package com.tesora.dve.sql.parser; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBNative; import; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken; import org.antlr.runtime.Parser; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.antlr.runtime.Token; import org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.BaseTreeAdaptor; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeAdaptor; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeParser; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEConstants; import com.tesora.dve.sql.ParserException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.SchemaException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.ParserException.Pass; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.LanguageNode; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.DelegatingLiteralExpression; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ExpressionNode; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.FunctionCall; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.LiteralExpression; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.FunctionName; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.CopyContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Pair; public class Utils { private List<Pair<Pass,String>> messages; private ParserOptions options; public Utils(ParserOptions opts) { reset(); this.options = opts; if (this.options == null) this.options = ParserOptions.NONE; } public void reset() { messages = new ArrayList<Pair<Pass,String>>(); } public void error(Pass component, String description, String text) { throw new ParserException(component, "error: " + description + " on '" + text + "'"); } public void collectError(Pass component, String message) { if (options.isFailEarly()) throw new ParserException(component, message); else messages.add(new Pair<Pass, String>(component,message)); } public List<Pair<Pass,String>> getErrors() { return messages; } public ParserException buildError() { if (messages.isEmpty()) return null; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); pw.println("Parsing FAILED:"); Pass firstSeenPass = null; for(Pair<Pass,String> s : messages) { pw.println("Error from " + s.getFirst().toString() + ": " + s.getSecond()); if (firstSeenPass == null) firstSeenPass = s.getFirst(); } pw.close(); return new ParserException(firstSeenPass,sw.toString()); } public String displayTree(String context, Object o) { if (context != null) return (context + ": '" + ((CommonTree)o).toStringTree() + "'"); else return ((CommonTree)o).toStringTree(); } public ParserOptions getOptions() { return options; } public Object buildKeywordEscapeIdentifier(TreeAdaptor adaptor, Object tree) { if (tree instanceof CommonToken) { Token tok = (Token) tree; return adaptor.create(TokenTypes.Regular_Identifier, tok, tok.getText()); } else { CommonTree ct = (CommonTree)tree; return adaptor.create(TokenTypes.Regular_Identifier, ct.getToken(), ct.getText()); } } public Object buildKeywordEscapeIdentifier(Parser parser, TreeAdaptor adaptor, Object tree) { CommonTree ct = (CommonTree)tree; String txt = ct.getText(); if (txt == null) { CommonToken leftToken = (CommonToken) parser.getTokenStream().get(ct.getTokenStartIndex()); CommonToken rightToken = (CommonToken) parser.getTokenStream().get(ct.getTokenStopIndex()); txt = leftToken.getInputStream().substring(leftToken.getStartIndex(), rightToken.getStopIndex()); } return adaptor.create(TokenTypes.Regular_Identifier, ct.getToken(), /*ct.getText()*/txt); } public Object buildIdentifier(Parser parser, TreeAdaptor adaptor, String text) { return adaptor.create(TokenTypes.Regular_Identifier, text); } public Object buildJDBCUrl(TreeAdaptor adaptor, String dbType, String hostname, String port, String dbname) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("'"); buf.append("jdbc:"); if (dbType == null) throw new ParserException(Pass.FIRST, "Malformed jdbc url: missing dbtype"); buf.append(dbType).append("://"); if (hostname == null) throw new ParserException(Pass.FIRST, "Malformed jdbc url: missing host"); buf.append(hostname); if (port != null) buf.append(":").append(port); if (dbname != null) buf.append("/").append(dbname); buf.append("'"); return adaptor.create(TokenTypes.Character_String_Literal, buf.toString()); } public