package com.tesora.dve.sql; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.tesora.dve.variables.VariableService; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.common.DBHelper; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEStringUtils; import com.tesora.dve.errmap.InternalErrors; import com.tesora.dve.errmap.MySQLErrors; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PECodingException; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.resultset.ColumnSet; import com.tesora.dve.resultset.ResultColumn; import com.tesora.dve.resultset.ResultRow; import com.tesora.dve.server.bootstrap.BootstrapHost; import; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; import com.tesora.dve.sql.parser.TimestampVariableUtils; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.VariableScopeKind; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ComparisonOptions; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Functional; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.PEDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProjectDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProxyConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProxyConnectionResourceResponse; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ResourceResponse; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.StorageGroupDDL; import com.tesora.dve.standalone.PETest; import com.tesora.dve.variables.VariableHandler; import com.tesora.dve.variables.VariableManager; public class SQLVariableTest extends SchemaTest { private static final ProjectDDL sysDDL = new PEDDL("sysdb", new StorageGroupDDL("sys",2,"sysg"), "schema"); private static final String nonRootUser = "ben"; private static final String nonRootAccess = "localhost"; @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Throwable { PETest.projectSetup(sysDDL); PETest.bootHost = BootstrapHost.startServices(PETest.class); ProxyConnectionResource pcr = new ProxyConnectionResource(); sysDDL.create(pcr); removeUser(pcr,nonRootUser,nonRootAccess); pcr.execute(String.format("create user '%s'@'%s' identified by '%s'",nonRootUser,nonRootAccess,nonRootUser)); pcr.disconnect(); } ProxyConnectionResource conn = null; @Before public void before() throws Throwable { conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); } @After public void after() throws Throwable { conn.disconnect(); } @Test public void testA() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set names latin1"); conn.assertResults("show session variables like 'character%'", br(nr,"character_set_client", "latin1", nr,"character_set_connection", "latin1", nr,"character_set_database","utf8", nr,"character_set_results","latin1", nr,"character_set_server","utf8", nr,"character_set_system","utf8")); conn.assertResults("show variables like 'character%'", br(nr,"character_set_client", "latin1", nr,"character_set_connection", "latin1", nr,"character_set_database","utf8", nr,"character_set_results","latin1", nr,"character_set_server","utf8", nr,"character_set_system","utf8")); conn.execute("set @prevcharset = @@character_set_connection"); conn.execute("set names utf8"); conn.assertResults("show session variables like 'character%'", br(nr,"character_set_client", "utf8", nr,"character_set_connection", "utf8", nr,"character_set_database","utf8", nr,"character_set_results","utf8", nr,"character_set_server","utf8", nr,"character_set_system","utf8")); conn.assertResults("select @@character_set_client,@@session.character_set_connection,@@character_set_results",br(nr,"utf8","utf8","utf8")); conn.execute("set @@character_set_connection = @prevcharset"); conn.assertResults("select @@character_set_connection",br(nr,"latin1")); conn.assertResults("show dve variables like 'version'",br(nr,"version", Singletons.require(HostService.class).getDveServerVersion())); try { // this should fail conn.execute("set version = '1.0'"); fail("SET VERSION command should have thrown an exception"); } catch (PEException re) { assertException(re,PEException.class,"Variable 'version' not settable as session variable"); } } @Test public void testB() throws Throwable { conn.execute("use " + sysDDL.getDatabaseName()); conn.execute("create table `vtest` (`id` int, `pl` varchar(32))"); conn.execute("set @default_payload = 'this is some text'"); conn.execute("set @default_id = 15"); conn.assertResults("show variables like 'tx_isolation'",br(nr,"tx_isolation","READ-COMMITTED")); conn.assertResults("select @@tx_isolation",br(nr,"READ-COMMITTED")); conn.execute("set transaction isolation level serializable"); conn.assertResults("show variables like 'tx_isolation'", br(nr,"tx_isolation","SERIALIZABLE")); conn.assertResults("select @@tx_isolation",br(nr,"SERIALIZABLE")); conn.execute("insert into `vtest` (`id`, `pl`) values (1,'one'),(2,@default_payload),(@default_id, 'three')"); conn.assertResults("select * from vtest where id = 15",br(nr,new Integer(15),"three")); conn.assertResults("select