); if (MysqlType.ENUM.equals(mnType.getMysqlType()) || MysqlType.SET.equals(mnType.getMysqlType())) return DBEnumType.buildType(uc, types); List<TypeModifier> modifiers = buildModifiers(uc); if ((uc.getPrecision() > 0) || (uc.getScale() > 0)) { return buildType(mnType,uc.getSize(),uc.getPrecision(),uc.getScale(),modifiers); } return buildType(mnType,uc.getSize(),modifiers); } public static List<TypeModifier> buildModifiers(UserColumn uc) { List<TypeModifier> modifiers = new ArrayList<TypeModifier>(); if (uc.isUnsigned()) modifiers.add(new TypeModifier(TypeModifierKind.UNSIGNED)); if (uc.isZerofill()) modifiers.add(new TypeModifier(TypeModifierKind.ZEROFILL)); if (uc.isBinaryText()) modifiers.add(new TypeModifier(TypeModifierKind.BINARY)); String mods = uc.getESUniverse(); if (mods != null) { int offset = mods.indexOf(COMPARISON_TAG); if (offset > -1) { int boundary = offset + COMPARISON_TAG.length(); int nextSpace = mods.indexOf(" ", boundary); String value = mods.substring(boundary,nextSpace); modifiers.add(new StringTypeModifier(TypeModifierKind.COMPARISON, value)); } } if (uc.getCharset() != null) modifiers.add(new StringTypeModifier(TypeModifierKind.CHARSET, uc.getCharset())); if (uc.getCollation() != null) modifiers.add(new StringTypeModifier(TypeModifierKind.COLLATE, uc.getCollation())); return modifiers; } @Override public boolean mustParameterize() { return isBinaryType() || isStringType(); } @Override public boolean isBinaryType() { return getBaseType().isBinaryType(); } @Override public boolean supportsDefaultValue() { return getBaseType().supportsDefaultValue(); } @Override public boolean isStringType() { return getBaseType().isStringType(); } @Override public boolean isFloatType() { return getBaseType().isFloatType(); } @Override public boolean isNumericType() { return getBaseType().isNumericType(); } @Override public boolean isDecimalType() { return getBaseType().isDecimalType(); } @Override public boolean isIntegralType() { return getBaseType().isIntegralType(); } @Override public boolean isBitType() { return getMysqlType().getMysqlType() == MysqlType.BIT; } @Override public boolean isTimestampType() { return getBaseType().isTimestampType(); } @Override public boolean asKeyRequiresPrefix() { return getBaseType().asKeyRequiresPrefix(); } @Override public LiteralExpression getZeroValueLiteral() { Object value = null; try { value = getBaseType().getZeroValue(); } catch (PEException pe) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Unable to determine zero value", pe); } if (value == null) return LiteralExpression.makeNullLiteral(); else if (value instanceof String) return LiteralExpression.makeStringLiteral((String)value); else if (value instanceof Number) return LiteralExpression.makeLongLiteral(((Number)value).longValue()); else throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Unhandled zero value: " + value + " (type=" + value.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Type buildFromLiteralExpression(SchemaContext sc, LiteralExpression literal) throws PEException { if (literal.isNumericLiteral()) { if (literal.isFloatLiteral()) { NativeType nt = Singletons.require(DBNative.class).findType("DECIMAL"); return BasicType.buildType(nt, 0, (int)nt.getPrecision(), nt.getMaximumScale(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } // assume integer return BasicType.buildType(java.sql.Types.BIGINT, 21, Singletons.require(DBNative.class)); } // get the length of the string String value = (String)(literal.getValue(sc.getValues())); return BasicType.buildType(java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, value.length(), Singletons.require(DBNative.class)); } public static Type getLongType(NativeTypeCatalog typeCatalog) { return buildType("INT",typeCatalog); } public static Type getDateTimeType(NativeTypeCatalog typeCatalog) { return buildType("DATETIME",typeCatalog); } private static Type buildType(String nativeName, NativeTypeCatalog typeCatalog) { NativeType nt = lookupNativeType(nativeName,typeCatalog); return new BasicType(nt, (short)0); } public static class SerialPlaceholderType extends BasicType { public SerialPlaceholderType(NativeTypeCatalog typeCatalog) { super(lookupNativeType("BIGINT",typeCatalog),UNSIGNED); } @Override public boolean isSerialPlaceholder() { return true; } public Type convert() { return new BasicType(base,flags); } } private static BasicType handleSerialType(String tn, NativeTypeCatalog typeCatalog) { if ("SERIAL".equalsIgnoreCase(tn)) { return new SerialPlaceholderType(typeCatalog); } return null; } @Override public BasicType normalize() { if (base instanceof MysqlNativeType) { MysqlNativeType mnt = (MysqlNativeType) base; Normalizer n = normalizers.get(mnt.getMysqlType()); if (n != null) return n.normalize(this); } return this; } private static final Map<MysqlNativeType.MysqlType, Normalizer> normalizers = buildNormalizers(); @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") private static Map<MysqlNativeType.MysqlType,Normalizer> buildNormalizers() { HashMap<MysqlNativeType.MysqlType,Normalizer> out = new HashMap<MysqlNativeType.MysqlType,Normalizer>(); out.put(MysqlType.BIGINT, new IntegralTypeNormalizer(20,20)); out.put(MysqlType.INT, new IntegralTypeNormalizer(11,10)); out.put(MysqlType.SMALLINT, new IntegralTypeNormalizer(6,5)); out.put(MysqlType.MEDIUMINT, new