String massageHostSpec(String in) { if (in.length() > 0 && in.charAt(0) == '`' && in.charAt(in.length() - 1) == '`') return "'" + in.substring(1,in.length() - 1) + "'"; return in; } public String extractLine(Parser parser, RecognitionException e) { return extractLine(parser.getTokenStream(), e); } public String extractLine(TreeParser parser, RecognitionException e) { return extractLine(parser.getTreeNodeStream().getTokenStream(), e); } private String extractLine(TokenStream input, RecognitionException e) { int line = e.line; // select tokens on the same line boolean done =false; int position = -1; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); while(!done) { position++; try { Token tok = input.get(position); if (tok.getLine() < line) continue; if (tok.getLine() == line) { buf.append(tok.getText()); buf.append(" "); } else if (tok.getLine() > line) done = true; } catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) { done = true; } } return buf.toString(); } public String formatErrorMessage(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") List stack, String msg, String line) { // return "from line '" + onLine + "'" + lf + msg + lf +stackMsg; StringBuffer stackBuf = new StringBuffer(); for(ListIterator<?> iter = stack.listIterator(stack.size() - 1); iter.hasPrevious();) { stackBuf.append(iter.previous()).append(PEConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); } return "from line '" + line + "'" + PEConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR + msg + PEConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR + stackBuf; } private static int getOperatorPrecedence(int tok) { Integer out = precedenceMap.get(tok); if (out == null) throw new ParserException(Pass.FIRST,"Unknown operator type: " + tok); return out.intValue(); } // i.e., find the operator with least precedence private static int findPivot(List<Token> operators, int startIndex, int stopIndex) { int pivot = startIndex; Token ct = operators.get(pivot); int pivotRank = getOperatorPrecedence( ct.getType() ); for(int i = startIndex + 1; i <= stopIndex; i++) { int type = operators.get(i).getType(); int current = getOperatorPrecedence(type); if (current >= pivotRank) { pivot = i; pivotRank = current; } } return pivot; } // sam harwell's trick for binary operators private static ExpressionNode createPrecedenceTree(TranslatorUtils me, TreeAdaptor adaptor, List<ExpressionNode> expressions, List<Token> operators, int startIndex, int stopIndex) { if (stopIndex == startIndex) { ExpressionNode out = expressions.get(startIndex); if (out instanceof ExpressionNodeList) throw new IllegalStateException("unhandled fake expression"); return out; } int pivot = findPivot(operators, startIndex, stopIndex - 1); Token opToken = operators.get(pivot); FunctionName fn = new FunctionName(opToken.getText(),opToken.getType(),true); if (specialOperators.contains(opToken.getType())) { if (pivot+1 == stopIndex) { // unpack the rhs ExpressionNode en = expressions.get(stopIndex); ArrayList<ExpressionNode> allParams = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); allParams.add(createPrecedenceTree(me,adaptor,expressions,operators,startIndex,pivot)); if (en instanceof ExpressionNodeList) { ExpressionNodeList enl = (ExpressionNodeList) en; allParams.addAll(enl.args); } else { allParams.add(en); } return me.buildFunctionCall(fn, allParams, null, null); } } return me.buildFunctionCall(fn, Arrays.asList(new ExpressionNode[] { createPrecedenceTree(me,adaptor,expressions,operators,startIndex,pivot), createPrecedenceTree(me,adaptor,expressions,operators,pivot+1,stopIndex) }), null, null); } public Object makeTinyTree(TreeAdaptor adaptor, Token ct) { return adaptor.create(ct); } public ExpressionNode createPrecedenceTree(TranslatorUtils me, TreeAdaptor adaptor, List<ExpressionNode> expressions, List<Token> operators) { return createPrecedenceTree(me, adaptor, expressions, operators, 0, expressions.size() - 1); } private static final Map<Integer,Integer> precedenceMap = buildPrecedenceMap(); private static Map<Integer, Integer> buildPrecedenceMap() { HashMap<Integer, Integer> out = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>(); int[][] levels = new int[][] { new int[] { TokenTypes.Asterisk, TokenTypes.Slash, TokenTypes.Percent }, new int[] { TokenTypes.Minus_Sign, TokenTypes.Plus_Sign }, new int[] { TokenTypes.Ampersand }, new int[] { TokenTypes.Vertical_Bar }, new int[] { TokenTypes.Equals_Operator, TokenTypes.Not_Equals_Operator, TokenTypes.Less_Than_Operator, TokenTypes.Greater_Than_Operator, TokenTypes.Less_Or_Equals_Operator, TokenTypes.Greater_Or_Equals_Operator, TokenTypes.IN, TokenTypes.LIKE, TokenTypes.IS, TokenTypes.BETWEEN, TokenTypes.NOTIS, TokenTypes.NOTLIKE, TokenTypes.NOTIN, TokenTypes.NOTBETWEEN }, new int[] { TokenTypes.NOT }, new int[] { TokenTypes.AND, TokenTypes.Double_Ampersand }, new int[] { TokenTypes.XOR }, new int[] { TokenTypes.OR, TokenTypes.Concatenation_Operator }, new int[] { TokenTypes.REGEXP, TokenTypes.RLIKE } }; for(int i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) { int prec = i + 1; int[] same = levels[i]; for(int o = 0; o < same.length; o++) out.put(same[o],prec); } return out; } private static final Set<Integer> specialOperators = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { TokenTypes.IS, TokenTypes.BETWEEN, TokenTypes.LIKE, TokenTypes.IN, TokenTypes.NOTIS, TokenTypes.NOTBETWEEN, TokenTypes.NOTLIKE, TokenTypes.NOTIN })); public void collectSpecialNottable(TreeAdaptor adaptor, Object mainOp, List<ExpressionNode> params, Object notOp, List<ExpressionNode> exprs, List<Token> opNodes) { BaseTreeAdaptor bta = (BaseTreeAdaptor) adaptor; CommonTree opNode = (CommonTree) mainOp; CommonTree notNode = (CommonTree) notOp; CommonToken opToken = null; if (notNode != null) { int newType = findNottableConversion(opNode); opToken = (CommonToken) bta.createToken(newType, opNode.getText()); } else { opToken = (CommonToken) opNode.getToken(); } opNodes.add(opToken); exprs.add(new ExpressionNodeList(params)); } public ExpressionNode buildPredicate(TreeAdaptor ta, ExpressionNode lhs, Token not, Token in, List<ExpressionNode> inParams, Token between, ExpressionNode blhs, ExpressionNode brhs, Token like, List<ExpressionNode> likeParams, Token re, Token rl, ExpressionNode reParams, Object relOp, ExpressionNode relOpParam) { if (in == null && between == null && like == null && re == null && rl == null && relOp == null) return lhs; BaseTreeAdaptor bta = (BaseTreeAdaptor) ta; List<ExpressionNode> params = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); params.add(lhs); Token main = null; if (in != null) { main = in; params.addAll(inParams); } else if (between != null) { params.add(blhs); params.add(brhs); main = between; } else if (like != null) { params.addAll(likeParams); main = like; } else if (re != null) { params.add(reParams); main = re; } else if (rl != null) { params.add(reParams); main = rl; } else if (relOp != null) { if (relOp instanceof CommonTree) { main = ((CommonTree)relOp).getToken(); } else if (relOp instanceof Token) { main = (Token) relOp; } params.add(relOpParam); } if (not != null) { int newType = findNottableConversion(main); main = bta.createToken(newType, main.getText()); } FunctionName fn = new FunctionName(main.getText(),main.getType(),true); FunctionCall fc = new FunctionCall(fn,params); return fc; } public ExpressionNode buildBooleanExpr(TreeAdaptor ta, Token ln, ExpressionNode predicate, Token is, Token not, List<ExpressionNode> is_parameters) { ExpressionNode out = predicate; if (is != null) { BaseTreeAdaptor bta = (BaseTreeAdaptor) ta; List<ExpressionNode> params = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); params.add(predicate); Token ftok = is; if (not != null) { int newType = findNottableConversion(ftok); ftok = bta.createToken(newType,ftok.getText()); } params.addAll(is_parameters); out = new FunctionCall(new FunctionName(ftok.getText(), ftok.getType(), true),params); } if (ln != null) { out = new FunctionCall(new FunctionName(ln.getText(), ln.getType(), true), out); } return out; } public static int findNottableConversion(Object in) { int orig = -1; if (in instanceof Token) { orig = ((Token)in).getType(); } else if (in instanceof CommonTree) { orig = ((CommonTree)in).getType(); } else { throw new ParserException(Pass.FIRST, "Unknown node implementation: " + in.getClass().getSimpleName()); } switch (orig) { case TokenTypes.BETWEEN: return TokenTypes.NOTBETWEEN; case TokenTypes.IN: return TokenTypes.NOTIN; case TokenTypes.IS: return TokenTypes.NOTIS; case TokenTypes.LIKE: return TokenTypes.NOTLIKE; default: throw new ParserException(Pass.FIRST, "Unknown special not case: " + in); } } public FunctionName buildNottableFunction(TreeAdaptor adaptor, Token in) { BaseTreeAdaptor bta = (BaseTreeAdaptor) adaptor; int nt = findNottableConversion(in); Token newTok = bta.createToken(nt,in.getText()); TranslatorUtils me = (TranslatorUtils) this; return me.buildFunctionName(newTok, false); } public void unsupported(String description) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.FIRST, "Unsupported: " + description); } public void updateSourcePosition(Object obj, Token lhs, Token rhs) { if (!