id from vtest where pl = @default_payload",br(nr,new Integer(2))); } @Test public void testShowVariables() throws Throwable { ResourceResponse rr = conn.fetch("show variables"); List<ResultRow> results = rr.getResults(); for(ResultRow row : results) { assertFalse(row.getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue() + " should have a value",row.getResultColumn(2).isNull()); } // PE-668 needs this for reports to work rr = conn.fetch("show /*!50000 global */ variables"); results = rr.getResults(); for(ResultRow row : results) { //skip the aws ones if (!StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase((String)row.getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue(), "aws")) { assertFalse(row.getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue() + " should have a value",row.getResultColumn(2).isNull()); } } } // when we actually support the where clause - that's the point at which we enable this again @Ignore @Test public void testShowVariablesFilter() throws Throwable { ResourceResponse unfiltered = conn.fetch("show variables"); ResourceResponse filtered = conn.fetch("show variables where Variable_name = 'version_comment'"); unfiltered.assertEqualResults("testShowVariablesFilter", filtered, ComparisonOptions.DEFAULT.withIgnoreOrder()); } @Test public void setNamesWithVariousQuotes() throws Throwable { // PE-144 support double quotes for set names // so support no quotes, single and double quotes String charSet = "latin1"; conn.execute("set names " + charSet); conn.assertResults("show session variables like 'character%'", br(nr,"character_set_client", charSet, nr,"character_set_connection", charSet, nr,"character_set_database","utf8", nr,"character_set_results",charSet, nr,"character_set_server","utf8", nr,"character_set_system","utf8" )); charSet = "utf8"; conn.execute("set names " + "'" + charSet + "'"); conn.assertResults("show session variables like 'character%'", br(nr,"character_set_client", charSet, nr,"character_set_connection", charSet, nr,"character_set_database","utf8", nr,"character_set_results",charSet, nr,"character_set_server","utf8", nr,"character_set_system","utf8" )); charSet = "ascii"; conn.execute("set names " + "\"" + charSet + "\""); conn.assertResults("show session variables like 'character%'", br(nr,"character_set_client", charSet, nr,"character_set_connection", charSet, nr,"character_set_database","utf8", nr,"character_set_results",charSet, nr,"character_set_server","utf8", nr,"character_set_system","utf8" )); } @Test public void testPE293() throws Throwable { // PE-293 support CHARSET, CHARACTER SET and CHAR SET String charSet = "utf8"; String command = "CHARSET"; conn.execute("set " + command + " " + charSet); conn.assertResults("show variables like 'charset'", br(nr,"charset", charSet)); charSet = "latin1"; command = "CHAR SET"; conn.execute("set " + command + " " + charSet); conn.assertResults("show variables like 'charset'", br(nr,"charset", charSet)); charSet = "ascii"; command = "CHARACTER SET"; conn.execute("set " + command + " " + charSet); conn.assertResults("show variables like 'charset'", br(nr,"charset", charSet)); } @Test public void testShowPlugins() throws Throwable { ProxyConnectionResourceResponse rr = (ProxyConnectionResourceResponse) conn.fetch("show plugins"); // can't check the data returned cause it may vary on different machines // will check the header and number of columns String[] colHeaders = new String[] {"Name", "Status", "Type", "Library", "License"}; List<String> returnedColHeaders = new ArrayList<String>(); ColumnSet cs = rr.getColumns(); for (int i = 1; i <= cs.size(); i++) { returnedColHeaders.add(cs.getColumn(i).getAliasName().trim()); } for (int i = 0; i < colHeaders.length; i++) { returnedColHeaders.contains(colHeaders[i]); assertTrue("Column " + colHeaders[i] + " must be one of the column headers for show plugins", returnedColHeaders.contains(colHeaders[i])); } assertTrue("Must have at least one row from a show plugin", rr.getResults().size() > 0); } @Test public void testExtensionComments() throws Throwable { conn.execute("/*!40103 set @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */"); conn.execute("/*!40103 set TIME_ZONE='+00:30' */"); conn.assertResults("select @@TIME_ZONE", br(nr,"+00:30")); conn.execute("/*!40103 set TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */"); conn.assertResults("select /* comment */ @@TIME_ZONE /* another comment */", br(nr,"+00:00")); } @Test public void testDisabledVariables() throws Throwable { // should not be able to set sql_auto_is_null to 1 new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set sql_auto_is_null = 1"); } }.assertError(SchemaException.class, InternalErrors.internalFormatter, "Internal error: No support for sql_auto_is_null = 1 (planned)"); conn.execute("set sql_auto_is_null = 0"); } @Test public void testPE378() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set