package com.tesora.dve.sql.transform; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.StaticDistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transexec.TransientExecutionEngine; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEPersistentGroup; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SchemaContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.SelectStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.TestName; public class OrderByTransformTest extends TransformTest { public OrderByTransformTest() { super("OrderByTransformTest"); } // our tiny little schema private static final String[] schema = new String[] { "create table A (`id` integer unsigned not null, `desc` varchar(50), flags tinyint, `slug` varchar(128)) static distribute on (`id`);", "create table B (`id` integer unsigned not null, `desc` varchar(50), flags tinyint, `slug` varchar(128)) broadcast distribute;", "create table R (`id` integer unsigned not null, `desc` varchar(50), flags tinyint, `slug` varchar(128)) random distribute;", }; // varieties of order by: // order by non ref col // order by ref col // order by ref expr (via alias instance) // order by non ref expr (expr in order by) // going to do all of these twice: once on the random table, and once on the bcast table @Test public void testNonRefColRandom() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select desc from R order by id", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `R`.`desc` AS R1d1_5,`R`.`id` AS R1i0_6 FROM `R`", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION, StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] { }), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.R1d1_5 AS t2R0 FROM temp1 ORDER BY temp1.R1i0_6 ASC", null))); } @Test public void testNonRefColBCast() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); stmtTest(db, "select desc from B order by id for update", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `B`.`desc` AS B1d1 FROM `B` ORDER BY `B`.`id` ASC FOR UPDATE", null))); } @Test public void testRefColAliasRandom() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select id as me, desc from R order by me", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `R`.`id` AS me,`R`.`desc` AS R1d1_4 FROM `R`", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION, StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {}), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT AS me,temp1.R1d1_4 AS t2R1 FROM temp1 ORDER BY me ASC", null))); } @Test public void testRefColAliasBCast() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); stmtTest(db, "select id as me, desc from B order by me", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `B`.`id` AS me,`B`.`desc` AS B1d1 FROM `B` ORDER BY me ASC", null))); } @Test public void testRefColRandom() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select id, desc from R order by id", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `R`.`id` AS R1i0_4,`R`.`desc` AS R1d1_5 FROM `R`", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] {}), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.R1i0_4 AS t2R0,temp1.R1d1_5 AS t2R1 FROM temp1 ORDER BY t2R0 ASC", null))); } @Test public void testRefColBCast() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); stmtTest(db, "select id, desc from B order by id", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `B`.`id` AS B1i0,`B`.`desc` AS B1d1 FROM `B` ORDER BY B1i0 ASC", null))); } @Test public void testRefExprRandom() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select id,length(desc) as l from R order by l", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `R`.`id` AS R1i0_4,length( `R`.`desc` ) AS l FROM `R`", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] { }), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.R1i0_4 AS t2R0,temp1.l AS l FROM temp1 ORDER BY l ASC", null))); } @Test public void testRefExprBCast() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); stmtTest(db, "select id,length(desc) as l from B order by l", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `B`.`id` AS B1i0,length( `B`.`desc` ) AS l FROM `B` ORDER BY l ASC", null))); } @Test public void testNonRefExprRandom() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select id, desc from R order by length(desc)", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `R`.`id` AS R1i0_7,`R`.`desc` AS R1d1_8,length( `R`.`desc` ) AS func_9 FROM `R`", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] { }), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.R1i0_7 AS t2R0,temp1.R1d1_8 AS t2R1 FROM temp1 ORDER BY temp1.func_9 ASC", null))); } @Test public void testNonRefExprBCast() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); stmtTest(db, "select id, desc from B order by length(desc)", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `B`.