(obj instanceof ExpressionNode)) return; ExpressionNode en = (ExpressionNode) obj; int type = 0; if (en.getSourceLocation() != null) type = en.getSourceLocation().getType(); TranslatorUtils me = (TranslatorUtils) this; String origStmt = me.getInputSQL(); // doesn't matter what kind of sloc we have, we're switching to computed now int l = lhs.getCharPositionInLine(); char first = origStmt.charAt(l); if (first == ',') l++; String text = null; if (rhs.getLine() != lhs.getLine()) text = origStmt.substring(l).trim(); else text = origStmt.substring(l, rhs.getCharPositionInLine()).trim(); en.setSourceLocation(new ComputedSourceLocation(l,lhs.getLine(),text,type)); } private static class ExpressionNodeList extends ExpressionNode { List<ExpressionNode> args; protected ExpressionNodeList(List<ExpressionNode> params) { super((SourceLocation)null); args = params; } @Override protected LanguageNode copySelf(CopyContext cc) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override protected boolean schemaSelfEqual(LanguageNode other) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override protected int selfHashCode() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } } public PrecedenceCollector buildPrecedenceCollector(TreeAdaptor ta) { return new PrecedenceCollector(this,ta); } public static class PrecedenceCollector { List<ExpressionNode> expressions = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); List<Token> operators = new ArrayList<Token>(); TranslatorUtils utils; TreeAdaptor adaptor; public PrecedenceCollector(Utils tu, TreeAdaptor adaptor) { utils = (TranslatorUtils) tu; this.adaptor = adaptor; } public void addExpr(ExpressionNode e) { expressions.add(e); } public void addOp(Object o) { if (o instanceof CommonTree) { CommonTree ct = (CommonTree) o; operators.add(ct.getToken()); } else if (o instanceof Token) { operators.add((Token)o); } } public ExpressionNode build() { return createPrecedenceTree(utils, adaptor, expressions, operators, 0, expressions.size() - 1); } public void collectSignedNumericLiteral(Object intree) { BaseTreeAdaptor bta = (BaseTreeAdaptor) adaptor; LiteralExpression litex = (LiteralExpression) intree; int tokType = litex.getSourceLocation().getType(); String text = litex.getSourceLocation().getText(); char leading = text.charAt(0); int binTokType = -1; if (leading == '+') { binTokType = TokenTypes.Plus_Sign; } else if (leading == '-') { binTokType = TokenTypes.Minus_Sign; } else { throw new ParserException(Pass.FIRST, "Unexpected unary signed numeric kind: '" + leading + "'"); } operators.add(bta.createToken(binTokType, text.substring(0, 1))); // we need to convert the token type of the rhs int newTokType = -1; switch(tokType) { case TokenTypes.Signed_Float: newTokType = TokenTypes.Unsigned_Float; break; case TokenTypes.Signed_Integer: newTokType = TokenTypes.Unsigned_Integer; break; case TokenTypes.Signed_Large_Integer: newTokType = TokenTypes.Unsigned_Large_Integer; break; default: throw new ParserException(Pass.FIRST, "Cannot convert signed numeric type " + tokType + " to unsigned numeric type"); } Token ntok = bta.createToken(newTokType, text.substring(1)); ntok.setLine(litex.getSourceLocation().getLineNumber()); ntok.setCharPositionInLine(litex.getSourceLocation().getPositionInLine()); ExpressionNode newlit = null; if (litex instanceof DelegatingLiteralExpression) { DelegatingLiteralExpression odle = (DelegatingLiteralExpression) litex; DelegatingLiteralExpression dle = utils.replaceLiteral(odle, newTokType, SourceLocation.make(ntok), Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getValueConverter().convertLiteral(ntok.getText(), newTokType)); newlit = dle; } else { newlit = utils.buildLiteral(ntok); } expressions.add(newlit); } } }