sql_safe_updates = 1"); conn.execute("set sql_safe_updates = 0"); conn.execute("set sql_safe_updates = 'can be anything cause we ignore this variable'"); } @Test public void testSetTxIsolationLevel() throws Throwable { final String variableName = "tx_isolation"; assertVariableValue(variableName, "READ-COMMITTED"); conn.execute("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE"); assertVariableValue(variableName, "SERIALIZABLE"); conn.execute("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED"); assertVariableValue(variableName, "READ-COMMITTED"); } @Test public void testSqlModeDefault() throws Throwable { final String variableName = "sql_mode"; // Reset the GLOBAL value first to test for PE-1608. assertVariableValue(variableName, "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"); conn.execute("SET GLOBAL sql_mode=default;"); assertVariableValue(variableName, "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"); conn.execute("SET sql_mode=ALLOW_INVALID_DATES;"); assertVariableValue(variableName, "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ALLOW_INVALID_DATES"); conn.execute("SET sql_mode=default;"); assertVariableValue(variableName, "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"); conn.execute("SET sql_mode=\" NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER , no_engine_substitution , ALLOW_INVALID_DATES \";"); assertVariableValue(variableName, "NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ALLOW_INVALID_DATES"); conn.execute("SET sql_mode=\"\";"); assertVariableValue(variableName, "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"); } @Test public void testPE1586() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("lower_case_file_system", "OFF"); } @Test public void testPE1587() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("have_query_cache", "YES"); } @Test public void testPE1589() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("have_ssl", "NO"); assertVariableValue("have_openssl", "NO"); } @Test public void testPE1590() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("thread_handling", "one-thread-per-connection"); } @Test public void testPE1609() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("time_format", "%H:%i:%s"); } @Test public void testPE1610() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("thread_concurrency", "10"); } @Test public void testPE1611() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("log_bin", "OFF"); } @Test public void testPE1612() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("license", "AGPL"); } @Test public void testPE1613() throws Throwable { final String serverVersion = getVariableValue("version"); assertVariableValue("innodb_version", serverVersion); } @Test public void testPE1614() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("ignore_builtin_innodb", "OFF"); } @Test public void testPE1615() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("have_profiling", "NO"); } @Test public void testPE1616() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("datetime_format", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s"); } @Test public void testPE1617() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("date_format", "%Y-%m-%d"); } @Test public void testPE1618() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("character_set_system", "utf8"); } @Test public void testPE1619() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("div_precision_increment", "4"); conn.assertResults("SELECT 1/7", br(nr, BigDecimal.valueOf(0.1429))); conn.execute("set session div_precision_increment = 12"); conn.assertResults("SELECT 1/7", br(nr, BigDecimal.valueOf(0.142857142857))); } @Test public void testPE1620() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("default_week_format", "0"); conn.assertResults("SELECT WEEK('2008-02-20')", br(nr, 7L)); conn.execute("set session default_week_format = 1"); conn.assertResults("SELECT WEEK('2008-02-20')", br(nr, 8L)); conn.assertResults("SELECT WEEK('2008-12-31')", br(nr, 53L)); } @Test public void testPE1621() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("version_compile_machine", "64-bit"); } @Test public void testPE1603() throws Throwable { assertTimestampValue(2, null); conn.execute("set session timestamp = 10"); assertTimestampValue(2, 10l); conn.execute("set session timestamp = 0"); assertTimestampValue(2, null); conn.execute("set session timestamp = 300000000"); assertTimestampValue(2, 300000000l); conn.execute("set session timestamp = DEFAULT"); assertTimestampValue(2, null); new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set session timestamp = '10'"); } }.assertError(SchemaException.class, MySQLErrors.wrongTypeForVariable, "timestamp"); new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set session timestamp = 'DEFAULT'"); } }.assertError(SchemaException.class, MySQLErrors.wrongTypeForVariable, "timestamp"); } private