IntegralTypeNormalizer(9,8)); out.put(MysqlType.TINYINT, new IntegralTypeNormalizer(4,3)); out.put(MysqlType.DECIMAL, new DecimalTypeNormalizer()); out.put(MysqlType.BIT, new FixedSizeNormalizer(1)); out.put(MysqlType.YEAR, new FixedSizeNormalizer(4)); out.put(MysqlType.CHAR, new StringTypeNormalizer(true)); out.put(MysqlType.VARCHAR, new StringTypeNormalizer(true)); out.put(MysqlType.BINARY, new FixedSizeNormalizer(1)); out.put(MysqlType.TEXT, new StringTypeNormalizer(false)); out.put(MysqlType.TINYTEXT, new StringTypeNormalizer(false)); out.put(MysqlType.MEDIUMTEXT, new StringTypeNormalizer(false)); out.put(MysqlType.LONGTEXT, new StringTypeNormalizer(false)); return out; } private static abstract class Normalizer { public abstract BasicType normalize(BasicType t); } private static class IntegralTypeNormalizer extends Normalizer { int signedSize; int unsignedSize; @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") public IntegralTypeNormalizer(int signed, int unsigned) { signedSize = signed; unsignedSize = unsigned; } @Override public BasicType normalize(BasicType t) { if (t.getSize() > 0) return t; String comparator = t.getComparison(); int newSize = (t.isUnsigned() ? unsignedSize : signedSize); if (comparator == null) { return new SizedType(t.getBaseType(),t.flags,newSize); } return new ComparisonType(t.getBaseType(), t.flags, newSize, t.getCharset(), t.getCollation(), t.getComparison()); } } @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") private static class DecimalTypeNormalizer extends Normalizer { @Override public BasicType normalize(BasicType t) { if (t.getPrecision() > 0) return t; int prec = 0; int scale = 0; if (t.getSize() > 0) prec = t.getSize(); else prec = 10; String comparator = t.getComparison(); if (comparator == null) { return new FloatingPointType(t.getBaseType(),t.flags,prec,prec,scale); } throw new SchemaException(Pass.NORMALIZE, "Invalid type modifier: comparator on floating point type"); } } private static class FixedSizeNormalizer extends Normalizer { private final int size; @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") public FixedSizeNormalizer(int s) { super(); size = s; } @Override public BasicType normalize(BasicType t) { if (t.getSize() > 0) return t; String comparator = t.getComparison(); if (comparator == null) { return new SizedType(t.getBaseType(),t.flags,size); } return new ComparisonType(t.getBaseType(),t.flags,size,t.getCharset(),t.getCollation(),comparator); } } private static class StringTypeNormalizer extends Normalizer { private final boolean sized; @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") public StringTypeNormalizer(boolean hasSize) { super(); sized = hasSize; } @Override public BasicType normalize(BasicType t) { if (t.isBinaryText()) { if (t.getCharset() != null && t.getCollation() != null && t.getSize() > 0) return t; int ns = t.getSize(); if (ns == 0 && sized) ns = 1; UnqualifiedName cs = t.getCharset(); if (cs == null) cs = new UnqualifiedName(Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getDefaultServerCharacterSet()); UnqualifiedName coll = t.getCollation(); if (coll == null) coll = new UnqualifiedName(Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getDefaultServerBinaryCollation()); String comparator = t.getComparison(); if (comparator != null) return new ComparisonType(t.getBaseType(),t.flags,ns,cs,coll,comparator); return new TextType(t.getBaseType(),t.flags,ns,cs,coll); } if (t.getSize() > 0) return t; int ns = t.getSize(); if (ns == 0 && sized) ns = 1; UnqualifiedName cs = t.getCharset(); UnqualifiedName coll = t.getCollation(); String comparator = t.getComparison(); if (comparator != null) return new ComparisonType(t.getBaseType(),t.flags,ns,cs,coll,comparator); else if (cs != null || coll != null) return new TextType(t.getBaseType(),t.flags,ns,cs,coll); else return new SizedType(t.getBaseType(),t.flags,ns); } } // determining whether types are range dist compatible. the default is they are only compatible if they // are exactly the same (upto flags like unsigned, zerofill). we relax these requirements for some types. @Override public boolean isAcceptableColumnTypeForRangeType(Type columnType) { if (isFloatType()) return false; if (columnType.isFloatType() || columnType.isNumericType()) return false; if (getMysqlType().getMysqlType() != columnType.getMysqlType().getMysqlType()) return false; return true; } // generally types are acceptable @Override public boolean isAcceptableRangeType() { if (getMysqlType().getMysqlType() == MysqlType.SET) return false; if (isFloatType() || isDecimalType() || isBitType()) return false; return true; } @Override public boolean isUnknown() { return false; } @Override public TextType toTextType() { if (this.isStringType()) { if (!(this instanceof TextType)) { return this.asTextType(); } return (TextType) this; } throw new PECodingException("Type '" + this.getName() + "' cannot be converted to text."); } @Override public int getColumnAttributesFlags() { int def = getBaseType().getDefaultColumnAttrFlags(); if (isUnsigned()) def = ColumnAttributes.set(def, ColumnAttributes.UNSIGNED); if (isZeroFill()) def = ColumnAttributes.set(def, ColumnAttributes.ZEROFILL); if (isBinaryText()) def = ColumnAttributes.set(def, ColumnAttributes.BINARY); return def; } }