`id` AS B1i0,`B`.`desc` AS B1d1 FROM `B` ORDER BY length( `B`.`desc` ) ASC", null))); } @Test public void testSimpleA() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select * from A where slug = 'your title here' order by desc", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `A`.`id` AS A1i0_6,`A`.`desc` AS A1d1_7,`A`.`flags` AS A1f2_8,`A`.`slug` AS A1s3_9 FROM `A` WHERE `A`.`slug` = 'your title here'", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] {}), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.A1i0_6 AS t2A0,temp1.A1d1_7 AS t2A1,temp1.A1f2_8 AS t2A2,temp1.A1s3_9 AS t2A3 FROM temp1 ORDER BY t2A1 ASC", null) )); } @Test public void testSimpleB() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select id from A where slug = 'title' order by desc", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `A`.`id` AS A1i0_5,`A`.`desc` AS A1d1_6 FROM `A` WHERE `A`.`slug` = 'title'", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION, StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {}), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.A1i0_5 AS t2A0 FROM temp1 ORDER BY temp1.A1d1_6 ASC", null))); } @Test public void testSimpleC() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); stmtTest(db, "select id from B where slug = 'title' order by desc", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `B`.`id` AS B1i0 FROM `B` WHERE `B`.`slug` = 'title' ORDER BY `B`.`desc` ASC", null))); } @Test public void testSimpleD() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select id from R where slug = 'title' order by desc", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `R`.`id` AS R1i0_5,`R`.`desc` AS R1d1_6 FROM `R` WHERE `R`.`slug` = 'title'", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION, StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {}), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.R1i0_5 AS t2R0 FROM temp1 ORDER BY temp1.R1d1_6 ASC", null))); } @Test public void testComplexA() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); stmtTest(db, "select desc from A where id = 1 order by slug", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `A`.`desc` AS A1d1_5 FROM `A` WHERE `A`.`id` = 1 ORDER BY `A`.`slug` ASC", null))); } @Test public void testComplexB() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI,schema); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select a.desc, r.desc from A a, R r where = order by", SelectStatement.class, bes( bpes( bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT a.`desc` AS ad1_3,a.`id` AS ai0_4 FROM `A` AS a", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] {"ai0_4" }) ), bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT r.`desc` AS rd1_3,r.`id` AS ri0_4 FROM `R` AS r", group,"temp2",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] {"ri0_4" }) ) ), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.ad1_3 AS t3a0_9,temp2.rd1_3 AS t4r0_10,temp2.ri0_4 AS t4r1_11 FROM temp1, temp2 WHERE temp1.ai0_4 = temp2.ri0_4", TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,"temp3",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] { }), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp3.t3a0_9 AS t5t0,temp3.t4r0_10 AS t5t1 FROM temp3 ORDER BY temp3.t4r1_11 ASC", null) )); } @Test public void testMTDemoFailure() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTIMT, "create table mtdemo ( " + " `id` int, `pa` int, `pb` int, `___mtid` int, primary key (`id`, `___mtid`) ) static distribute on (`___mtid`)"); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select, from mtdemo mt order by id", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT AS mtp1_4, AS mti0_5 FROM `mtdemo` AS mt WHERE mt.`___mtid` = 42", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] { }), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.mtp1_4 AS t2m0,temp1.mti0_5 AS t2m1 FROM temp1 ORDER BY t2m1 ASC", null) )); } @Test public void testOrderByNull() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table obnt (`id` int, `pid` int, `sid` int, `junk` varchar(32), primary key (`id`))"); stmtTest(db, "select max(, o.sid from obnt o group by o.sid having (max( > 100) order by null", SelectStatement.class, null); } @Test public void testPE471() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table pe471 (`id` int, `fid` int, primary key (`id`))"); PEPersistentGroup group = db.getCurrentDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); stmtTest(db, "select id, fid from pe471 order by 1", SelectStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `pe471`.`id` AS p1i0_4,`pe471`.`fid` AS p1f1_5 FROM `pe471`", group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] { }), new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT temp1.p1i0_4 AS t2p0,temp1.p1f1_5 AS t2p1 FROM temp1 ORDER BY t2p0 ASC", null) )); } }