void assertTimestampValue(final int waitTimeSec, final Long expected) throws Throwable { final Long value1 = Long.parseLong(getVariableValue("timestamp")); Thread.sleep(Long.valueOf(1000 * waitTimeSec)); final Long value2 = Long.parseLong(getVariableValue("timestamp")); if (expected != null) { //this timestamp checks are simple, because set timestamp whould fix the returned value of NOW() conn.assertResults("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())", br(nr, expected)); assertEquals(expected, value1); assertEquals(expected, value2); } else { //these timestamp checks have to account for clock and execution drift, since the timestamp is set to DEFAULT. assertTimestampBetween(value1, value1 + waitTimeSec, value2, /*allowed width*/waitTimeSec+2);//allow for 2 seconds of variation, Thread.sleep(2000) could easily measure as 3 seconds. long beforeTime = TimestampVariableUtils.getCurrentSystemTime(); ResourceResponse queriedTimestamp = conn.fetch("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())"); long afterTime = TimestampVariableUtils.getCurrentSystemTime(); List<ResultRow> rows = queriedTimestamp.getResults(); assertEquals(1,rows.size()); final ResultRow row = rows.get(0); final List<ResultColumn> resultColumns = row.getRow(); assertEquals(1,resultColumns.size()); ResultColumn col = resultColumns.get(0); long entry = (Long)col.getColumnValue(); assertTimestampBetween(beforeTime,entry,afterTime, 1); } } private void assertTimestampBetween(long before, long middle, long after, long allowedWidth){ assertTrue("before = "+before +" , middle= "+middle , before <= middle); assertTrue("middle = " + middle + " , after = " + after, middle <= after); assertTrue("before = "+before +" , after = " + after +" , allowedWidth = "+allowedWidth, after - before <= allowedWidth); } @Test public void testPE1639() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("innodb_adaptive_flushing", "ON"); } @Test public void testPE1640() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("innodb_fast_shutdown", "1"); } @Test public void testPE1641() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("innodb_mirrored_log_groups", "1"); } @Test public void testPE1642() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("innodb_stats_method", "nulls_equal"); } @Test public void testPE1643() throws Throwable { final String tspValue = getVariableValue("innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages"); assertVariableValue("innodb_stats_sample_pages", tspValue); } @Test public void testPE1644() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages", "8"); } @Test public void testPE1645() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("innodb_table_locks", "ON"); } @Test public void testPE1646() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("myisam_use_mmap", "OFF"); } @Test public void testPE1647() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("tmp_table_size", "16777216"); } @Test public void testPE1649() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("skip_networking", "OFF"); } @Test public void testPE1650() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("protocol_version", "10"); } @Test public void testPE1656() throws Throwable { assertVariableValue("backend_wait_timeout", "28800"); assertVariableValue("wait_timeout", "28800"); conn.execute("set wait_timeout = 14400"); assertVariableValue("backend_wait_timeout", "28800"); assertVariableValue("wait_timeout", "14400"); } @Test public void testPE1659() throws Throwable { new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set global wait_timeout = 'blah'"); } }.assertError(SchemaException.class, MySQLErrors.wrongTypeForVariable, "wait_timeout"); new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set global sql_auto_is_null = 2"); } }.assertError(SchemaException.class, MySQLErrors.wrongValueForVariable, "sql_auto_is_null", "2"); new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set global sql_auto_is_null = 'blah'"); } }.assertError(SchemaException.class, MySQLErrors.wrongValueForVariable, "sql_auto_is_null", "blah"); new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set global tx_isolation = 'blah'"); } }.assertError(SchemaException.class, MySQLErrors.wrongValueForVariable, "tx_isolation", "blah"); new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conn.execute("set global tx_isolation = NULL"); } }.assertError(SchemaException.class, MySQLErrors.wrongValueForVariable, "tx_isolation", "NULL"); // Test out-of-range value handling. // They should be replaced by the nearest limit. // Valid 'div_precision_increment' values are: 0 - 30 assertVariableValue("div_precision_increment", "4"); conn.execute("set div_precision_increment = -1"); assertVariableValue("div_precision_increment", "0"); conn.execute("set div_precision_increment = 35"); assertVariableValue("div_precision_increment", "30"); conn.execute("set div_precision_increment = DEFAULT"); assertVariableValue("div_precision_increment", "4"); } @Test public void testPE1662() throws Throwable { // SESSION values assertVariableValue("character_set_connection", "utf8"); assertVariableValue("collation_connection", "utf8_general_ci"); conn.execute("set character_set_connection = ascii"); assertVariableValue("character_set_connection", "ascii"); assertVariableValue("collation_connection", "ascii_general_ci"); conn.execute("set collation_connection = utf8_general_ci"); assertVariableValue("character_set_connection", "utf8"); assertVariableValue("collation_connection", "utf8_general_ci"); // GLOBAL values assertGlobalVariableValue("character_set_connection", "utf8"); assertGlobalVariableValue("collation_connection", "utf8_general_ci"); conn.execute("set global character_set_connection = ascii"); assertGlobalVariableValue("character_set_connection", "ascii"); assertGlobalVariableValue("collation_connection", "ascii_general_ci"); conn.execute("set global collation_connection = utf8_general_ci"); assertGlobalVariableValue("character_set_connection", "utf8"); assertGlobalVariableValue("collation_connection", "utf8_general_ci"); } private void assertVariableValue(final String variableName, final Object expected) throws Throwable { conn.assertResults("show variables like '" + variableName + "'", br(nr, variableName, expected)); } private void assertGlobalVariableValue(final String variableName, final Object expected) throws Throwable { conn.assertResults("show global variables like '" + variableName + "'", br(nr, variableName, expected)); } private String getVariableValue(final String variableName) throws Throwable { final List<ResultRow> rows = conn.fetch("show variables like '" + variableName + "'").getResults(); assertEquals("Exactly one result row expected for variable '" + variableName + "'.", 1, rows.size()); final ResultRow row = rows.get(0); final List<ResultColumn> resultColumns = row.getRow(); if (resultColumns.size() != 2) { throw new PECodingException("\"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ...\" should return exactly two columns."); } assertEquals("Wrong variable name returned for '" + variableName + "'.", variableName, resultColumns.get(0).getColumnValue()); return (String) resultColumns.get(1).getColumnValue(); } // this is a cheesy test @Test public void testDynamicAdd() throws Throwable { String infoQuery = "select * from information_schema.variable_definitions where name like 'fromage'"; conn.assertResults(infoQuery,br()); conn.execute("alter dve add variable fromage scopes='SESSION,GLOBAL' valuetype='varchar' value='blue' options='NULLABLE' description='cheese!'"); conn.assertResults(infoQuery, br(nr,"fromage","blue","varchar","SESSION,GLOBAL","NULLABLE","cheese!")); ProxyConnectionResource nonRoot = new ProxyConnectionResource(nonRootUser,nonRootUser); try { nonRoot.assertResults("show variables like 'fromage'", br(nr,"fromage","blue")); } finally { nonRoot.close(); } } @Test public void testDocStrings() throws Throwable { ResourceResponse rr = conn.execute("select name from information_schema.variable_definitions where description = ''"); List<String> missing = new ArrayList<String>(); for(ResultRow row : rr.getResults()) { missing.add((String)row.getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue()); } if (!missing.isEmpty()) fail("Empty variable docstrings: " + Functional.join(missing, ",")); // System.out.println(conn.printResults("select * from information_schema.variable_definitions")); } private static String getCurrentGlobalValue(DBHelper helper, String varName) throws Throwable { ResultSet rs = null; String out = null; try { if (helper.executeQuery("select @@global." + varName)) { rs = helper.getResultSet(); if (! fail("Variable " + varName + " apparently does not exist on native"); out = rs.getString(1); } } finally { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } return out; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Test public void testGlobalPushdown() throws Throwable { VariableManager vm = Singletons.require(VariableService.class).getVariableManager(); DBHelper helper = null; String execFormat = "set global %s = %s"; try { helper = buildHelper(); for(VariableHandler vh : vm.getGlobalHandlers()) { if (!vh.isEmulatedPassthrough()) continue; Object defVal = vh.getDefaultOnMissing(); if (defVal == null) continue; String currentGlobal = getCurrentGlobalValue(helper,vh.getName()); String setTo = vh.toExternal(defVal); conn.execute(String.format(execFormat,vh.getName(),setTo)); String newGlobal = getCurrentGlobalValue(helper,vh.getName()); assertEquals("should have same value for " + vh.getName(),PEStringUtils.dequote(setTo),newGlobal); Object oldGlobalConverted = vh.toInternal(currentGlobal); String oldGlobalExternal = vh.toExternal(oldGlobalConverted); helper.executeQuery("set global " + vh.getName() + " = " + oldGlobalExternal); } } finally { helper.disconnect(); } } @Test public void testAccess() throws Throwable { VariableManager vm = Singletons.require(VariableService.class).getVariableManager(); testAccess(vm.lookupMustExist(null,"tx_isolation"),new Values("REPEATABLE-READ","SERIALIZABLE","READ-COMMITTED")); testAccess(vm.lookupMustExist(null,"adaptive_cleanup_interval"), new Values("1000","5000","10000")); testAccess(vm.lookupMustExist(null,"cost_based_planning"),new Values("YES","NO")); testAccess(vm.lookupMustExist(null,"debug_context"), new Values("YES","NO")); } private static final VariableRoundTrip[] globals = new VariableRoundTrip[] { new VariableRoundTrip( "set global %s = %s", "show global variables like '%s'") { public Object[] buildExpectedResults(String varName, String varValue) { return br(nr,varName,varValue); } }, new VariableRoundTrip( "set @@global.%s = %s", "select variable_value from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like '%s'") }; private static final VariableRoundTrip[] sessions = new VariableRoundTrip[] { new VariableRoundTrip( "set %s = %s", "show session variables like '%s'") { public Object[] buildExpectedResults(String varName, String varValue) { return br(nr,varName,varValue); } }, new VariableRoundTrip( "set @@session.%s = %s", "select variable_value from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like '%s'"), new VariableRoundTrip( "set @@%s = %s", "select variable_value from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like '%s'"), new VariableRoundTrip( "set @@local.%s = %s", "select variable_name, variable_value from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name = '%s'") { public Object[] buildExpectedResults(String varName, String varValue) { return br(nr,varName,varValue); } } }; private static final String sessQuery = "select variable_value from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name = '%s'"; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void testAccess(VariableHandler handler, Values values) throws Throwable { ProxyConnectionResource nonRoot = new ProxyConnectionResource(nonRootUser,nonRootUser); try { // before we start modifying the global values, save off the session value to validate // that it does not change String sessVal = null; if (handler.getScopes().contains(VariableScopeKind.SESSION)) sessVal = getSessionValue(nonRoot,handler); if (handler.getScopes().contains(VariableScopeKind.GLOBAL)) { // make sure all the root versions work for(VariableRoundTrip vrt : globals) { roundTrip(conn,handler,vrt,values); } // now, for each root version, make sure a nonroot user cannot set it for(VariableRoundTrip vrt : globals) { try { nonRoot.execute(vrt.buildSet(handler.getName(), values.current(), handler.getMetadata().isNumeric())); fail("non root should not be able to set global value of " + handler.getName()); } catch (PEException pe) { if (!pe.getMessage().startsWith("Must be root")) throw pe; } } } if (handler.getScopes().contains(VariableScopeKind.SESSION)) { String stillValue = getSessionValue(nonRoot,handler); assertEquals("sess value should not change",sessVal,stillValue); // make sure both root and nonroot can modify session values for(VariableRoundTrip vrt : sessions) { roundTrip(conn,handler,vrt,values); } for(VariableRoundTrip vrt : sessions) { roundTrip(nonRoot,handler,vrt,values); } } } finally { nonRoot.disconnect(); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private String getSessionValue(ProxyConnectionResource conn, VariableHandler handler) throws Throwable { ResourceResponse rr = conn.execute(String.format(sessQuery,handler.getName())); return (String) rr.getResults().get(0).getRow().get(0).getColumnValue(); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void roundTrip(ProxyConnectionResource proxyConn, VariableHandler handler, VariableRoundTrip vrt, Values values) throws Throwable { conn.execute(vrt.buildSet(handler.getName(),, handler.getMetadata().isNumeric())); conn.assertResults(vrt.buildQuery(handler.getName()), vrt.buildExpectedResults(handler.getName(), values.current())); } private static class Values { private final String[] values; private int index = -1; public Values(String... myValues) { values = myValues; index = -1; } public String next() { if (++index >= values.length) index = 0; return values[index]; } public String current() { return values[index]; } } private static class VariableRoundTrip { private String setFormat; private String queryFormat; public VariableRoundTrip(String setFormat, String queryFormat) { this.setFormat = setFormat; this.queryFormat = queryFormat; } public String buildSet(String varName, String varValue, boolean isNumeric) { return String.format(setFormat, varName, (isNumeric) ? varValue : PEStringUtils.singleQuote(varValue)); } public String buildQuery(String varName) { return String.format(queryFormat, varName); } public Object[] buildExpectedResults(String varName, String varValue) { return br(nr,varValue); } } }